Prominent Liberal Author: If I'd Known Biden Supports Lockdowns, 'I Never Would Have Voted for Hi

Dr Naomi Wolf

If I’d known Biden was open to ‘lockdowns’ as he now states, which is something historically unprecedented in any pandemic, and a terrifying practice, one that won’t ever end because elites love it, I would never have voted for him.
8:03 PM · Nov 8, 2020

BJ -


How fucking tight is that Bubble that the Bubblecultists live in?
Damn Biden loves the poorly informed.

Not nearly as much as the right loves a Questionable Source:

  • Overall, we rate Western Journal Right Biased and Questionable based on story selection and editorial opinions that strongly favor the right and numerous failed fact checks.

Lol i would love to see how they imagine they're defining "left" and "right"

Relative to most of the planet we're all very much on the "right"
There was a time America, when smoking in public places was a non issue. You could actually smoke walking down the halls of hospitals, on public buses, on the job, everywhere....until it was discovered that not only is smoking dangerous, but SECOND HAND SMOKE CAN KILL THE GUY NEXT TO ME AND SO IT WAS decided by the Surgeon general, that smoking had to be banned from public venues for the interest and betterment of all.....PLEASE CAN SOMEONE TELL ME, HOW NOT WEARING A MASK VS WEARING A MASK IS ANY DIFFERENT?????

We have a president saying that wearing one is stupid.

I do not support some sort of law but I believe far more would wear one of we didn't have politicians calling them stupid.

I have been shopping and I have seen one person without a mask on in the last month. I’m not sure you could get anymore wearing a mask.
There was a time America, when smoking in public places was a non issue. You could actually smoke walking down the halls of hospitals, on public buses, on the job, everywhere....until it was discovered that not only is smoking dangerous, but SECOND HAND SMOKE CAN KILL THE GUY NEXT TO ME AND SO IT WAS decided by the Surgeon general, that smoking had to be banned from public venues for the interest and betterment of all.....PLEASE CAN SOMEONE TELL ME, HOW NOT WEARING A MASK VS WEARING A MASK IS ANY DIFFERENT?????

We have a president saying that wearing one is stupid.

I do not support some sort of law but I believe far more would wear one of we didn't have politicians calling them stupid.

I have been shopping and I have seen one person without a mask on in the last month. I’m not sure you could get anymore wearing a mask.

It isn't because of the lead of Trump.
There was a time America, when smoking in public places was a non issue. You could actually smoke walking down the halls of hospitals, on public buses, on the job, everywhere....until it was discovered that not only is smoking dangerous, but SECOND HAND SMOKE CAN KILL THE GUY NEXT TO ME AND SO IT WAS decided by the Surgeon general, that smoking had to be banned from public venues for the interest and betterment of all.....PLEASE CAN SOMEONE TELL ME, HOW NOT WEARING A MASK VS WEARING A MASK IS ANY DIFFERENT?????

We have a president saying that wearing one is stupid.

I do not support some sort of law but I believe far more would wear one of we didn't have politicians calling them stupid.

I have been shopping and I have seen one person without a mask on in the last month. I’m not sure you could get anymore wearing a mask.

It isn't because of the lead of Trump.

I’m in a conservative area and mask wearing is at 99%, you will never see 100%, not with any President. I’ll take the 99.9999, I have seen over the last 3 months wearing masks over your speculation. Let’s hope we will continue to use masks long after the Coronavirus leaves, look at the 40,000- 80,000 lives we could have saved over the last several years from the flu. I don’t think their lives are any less valuable and we need to be considerate of everyone.
What is the point of this all? So Biden doesn't have the legal authority to declare lock downs.

One would think a prominent liberal author would know the limits of presidential power.

He doesn't have the legal authority to disenfranchise millions of American voters either.
That hasn't stopped him.

Now the unfounded allegations are up to millions of disenfranchised voters huh?

Wow you guys are a hoot. No wonder you've been fooled into thinking ol'Trumpybear won.

Doesn't seem clear governors have this power either yet here we are....?

How exactly do a few thousand old people dying in your state from a cold give your governor the right to mandate anything?

Happens every year.

It is becoming clear.

"Some ways in which shutdowns are applied may indeed be unconstitutional, as when a mayor allows a civic group but not a church to convene in numbers, or when a gun shop gets treated less favorably than comparable small businesses because someone in the governor’s office isn’t fond of Second Amendment rights. Those cases, important as they are, change only a few lockdown outcomes. And the remedy that follows — making restrictions neutral and even‐handed — is different from lifting those restrictions.

As for the argument that lockdowns as such are broadly unconstitutional, that one has begun to reach judges — and fallen on its face.

Business people in Pennsylvania and Michigan have already sued to reopen their businesses, and the judiciary in both states has said no. In Pennsylvania, while three Justices partially dissented, they did so without endorsing the plaintiffs’ contentions of unconstitutionality, instead indicating that they deserved more latitude to develop their case. The Michigan ruling upholding Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s order against challenge was handed down by a judge who earlier served as deputy legal counsel to former Republican Governor John Engler and has advised the state’s Federalist Society chapter."

"During the Spanish Flu pandemic a century ago, prohibition on public assemblies and closure of businesses were common. Were any of these steps ever successfully challenged as unconstitutional? I haven’t been able to find a single instance of that. "

Hasn't reached SCOTUS yet

I don't really care what scared little judges with no sense think, the only nation in the western world who put it all on a technocratic doctor decided to stay open (sweden).

There is no rational first principles line to draw from a yearly flew season and corona. And these lockdowns run on businesses, they can't lock down citizens. Which makes them useless

Anyone with a lick of sense can see that. Doubling a very small % of our population dying is still a very small %. Our response was absurd. Especially considering most people who were dying were over life expectancy

Here's the reality for the moronic Trump Cult members.

The reason why your economy is in a freefall, is the cost of testing and treating millions of Americans who should not be getting sick. The disease is a drain on your economy - on the health and vitality of the nation.

It is a complete fallacy that the only people who are dying are old and sick. The people who are dying most of all are doctors, nurses, and first responders.

You apparently have less than a lick of sense. You have no hospital beds left, cases and deaths are on the rise, and the economy cannot function until the virus is shut down.

Dr Naomi Wolf

If I’d known Biden was open to ‘lockdowns’ as he now states, which is something historically unprecedented in any pandemic, and a terrifying practice, one that won’t ever end because elites love it, I would never have voted for him.
8:03 PM · Nov 8, 2020

BJ -


How fucking tight is that Bubble that the Bubblecultists live in?
Damn Biden loves the poorly informed.

Not nearly as much as the right loves a Questionable Source:

  • Overall, we rate Western Journal Right Biased and Questionable based on story selection and editorial opinions that strongly favor the right and numerous failed fact checks.

Lol i would love to see how they imagine they're defining "left" and "right"

Relative to most of the planet we're all very much on the "right"

Relative to most of the planet, you are on the extreme far right. The lunatic fringe.
The way the virus is spreading...lockdowns are going to happen long before inauguration
What is the point of this all? So Biden doesn't have the legal authority to declare lock downs.

One would think a prominent liberal author would know the limits of presidential power.

He doesn't have the legal authority to disenfranchise millions of American voters either.
That hasn't stopped him.

Now the unfounded allegations are up to millions of disenfranchised voters huh?

Wow you guys are a hoot. No wonder you've been fooled into thinking ol'Trumpybear won.

Doesn't seem clear governors have this power either yet here we are....?

How exactly do a few thousand old people dying in your state from a cold give your governor the right to mandate anything?

Happens every year.

It is becoming clear.

"Some ways in which shutdowns are applied may indeed be unconstitutional, as when a mayor allows a civic group but not a church to convene in numbers, or when a gun shop gets treated less favorably than comparable small businesses because someone in the governor’s office isn’t fond of Second Amendment rights. Those cases, important as they are, change only a few lockdown outcomes. And the remedy that follows — making restrictions neutral and even‐handed — is different from lifting those restrictions.

As for the argument that lockdowns as such are broadly unconstitutional, that one has begun to reach judges — and fallen on its face.

Business people in Pennsylvania and Michigan have already sued to reopen their businesses, and the judiciary in both states has said no. In Pennsylvania, while three Justices partially dissented, they did so without endorsing the plaintiffs’ contentions of unconstitutionality, instead indicating that they deserved more latitude to develop their case. The Michigan ruling upholding Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s order against challenge was handed down by a judge who earlier served as deputy legal counsel to former Republican Governor John Engler and has advised the state’s Federalist Society chapter."

"During the Spanish Flu pandemic a century ago, prohibition on public assemblies and closure of businesses were common. Were any of these steps ever successfully challenged as unconstitutional? I haven’t been able to find a single instance of that. "

Hasn't reached SCOTUS yet

I don't really care what scared little judges with no sense think, the only nation in the western world who put it all on a technocratic doctor decided to stay open (sweden).

There is no rational first principles line to draw from a yearly flew season and corona. And these lockdowns run on businesses, they can't lock down citizens. Which makes them useless

Anyone with a lick of sense can see that. Doubling a very small % of our population dying is still a very small %. Our response was absurd. Especially considering most people who were dying were over life expectancy

Here's the reality for the moronic Trump Cult members.

The reason why your economy is in a freefall, is the cost of testing and treating millions of Americans who should not be getting sick. The disease is a drain on your economy - on the health and vitality of the nation.

It is a complete fallacy that the only people who are dying are old and sick. The people who are dying most of all are doctors, nurses, and first responders.

You apparently have less than a lick of sense. You have no hospital beds left, cases and deaths are on the rise, and the economy cannot function until the virus is shut down.

Who tells you this stuff?
There was a time America, when smoking in public places was a non issue. You could actually smoke walking down the halls of hospitals, on public buses, on the job, everywhere....until it was discovered that not only is smoking dangerous, but SECOND HAND SMOKE CAN KILL THE GUY NEXT TO ME AND SO IT WAS decided by the Surgeon general, that smoking had to be banned from public venues for the interest and betterment of all.....PLEASE CAN SOMEONE TELL ME, HOW NOT WEARING A MASK VS WEARING A MASK IS ANY DIFFERENT?????

We have a president saying that wearing one is stupid.

I do not support some sort of law but I believe far more would wear one of we didn't have politicians calling them stupid.

I have been shopping and I have seen one person without a mask on in the last month. I’m not sure you could get anymore wearing a mask.

It isn't because of the lead of Trump.

Poor pk

Dr Naomi Wolf

If I’d known Biden was open to ‘lockdowns’ as he now states, which is something historically unprecedented in any pandemic, and a terrifying practice, one that won’t ever end because elites love it, I would never have voted for him.
8:03 PM · Nov 8, 2020

BJ -


How fucking tight is that Bubble that the Bubblecultists live in?
Damn Biden loves the poorly informed.

Not nearly as much as the right loves a Questionable Source:

  • Overall, we rate Western Journal Right Biased and Questionable based on story selection and editorial opinions that strongly favor the right and numerous failed fact checks.

Lol i would love to see how they imagine they're defining "left" and "right"

Relative to most of the planet we're all very much on the "right"

Relative to most of the planet, you are on the extreme far right. The lunatic fringe.

Honey i voted for obama, lol

Dr Naomi Wolf

If I’d known Biden was open to ‘lockdowns’ as he now states, which is something historically unprecedented in any pandemic, and a terrifying practice, one that won’t ever end because elites love it, I would never have voted for him.
8:03 PM · Nov 8, 2020

BJ -


How fucking tight is that Bubble that the Bubblecultists live in?
Damn Biden loves the poorly informed.
bitch, can the man get to the fuckin white house first before you brain dead white whores start whining? Trump and ww, two fuckin voices, the country is tired of. Harris 2020
There was a time America, when smoking in public places was a non issue. You could actually smoke walking down the halls of hospitals, on public buses, on the job, everywhere....until it was discovered that not only is smoking dangerous, but SECOND HAND SMOKE CAN KILL THE GUY NEXT TO ME AND SO IT WAS decided by the Surgeon general, that smoking had to be banned from public venues for the interest and betterment of all.....PLEASE CAN SOMEONE TELL ME, HOW NOT WEARING A MASK VS WEARING A MASK IS ANY DIFFERENT?????

We have a president saying that wearing one is stupid.

I do not support some sort of law but I believe far more would wear one of we didn't have politicians calling them stupid.
The one and only reason Trump is against mask, it messes with his orange makeup

Dr Naomi Wolf

If I’d known Biden was open to ‘lockdowns’ as he now states, which is something historically unprecedented in any pandemic, and a terrifying practice, one that won’t ever end because elites love it, I would never have voted for him.
8:03 PM · Nov 8, 2020

BJ -


How fucking tight is that Bubble that the Bubblecultists live in?
Damn Biden loves the poorly informed.
Same thoughts here, how dumb are these folks? There is poll out that shows that 4% of Biden voters wouldn't have voted for Biden if they knew about Hunter's laptop.

Well, screw them too. If they want to feed from liars, they are going to end up misled.

Appeals Court Rules Governor Abbott’s Lockdown Orders Trump Those Of Crazy El Paso County Judge.


The Eighth Court of Appeals ruled late Friday night to overturn Crazed El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego’s unlawful order to shut down "non-essential" businesses.

The battle between Crazed El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego and the orders issued by Good Governor Abbott to manage the coronavirus outbreak in Texas began when Crazed Samaniego issued a shutdown order on Oct. 29. Crazed Samaniego extended the original shutdown order past Thanksgiving. Responding to the extension, a group of reputable restaurant owners and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit to stop the extended lockdown.

This is the problem with the lockdowns – they begin and then they are extended with no end in sight. Crazed Samaniego’s reasoning was that closing non-essential businesses would stop the spread of the virus in El Paso County. His initial lockdown order didn’t achieve that result and hospitalizations are continuing to rise. The appeals court ruled that the crazed county judge didn’t have the authority to make separate rules for the county. Just like all the other counties in Texas, El Paso County must follow the governor’s orders. Chief Justice Alley acknowledged the uptick in cases despite previous lockdown orders but said, “A servant cannot have two masters.” That means if the governor allows something, the county can’t prohibit it.

El Paso County will remain under the governor’s latest orders – limit capacity of most businesses to 50%, keep bars closed and ban restaurants from offering dine-in services after 9 p.m. Texas has not fully re-opened since the first statewide shutdown earlier this year. It’s been a bumpy ride for Governor Abbott to manage the pandemic and health risks for Texans while trying to keep as many businesses operating as possible to manage the economic crisis brought about by the shutdowns.

The court ruled that the brief submitted by El Paso County didn’t indicate any attempts to work out some middle ground.


Crazy Judge Samaniego took his frustrations out on Paxton.

Crazy Samaniego also finds himself at odds with the Mayor of El Paso. Mayor Dee Margo noted that he was not consulted Crazy Samaniego before extending the lockdown order and he worries about local businesses. He pointed out that 26% of small businesses have closed, and more than 15,000 jobs have been lost because of the pandemic.

Dr Naomi Wolf


If I’d known Biden was open to ‘lockdowns’ as he now states, which is something historically unprecedented in any pandemic, and a terrifying practice, one that won’t ever end because elites love it, I would never have voted for him.
8:03 PM · Nov 8, 2020

BJ -


How fucking tight is that Bubble that the Bubblecultists live in?
Damn Biden loves the poorly informed.

Dr Naomi Wolf


If I’d known Biden was open to ‘lockdowns’ as he now states, which is something historically unprecedented in any pandemic, and a terrifying practice, one that won’t ever end because elites love it, I would never have voted for him.
8:03 PM · Nov 8, 2020

BJ -


How fucking tight is that Bubble that the Bubblecultists live in?
Damn Biden loves the poorly informed.

She's an idiot for even being that close to voting for Biden

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