Promoting Casual Abortion Is Anti Female


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Just heard a good discussion. Two women saying that promoting casual abortion is really anti-female because it assumes females are sexually the same as men, it teaches men that children are disposable and, it can scar a woman's uterus and cause injury to the cervix, bowel and bladder. Why would a woman risk that just to have sex? That seems more like what a man would do.
Just heard a good discussion. Two women saying that promoting casual abortion is really anti-female because it assumes females are sexually the same as men, it teaches men that children are disposable and, it can scar a woman's uterus and cause injury to the cervix, bowel and bladder. Why would a woman risk that just to have sex? That seems more like what a man would do.
I agree. I hate the fact that our culture sees it as acceptable for a woman to be too lazy or too stupid to take control of her reproductive life without mutilating her body.
They should give all men vasectomy's at birth and only have it reversed upon marriage. It's just one step farther than circumcision. Problem solved.
Just heard a good discussion. Two women saying that promoting casual abortion is really anti-female because it assumes females are sexually the same as men, it teaches men that children are disposable and, it can scar a woman's uterus and cause injury to the cervix, bowel and bladder. Why would a woman risk that just to have sex? That seems more like what a man would do.
Are you female?
I agree. I hate the fact that our culture sees it as acceptable for a woman to be too lazy or too stupid to take control of her reproductive life without mutilating her body.
What percentage of abortions are because someone is lazy or stupid? Maybe these males are too lazy or stupid to have birth con-trol or keep it in their pants?
What percentage of abortions are because someone is lazy or stupid? Maybe these males are too lazy or stupid to have birth con-trol or keep it in their pants?
What other excuse is there for getting pregnant with a child you intent to kill? And yes, men are lazy and stupid too when it comes to responsible sex.
They should give all men vasectomy's at birth and only have it reversed upon marriage. It's just one step farther than circumcision. Problem solved.
So your solution is to further disfigure and emasculate young men? Apparently you envision a world of impotent young men and women subject to abortion if they dare to copulate with a fertile male. You seem like a controlling bastard to me.
Ok. What the heck is a casual abortion and how do you promote it?


If there is a casual abortion then there must be a serious or formal abortion. How is that defined and can you, or should you, promote that?
Ok. What the heck is a casual abortion and how do you promote it?


If there is a casual abortion then there must be a serious or formal abortion. How is that defined and can you, or should you, promote that?
A "casual" abortion is when a woman has careless sex and gets pregnant and the developing human being is inconvenient for the woman and the sperm donor. A serious abortion is when the fetus is dead inside the woman and she could die of sepsis for instance.
A "casual" abortion is when a woman has careless sex and gets pregnant and the developing human being is inconvenient for the woman and the sperm donor. A serious abortion is when the fetus is dead inside the woman and she could die of sepsis for instance.

It's a decision that I am very grateful that I never had to make.
So your solution is to further disfigure and emasculate young men? Apparently you envision a world of impotent young men and women subject to abortion if they dare to copulate with a fertile male. You seem like a controlling bastard to me.
^ There are several of "Alinsky's rules" used in that comment. Look it up if you care, fellow fucks of this stupid forum
^ There are several of "Alinsky's rules" used in that comment. Look it up if you care, fellow fucks of this stupid forum
Turning Alinskyites' rules against Alinskyites is sweet revenge.
They have never done a scientific investigation about the physical and especially mental effects on women who have experienced an abortion. Horror houses like Kermit Gosnel's Philadelphia clinic aside, there doesn't seem to be as adequate health or welfare inspections on abortion clinics as they have on pizza parlors. Former, former president Obama authorized PTSD pensions for members of the military who never saw a day of combat but what about the PTSD a woman endures when a husband or a boyfriend talks her or bullies her into hiring a technician to kill the life inside her against every natural concept of human life? Nobody cares because abortion is not only a political tool partially supported by taxpayers but (God help us) an industry that barters in human body parts..
They have never done a scientific investigation about the physical and especially mental effects on women who have experienced an abortion. Horror houses like Kermit Gosnel's Philadelphia clinic aside, there doesn't seem to be as adequate health or welfare inspections on abortion clinics as they have on pizza parlors. Former, former president Obama authorized PTSD pensions for members of the military who never saw a day of combat but what about the PTSD a woman endures when a husband or a boyfriend talks her or bullies her into hiring a technician to kill the life inside her against every natural concept of human life? Nobody cares because abortion is not only a political tool partially supported by taxpayers but (God help us) an industry that barters in human body parts..
They consider abortion as a positive part of what they call 'women's health.' Which is just the opposite of what abortion actually does. It scars women's reproductive organs and, obviously, is lethal for the fetus inside the woman. There is nothing 'healthful' about abortion.
They consider abortion as a positive part of what they call 'women's health.' Which is just the opposite of what abortion actually does. It scars women's reproductive organs and, obviously, is lethal for the fetus inside the woman. There is nothing 'healthful' about abortion.
I just love how men like to go on about something they have absolutely no knowledge of and then pretend to care about women while simultaneously spouting this ignorant crap and implying she doesn’t have brains enough to make her own medical decisions.
They consider abortion as a positive part of what they call 'women's health.' Which is just the opposite of what abortion actually does. It scars women's reproductive organs and, obviously, is lethal for the fetus inside the woman. There is nothing 'healthful' about abortion.
When he vetoed the bill that would have outlawed the horrific procedure known as "late term abortion" or "partial birth abortion", Bill Clinton paraded a half dozen women who claimed that the procedure saved their lives. It was a lie because a simple dose of chemicals that induced labor would have produced a normal birth which was far easier than reversing the position of a full term fetus inside their bodies to produce what they used to call a breach birth where the feet come out first. The purpose is to conform to a misguided legal issue where a baby is technically still unborn when technicians stab it in the back of the head and suck out it's brain just inches from a life with untold possibilities.
When he vetoed the bill that would have outlawed the horrific procedure known as "late term abortion" or "partial birth abortion", Bill Clinton paraded a half dozen women who claimed that the procedure saved their lives. It was a lie because a simple dose of chemicals that induced labor would have produced a normal birth which was far easier than reversing the position of a full term fetus inside their bodies to produce what they used to call a breach birth where the feet come out first. The purpose is to conform to a misguided legal issue where a baby is technically still unborn when technicians stab it in the back of the head and suck out it's brain just inches from a life with untold possibilities.
That is not done with a full term fetus.

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