Promoting Casual Abortion Is Anti Female

I just love how men like to go on about something they have absolutely no knowledge of and then pretend to care about women while simultaneously spouting this ignorant crap and implying she doesn’t have brains enough to make her own medical decisions.
If a woman has careless sex and aborts the inconvenient result then that woman is 'ignorant as crap.' Men who promote that type of abortion love that type of woman. I am not anti-abortion at all, it's probably good especially for ignorant women or women who could die if the procedure is not performed. But then, like you say, women have all the power to kill a developing human life. It's on them to live with that.
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If a woman has careless sex and aborts the inconvenient result then that woman is 'ignorant as crap.' Men who promote that type of abortion love that type of woman. I am not anti-abortion at all, it's probably good for ignorant women.
If you think the decision on whether or not to have a child is nothing more than a consideration of “convenience“ then you are ‘ignorant as crap’.
If you think the decision on whether or not to have a child is nothing more than a consideration of “convenience“ then you are ‘ignorant as crap’.
IMO, The 'decision' should have been made BEFORE the procreational sex act. A woman can take contraceptive, the man can wear a condom or any number of sex acts that DO NOT include an unprotected penis in an unprotected vagina.
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That is not done with a full term fetus.
The intent of the "partial birth abortion" procedure is to kill a full term fetus while about two inches of it's head is still in the womb. The legal aspect is simple. If they induced a natural birth or if the baby slipped out of the womb and landed on the table it would be manslaughter if they killed it outright. The other technique is to leave the cold squirming baby on a stainless slab without comfort or aid until it died on it's own. You wouldn't do it to a freaking puppy.
I just love how men like to go on about something they have absolutely no knowledge of and then pretend to care about women while simultaneously spouting this ignorant crap and implying she doesn’t have brains enough to make her own medical decisions.
Having irresponsible sex is a medical decision and a bad one, and a hell of a lot of women do it anyway. No sympathy when the outcome is less than comfortable.
Having irresponsible sex is a medical decision and a bad one, and a hell of a lot of women do it anyway. No sympathy when the outcome is less than comfortable.
You make a lot of assumptions there, but regardless, your personal medical decisions are no one’s business but yours and your doctors…for anything.
You make a lot of assumptions there, but regardless, your personal medical decisions are no one’s business but yours and your doctors…for anything.
Keep telling yourself that sugar. And by all means, keep watching TV.

And don't ever tell me that anyone but my doctor and I have anything to say about MY medical decisions.
Not according to pro aborts. They say the woman has the sole responsibility and right to kill.
Death mongers will say anything to avoid morality and support their indefensible political position.
Death mongers will say anything to avoid morality and support their indefensible political position.
They don't avoid morality, they make up their own morality and believe they are righteous. That is, until their conscience catches up with them later. There is a body of evidence that women who got abortions struggle later with the implications of killing a developing human being.
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They don't avoid morality, they make up their own morality and believe they are righteous. That is, until their conscience catches up with them later. There is a body of evidence that women who got abortions struggle later with the implications of killing a developing human being.
I worked for a doctor who did abortions as part of his practice nearly 40 years ago. I bought the bullshit about a blob of cells until the day I saw that what we had killed was definitely a human being. I still regret every single life I helped that doctor snuff out.
Correct. Until viability.
You promote so called Prog equality with advantages for the groups you support. You smooth over any advantage you may have and blame others for the flaws in your agendas. Then you question why people have issues with you when things go bad. The kicker is, that people of the same group will kill their own for absolute power.
You promote so called Prog equality with advantages for the groups you support. You smooth over any advantage you may have and blame others for the flaws in your agendas. Then you question why people have issues with you when things go bad. The kicker is, that people of the same group will kill their own for absolute power.
Projection much?

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