Proof - 12 indictments - tax return time Big Boy !

Bill Clinton - last fucking century.

move on kiddies there's a new pissant in the oval office lying his ass off faster than ANY Clinton in history.

I'm sorry, but if the guy wants to challenge me on the Clintons, that includes the Corporate Whore's husband and I'll answer his challenge. If you don't like it, then I suggest you exercise your right to not read this thread.

and why would I lower myself and argue with a partisan piece of shit who refuses to live in todays world ?

You shouldn't argue with anyone. So far, you have presented nothing that makes me think you have anything of value to say. I'm now going to help you stop wasting my time.
Bill Clinton - last fucking century.

move on kiddies there's a new pissant in the oval office lying his ass off faster than ANY Clinton in history.

I'm sorry, but if the guy wants to challenge me on the Clintons, that includes the Corporate Whore's husband and I'll answer his challenge. If you don't like it, then I suggest you exercise your right to not read this thread.
Trump is a corporate whore who reeks of Urine

I don't disagree. But, that does NOT excuse Clinton's behavior as she wants to present herself as a Liberal. The fact is that she was JUST as bought and paid for as Trump and had to use the DNC to prevent Bernie from getting the nomination!
You must be a Liber ficking tarian Grow the Fuck up are standing up for Trump lol

Reporters grill Sarah Sanders over Trump’s hypocrisy: ‘Why was he so quick to go political’ after NYC attack?
12 - is that proof enough ?

What Mueller's Indictments Mean For Trump Now

and its just starting for Don Cheeto.


It will be a pleasure to watch as your hopes are squashed, again and again. You just can't help yourself.

This is what happens when starting your inquiry from the position of a lie. Try honesty for once, and then maybe, like Trump, you too can win some day. As of right now, your output is pure shieté.

wtf is dishonest about the Meuller indictment article? A Grand Jury found his evidence credible enough to issue the indictments, and theres likely more to come.

stop lying to yourself and leave me out of your dishonest life - please.
Bill Clinton - last fucking century.

move on kiddies there's a new pissant in the oval office lying his ass off faster than ANY Clinton in history.

I'm sorry, but if the guy wants to challenge me on the Clintons, that includes the Corporate Whore's husband and I'll answer his challenge. If you don't like it, then I suggest you exercise your right to not read this thread.
Trump is a corporate whore who reeks of Urine

I don't disagree. But, that does NOT excuse Clinton's behavior as she wants to present herself as a Liberal. The fact is that she was JUST as bought and paid for as Trump and had to use the DNC to prevent Bernie from getting the nomination!
You must be a Liber ficking tarian Grow the Fuck up are standing up for Trump lol

Reporters grill Sarah Sanders over Trump’s hypocrisy: ‘Why was he so quick to go political’ after NYC attack?

Feel free to blow your nose and compose yourself when you can stop sniffling. And I'm not standing up for Trump, you moron, I'm merely pointing out that you folks are wasting time that should be used to focus on issues the American people want and that would improve the lives. The longer the "Left" (hillarybots, not progressives) focuses on the non-story of "collusion", the longer they will lose popularity and become as irrelevant as the Republicans.

I don't have to prove anything. Bill paid $850,000 to Paula Jones, something he wouldn't have done for fun and his fine of $90,000 for lying to the court about the Lewinsky allegation is proof enough. You don't get a penalty like that if you were innocent.
Hey you sound like a mouth breathing Trump douche LOL

Trump’s lawyers: Smearing sex assault accusers as liars is protected political speech

Get someone to change your depends, Grandpa. You have nothing to offer the future.
Feel free to blow your nose and compose yourself when you can stop sniffling. And I'm not standing up for Trump, you moron, I'm merely pointing out that you folks are wasting time that should be used to focus on issues the American people want and that would improve the lives. The longer the "Left" (hillarybots, not progressives) focuses on the non-story of "collusion", the longer they will lose popularity and become as irrelevant as the Republicans.
Feel free to be pompous and ponderous in your superiority...It does not stop me from, laughing at you douche breath../you think people are hanging on your words ...what are you a douche ..oh wait..sad
You shouldn't argue with anyone. So far, you have presented nothing that makes me think you have anything of value to say. I'm now going to help you stop wasting my time.
you sound like a douche bag...sad

a deaf, dumb, set in stone Trumpdrone douchebag to be exact.

LOL! Sorry, Hillarybot, but you and your alternative ID aren't persuasive at all. I and the other Progressives are the future and you and your drones are irrelevant.
12 - is that proof enough ?

What Mueller's Indictments Mean For Trump Now

and its just starting for Don Cheeto.

You lefties are such terrible hypocrites. Hillary does all kinds of shady shit, but you still back her.

20 YEARS of investigations of the Clintons and the only thing that's ever come of it is Bill's lying about an affair with an intern.

If you think that the Clinton's have done anything illegal, PROVE IT OR STFU!

Hell, it's only been 10 months and we're well on the way to PROVING TRUMP's COLLUSION!

12 indictments already...AND MORE YET TO COME!

Bill Clinton committed perjury in front of Congress. He was disbarred.
Feel free to blow your nose and compose yourself when you can stop sniffling. And I'm not standing up for Trump, you moron, I'm merely pointing out that you folks are wasting time that should be used to focus on issues the American people want and that would improve the lives. The longer the "Left" (hillarybots, not progressives) focuses on the non-story of "collusion", the longer they will lose popularity and become as irrelevant as the Republicans.
Feel free to be pompous and ponderous in your superiority...It does not stop me from, laughing at you douche breath../you think people are hanging on your words ...what are you a douche ..oh wait..sad

LOL! You and the other Clintonistas will need your own Party. There's no room for you knuckledragging mouth breathers in the Progressive Democratic Party.
You shouldn't argue with anyone. So far, you have presented nothing that makes me think you have anything of value to say. I'm now going to help you stop wasting my time.
you sound like a douche bag...sad

a deaf, dumb, set in stone Trumpdrone douchebag to be exact.

LOL! Sorry, Hillarybot, but you and your alternative ID aren't persuasive at all. I and the other Progressives are the future and you and your drones are irrelevant.
cry baby pussy you are a piece of Trump grabbed Pussy douche ...Sad weak
Get someone to change your depends, Grandpa. You have nothing to offer the future.
Fuck off wipe the Orange off your tongue its disgraceful at least wash up[ after tossing that Orange salad ... I am laughing at you douche ...sad

No, you're exposing your anger and your hate with your foul language and lack of substance. I hope they bring your medication soon, Grandpa. you'll feel better when you take it.
You shouldn't argue with anyone. So far, you have presented nothing that makes me think you have anything of value to say. I'm now going to help you stop wasting my time.
you sound like a douche bag...sad

a deaf, dumb, set in stone Trumpdrone douchebag to be exact.

LOL! Sorry, Hillarybot, but you and your alternative ID aren't persuasive at all. I and the other Progressives are the future and you and your drones are irrelevant.
cry baby pussy you are a piece of Trump grabbed Pussy douche ...Sad weak

LOL! I hope your nurse gets to you's a shame there isn't enough help in your nursing home
12 - is that proof enough ?

What Mueller's Indictments Mean For Trump Now

and its just starting for Don Cheeto.

12 - is that proof enough ?

What Mueller's Indictments Mean For Trump Now

and its just starting for Don Cheeto.


It will be a pleasure to watch as your hopes are squashed, again and again. You just can't help yourself.

This is what happens when starting your inquiry from the position of a lie. Try honesty for once, and then maybe, like Trump, you too can win some day. As of right now, your output is pure shieté.

wtf is dishonest about the Meuller indictment article? A Grand Jury found his evidence credible enough to issue the indictments, and theres likely more to come.

stop lying to yourself and leave me out of your dishonest life - please.

There certainly is more to come, Trump's 2020 presidency for one.

As for the probe? You will rail on it and then realize, it was just a other fad. That's because the Trump Russia connection is fundamentally a big fat lie, propped up to cover for your hurt feelings.
You shouldn't argue with anyone. So far, you have presented nothing that makes me think you have anything of value to say. I'm now going to help you stop wasting my time.
you sound like a douche bag...sad

a deaf, dumb, set in stone Trumpdrone douchebag to be exact.

LOL! Sorry, Hillarybot, but you and your alternative ID aren't persuasive at all. I and the other Progressives are the future and you and your drones are irrelevant.

you're a simple minded idiot and I'll educate you and tell you why ...

you assume i'm pro Clinton because I'm anti Trump ..

I didnt vote for Clinton OR Obama ... ever.

write that down you dumbass partisan puke.
No, you're exposing your anger and your hate with your foul language and lack of substance. I hope they bring your medication soon, Grandpa. you'll feel better when you take it.
Oh you little Bitch you are calling me out for not being Politically Correct oh my God what a douche weak sad cry baby douche

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