Proof - 12 indictments - tax return time Big Boy !

No, you're exposing your anger and your hate with your foul language and lack of substance. I hope they bring your medication soon, Grandpa. you'll feel better when you take it.
Oh you little Bitch you are calling me out for not being Politically Correct oh my God what a douche weak sad cry baby douche

LOL! I don't expect trash to be Politically Correct or intelliigent. And you are certainly living down to my expectations for you.

LOL! I don't expect trash to be Politically Correct or intelliigent. And you are certainly living down to my expectations for you.
Fuck your feeling Trump submissive suck Trump ass and love it

Deteriorating Orange Curd Stumbles And Mispronounce Words At Cabinet Meeting

Trump was trying to read a statement about the New York terror attack before a cabinet meeting, but he had to keep referring back to his paper, stumbled over words, and mispronounced the word diversity repeatedly.
Something looked off with Trump. The White House has admitted that the President has lost a step in the past year, but he looks like he is more than a step behind. Donald Trump couldn’t even read a prepared statement without stumbling over his words and having to constantly look at his paper.
Reports of Trump shutting himself in the White House residence and watching cable news after the first indictments and witness flip in the Russia scandal did not adequately prepare the nation for the scene at the cabinet meeting.

Trump sounds unwell. The Russia investigation is visibly taking a toll on him.

The President is about to embark on a trip to Asia, and he frankly, looks and sounds unfit to travel.

As a candidate, Trump claimed that Hillary Clinton didn’t have the stamina to be president, but as president, Trump has shown that he is the individual who lacks the necessary energy to do the job. Donald Trump looks to be in a state of deterioration, and it is not unreasonable to wonder how much longer he can last in the presidency.
Watch Deteriorating Trump Stumble And Mispronounce Words At Cabinet Meeting

Don't worry Grandpa, I'm sure they will give you extra pudding.
They'd better or hell will have to be paid submissive weak sad bitchette


I am sure you also believe Trump should stay in office...what would you whine about if he wasn't President? It must be a very hollow life in your nursing home, forgotten by those who should be visiting you.
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So two men being indicted for basically money laundering and tax evasion stuff they did before being on Trumps campaign staff and one man being found guilty of lying to investigators is proof of collusion and gets to the bottom of Russian interference in the election how? Yes Muller got three people involved in illegal activities congrulations to him but so far nothing on what is supposed to be the main focus of the investigation.
12 - is that proof enough ?

What Mueller's Indictments Mean For Trump Now

and its just starting for Don Cheeto.

You lefties are such terrible hypocrites. Hillary does all kinds of shady shit, but you still back her.

20 YEARS of investigations of the Clintons and the only thing that's ever come of it is Bill's lying about an affair with an intern.

If you think that the Clinton's have done anything illegal, PROVE IT OR STFU!

Hell, it's only been 10 months and we're well on the way to PROVING TRUMP's COLLUSION!

12 indictments already...AND MORE YET TO COME!

Bill Clinton committed perjury in front of Congress. He was disbarred.

you know more about Bill Clinton than you do deficit/debt ... LMAO

Don't worry Grandpa, I'm sure they will give you extra pudding.
They'd better or hell will have to be paid submissive weak sad bitchette

I am sure you also believe Trump should say in office...what would you whine about if he wasn't President? It must be a very hollow life in your nursing home, forgotten by those who should be visiting you.

yeah its a hell life LOl but I draw comfort that no matter how bad it gets ...I am not a salad tosser for an Orange Corporate whore like Trump ...that is your job
So two men being indicted for basically money laundering and tax evasion stuff they did before being on Trumps campaign staff and one man being found guilty of lying to investigators is proof of collusion and gets to the bottom of Russian interference in the election how? Yes Muller got three people involved in illegal activities congrulations to him but so far nothing on what is supposed to be the main focus of the investigation.

apparently there's no statute of limitations and that money trail through Russia leads somewhere - Mueller wants to know, the country deserves to know.

Don't worry Grandpa, I'm sure they will give you extra pudding.
They'd better or hell will have to be paid submissive weak sad bitchette

I am sure you also believe Trump should say in office...what would you whine about if he wasn't President? It must be a very hollow life in your nursing home, forgotten by those who should be visiting you.

yeah its a hell life LOl but I draw comfort that no matter how bad it gets ...I am not a salad tosser for an Orange Corporate whore like Trump ...that is your job

No, my job is to work to repair all the damage you and your selfish generation have inflicted on us. You supported Trump/Clinton (two sides of the same coin) and I supported Bernie and then voted for Jill Stein. Progressives are the future and you dullards are the past.

Now, I need to go, but you can either keep confirming your ancient ignorance or you can watch daytime Wheel of Fortune. Either one will help past the time until the staff has your supper ready.

Don't worry Grandpa, I'm sure they will give you extra pudding.
They'd better or hell will have to be paid submissive weak sad bitchette

I am sure you also believe Trump should say in office...what would you whine about if he wasn't President? It must be a very hollow life in your nursing home, forgotten by those who should be visiting you.

yeah its a hell life LOl but I draw comfort that no matter how bad it gets ...I am not a salad tosser for an Orange Corporate whore like Trump ...that is your job

No, my job is to work to repair all the damage you and your selfish generation have inflicted on us. You supported Trump/Clinton (two sides of the same coin) and I supported Bernie and then voted for Jill Stein. Progressives are the future and you dullards are the past.

Now, I need to go, but you can either keep confirming your ancient ignorance or you can watch daytime Wheel of Fortune. Either one will help past the time until the staff has your supper ready.
sad weak

Don't worry Grandpa, I'm sure they will give you extra pudding.
They'd better or hell will have to be paid submissive weak sad bitchette

I am sure you also believe Trump should say in office...what would you whine about if he wasn't President? It must be a very hollow life in your nursing home, forgotten by those who should be visiting you.

yeah its a hell life LOl but I draw comfort that no matter how bad it gets ...I am not a salad tosser for an Orange Corporate whore like Trump ...that is your job

No, my job is to work to repair all the damage you and your selfish generation have inflicted on us. You supported Trump/Clinton (two sides of the same coin) and I supported Bernie and then voted for Jill Stein. Progressives are the future and you dullards are the past.

Now, I need to go, but you can either keep confirming your ancient ignorance or you can watch daytime Wheel of Fortune. Either one will help past the time until the staff has your supper ready.

might be a good idea to take on another job or two for a few more years - Socialism isn't wildly popular right now.
So two men being indicted for basically money laundering and tax evasion stuff they did before being on Trumps campaign staff and one man being found guilty of lying to investigators is proof of collusion and gets to the bottom of Russian interference in the election how? Yes Muller got three people involved in illegal activities congrulations to him but so far nothing on what is supposed to be the main focus of the investigation.

apparently there's no statute of limitations and that money trail through Russia leads somewhere - Mueller wants to know, the country deserves to know.
In other words it doesn’t but hey you keep living the dream if it gets you through the day.
So two men being indicted for basically money laundering and tax evasion stuff they did before being on Trumps campaign staff and one man being found guilty of lying to investigators is proof of collusion and gets to the bottom of Russian interference in the election how? Yes Muller got three people involved in illegal activities congrulations to him but so far nothing on what is supposed to be the main focus of the investigation.

apparently there's no statute of limitations and that money trail through Russia leads somewhere - Mueller wants to know, the country deserves to know.
In other words it doesn’t but hey you keep living the dream if it gets you through the day.

that would be totally profound if I hadn't just said it.

post 109 - this thread
So two men being indicted for basically money laundering and tax evasion stuff they did before being on Trumps campaign staff and one man being found guilty of lying to investigators is proof of collusion and gets to the bottom of Russian interference in the election how? Yes Muller got three people involved in illegal activities congrulations to him but so far nothing on what is supposed to be the main focus of the investigation.

apparently there's no statute of limitations and that money trail through Russia leads somewhere - Mueller wants to know, the country deserves to know.
In other words it doesn’t but hey you keep living the dream if it gets you through the day.

that would be totally profound if I hadn't just said it.
Actually you just put some random sentences together with the not to subtle implication that it’s all going to lead to Trump and collusion. Like I said live the dream.
Hahahaha....You Trumpanzees have been saying that for a loooonnng time, and all the while calling Mueller's investigation a nothingburger. Wrong on both counts. Need some BUTTHURT cream, honey?

Can Sessions be indicted for lying under oath that no associates of the Trump administration colluded with the Russians?

Of course not... no evidence that any such thing happened.

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