Proof America’s Hearts Haven’t Melted for an All-Republican Congress

How can you tell a Republican is lying?

His lips are moving.

5 Things That Republicans May Be Taking Too Much Credit For

Read more: 5 Things That Republicans May Be Taking Too Much Credit For

This one ticks me off because it indicates the bar is really that low:
While the budget managed to avoid a shutdown, this in itself doesn’t make for an accomplishment.
Avoiding the shutting down of the Government is not a worthy accomplishment.

Shutting down the Government is a worthy accomplishment. That the Left wet their collective pant begging to keep it going, is proof certain of THE PROBLEM!
You all need to make up your minds....either the Republicans shut down the government or else it was Obama's fault.
I think I will vote Republican for a few seats because the partisan left crowd won't like it. Did that last year when I voted for a GOP governor, as a protest vote.

Though seriously, I vote Green Party where I can as I don't trust the Democrats any more than I trust the GOP.
Discuss the topic and not each other, please. Thanks

What lies did he tell to get reelected?

He is a neoliberal. The Democrats have had this problem for some time. They continuously rolled over on legislation as if they could not help themselves.

On the other hand, Issa spent over $14 million dollars on the IRS investigation alone. And he came out with not a damn thing. What became very clear is that he wanted to let his good pals from Turbo Tax replace the IRS. You dimwitted twits fell for that shit.

But, sure go ahead and list those lies.

Good lord how ignorant are you? I mean the left can be ignorant but that's a whole new level, or you are lying again. Did you miss entirely Dem's in congress being screamed at by their constituents in local town halls over ACA, specifically Obama's repeated lies during the 2012 campaign that if you like your doctor and your plan you can keep them, forced Obama to hold a press conference and accept the blame? He did but the Dem's were booted out of office anyway. Got anything to say? No I didn't think so.

Let's not forget that the entire hysteria around the PPACA was founded by screams of
"Socialism" and hate and fear rhetoric funded by those who benefited by the then decades old anual double digit inflation for health insurance.

An honest comment in re health care reform would examine the concomitant fiscal crisis when families were denied coverage or could not afford it; or when faced with a catastrophic illness or injury were told. "sorry, you spent your allowance", go forth and die.

The oft repeated "you can keep your doctor" comments by the President were not mendacious, they were a surprise (one he and his administration ought to have anticipated) to him when insurance companies canceled crap policies. Let's be honest, mistakes were made and the PPACA can and will be fixed. But only when men and women of good well and not beholden and biddable to the power elite control the Congress.

Millions had their policies canceled and/or were unable to continue seeing their chosen doctors, FACT! Obama the liar ran around during his campaign repeatedly telling the American people don't worry you can keep your plan and doctor, as did Dem's getting heat at home on this. This wasn't an ooops my bad it was an intentional LIE or at best a gross display of utter incompetence.

Millions? Evidence please. You have no idea what Obama knew or when he learned it. That makes you a liar.

[By the way, invading Iraq on a pretense, and, occupying it with the army you have, not the one you may want, was utter incompetence which has cost the lives of over 4,500 service men and women. That is a fact! It also cost thousands more young service personnel serious and life-long wounds, as well as the psychological shock resulting in PTSD.]

Don't be an idiot he signed the bill into law he's responsible. What's with the left and their lack of accountability?

He signed the bill, and then the insurance companies cancelled crap policies, those whose policy was cancelled has the opportunity to shop for new and better policies and have the government subsidize them. Of course some have suffered, those who live in a state where the governor for solely political reasons (and/or personal ambition) refused to expand Medicaid.


22 States Are Refusing to Expand Medicaid. Here s What That Means for Their Residents The White House
The reality is that Reid was not the obstructionist. Reid did not shut the government down. Reid did not read Green Eggs and Ham. Reid is not the one with never ending investigations that lead nowhere and waste tax payers money. Now that you have what you don't have shit to show for it.

You lie. The people sent their House representatives to congress in 2010 to put a stop to the Democrats overreach. Reid and Obama stubbornly obstructed the will of the people by ignoring bills passed in the House. Then Obama lied through his teeth in 2012 to get re-elected but that didn't last long, when the people figured out the extent of his lies Dem's got their asses kicked again in 2014. Between Reid and Obama they destroyed the Democratic party. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a butt hurt beating that epic. Dem's went from winning a super majority in 2008 to a pile of rubble in 2014, largely due to lying to the American people.

What lies did he tell to get reelected?

He is a neoliberal. The Democrats have had this problem for some time. They continuously rolled over on legislation as if they could not help themselves.

On the other hand, Issa spent over $14 million dollars on the IRS investigation alone. And he came out with not a damn thing. What became very clear is that he wanted to let his good pals from Turbo Tax replace the IRS. You dimwitted twits fell for that shit.

But, sure go ahead and list those lies.

Good lord how ignorant are you? I mean the left can be ignorant but that's a whole new level, or you are lying again. Did you miss entirely Dem's in congress being screamed at by their constituents in local town halls over ACA, specifically Obama's repeated lies during the 2012 campaign that if you like your doctor and your plan you can keep them, forced Obama to hold a press conference and accept the blame? He did but the Dem's were booted out of office anyway. Got anything to say? No I didn't think so.

Let's not forget that the entire hysteria around the PPACA was founded by screams of
"Socialism" and hate and fear rhetoric funded by those who benefited by the then decades old anual double digit inflation for health insurance.

An honest comment in re health care reform would examine the concomitant fiscal crisis when families were denied coverage or could not afford it; or when faced with a catastrophic illness or injury were told. "sorry, you spent your allowance", go forth and die.

The oft repeated "you can keep your doctor" comments by the President were not mendacious, they were a surprise (one he and his administration ought to have anticipated) to him when insurance companies canceled crap policies. Let's be honest, mistakes were made and the PPACA can and will be fixed. But only when men and women of good well and not beholden and biddable to the power elite control the Congress.

Insurance companies didn't cancel crappy policies, the Federal Government set standards of Cadillac plans above what a patient really needs or can decide for themselves. Besides, what part of signing up for a bronze ACA plan with a deductible of $6,000 before your health care kicks in makes it more affordable? Seems to me choosing a premium you an afford for a plan that doesn't really help you with costs is the real crappy insurance coverage here. Even the silver plan comes with a $2,000 deductible, yet that is somehow better than your opinion of other insurance plans? I think the American people really got a lemon in this deal, and why you can't trust the government to look after your best interests. Have we not learned from Social Security with government constantly moving the goal posts for a benefit that really doesn't pay much to the average retiree?

Link to deductibles below:
Comparing Exchange Plans Bronze Silver Gold Platinum -

Have you ever looked at a bill for major surgery, on going treatment for cancers or an emergency fee after a stroke, heart attack or serious accident? $6 k is nothing compared to what might be the cost of a catastrophic illness or injury.

You post isn't in the realm of reality.
Good lord how ignorant are you? I mean the left can be ignorant but that's a whole new level, or you are lying again. Did you miss entirely Dem's in congress being screamed at by their constituents in local town halls over ACA, specifically Obama's repeated lies during the 2012 campaign that if you like your doctor and your plan you can keep them, forced Obama to hold a press conference and accept the blame? He did but the Dem's were booted out of office anyway. Got anything to say? No I didn't think so.

Let's not forget that the entire hysteria around the PPACA was founded by screams of
"Socialism" and hate and fear rhetoric funded by those who benefited by the then decades old anual double digit inflation for health insurance.

An honest comment in re health care reform would examine the concomitant fiscal crisis when families were denied coverage or could not afford it; or when faced with a catastrophic illness or injury were told. "sorry, you spent your allowance", go forth and die.

The oft repeated "you can keep your doctor" comments by the President were not mendacious, they were a surprise (one he and his administration ought to have anticipated) to him when insurance companies canceled crap policies. Let's be honest, mistakes were made and the PPACA can and will be fixed. But only when men and women of good well and not beholden and biddable to the power elite control the Congress.

Millions had their policies canceled and/or were unable to continue seeing their chosen doctors, FACT! Obama the liar ran around during his campaign repeatedly telling the American people don't worry you can keep your plan and doctor, as did Dem's getting heat at home on this. This wasn't an ooops my bad it was an intentional LIE or at best a gross display of utter incompetence.

Millions? Evidence please. You have no idea what Obama knew or when he learned it. That makes you a liar.

[By the way, invading Iraq on a pretense, and, occupying it with the army you have, not the one you may want, was utter incompetence which has cost the lives of over 4,500 service men and women. That is a fact! It also cost thousands more young service personnel serious and life-long wounds, as well as the psychological shock resulting in PTSD.]

Don't be an idiot he signed the bill into law he's responsible. What's with the left and their lack of accountability?

He signed the bill, and then the insurance companies cancelled crap policies, those whose policy was cancelled has the opportunity to shop for new and better policies and have the government subsidize them. Of course some have suffered, those who live in a state where the governor for solely political reasons (and/or personal ambition) refused to expand Medicaid.


22 States Are Refusing to Expand Medicaid. Here s What That Means for Their Residents The White House

You lie! Insurance companies were FORCED to cancel lower cost policies people were happy with, and people were FORCED to purchase suck ass Obamacare policies that were WAY over priced. When your lame ass liberal Obamacare policy results in premiums and deductibles such that for many people the policy doesn't pay hardly any of your healthcare costs its like not having insurance at all. Look its not rocket science, liberals are idiots and they authored the mess known as ACA then the biggest liberal idiot of all signed it into law.
You lie. The people sent their House representatives to congress in 2010 to put a stop to the Democrats overreach. Reid and Obama stubbornly obstructed the will of the people by ignoring bills passed in the House. Then Obama lied through his teeth in 2012 to get re-elected but that didn't last long, when the people figured out the extent of his lies Dem's got their asses kicked again in 2014. Between Reid and Obama they destroyed the Democratic party. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a butt hurt beating that epic. Dem's went from winning a super majority in 2008 to a pile of rubble in 2014, largely due to lying to the American people.

What lies did he tell to get reelected?

He is a neoliberal. The Democrats have had this problem for some time. They continuously rolled over on legislation as if they could not help themselves.

On the other hand, Issa spent over $14 million dollars on the IRS investigation alone. And he came out with not a damn thing. What became very clear is that he wanted to let his good pals from Turbo Tax replace the IRS. You dimwitted twits fell for that shit.

But, sure go ahead and list those lies.

Good lord how ignorant are you? I mean the left can be ignorant but that's a whole new level, or you are lying again. Did you miss entirely Dem's in congress being screamed at by their constituents in local town halls over ACA, specifically Obama's repeated lies during the 2012 campaign that if you like your doctor and your plan you can keep them, forced Obama to hold a press conference and accept the blame? He did but the Dem's were booted out of office anyway. Got anything to say? No I didn't think so.

Let's not forget that the entire hysteria around the PPACA was founded by screams of
"Socialism" and hate and fear rhetoric funded by those who benefited by the then decades old anual double digit inflation for health insurance.

An honest comment in re health care reform would examine the concomitant fiscal crisis when families were denied coverage or could not afford it; or when faced with a catastrophic illness or injury were told. "sorry, you spent your allowance", go forth and die.

The oft repeated "you can keep your doctor" comments by the President were not mendacious, they were a surprise (one he and his administration ought to have anticipated) to him when insurance companies canceled crap policies. Let's be honest, mistakes were made and the PPACA can and will be fixed. But only when men and women of good well and not beholden and biddable to the power elite control the Congress.

Insurance companies didn't cancel crappy policies, the Federal Government set standards of Cadillac plans above what a patient really needs or can decide for themselves. Besides, what part of signing up for a bronze ACA plan with a deductible of $6,000 before your health care kicks in makes it more affordable? Seems to me choosing a premium you an afford for a plan that doesn't really help you with costs is the real crappy insurance coverage here. Even the silver plan comes with a $2,000 deductible, yet that is somehow better than your opinion of other insurance plans? I think the American people really got a lemon in this deal, and why you can't trust the government to look after your best interests. Have we not learned from Social Security with government constantly moving the goal posts for a benefit that really doesn't pay much to the average retiree?

Link to deductibles below:
Comparing Exchange Plans Bronze Silver Gold Platinum -

Have you ever looked at a bill for major surgery, on going treatment for cancers or an emergency fee after a stroke, heart attack or serious accident? $6 k is nothing compared to what might be the cost of a catastrophic illness or injury.

You post isn't in the realm of reality.

You people (and by that I mean dumb ass liberals) are something, if only healthy young people could still purchase low cost catastrophic coverage hmmm. /eyeroll
Let's not forget that the entire hysteria around the PPACA was founded by screams of
"Socialism" and hate and fear rhetoric funded by those who benefited by the then decades old anual double digit inflation for health insurance.

An honest comment in re health care reform would examine the concomitant fiscal crisis when families were denied coverage or could not afford it; or when faced with a catastrophic illness or injury were told. "sorry, you spent your allowance", go forth and die.

The oft repeated "you can keep your doctor" comments by the President were not mendacious, they were a surprise (one he and his administration ought to have anticipated) to him when insurance companies canceled crap policies. Let's be honest, mistakes were made and the PPACA can and will be fixed. But only when men and women of good well and not beholden and biddable to the power elite control the Congress.

Millions had their policies canceled and/or were unable to continue seeing their chosen doctors, FACT! Obama the liar ran around during his campaign repeatedly telling the American people don't worry you can keep your plan and doctor, as did Dem's getting heat at home on this. This wasn't an ooops my bad it was an intentional LIE or at best a gross display of utter incompetence.

Millions? Evidence please. You have no idea what Obama knew or when he learned it. That makes you a liar.

[By the way, invading Iraq on a pretense, and, occupying it with the army you have, not the one you may want, was utter incompetence which has cost the lives of over 4,500 service men and women. That is a fact! It also cost thousands more young service personnel serious and life-long wounds, as well as the psychological shock resulting in PTSD.]

Don't be an idiot he signed the bill into law he's responsible. What's with the left and their lack of accountability?

He signed the bill, and then the insurance companies cancelled crap policies, those whose policy was cancelled has the opportunity to shop for new and better policies and have the government subsidize them. Of course some have suffered, those who live in a state where the governor for solely political reasons (and/or personal ambition) refused to expand Medicaid.


22 States Are Refusing to Expand Medicaid. Here s What That Means for Their Residents The White House

You lie! Insurance companies were FORCED to cancel lower cost policies people were happy with, and people were FORCED to purchase suck ass Obamacare policies that were WAY over priced. When your lame ass liberal Obamacare policy results in premiums and deductibles such that for many people the policy doesn't pay hardly any of your healthcare costs its like not having insurance at all. Look its not rocket science, liberals are idiots and they authored the mess known as ACA then the biggest liberal idiot of all signed it into law.

In case you missed it,

"Have you ever looked at a bill for major surgery, on going treatment for cancers or an emergency fee after a stroke, heart attack or serious accident? $6 k is nothing compared to what might be the cost of a catastrophic illness or injury."

Are you too stupid to understand that twenty something's, can and do engage in serious activities which can and do result in serious injuries. Guess what, when they do and have no insurance, and are no longer on their parents policy (a remedy in Obamacare up to age 26) they can and do incur a bill which can be greater than 100 thousand dollars.

Since they can't afford to pay this bill, it is absorbed by local taxpayers. I suppose you're too ignorant or too stupid to see that nexus too.
Millions had their policies canceled and/or were unable to continue seeing their chosen doctors, FACT! Obama the liar ran around during his campaign repeatedly telling the American people don't worry you can keep your plan and doctor, as did Dem's getting heat at home on this. This wasn't an ooops my bad it was an intentional LIE or at best a gross display of utter incompetence.

Millions? Evidence please. You have no idea what Obama knew or when he learned it. That makes you a liar.

[By the way, invading Iraq on a pretense, and, occupying it with the army you have, not the one you may want, was utter incompetence which has cost the lives of over 4,500 service men and women. That is a fact! It also cost thousands more young service personnel serious and life-long wounds, as well as the psychological shock resulting in PTSD.]

Don't be an idiot he signed the bill into law he's responsible. What's with the left and their lack of accountability?

He signed the bill, and then the insurance companies cancelled crap policies, those whose policy was cancelled has the opportunity to shop for new and better policies and have the government subsidize them. Of course some have suffered, those who live in a state where the governor for solely political reasons (and/or personal ambition) refused to expand Medicaid.


22 States Are Refusing to Expand Medicaid. Here s What That Means for Their Residents The White House

You lie! Insurance companies were FORCED to cancel lower cost policies people were happy with, and people were FORCED to purchase suck ass Obamacare policies that were WAY over priced. When your lame ass liberal Obamacare policy results in premiums and deductibles such that for many people the policy doesn't pay hardly any of your healthcare costs its like not having insurance at all. Look its not rocket science, liberals are idiots and they authored the mess known as ACA then the biggest liberal idiot of all signed it into law.

In case you missed it,

"Have you ever looked at a bill for major surgery, on going treatment for cancers or an emergency fee after a stroke, heart attack or serious accident? $6 k is nothing compared to what might be the cost of a catastrophic illness or injury."

Are you too stupid to understand that twenty something's, can and do engage in serious activities which can and do result in serious injuries. Guess what, when they do and have no insurance, and are no longer on their parents policy (a remedy in Obamacare up to age 26) they can and do incur a bill which can be greater than 100 thousand dollars.

Since they can't afford to pay this bill, it is absorbed by local taxpayers. I suppose you're too ignorant or too stupid to see that nexus too.

You are possibly the stupidest liberal I have met on the forum, how thick is your Neanderthal skull? Clearly reading comprehension has yet to pierce it. Hence lower cost catastrophic coverage you moron, you know the plans you dumb as a brick liberals decided nobody needed. FACT you assholes needed to force young people to buy a lot more coverage than they needed to fund your free give away coverage so you outlawed them via the ACA. Be gone from me, talking to someone at dumb as you is actually painful.
Millions? Evidence please. You have no idea what Obama knew or when he learned it. That makes you a liar.

[By the way, invading Iraq on a pretense, and, occupying it with the army you have, not the one you may want, was utter incompetence which has cost the lives of over 4,500 service men and women. That is a fact! It also cost thousands more young service personnel serious and life-long wounds, as well as the psychological shock resulting in PTSD.]

Don't be an idiot he signed the bill into law he's responsible. What's with the left and their lack of accountability?

He signed the bill, and then the insurance companies cancelled crap policies, those whose policy was cancelled has the opportunity to shop for new and better policies and have the government subsidize them. Of course some have suffered, those who live in a state where the governor for solely political reasons (and/or personal ambition) refused to expand Medicaid.


22 States Are Refusing to Expand Medicaid. Here s What That Means for Their Residents The White House

You lie! Insurance companies were FORCED to cancel lower cost policies people were happy with, and people were FORCED to purchase suck ass Obamacare policies that were WAY over priced. When your lame ass liberal Obamacare policy results in premiums and deductibles such that for many people the policy doesn't pay hardly any of your healthcare costs its like not having insurance at all. Look its not rocket science, liberals are idiots and they authored the mess known as ACA then the biggest liberal idiot of all signed it into law.

In case you missed it,

"Have you ever looked at a bill for major surgery, on going treatment for cancers or an emergency fee after a stroke, heart attack or serious accident? $6 k is nothing compared to what might be the cost of a catastrophic illness or injury."

Are you too stupid to understand that twenty something's, can and do engage in serious activities which can and do result in serious injuries. Guess what, when they do and have no insurance, and are no longer on their parents policy (a remedy in Obamacare up to age 26) they can and do incur a bill which can be greater than 100 thousand dollars.

Since they can't afford to pay this bill, it is absorbed by local taxpayers. I suppose you're too ignorant or too stupid to see that nexus too.

You are possibly the stupidest liberal I have met on the forum, how thick is your Neanderthal skull? Clearly reading comprehension has yet to pierce it. Hence lower cost catastrophic coverage you moron, you know the plans you dumb as a brick liberals decided nobody needed. FACT you assholes needed to force young people to buy a lot more coverage than they needed to fund your free give away coverage so you outlawed them via the ACA. Be gone from me, talking to someone at dumb as you is actually painful.

LOL, a typical response by a parrot, posting what he(?) has been told is true but having absolutely no experience with reality. And of course ranting with emotion, sans evidence or facts, she(?) uses on going personal attacks claiming others have a "Neanderthal skull" ( fact: many persons on the planet have Neanderthal DNA which has no bearing on their intelligence - another example that s/he forms opinions on a putative and not scientific evidence) and believes calling others dumb is necessary and sufficient to make them feel superior.

The anger in the parrots response is triggered by fear that s/he may be wrong, something unacceptable to an immature troll whose ignorance is not willful.
Don't be an idiot he signed the bill into law he's responsible. What's with the left and their lack of accountability?

He signed the bill, and then the insurance companies cancelled crap policies, those whose policy was cancelled has the opportunity to shop for new and better policies and have the government subsidize them. Of course some have suffered, those who live in a state where the governor for solely political reasons (and/or personal ambition) refused to expand Medicaid.


22 States Are Refusing to Expand Medicaid. Here s What That Means for Their Residents The White House

You lie! Insurance companies were FORCED to cancel lower cost policies people were happy with, and people were FORCED to purchase suck ass Obamacare policies that were WAY over priced. When your lame ass liberal Obamacare policy results in premiums and deductibles such that for many people the policy doesn't pay hardly any of your healthcare costs its like not having insurance at all. Look its not rocket science, liberals are idiots and they authored the mess known as ACA then the biggest liberal idiot of all signed it into law.

In case you missed it,

"Have you ever looked at a bill for major surgery, on going treatment for cancers or an emergency fee after a stroke, heart attack or serious accident? $6 k is nothing compared to what might be the cost of a catastrophic illness or injury."

Are you too stupid to understand that twenty something's, can and do engage in serious activities which can and do result in serious injuries. Guess what, when they do and have no insurance, and are no longer on their parents policy (a remedy in Obamacare up to age 26) they can and do incur a bill which can be greater than 100 thousand dollars.

Since they can't afford to pay this bill, it is absorbed by local taxpayers. I suppose you're too ignorant or too stupid to see that nexus too.

You are possibly the stupidest liberal I have met on the forum, how thick is your Neanderthal skull? Clearly reading comprehension has yet to pierce it. Hence lower cost catastrophic coverage you moron, you know the plans you dumb as a brick liberals decided nobody needed. FACT you assholes needed to force young people to buy a lot more coverage than they needed to fund your free give away coverage so you outlawed them via the ACA. Be gone from me, talking to someone at dumb as you is actually painful.

LOL, a typical response by a parrot, posting what he(?) has been told is true but having absolutely no experience with reality. And of course ranting with emotion, sans evidence or facts, she(?) uses on going personal attacks claiming others have a "Neanderthal skull" ( fact: many persons on the planet have Neanderthal DNA which has no bearing on their intelligence - another example that s/he forms opinions on a putative and not scientific evidence) and believes calling others dumb is necessary and sufficient to make them feel superior.

The anger in the parrots response is triggered by fear that s/he may be wrong, something unacceptable to an immature troll whose ignorance is not willful.

I'm glad you got that off your chest :laugh: such a wasted effort. Your existence is meaningless to me, your opinions even less so. lol
How can you tell a Republican is lying?

His lips are moving.

5 Things That Republicans May Be Taking Too Much Credit For

Read more: 5 Things That Republicans May Be Taking Too Much Credit For

This one ticks me off because it indicates the bar is really that low:
While the budget managed to avoid a shutdown, this in itself doesn’t make for an accomplishment.
Avoiding the shutting down of the Government is not a worthy accomplishment.

Shutting down the Government is a worthy accomplishment. That the Left wet their collective pant begging to keep it going, is proof certain of THE PROBLEM!

The Dems weren't able to stop the damn Rs fro shutting down the government.

And they'll do it again. Repubs don't care how many people they hurt.

Drama queen! :eek:
You lie. The people sent their House representatives to congress in 2010 to put a stop to the Democrats overreach. Reid and Obama stubbornly obstructed the will of the people by ignoring bills passed in the House. Then Obama lied through his teeth in 2012 to get re-elected but that didn't last long, when the people figured out the extent of his lies Dem's got their asses kicked again in 2014. Between Reid and Obama they destroyed the Democratic party. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a butt hurt beating that epic. Dem's went from winning a super majority in 2008 to a pile of rubble in 2014, largely due to lying to the American people.

What lies did he tell to get reelected?

He is a neoliberal. The Democrats have had this problem for some time. They continuously rolled over on legislation as if they could not help themselves.

On the other hand, Issa spent over $14 million dollars on the IRS investigation alone. And he came out with not a damn thing. What became very clear is that he wanted to let his good pals from Turbo Tax replace the IRS. You dimwitted twits fell for that shit.

But, sure go ahead and list those lies.

Good lord how ignorant are you? I mean the left can be ignorant but that's a whole new level, or you are lying again. Did you miss entirely Dem's in congress being screamed at by their constituents in local town halls over ACA, specifically Obama's repeated lies during the 2012 campaign that if you like your doctor and your plan you can keep them, forced Obama to hold a press conference and accept the blame? He did but the Dem's were booted out of office anyway. Got anything to say? No I didn't think so.

Let's not forget that the entire hysteria around the PPACA was founded by screams of
"Socialism" and hate and fear rhetoric funded by those who benefited by the then decades old anual double digit inflation for health insurance.

An honest comment in re health care reform would examine the concomitant fiscal crisis when families were denied coverage or could not afford it; or when faced with a catastrophic illness or injury were told. "sorry, you spent your allowance", go forth and die.

The oft repeated "you can keep your doctor" comments by the President were not mendacious, they were a surprise (one he and his administration ought to have anticipated) to him when insurance companies canceled crap policies. Let's be honest, mistakes were made and the PPACA can and will be fixed. But only when men and women of good well and not beholden and biddable to the power elite control the Congress.

Insurance companies didn't cancel crappy policies, the Federal Government set standards of Cadillac plans above what a patient really needs or can decide for themselves. Besides, what part of signing up for a bronze ACA plan with a deductible of $6,000 before your health care kicks in makes it more affordable? Seems to me choosing a premium you an afford for a plan that doesn't really help you with costs is the real crappy insurance coverage here. Even the silver plan comes with a $2,000 deductible, yet that is somehow better than your opinion of other insurance plans? I think the American people really got a lemon in this deal, and why you can't trust the government to look after your best interests. Have we not learned from Social Security with government constantly moving the goal posts for a benefit that really doesn't pay much to the average retiree?

Link to deductibles below:
Comparing Exchange Plans Bronze Silver Gold Platinum -

Have you ever looked at a bill for major surgery, on going treatment for cancers or an emergency fee after a stroke, heart attack or serious accident? $6 k is nothing compared to what might be the cost of a catastrophic illness or injury.

You post isn't in the realm of reality.

Thinking a middle class family of four can simply afford to pay $6,000 to meet a deductible on top of already having paid your monthly premiums, in this economy, isn't in the realm of reality. I thought the Democrats wanted to actually HELP the middle class with health care costs? I'm still waiting for you to explain how you actually think your average family can afford this as part of a "better" health care plan?
What lies did he tell to get reelected?

He is a neoliberal. The Democrats have had this problem for some time. They continuously rolled over on legislation as if they could not help themselves.

On the other hand, Issa spent over $14 million dollars on the IRS investigation alone. And he came out with not a damn thing. What became very clear is that he wanted to let his good pals from Turbo Tax replace the IRS. You dimwitted twits fell for that shit.

But, sure go ahead and list those lies.

Good lord how ignorant are you? I mean the left can be ignorant but that's a whole new level, or you are lying again. Did you miss entirely Dem's in congress being screamed at by their constituents in local town halls over ACA, specifically Obama's repeated lies during the 2012 campaign that if you like your doctor and your plan you can keep them, forced Obama to hold a press conference and accept the blame? He did but the Dem's were booted out of office anyway. Got anything to say? No I didn't think so.

Let's not forget that the entire hysteria around the PPACA was founded by screams of
"Socialism" and hate and fear rhetoric funded by those who benefited by the then decades old anual double digit inflation for health insurance.

An honest comment in re health care reform would examine the concomitant fiscal crisis when families were denied coverage or could not afford it; or when faced with a catastrophic illness or injury were told. "sorry, you spent your allowance", go forth and die.

The oft repeated "you can keep your doctor" comments by the President were not mendacious, they were a surprise (one he and his administration ought to have anticipated) to him when insurance companies canceled crap policies. Let's be honest, mistakes were made and the PPACA can and will be fixed. But only when men and women of good well and not beholden and biddable to the power elite control the Congress.

Insurance companies didn't cancel crappy policies, the Federal Government set standards of Cadillac plans above what a patient really needs or can decide for themselves. Besides, what part of signing up for a bronze ACA plan with a deductible of $6,000 before your health care kicks in makes it more affordable? Seems to me choosing a premium you an afford for a plan that doesn't really help you with costs is the real crappy insurance coverage here. Even the silver plan comes with a $2,000 deductible, yet that is somehow better than your opinion of other insurance plans? I think the American people really got a lemon in this deal, and why you can't trust the government to look after your best interests. Have we not learned from Social Security with government constantly moving the goal posts for a benefit that really doesn't pay much to the average retiree?

Link to deductibles below:
Comparing Exchange Plans Bronze Silver Gold Platinum -

Have you ever looked at a bill for major surgery, on going treatment for cancers or an emergency fee after a stroke, heart attack or serious accident? $6 k is nothing compared to what might be the cost of a catastrophic illness or injury.

You post isn't in the realm of reality.

Thinking a middle class family of four can simply afford to pay $6,000 to meet a deductible on top of already having paid your monthly premiums, in this economy, isn't in the realm of reality. I thought the Democrats wanted to actually HELP the middle class with health care costs? I'm still waiting for you to explain how you actually think your average family can afford this as part of a "better" health care plan?

I suggest you do some homework:

Start here:

Cost of ObamaCare
Good lord how ignorant are you? I mean the left can be ignorant but that's a whole new level, or you are lying again. Did you miss entirely Dem's in congress being screamed at by their constituents in local town halls over ACA, specifically Obama's repeated lies during the 2012 campaign that if you like your doctor and your plan you can keep them, forced Obama to hold a press conference and accept the blame? He did but the Dem's were booted out of office anyway. Got anything to say? No I didn't think so.

Let's not forget that the entire hysteria around the PPACA was founded by screams of
"Socialism" and hate and fear rhetoric funded by those who benefited by the then decades old anual double digit inflation for health insurance.

An honest comment in re health care reform would examine the concomitant fiscal crisis when families were denied coverage or could not afford it; or when faced with a catastrophic illness or injury were told. "sorry, you spent your allowance", go forth and die.

The oft repeated "you can keep your doctor" comments by the President were not mendacious, they were a surprise (one he and his administration ought to have anticipated) to him when insurance companies canceled crap policies. Let's be honest, mistakes were made and the PPACA can and will be fixed. But only when men and women of good well and not beholden and biddable to the power elite control the Congress.

Insurance companies didn't cancel crappy policies, the Federal Government set standards of Cadillac plans above what a patient really needs or can decide for themselves. Besides, what part of signing up for a bronze ACA plan with a deductible of $6,000 before your health care kicks in makes it more affordable? Seems to me choosing a premium you an afford for a plan that doesn't really help you with costs is the real crappy insurance coverage here. Even the silver plan comes with a $2,000 deductible, yet that is somehow better than your opinion of other insurance plans? I think the American people really got a lemon in this deal, and why you can't trust the government to look after your best interests. Have we not learned from Social Security with government constantly moving the goal posts for a benefit that really doesn't pay much to the average retiree?

Link to deductibles below:
Comparing Exchange Plans Bronze Silver Gold Platinum -

Have you ever looked at a bill for major surgery, on going treatment for cancers or an emergency fee after a stroke, heart attack or serious accident? $6 k is nothing compared to what might be the cost of a catastrophic illness or injury.

You post isn't in the realm of reality.

Thinking a middle class family of four can simply afford to pay $6,000 to meet a deductible on top of already having paid your monthly premiums, in this economy, isn't in the realm of reality. I thought the Democrats wanted to actually HELP the middle class with health care costs? I'm still waiting for you to explain how you actually think your average family can afford this as part of a "better" health care plan?

I suggest you do some homework:

Start here:

Cost of ObamaCare

I have. How do you think I was able to "enlighten" you with that small detail of the deductible many families discover they must pay. even AFTER they have been working hard keeping up with their premiums? Auto insurance doesn't even require you to pay deductibles that high, yet families have to fork up $6,000 before the government is willing to help them with medical costs? You see, parents of a child fighting cancer are not going to care about all the fluffy decorative figures you try to cover it up with. No matter how you try and decorate the box with impressive paper and "thrills", in the end it's all about what "gift" they are stuck having to deal with - those important details are what truly matter and effect them personally. So are you going to be one of those libs who constantly avoids answering simple questions that challenges your view, with a well thought out response? It's having to deal with these overwhelming costs that drive families to seek an answer to healthcare, and you can't even provide an answer to a direct question that has been set before you.
Let's not forget that the entire hysteria around the PPACA was founded by screams of
"Socialism" and hate and fear rhetoric funded by those who benefited by the then decades old anual double digit inflation for health insurance.

An honest comment in re health care reform would examine the concomitant fiscal crisis when families were denied coverage or could not afford it; or when faced with a catastrophic illness or injury were told. "sorry, you spent your allowance", go forth and die.

The oft repeated "you can keep your doctor" comments by the President were not mendacious, they were a surprise (one he and his administration ought to have anticipated) to him when insurance companies canceled crap policies. Let's be honest, mistakes were made and the PPACA can and will be fixed. But only when men and women of good well and not beholden and biddable to the power elite control the Congress.

Insurance companies didn't cancel crappy policies, the Federal Government set standards of Cadillac plans above what a patient really needs or can decide for themselves. Besides, what part of signing up for a bronze ACA plan with a deductible of $6,000 before your health care kicks in makes it more affordable? Seems to me choosing a premium you an afford for a plan that doesn't really help you with costs is the real crappy insurance coverage here. Even the silver plan comes with a $2,000 deductible, yet that is somehow better than your opinion of other insurance plans? I think the American people really got a lemon in this deal, and why you can't trust the government to look after your best interests. Have we not learned from Social Security with government constantly moving the goal posts for a benefit that really doesn't pay much to the average retiree?

Link to deductibles below:
Comparing Exchange Plans Bronze Silver Gold Platinum -

Have you ever looked at a bill for major surgery, on going treatment for cancers or an emergency fee after a stroke, heart attack or serious accident? $6 k is nothing compared to what might be the cost of a catastrophic illness or injury.

You post isn't in the realm of reality.

Thinking a middle class family of four can simply afford to pay $6,000 to meet a deductible on top of already having paid your monthly premiums, in this economy, isn't in the realm of reality. I thought the Democrats wanted to actually HELP the middle class with health care costs? I'm still waiting for you to explain how you actually think your average family can afford this as part of a "better" health care plan?

I suggest you do some homework:

Start here:

Cost of ObamaCare

I have. How do you think I was able to "enlighten" you with that small detail of the deductible many families discover they must pay. even AFTER they have been working hard keeping up with their premiums? Auto insurance doesn't even require you to pay deductibles that high, yet families have to fork up $6,000 before the government is willing to help them with medical costs? You see, parents of a child fighting cancer are not going to care about all the fluffy decorative figures you try to cover it up with. No matter how you try and decorate the box with impressive paper and "thrills", in the end it's all about what "gift" they are stuck having to deal with - those important details are what truly matter and effect them personally. So are you going to be one of those libs who constantly avoids answering simple questions that challenges your view, with a well thought out response? It's having to deal with these overwhelming costs that drive families to seek an answer to healthcare, and you can't even provide an answer to a direct question that has been set before you.

Obamacare pockets people's premiums knowing for the vast majority they will never have to pay a dime on the policy due to the high deductible. Meanwhile these resident idiot libs claim Obama farts daisies.

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