Proof Clinton has Debate Questions


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
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Proves Hillary got the questions before the debate.

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

Here is the attachment titeled NEW QUESTIONS 2-10-16

Trust: Why are you struggling to win voters’ trust in this campaign? What do you say to voters who just don’t trust you?

· You know, I think about this a lot. I understand that a lot of people have questions and concerns. I’ve made my share of mistakes.

· And I know that what people are really wondering is: Why is she doing this? What is she in it for? Is she in it for me, or for herself?

· So let me try and tell you why I do this. Because I’m not a great orator or a great visionary, but I learned at a young age that I could make a difference for people. And I’m enough of an old-fashioned patriot to believe that if you can make a difference, you have to.

· Every person who seeks public office has to earn people’s trust—and I believe you earn trust through what you do. So I’d ask people to look at my record, look at the change I’ve made, look at the difference I’ve made. And I’d ask them to join me in trying to build a better future for this country.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Click link then click the "attachments" tab.

Proves Hillary got the questions before the debate.

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

Here is the attachment titeled NEW QUESTIONS 2-10-16

Trust: Why are you struggling to win voters’ trust in this campaign? What do you say to voters who just don’t trust you?

· You know, I think about this a lot. I understand that a lot of people have questions and concerns. I’ve made my share of mistakes.

· And I know that what people are really wondering is: Why is she doing this? What is she in it for? Is she in it for me, or for herself?

· So let me try and tell you why I do this. Because I’m not a great orator or a great visionary, but I learned at a young age that I could make a difference for people. And I’m enough of an old-fashioned patriot to believe that if you can make a difference, you have to.

· Every person who seeks public office has to earn people’s trust—and I believe you earn trust through what you do. So I’d ask people to look at my record, look at the change I’ve made, look at the difference I’ve made. And I’d ask them to join me in trying to build a better future for this country.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Does any of this surprise anybody?

Does anyone here (with a gram of honesty in their bones) doubt that the democrats will never play fair if opportunity strikes?

Does anyone here doubt those who always vote left do not care how dishonest and unamerican are their leaders?

Still they walk around with their heads on high.
I'll say it again. It is a sad state of affairs. And you won't hear it reported.

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