Haley challenges Trump for a debate; questions his 'mental competency'

Trump would DESTROY HER in a debate!!!!

There will be no debate between these two. The Left just want this so that they can fill the room with hecklers, then cheer on every answer Haley gives trying to further divide and extend the primary thus generating more fodder for the MSM to spread lies just as they tried with New Hampshire.

Trump actually set new records and they still called it a close race after stompng her by at least eleven points WITH them filling up her votes with out of state democrat cross-voters.
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This isn't about Biden. It's about Trump.
Of course it isn't about Biden, because Biden is just actually in office and has done a horrible job and would lose, so you HAVE to make it about Trump.

Biden is a career politician. You take the bad with the good.
I see. That justifies 99% bad and 1% good? I thought people were supposed to get BETTER with experience!

All those COVID deaths and the resulting carnage to our economy, belong to Trump.
I see. So a year after Trump is long out of office and Joe told us that the vaccine would stop covid and we would be free of it by July 2021, that is all still on Trump? What else do you figure is on Trump, the Korean War? Maybe 9/11 too?
You don’t need to be a doctor to know that injecting disinfectants will kill you.

It was incredibly embarrassing for everyone.
/——/ As stated, UV is a disinfectant and has had been used internally successfully. If anything Trump, WHO IS NOT S DOCTOR AND HAS NO MEDICAL TRAINING USED AN INCORRECT MEDICAL TERM. The only thing embarrassing is your obsession with a 6 year old throw away line while completely oblivious to the Biden gaff machine.
Just go away, troll.
You ever take the bad with the good with Trump?
LOL. It's all bad with Trump. He had four years to pivot and show me he was capable of doing the job he was elected to do.
You knew when he went to the CIA Memorial Wall two days after his inauguration and talked about his inauguration crowd size, it was gonna be downhill from there.

And that's about how it went. :)
/——/ As stated, UV is a disinfectant and has had been used internally successfully. If anything Trump, WHO IS NOT S DOCTOR AND HAS NO MEDICAL TRAINING USED AN INCORRECT MEDICAL TERM. The only thing embarrassing is your obsession with a 6 year old throw away line while completely oblivious to the Biden gaff machine.
Just go away, troll.
Trump was not referring to UV light since you can’t “inject” light.

Its far more embarrassing to see someone like yourself defending an obviously stupid thing to say.

I mean, how hard is it to say that he said something incredibly stupid? you can’t do it.
Trump was not referring to UV light since you can’t “inject” light.

Its far more embarrassing to see someone like yourself defending an obviously stupid thing to say.

I mean, how hard is it to say that he said something incredibly stupid? you can’t do it.
/——/ How much do you get paid to troll?
Trump does not need to waste his time debating the bitch.

He schlonged her in Iowa.

He schlonged her in NH.

The only reason she got as many votes in NH as she did is because a significant amount of filthy Democrats voted for her to undermine Trump.

One of the dumbasses was being interviewed today. Some idiot Moon Bat college kid who was bragging about voting for Haley to undermine Trump to "protect democracy". LOL! Typical moronic college kid that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground about anything except what his bat shit crazy Marxist professors brainwash him with.
The Biden White House is saying that Trump is going to be the nominee. He is the nominee that they've been wanting and would definitely be the easiest one for them to beat.
At this moment a dirty sock should be able to beat Biden.

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Sissyboi is not going to debate.
I don't need to watch a movie to understand basic election strategy. Haley desperately accused Trump of dementia and Trump said "Ok let's both take a cognitive test".
Trump aced one of his Cognivive tests.He has taken Two.
Biden { Biggest asshole Potus in the history of Presidents }
hasn't even considered taking a Cognitive test.
And the Scumbags in the Mainstream media are not reluctant but
refusing to take him to task for that Obvious Presidential negligence.
Pretty much explains how our country is being managed.
I think at this stage ... Joseph Stalin mite be a better manager
of a World Power. " It's Not who votes but who Counts
the votes ".
Trump aced one of his Cognivive tests.He has taken Two.
Biden { Biggest asshole Potus in the history of Presidents }
hasn't even considered taking a Cognitive test.
And the Scumbags in the Mainstream media are not reluctant but
refusing to take him to task for that Obvious Presidential negligence.
Pretty much explains how our country is being managed.
I think at this stage ... Joseph Stalin mite be a better manager
of a World Power. " It's Not who votes but who Counts
the votes ".
I'd bet Biden 100 bucks he couldn't pronounce "Cognitive Test" much less pass one. You are spot on, this country is in a world of hurt under the Democrat Regime.

***Mod Edit: Opening post violates forum rules for starting a thread. You need to add a minimum of 2 sentences of your opinion on the topic.
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Remember trump cheats on tests. The test would have to be supervised by an impartial third party and no foreknowledge of the test should be given to either party
I'd bet Biden 100 bucks he couldn't pronounce "Cognitive Test" much less pass one. You are spot on, this country is in a world of hurt under the Democrat Regime.
It's trump that has trouble with big words. Everybody who's ever heard him speak knows that.
There's nothing to debate. Trump will be the nominee and Haley can cry in her beer along with her democrat base.

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