Proof Democrats Only Listen To The Facts They Want To Listen To

So, you are admitting your side is no better than Rumpsters?

Actually, you would call me a Rino since I am actually a 1956 style fiscal conservative. And we ARE better than you rumpsters or what is trying to pass itself off as GOP today. In fact, we are far better for the nation than the ones trying to pass themselves off as Democrats as well.
It's nothing but the reverse of what Democrats and the lefty MSM did to Trump for the last four years.

Which was the MSM attempt at a reversal on Foxnews from the very day it was created. You have a long way to go to justify Pauxsnews.
Actually, you would call me a Rino since I am actually a 1956 style fiscal conservative. And we ARE better than you rumpsters or what is trying to pass itself off as GOP today. In fact, we are far better for the nation than the ones trying to pass themselves off as Democrats as well.
Actually, I am a card carrying RINO 1956 style fiscal conservative myself. Didn't vote for Trump in 2016 and only voted for him in 2020 to stop progressive woke socialism. I hope Trump is not the nominee in 2024. But, I will defend Trump from the left's constant abuse of power trying to get him.
Actually, you would call me a Rino since I am actually a 1956 style fiscal conservative. And we ARE better than you rumpsters or what is trying to pass itself off as GOP today. In fact, we are far better for the nation than the ones trying to pass themselves off as Democrats as well.
so you follow the swamp creatures do you? People who don't give a shit about you!!! I challenge you to provide one thing any politician did for you?
Maybe so but that does not mean I have to listen to it. I prefer things delivered in a more even tone. Screech at me and I'll watch something else. When everything is "hair on fire", nothing is.
There are almost zero media who don't have a political slant and agenda they are trying to push. Whether you screech or whether you try brainwashing without the screeching, the end results are the same.
Actually, I am a card carrying RINO 1956 style fiscal conservative myself. Didn't vote for Trump in 2016 and only voted for him in 2020 to stop progressive woke socialism. I hope Trump is not the nominee in 2024. But, I will defend Trump from the left's constant abuse of power trying to get him.

Then you aren't a 1956 Conservative Republican at all. Eisenhower just came out of a war against two people operating from the same manifesto that rump still does. That manifesto was written in 1926 by Mussolini and adopted by Hitler in 1933. That manifesto was how to establish a Fascist Government. And from that, it was a short hop to a dictator.
Rump was NOT abused by the left. He abused Democracy and should have been tried and convicted in 2016 even before he took office.
Then you aren't a 1956 Conservative Republican at all. Eisenhower just came out of a war against two people operating from the same manifesto that rump still does. That manifesto was written in 1926 by Mussolini and adopted by Hitler in 1933. That manifesto was how to establish a Fascist Government. And from that, it was a short hop to a dictator.
Rump was NOT abused by the left. He abused Democracy and should have been tried and convicted in 2016 even before he took office.
what is it that Trump did as a fascist? Name one thing he took from you? Other than your brain cells.
And Rumpsters only listen to what their orange deity tells them.

Neat, then you can explain how........LOGIC

A. Trump has vaccine developed.
B. Trump takes vaccine.
C. Republicans are reason for high as fuck covid counts on XIDEN's WATCH because they reject the shot per a leftwhich narration.

Stinks how leftists project so strongly. Worse critical thought for themselves is just an accusation.

Surface dwellers + dependents + victim-role lovers = leftwhiches
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We already knew young leftists were ignorant didn't we? If anyone cares to dispute that fact have at it, I'd be interested, best of luck.

Thing of it is can you blame people for ignoring the news? 99.9% is agenda driven drivel aimed to get someone rich and/or fuck with your head for the elite's power, which is primarily controlled by the one-world order left totalitarian elite. Fuck even leftwhiches should know that, but they're too cowardly to admit to it, we're not talking about the intellectually honest here.

With the left you have three types of people,
1. Surface dwellers taken for a ride by propaganda
2. Those per the OP who are taken for a ride by surface dwellers.
3. Those who operate the propaganda and above.

Simple stuff, "Those who don't watch news are uniformed (2), those who do are misinformed (1)"

That's the real problem. This shit aint news, look what's on Yahoo's front page, at the moment they're praising Biden, talking about Rittenhouse, Russia & of course how Trump & Republicans are bad........
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Neat, then you can explain how........LOGIC

A. Trump has vaccine developed.
B. Trump takes vaccine.
C. Republicans are reason for high as fuck covid counts because they reject the shot per a leftwhich narration.

Stinks how leftists project so strongly. Worse critical thought for themselves is just an accusation.

Surface dwellers + dependents + victim-role lovers = leftwhiches

Rump didn't have the vaccine devoloped. The medical community did that. And the first Phizer was done in Germany. Another case of Rump and you trying to steal credit from others.

Rump took the vaccine but AFTER he made you believe it was all a hoax. And he did it quietly behind closed doors.

Newsflash, Terrorist: you are just repeating what Rump told you to say before he left office. He changed his mind after he left office but the lie was cemented in what few brain cells you have.
Rump didn't have the vaccine devoloped. The medical community did that. And the first Phizer was done in Germany. Another case of Rump and you trying to steal credit from others.

Rump took the vaccine but AFTER he made you believe it was all a hoax. And he did it quietly behind closed doors.

Newsflash, Terrorist: you are just repeating what Rump told you to say before he left office. He changed his mind after he left office but the lie was cemented in what few brain cells you have.

Wait, ILMAO....................

So here I am saying TRUMP TOOK THE VACCINE and BTW your first point is fucking useless, yet to this day I haven't taken a shot.

Yet according to you we only do what Trump says.

Which of course is leftwhich projection as usual, because that's a primary trait for leftworks. Why do you think the left projects so strongly?

Is your confusion over the difference between actions and words? I have news for you, the left are all talk & projection. You know, like calling others racist because at the core they are.

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