Proof Democrats Only Listen To The Facts They Want To Listen To

Then you aren't a 1956 Conservative Republican at all. Eisenhower just came out of a war against two people operating from the same manifesto that rump still does. That manifesto was written in 1926 by Mussolini and adopted by Hitler in 1933. That manifesto was how to establish a Fascist Government. And from that, it was a short hop to a dictator.
Rump was NOT abused by the left. He abused Democracy and should have been tried and convicted in 2016 even before he took office.
I support moderates, including Manchin and Sinema.
Yet you repeat the lies from Paussnews as if they are truths. Sounds like support to me.
The trouble with you guys is that you falsely believe that everything you think is the truth and nothing on the other side is the truth. You are blind and believe that true Independents shouldn't think for themselves and must believe your side.
Seems like when it is facts they don't want to listen to or want to ignore, they don't listen to the facts.

Tell us about the election again ....


Good to see you can admit your crushing defeat. Too bad that most of your brethren can't admit it as well.
It was America who got crushingly defeated and swindled by the left. Voters have already started making up for it in Virginia and other recent elections and will continue to do so in the upcoming midterms. Many Democrats have chosen to jump off the ship instead of running for re-election.
It was America who got crushingly defeated and swindled by the left.
Voters have already started making up for it in Virginia and other recent elections and will continue to do so in the upcoming midterms. Many Democrats have chosen to jump off the ship instead of running for re-election.
Yeah, the President's party never loses any seats during a midterm. LOL
The trouble with you guys is that you falsely believe that everything you think is the truth and nothing on the other side is the truth. You are blind and believe that true Independents shouldn't think for themselves and must believe your side.

You are just living an out of date Rump lie.
Seems like when it is facts they don't want to listen to or want to ignore, they don't listen to the facts.

LMAO: The Faux Conservatives who support and defend the former President, who is known as a demagogue, a charlatan and a pathological liar are biddable fools.

It is common knowledge that the 21st Century Republican Party is not the Republican Party of the 20th Century. However, these Faux and Callous Conservatives will deny this statement and are in complete denial of how far they have gone in such a short time.

Reading the threads and posts written by those I've labeled above, it's clear for those with common sense that they hate the millions of American Citizens who do not agree with Trump's on going effort to destroy democracy in America. Their denial that Jan 6, 2021 was nothing more than a non violent protest is absurd.

None dare call them or themselves patriots.

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