Proof Democrats Only Listen To The Facts They Want To Listen To

Hey! Indy. Anyone with eyes and ears that function can recognize cult behavior when they see and hear it every day and see it through their denial of that cult behavior and instead flip the script like this: "Not surprised, the dembots are a cult. They only listen to what the cult tells them, they ignore reality " That's some real middle of the road thinking there buddy. You don't fool anybody. Independent my ass! You're just unwilling to own up to your true agenda. That's chicken shit.
Yes, the cult behavior of the Borg collective is easy to see. When someone steps out of line, such as Manchin and Sinema, they are mercilessly attacked for not conforming to the Borg collective and must be destroyed and taken out of the picture because independent thinking is not allowed in the cult.
LMAO: The Faux Conservatives who support and defend the former President, who is known as a demagogue, a charlatan and a pathological liar are biddable fools.

It is common knowledge that the 21st Century Republican Party is not the Republican Party of the 20th Century. However, these Faux and Callous Conservatives will deny this statement and are in complete denial of how far they have gone in such a short time.

Reading the threads and posts written by those I've labeled above, it's clear for those with common sense that they hate the millions of American Citizens who do not agree with Trump's on going effort to destroy democracy in America. Their denial that Jan 6, 2021 was nothing more than a non violent protest is absurd.

None dare call them or themselves patriots.
the democrat party of today is not the democrat party of last century guys of today are not very good patriots either...
Yep, you’re a cultist. You can’t even logically figure out if you got to keep getting another jab after another jab, it doesn’t work. And you’re proud!!! Hahaha haha Jim joneser you are. Stop projecting your cult
You're a very silly person there, Popeye. And your attempt at intimidation is as cartoonish as you are. I honestly hope your roll of the dice about covid works out for ya. Hundreds of thousands didn't get so lucky. Very foolish position you've taken to what? Impress your orange god? Good luck. Tell Olive I said hey.
You're a very silly person there, Popeye. And your attempt at intimidation is as cartoonish as you are. I honestly hope your roll of the dice about covid works out for ya. Hundreds of thousands didn't get so lucky. Very foolish position you've taken to what? Impress your orange god? Good luck. Tell Olive I said hey.
You act as if you know what medical experts can’t figure out! That just makes you insane. That’s a symptom of cult, acceptance.

i don’t need or want your thoughts
i used to be pretty much a die hard democrat....that ended in the late 90's....your party is just as fucked up as the republicans are....unlike you rye i woke up.....
Yeah, incompetence and corruption is common to both parties but it's a matter of degrees. The Democrats are not trying to kill democracy in their pursuit of ultimate power. The GOP is in lock step to do just that.
You act as if you know what medical experts can’t figure out! That just makes you insane. That’s a symptom of cult, acceptance.

i don’t need or want your thoughts
Think of me when and if you can't breath and know the end is near. Then tell yourself how enlightened you are.
Think of me when and if you can't breath and know the end is near. Then tell yourself how enlightened you are.
Tell that to Colin Powell! Oh wait, he got the jab. Still died. Hmm maybe I’ll laugh at you if you go!
Yeah, incompetence and corruption is common to both parties but it's a matter of degrees. The Democrats are not trying to kill democracy in their pursuit of ultimate power. The GOP is in lock step to do just that.
the die hard republicans think its the democrats trying to kill democracy...ill stay away from both of the parties....they both suck big time....
Yes, the cult behavior of the Borg collective is easy to see. When someone steps out of line, such as Manchin and Sinema, they are mercilessly attacked for not conforming to the Borg collective and must be destroyed and taken out of the picture because independent thinking is not allowed in the cult.
Is that like the way the right have attacked Cheney and Kinzinger? Indy thinker my butt! Ray Charles could see just how far right you really are. Come clean Indy. Nothing independent about you. Just another member of the seditious herd.
Is that like the way the right have attacked Cheney and Kinzinger? Indy thinker my butt! Ray Charles could see just how far right you really are. Come clean Indy. Nothing independent about you. Just another member of the seditious herd.
so you can't address the content of the post you responded to?
chicken shit are you?
so you can't address the content of the post you responded to?
chicken shit are you?
The theme of the thread is pure projection from the right. No independent thinking involved in the making of it. My response to it is to call it out for what it is, horse hockey.
Is that like the way the right have attacked Cheney and Kinzinger? Indy thinker my butt! Ray Charles could see just how far right you really are. Come clean Indy. Nothing independent about you. Just another member of the seditious herd.
Yes, I was pointing out that the left are no better than the right, even though they constantly proclaim that they are. They are liars. For everything they attack the right on, they do the very same thing. Both sides are a cult.
Yes, I was pointing out that the left are no better than the right, even though they constantly proclaim that they are. They are liars. For everything they attack the right on, they do the very same thing. Both sides are a cult.
Questions. Who invaded the Capitol on Jan 6? Did Trump's words have anything to do with what closely followed?
Seems like when it is facts they don't want to listen to or want to ignore, they don't listen to the facts.

I don;t see that at all. The young Democrats that are targeted for the study don;t listen to liberal talk stations either, nor to right-wing stations; they're pretty much too busy for what they see as nonsense media. They rather act on things they find they don't like through the ballot initiative and the regular voting process: That does the talking for them.
Seems like when it is facts they don't want to listen to or want to ignore, they don't listen to the facts.

Thus says 'young Democrats' not Democrats. Your topic title is misleading.

And after 4 years of 'Alternative facts' as Kelly Ann Conway called them, young people are wise to the bullshit.

Issues you guys bitch about all day - abortion, Trump being the real president, wall on the border- are laughable to young people.

The news is a joke.
Thus says 'young Democrats' not Democrats. Your topic title is misleading.

And after 4 years of 'Alternative facts' as Kelly Ann Conway called them, young people are wise to the bullshit.

Issues you guys bitch about all day - abortion, Trump being the real president, wall on the border- are laughable to young people.

The news is a joke.
Even some of us Geezers are enlightened to the silliness of their arguments and as far as the media is concerned, we're starting to realize that it's wrong to ask the MSM not to give Trump an audience. He's so good at digging his own grave, keep his carp mouth flappin' baby! Best prosecution witness that the world has. And as he goes about his testimony and contradicts what his defense is swearing to in the courts, Trump's profound stupidity and his sick ego is on full display for all to see. It's a real hoot and we can all use a good laugh.
Questions. Who invaded the Capitol on Jan 6? Did Trump's words have anything to do with what closely followed?
Rioters, just like rioters attacked our democracy all summer long. Trump's words had nothing to do with rioters, just as Bernie's words really didn't have anything to do with one of his followers going to DC to shoot up Republicans, attacking our Democracy, after Bernie repeatedly called for a revolution.

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