Proof Democrats Only Listen To The Facts They Want To Listen To

Seems like when it is facts they don't want to listen to or want to ignore, they don't listen to the facts.

STATEMENT: "Proof Democrats Only Listen To The Facts They Want To Listen To"

RESPONSE: There is no proof in your link and in your absurd posts.

We understand that for the past six years the faux conservatives set has cheered the lies from the former President. As anyone with an education understands trump is a demagogue, a charlatan and a pathological liar.

As I've noted before those who continue to believe The Donald is a credible person are seriously mistaken. Open a link to the DSM 5 and research the chapter on Personality Disorders, look at all of these maladies and compare his behavior with the assessments in this chapter.
LMAO: The Faux Conservatives who support and defend the former President, who is known as a demagogue, a charlatan and a pathological liar are biddable fools.

It is common knowledge that the 21st Century Republican Party is not the Republican Party of the 20th Century. However, these Faux and Callous Conservatives will deny this statement and are in complete denial of how far they have gone in such a short time.

Reading the threads and posts written by those I've labeled above, it's clear for those with common sense that they hate the millions of American Citizens who do not agree with Trump's on going effort to destroy democracy in America. Their denial that Jan 6, 2021 was nothing more than a non violent protest is absurd.

None dare call them or themselves patriots.
You saying you don’t like $2.00 gas?
STATEMENT: "Proof Democrats Only Listen To The Facts They Want To Listen To"

RESPONSE: There is no proof in your link and in your absurd posts.

We understand that for the past six years the faux conservatives set has cheered the lies from the former President. As anyone with an education understands trump is a demagogue, a charlatan and a pathological liar.

As I've noted before those who continue to believe The Donald is a credible person are seriously mistaken. Open a link to the DSM 5 and research the chapter on Personality Disorders, look at all of these maladies and compare his behavior with the assessments in this chapter.
Still looking for that lie?
The trouble with you guys is that you falsely believe that everything you think is the truth and nothing on the other side is the truth. You are blind and believe that true Independents shouldn't think for themselves and must believe your side.
Boy! For someone who uses the moniker Independent Thinker you sure don't straddle any fences. It's a cowardly position to maintain while you are wholly on the right (not correct) side of every fence. Obviously designed to take the heat off of your real political leanings. A little honesty goes a long way. I see none in your posts.
The right will find any and all downtrends in energy, economy, stock prices, etc etc to blame on whomever the most powerful individual on the left is at the time. The fact that Obama for instance was faced with and overcame the Bush economy and that there was 51 quarters of growth before Trump, will never be mentioned. But they will be the first to incorrectly take full credit for the economy that Trump was lucky enough to inherit. And they will deny responsibility for any and all blips in the seasons of the economy under their watch because, naturally, it's someone's, anyone else's fault.
LMAO: The Faux Conservatives who support and defend the former President, who is known as a demagogue, a charlatan and a pathological liar are biddable fools.

It is common knowledge that the 21st Century Republican Party is not the Republican Party of the 20th Century. However, these Faux and Callous Conservatives will deny this statement and are in complete denial of how far they have gone in such a short time.

Reading the threads and posts written by those I've labeled above, it's clear for those with common sense that they hate the millions of American Citizens who do not agree with Trump's on going effort to destroy democracy in America. Their denial that Jan 6, 2021 was nothing more than a non violent protest is absurd.

None dare call them or themselves patriots.
I don't remember Trump taking people's rights away. I don't remember Trump firing ordinary citizens from their jobs because they refused to do things the Trump way. I don't remember Trump ordering people to follow government mandates or else. It is the left who are taking democracy away.
STATEMENT: "Proof Democrats Only Listen To The Facts They Want To Listen To"

RESPONSE: There is no proof in your link and in your absurd posts.

We understand that for the past six years the faux conservatives set has cheered the lies from the former President. As anyone with an education understands trump is a demagogue, a charlatan and a pathological liar.

As I've noted before those who continue to believe The Donald is a credible person are seriously mistaken. Open a link to the DSM 5 and research the chapter on Personality Disorders, look at all of these maladies and compare his behavior with the assessments in this chapter.
The poll in the OP clearly shows that the left are tuning out the MSM because they don't want to constantly hear about Biden's failures and how bad the country is doing.
Boy! For someone who uses the moniker Independent Thinker you sure don't straddle any fences. It's a cowardly position to maintain while you are wholly on the right (not correct) side of every fence. Obviously designed to take the heat off of your real political leanings. A little honesty goes a long way. I see none in your posts.
I am an independent thinker. I don't automatically eat up anything that either side says. The trouble with the left is they believe that someone cannot possibly be an independent thinker unless that person thinks exactly as they do. To the left you are either part of the Borg collective or you are on the other side. No independent thinking allowed.
I don't remember Trump taking people's rights away. I don't remember Trump firing ordinary citizens from their jobs because they refused to do things the Trump way. I don't remember Trump ordering people to follow government mandates or else. It is the left who are taking democracy away.
Behavior of a Nazi joe, Trump never did. So, he can explain how trump hurt the people like Nazi joe
I am an independent thinker. I don't automatically eat up anything that either side says. The trouble with the left is they believe that someone cannot possibly be an independent thinker unless that person thinks exactly as they do. To the left you are either part of the Borg collective or you are on the other side. No independent thinking allowed.
Hey! Indy. Anyone with eyes and ears that function can recognize cult behavior when they see and hear it every day and see it through their denial of that cult behavior and instead flip the script like this: "Not surprised, the dembots are a cult. They only listen to what the cult tells them, they ignore reality " That's some real middle of the road thinking there buddy. You don't fool anybody. Independent my ass! You're just unwilling to own up to your true agenda. That's chicken shit.
Hey! Indy. Anyone with eyes and ears that function can recognize cult behavior when they see and hear it every day and see it through their denial of that cult behavior and instead flip the script like this: "Not surprised, the dembots are a cult. They only listen to what the cult tells them, they ignore reality " That's some real middle of the road thinking there buddy. You don't fool anybody. Independent my ass! You're just unwilling to own up to your true agenda. That's chicken shit.
Stop drinking the demofks koolaid then
You would know a cult Jim joneser! Bet you took the jabs! Following your cult leaders order right Jim?
Damn right I took the jabs. Only a moron or a bad gambler wouldn't. You go ahead and listen to the idiot that told you it was all BS and then almost died from Covid. He was happy to get a whole lotta jabs at a cost the rest of us can't afford. Hypocrisy begets Hypocrisy and stupidity begets stupidity.
Damn right I took the jabs. Only a moron or a bad gambler wouldn't. You go ahead and listen to the idiot that told you it was all BS and then almost died from Covid. He was happy to get a whole lotta jabs at a cost the rest of us can't afford. Hypocrisy begets Hypocrisy and stupidity begets stupidity.
Yep, you’re a cultist. You can’t even logically figure out if you got to keep getting another jab after another jab, it doesn’t work. And you’re proud!!! Hahaha haha Jim joneser you are. Stop projecting your cult

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