Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion.

but not because they did not want "Judeo-Christian morals and values" to guide them/us? can you tell me who authored the treaty?

your post is probably correct, certainly honest.
Because that was their belief system, but remember they fled England to get away from an oppressive State church. What treaty?
The United States of America was and has always been neutral on what morals and values are to guide us. The founders were wary against all organized religion because of the corruption and oppression they fought a rebellion to oppose that was in trenched in the European religious state system.
No, they were against an official STATE religion not against religious morals and values.
No, they were against an official STATE religion not against religious morals and values.​
I’m not saying they were against religious morals and values. Washjngton was a Freemason. He was for all religions.​
George Washington


George Washington​

Born: Friday, 22 February 1732​
Died: Saturday, 14 December 1799​

George Washington was a patriot, U.S. President, and Freemason who zealously labored to uplift humanity through the advancement of Masonic principles.
George Washington was born in 1732 in Virginia, the son of a tobacco planter among the newly emerging colonial elite of the American colonies. George Washington became a Freemason in 1752 at the age of 20, in a Lodge in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Masonic ideals and aspirations would influence him throughout his life. He held the craft in high esteem and was seen as an archetypal Mason by most Masons in colonial America.​

George Washington became a military officer in 1752, the same year that he was entered into the craft. During the French and Indian war to protect the American colonies from falling into French hands he was leader of the Virginia militia, and after the war was over he was the most respected military officer, and gentleman in Virginia. When the American Revolution began, he was most people’s first pick for commander of the Continental Army. During the war he distinguished himself as a competent and masterful commander, keeping the Continental Army together through defeat after defeat, until final victory was attained at the Battle of Yorktown in 1783.​
After the war he became the first President of the newly created United States of America. He served with distinction in this role as well, setting a tradition of stepping down from power after a set amount of time, in order to ensure that the U.S. did not become a hereditary monarchy or dictatorship.​
George Washington is quite possibly one of the most famous Freemasons in American history. He is one of the great paragons of liberation, of gentleman farmers, and warrior scholars in the canon of history. His reputation and mythos soars above almost all other Freemasons.​


Declaration of Principles



Laboring Under the Banner of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth​
Freemasonry is a fraternity including men and women of every race, nationality and religion. Wishing to do away with all cause for division and strife, it continually seeks the means which to help all human beings to unite and work together for the perfection of Humanity.​
Universal Co-Masonry, a Masonic Obedience independent of all others, has not created a new Rite. What distinguishes it from other existing Obediences is that, instead of admitting men only to its ranks, it admits women on an equal footing. It proclaims equal rights for both sexes and absolute liberty of conscience. In order to secure to everyone unlimited freedom in the search for truth, it demands the utmost tolerance from all its members. It avoids political and religious discussions wherever these cannot be carried on with requisite tolerance and moderation; it welcomes everyone who is upright, free, of mature age, sound judgement, and strict morals, whatever may be his or her convictions in matters of religion, philosophy, or politics.​
Universal Co-Masonry seeks to destroy ignorance under whatever form, and its program may be explained as follows:​
  • Each Mason owes obedience to the Order and to the laws of his or her country; he must live honorably, practice justice, love his neighbor, work unceasingly for the true happiness of humanity, and help human beings to emancipate themselves from the thralldom of passion and ignorance.
  • From the first to the last, to whatever degree the aspirant may desire to be admitted, the first condition to be fulfilled is to have a reputation of unsullied honor and probity.
  • Members of the Order owe to each other help and support in all circumstances and conditions of life.
  • To think high, to speak truth, to do well, to be tolerant to others, to search after truth, to practice liberty under law, fraternal equality, justice, and solidarity, are the duties which the Supreme Council of Universal Co-Masonry, prescribes for its members seeking to build to the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe, to the perfection of Humanity, and to the service of the Head of All True Freemasons, the true Masonic Temple open to both men and women.
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I’m not saying they were against religious morals and values. Washjngton was a Freemason. He was for all religions.​
George Washington


George Washington​

Born: Friday, 22 February 1732​
Died: Saturday, 14 December 1799​

George Washington was a patriot, U.S. President, and Freemason who zealously labored to uplift humanity through the advancement of Masonic principles.
George Washington was born in 1732 in Virginia, the son of a tobacco planter among the newly emerging colonial elite of the American colonies. George Washington became a Freemason in 1752 at the age of 20, in a Lodge in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Masonic ideals and aspirations would influence him throughout his life. He held the craft in high esteem and was seen as an archetypal Mason by most Masons in colonial America.​

George Washington became a military officer in 1752, the same year that he was entered into the craft. During the French and Indian war to protect the American colonies from falling into French hands he was leader of the Virginia militia, and after the war was over he was the most respected military officer, and gentleman in Virginia. When the American Revolution began, he was most people’s first pick for commander of the Continental Army. During the war he distinguished himself as a competent and masterful commander, keeping the Continental Army together through defeat after defeat, until final victory was attained at the Battle of Yorktown in 1783.​
After the war he became the first President of the newly created United States of America. He served with distinction in this role as well, setting a tradition of stepping down from power after a set amount of time, in order to ensure that the U.S. did not become a hereditary monarchy or dictatorship.​
George Washington is quite possibly one of the most famous Freemasons in American history. He is one of the great paragons of liberation, of gentleman farmers, and warrior scholars in the canon of history. His reputation and mythos soars above almost all other Freemasons.​


Declaration of Principles



Laboring Under the Banner of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth​
Freemasonry is a fraternity including men and women of every race, nationality and religion. Wishing to do away with all cause for division and strife, it continually seeks the means which to help all human beings to unite and work together for the perfection of Humanity.​
Universal Co-Masonry, a Masonic Obedience independent of all others, has not created a new Rite. What distinguishes it from other existing Obediences is that, instead of admitting men only to its ranks, it admits women on an equal footing. It proclaims equal rights for both sexes and absolute liberty of conscience. In order to secure to everyone unlimited freedom in the search for truth, it demands the utmost tolerance from all its members. It avoids political and religious discussions wherever these cannot be carried on with requisite tolerance and moderation; it welcomes everyone who is upright, free, of mature age, sound judgement, and strict morals, whatever may be his or her convictions in matters of religion, philosophy, or politics.​
Universal Co-Masonry seeks to destroy ignorance under whatever form, and its program may be explained as follows:​
  • Each Mason owes obedience to the Order and to the laws of his or her country; he must live honorably, practice justice, love his neighbor, work unceasingly for the true happiness of humanity, and help human beings to emancipate themselves from the thralldom of passion and ignorance.
  • From the first to the last, to whatever degree the aspirant may desire to be admitted, the first condition to be fulfilled is to have a reputation of unsullied honor and probity.
  • Members of the Order owe to each other help and support in all circumstances and conditions of life.
  • To think high, to speak truth, to do well, to be tolerant to others, to search after truth, to practice liberty under law, fraternal equality, justice, and solidarity, are the duties which the Supreme Council of Universal Co-Masonry, prescribes for its members seeking to build to the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe, to the perfection of Humanity, and to the service of the Head of All True Freemasons, the true Masonic Temple open to both men and women.
The Masons must obey the laws of their country which, in this case are laws based on American, Judeo/Christian morals and values. Morals and values unite a society because they come from one agreed upon source which is sometimes described as God or The Creator or some higher power. You either believe in a higher power or you consider yourself the center of the Universe.
The Masons must obey the laws of their country which, in this case are American, Judeo/Christian morals and values. Morals and values unite a society because they come from one agreed upon source which is sometimes described as God or The Creator.
Washington as a Freemason for the betterment of mankind, led a rebellion against the laws of the Christian country he was born into.

As first American President, Washjngton upheld the First Admendment Law to establish no religion. Freemasons clearly came to be the law regarding religion in America not and never to be Judeo Christianity where only seventeen percent believed in it enough to bother belonging to a church.

You sort of agree with Freenssonry and the First Amendment don’t you Saint Leo123?

Leo123 May’24 Spiwtt: Nonsense. Morals and values in America are based on an overall all powerful Creator. Basic teachings of how to live and treat others is not a religion but can be based on many religions. lvvnnn 240517 Spiwtt00038
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The Masons must obey the laws of their country which, in this case are laws based on American, Judeo/Christian morals and values.
The First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,

Under the jurisdiction and Law of the US Constitution there are no Judeo/Christian laws for the Masons to obey. Why do you think there are Judeo/Christian laws to be obeyed Saint Leo123?
The First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,

Under the jurisdiction and Law of the US Constitution there are no Judeo/Christian laws for the Masons to obey. Why do you think there are Judeo/Christian laws to be obeyed Saint Leo123?
I referred to Judeo/Christian morals and values, not laws. You keep omitting the 'morals and values' part. Do morals and values bother you for some reason?
I referred to Judeo/Christian morals and values, not laws.

Lying is immoral. You should quit.

Leo123 said. The Masons must obey the laws of their country which, in this case are laws based on American, Judeo/Christian morals and values.

There are no laws based on American Judeo/Christian morals and values.

The First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
You keep omitting the 'morals and values' part.
No, you are absolutely not reading what I have to say. I am referring to George Washington’s morals and values commonly referred to as Freemasonry. Freemasonry is considered the work of Satan by the Republican Party’s current Trump supporting white Christian nationalist 33% of the base. Washington would be an evil man, if he has spoke his beliefs on James Dobson‘s American Family Radio. He would be banned from the white Christian nationalist movement the minute he said the Holy Bible is not the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the religion by which we are expected to live by for the god of Abraham and his ONLY begotten Son; Jesus Christ Almighty.

So I am promoting what I refer to as rational theism. In the broader sense that would I believe our first four presidents would call themselves on a religious definition.
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Because that was their belief system, but remember they fled England to get away from an oppressive State church.
Not going to get into semantics except to say they did not flee england as much as they "brokeaway" as this was already the home to a large majority where as the Mayflower did bring those searching for religious freedom, with that said I agree the framers did not want a state church or a theocracy, that has never been my contention, just that the treaty is proof of nothing except that it proves we have a free press by allowing it to publish this kind of thing without fear as though it were honest journalism.

all in all you are right, I just think you are misunderstanding me.
What treaty?
read the OP, the treaty [A-11specifically] is what the thread is about.
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Lying is immoral. You should quit.

Leo123 said. The Masons must obey the laws of their country which, in this case are laws based on American, Judeo/Christian morals and values.

There are no laws based on American Judeo/Christian morals and values.

The First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
Laws based on beliefs are not the establishment of a religion do I need to keep educating you?
TRANSLATION: "even just considering the constitutionality of abortion is blaspheme

You have settled in your mind it’s a right to terminate one’s own pregnancy for convenience. What constitutionality are you considering Saint Frankeneinstein?

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