Proof now the public was scammed-NBC CONDUCTS INTERNAL INVESTIGATION into zimmerman

What does the Washington Post reporting the story have to do with the editorializing of facts by NBC? Is it bad to have to with their, NBC's, apparent malfeasance reported upon?

Seriously, please answer to that?

I've read repeated references as to all large media outlets being part of the "liberal MSM". I see competing corporations myself.

If you analyse the coverage provided by certain media, you will find that many give a very unbalanced view. Even NPR - public funded - is notoriously biased towards the liberal agenda.

NPR definitely left leaning. Ever listen to Diane Rehm? definietley biased to the left.
‘He Looks Black’: NBC Launching Investigation into Selective Editing of Zimmerman Police Tape | Video |

New Video Shows Possible Zimmerman Head Injuries | Video |


Dude!!!that evidence shows zimmerman had been assaulted..the tragedy of this,is,if he was acting in self defense,and protected himself,for the sake of preventing race riots,the justice system will string him up for the sake of staving off civil unrest,as OJ was found innocent to prevent LA from going up into flames.
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Dude!!!that evidence shows zimmerman had been assaulted..the tragedy of this,is,if he was acting in self defense,and protected himself,for the sake of preventing race riots,the jysticevsyatem will string him up for the sake of staving iff civil unrest,as OJ was found innocent to prevent LAorts from going up into flames.

the evidence shows nothing of the sort
oj was found not guilty because he had a better legal team and Ferman lied and allowed himself to appear racists..dont forget Casey Anthony.
Dude!!!that evidence shows zimmerman had been assaulted..the tragedy of this,is,if he was acting in self defense,and protected himself,for the sake of preventing race riots,the justice system will string him up for the sake of staving off civil unrest,as OJ was found innocent to prevent LA from going up into flames.
It's almost funny how you people can manage to twist a racist maniac that followed an unarmed black kid for "looking suspicious" and gunned him down into that maniac having to defend himself from said kid.


Dude!!!that evidence shows zimmerman had been assaulted..the tragedy of this,is,if he was acting in self defense,and protected himself,for the sake of preventing race riots,the justice system will string him up for the sake of staving off civil unrest,as OJ was found innocent to prevent LA from going up into flames.
It's almost funny how you people can manage to twist a racist maniac that followed an unarmed black kid for "looking suspicious" and gunned him down into that maniac having to defend himself from said kid.



So you haven't listened to the unedited tapes or you did and are now being a dishonest person, who just stirs up racism.
That looks like crayon tamperings to me.

You guys are forgetting the little fact that 2 ambulances were called, one was sent back...the one for Zimmerman. The other one was used to try to revive Martin.

defiantly in the other photos it appears as a shadow
GE/NBC,CNN, and the rest of the shameful Liberal Press are in a state of Race-Baiting euphoria over this. They absolute love this stuff. They'll lie & cheat to keep milking this thing as long as possible. The Liberal Press isn't known as the Lamestream Media for nothing. They're a joke at this point.
Here is the 911 call by Zimmerman:
Go to youtube and search "George Zimmerman 911 call about Trayvon Martin UnRedacted "
(sorry, rules won't allow me to post the actual url)

Note that he is asked the race by the dispatcher.
Note that the suspect leaves the neighborhood.
Note that the dispatcher tells Zimmerman not to pursue. Zimmerman responds ok.
Note that the next 2 minutes (and 1 second) of conversation after the suspect 'flees' are about where the patrol car will meet Zimmerman.

Think: If someone out of shape can run 1 mile in 8 1/2 minutes, the suspect (healthy 17 year old) had 2 minutes until the call ended to run out of the neighborhood. That's 1/4 mile based upon someone out of shape running a 8 1/2 minute mile.

So why did the suspect return? If he wasn't up to anything, why did he run?
Dude!!!that evidence shows zimmerman had been assaulted..the tragedy of this,is,if he was acting in self defense,and protected himself,for the sake of preventing race riots,the justice system will string him up for the sake of staving off civil unrest,as OJ was found innocent to prevent LA from going up into flames.
It's almost funny how you people can manage to twist a racist maniac that followed an unarmed black kid for "looking suspicious" and gunned him down into that maniac having to defend himself from said kid.



It is almost funny that you have yet to provide any evidence to back up any of your claims.
Turns out NBC doctored and cooked the tapes to make it look like he was saying "He is up to no good. He is black"
And you bought it hook, line and sinker because you just have to find someway, anyway, anything out there to blame whitey.
The 911 operator asks Zimmerman what he looks like "He is black"
And you claim he is a racist because he answers THEIR question truthfully.
You are the prejudiced one here.
"What is he doing?" "He is up to no good it looks" replies Zimmerman.

And that makes him a racist.
You race pimps will never give up. Have no evidence and have to rely on "whitey is a racist"
I expect better from you.
And I am in the middle on this. I have not made up my mind as I have not seen or heard THE EVIDENCE.
Something that does not matter to you.
Prayers and thoughts to the family.
yes, I am sure the screwball could of gunned down any number of stereotypes other than a black male teen
That looks like crayon tamperings to me.

You guys are forgetting the little fact that 2 ambulances were called, one was sent back...the one for Zimmerman. The other one was used to try to revive Martin.

You forget the fact that the incident report states "Zimmerman treated with first aid".
You ignore that and that IS evidence.
that looks like crayon tamperings to me.

You guys are forgetting the little fact that 2 ambulances were called, one was sent back...the one for zimmerman. The other one was used to try to revive martin.

you forget the fact that the incident report states "zimmerman treated with first aid".
You ignore that and that is evidence.

est 6-8 mins he was attended by takes them that long to take a few vitals ask a few questions and get your name

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