Proof of Americas Disfunctional Turanical Governments GRowing Unpopularity


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Read it and weep, those of you who still remember a once responsive government that held the hope of a better tomorrow. Those days are gone forever.


Congress is the representative of the people of this country and they have been shanghaied by corporate lobbyists so badly that Congress now polls lower than Jar Jar Binks and Obama polls lower than the Emperor Palpatine.

roflmao, this is so sad...all you can do is laugh and wonder what the hell is ahead of our nation, if anything.
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Who answers a poll comparing active politicians with fictional characters?

This sounds like a game my boys would have played when they were 12.
Who answers a poll comparing active politicians with fictional characters?

This sounds like a game my boys would have played when they were 12.

People answer all kinds of polls.

What you kids would do is irrelevant to the fact that you libtards are ruining our government and everyone knows it.
Read it and weep, those of you who still remember a once responsive government that held the hope of a better tomorrow. Those days are gone forever.


Congress is the representative of the people of this country and they have been shanghaied by corporate lobbyists so badly that Congress now polls lower than Jar Jar Binks and Obama polls lower than the Emperor Palpatine.

roflmao, this is so sad...all you can do is laugh and wonder what the hell is ahead of our nation, if anything.

Don't give Ford and Hamill any ideas. :)
Who answers a poll comparing active politicians with fictional characters?

This sounds like a game my boys would have played when they were 12.

People answer all kinds of polls.

What you kids would do is irrelevant to the fact that you libtards are ruining our government and everyone knows it.

Sorry sparky, but it ain't just the liberals. We haven't had an administration or a congress that gave a shit about the people in a long, long time.
Who answers a poll comparing active politicians with fictional characters?

This sounds like a game my boys would have played when they were 12.

People answer all kinds of polls.

What you kids would do is irrelevant to the fact that you libtards are ruining our government and everyone knows it.

Sorry sparky, but it ain't just the liberals. We haven't had an administration or a congress that gave a shit about the people in a long, long time.

Both parties stopped representing the interests of the American People long ago.

Both parties have turned into Vote Whores with few principles and much corruption.

We may finally have reached a point where it would be best to field a half-dozen or more major parties.

Assuming that We The People can break the death-grip that the two existing parties have on making the rules for such purposes.

And, frankly, the handful of lesser parties currently on the scope aren't gonna cut it, either.

Clearly, something new and different and better is needed.

Until America finds the leadership it needs, to break the backs of the existing parties, clear the blockage, and open things up again, for a larger range of effective party choices, this unfortunate state of affairs will persist.

Those who fear for the future of our country are probably right to do so.

God Save the Republic.
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Who answers a poll comparing active politicians with fictional characters?

This sounds like a game my boys would have played when they were 12.

People answer all kinds of polls.

What you kids would do is irrelevant to the fact that you libtards are ruining our government and everyone knows it.

Sorry sparky, but it ain't just the liberals. We haven't had an administration or a congress that gave a shit about the people in a long, long time.

The process began to derail with the McGovernites in 72, handing Nixon a lopsided victory and then the Dems decided to right things by forcing a bullshit Watergate fiasco that is one thousandth the systemic criminality of the Obama Regime.

You ideological fanatics have been fighting dirty politics with gusto since FDR and now that the GOP is fighting fire with fire the nation is coming apart at the seams.
People answer all kinds of polls.

What you kids would do is irrelevant to the fact that you libtards are ruining our government and everyone knows it.

Sorry sparky, but it ain't just the liberals. We haven't had an administration or a congress that gave a shit about the people in a long, long time.

Both parties stopped representing the interests of the American People long ago.

Both parties have turned into Vote Whores with few principles and much corruption.

We may finally have reached a point where it would be best to field a half-dozen or more major parties.

Assuming that We The People can break the death-grip that the two existing parties have on making the rules for such purposes.

And, frankly, the handful of lesser parties currently on the scope aren't gonna cut it, either.

Clearly, something new and different and better is needed.

Until America finds the leadership it needs, to break the backs of the existing parties, clear the blockage, and open things up again, for a larger range of effective party choices, this unfortunate state of affairs will persist.

Those who fear for the future of our country are probably right to do so.

God Save the Republic.

Not long ago, but the neocons in the GOP which were run out of the Democratic party by the McGovernites decided to play hardball politics Dimbocrap style and they then took over the party from the 'paleocons' who were all branded antisemetic or racists, take your pick. The neocons clinched their control with the 1992 election bid of Bush and the GOP has been fucked up ever since.
People answer all kinds of polls.

What you kids would do is irrelevant to the fact that you libtards are ruining our government and everyone knows it.

Sorry sparky, but it ain't just the liberals. We haven't had an administration or a congress that gave a shit about the people in a long, long time.

Both parties stopped representing the interests of the American People long ago.

Both parties have turned into Vote Whores with few principles and much corruption.

We may finally have reached a point where it would be best to field a half-dozen or more major parties.

Assuming that We The People can break the death-grip that the two existing parties have on making the rules for such purposes.

And, frankly, the handful of lesser parties currently on the scope aren't gonna cut it, either.

Clearly, something new and different and better is needed.

Until America finds the leadership it needs, to break the backs of the existing parties, clear the blockage, and open things up again, for a larger range of effective party choices, this unfortunate state of affairs will persist.

Those who fear for the future of our country are probably right to do so.

God Save the Republic.

The way they made laws several years ago about parties running for office made it so difficult for any parties but the main two to be elected to office and build up a power base to compete with the two parties..
That poll (or what ever it is) is a direct result of Teaperism and their effort to obstruct.
Sorry sparky, but it ain't just the liberals. We haven't had an administration or a congress that gave a shit about the people in a long, long time.

Both parties stopped representing the interests of the American People long ago.

Both parties have turned into Vote Whores with few principles and much corruption.

We may finally have reached a point where it would be best to field a half-dozen or more major parties.

Assuming that We The People can break the death-grip that the two existing parties have on making the rules for such purposes.

And, frankly, the handful of lesser parties currently on the scope aren't gonna cut it, either.

Clearly, something new and different and better is needed.

Until America finds the leadership it needs, to break the backs of the existing parties, clear the blockage, and open things up again, for a larger range of effective party choices, this unfortunate state of affairs will persist.

Those who fear for the future of our country are probably right to do so.

God Save the Republic.

The way they made laws several years ago about parties running for office made it so difficult for any parties but the main two to be elected to office and build up a power base to compete with the two parties..

I've had several friends that are political activists and make a living at it.

One used to work for libertarians and if you ever have trouble sleeping, just mention these qualification for the ballot laws. He will rant for hours as you sleep and not even notice.

The two parties are sucking corporate cock so hard they are scared to death the public will wake up and toss them all out on their asses.

These laws are about the only reason they still get re-elected.

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