Proof of Education system are corrupt liberals

Larry Summer's Harvard president got fired for speaking what science has found. Some natural differences in men and women

When education covers up science the nation falls

Lock up all education leaders before it's too late
Putting logic onto data gives the answer

This proves the educational system is a total fraud

The data is there but the education system does not teach correctly

Someone had the data that our founders also knew this and why they had a wisdom test for voters which they called a property test

Also the wise founders said there never was a democracy that didn't commit suicide

Lock up the education leaders

It’s not a total fraud.

I learned plenty in school, they just should not be promoting their left wing ideology. They should be teaching children how to count and read.
The data on this comes from the polls that show how different ages vote

Also different gender

Also different races

The ones that has won all the wars and brought the highest prosperity also shows comes from conservatives because conservatives has the group that has won all the wars

And trump
Has these people on his side and may do as Andrew Jackson to dare any laws to stop him.

When the executive has men on his side he will control the nation like
Andrew Jackson

Learn History
Education being politically correct stops the progress of a nation and the fall comes

All abilities must be used and making abilities similar will make a nation to fall

Voting should only be done by ones with experience and with logic ability. That then stops all crooks from gaining power

Lock up all who tries to change abilities which then makes that abilities result much less successful

Like a football team do not work an ability if it's not natural. The team will lose

Lock up all educator leaders before it's too late to save the nation!!
data shows that an 18 yr old will get more conservative as they gain experience and learn and then they vote more conservative

Educators should explain to the 18 yr olds that they may feel liberal but in time they learn and change to more conservative

The educators should explain that conservatives are the more wise even if they feel liberal. And since they do not but instead help promote the opposite. These should be fired from teaching are saying that teachers should be fired if they do not try and convince their students that conservatives are wiser than liberals?


Ummm...this post of yours certainly does NOT give credence to your point - because you sound about as wise as a box of matches.

Yes indeed they need to be fired

Just like not telling them that 8 is higher than 7

Fired for sure yes

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