Proof Positive Libs are Dumb as Dirt "Teach Men Not To Rape"


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
No, I'm not making that up.

New anti-gun idea to avoid arming women: Teach men not to rape « Hot Air New anti-gun idea to avoid arming women: Teach men not to rape « Hot Air via @hotairblog

n fairness to Maxwell, I don’t think she’s touting anti-rape education as a complete alternative to arming women, she’s touting it in order to duck Hannity’s question about why any woman should be left defenseless in the name of advancing the Democrats’ gun-control agenda. As we saw yesterday, that subject is vexing enough for a committed gun-grabber that it’s apt to induce outright idiocy in its proponents. To believe that educating boys about what constitutes consent might eliminate rape entirely is like believing that anti-smoking and anti-drunk-driving campaigns will eliminate emphysema and alcohol-fueled car crashes. They might reduce the risk but they’ll never get rid of it completely. And rape, needless to say, is different from vehicular homicide caused by DUI insofar as it’s a crime of intent. There are, in fact, plenty of degenerates who understand the boundaries of consent perfectly well and will cross them regardless. It’s for those special individuals that handguns capable of fitting in purses are made.

New anti-gun idea to avoid arming women: Teach men not to rape « Hot Air

[ame=]The solution to rape, train men to not rape - YouTube[/ame]
Gee, why didn't anyone think of that before. Mentally disturbed people just need to be taught not to be crazy.
I saw this poor deluded woman and wondeted why she is stll alive. Women should just tell men not to do that anymore. Once the know they shouldn't, they will stop.

It is rather like a woman fleeing an assailant by hiding in the ladies restroom. She is sure he won't go in there. There is a sign on the door.
While I think she phrased that terribly. I also think education is an important part of rape prevention. Most rapes aren't your masked stranger in a dark alley, but a trusted friend, husband or lover.

There is nothing wrong with advocating education to impart into men respect for women, (and vice versa, fair is fair, after all).

But for those men not able to get the message, ventilation via .357 magnum by thier would be victim is just a peachy ending for me.
While I think she phrased that terribly. I also think education is an important part of rape prevention. Most rapes aren't your masked stranger in a dark alley, but a trusted friend, husband or lover.

There is nothing wrong with advocating education to impart into men respect for women, (and vice versa, fair is fair, after all).

But for those men not able to get the message, ventilation via .357 magnum by thier would be victim is just a peachy ending for me.

Works for me:cool:
Education on rape prevention.. from the stance of the woman protecting herself, all well and good Amy... trying to teach men not to rape?? Uhh :rolleyes: .. we already have right and wrong taught, it really is not going to stop a person intent on rape or other evil

This education, per se, is also no replacement for the ability to defend one's self... This is even worse than the whole 'we have call boxes' thing
Is there anyone who doesn't know it's wrong to rape?

pyschopaths/sociopaths. Their very mental defect leaves them without a concept of morally right or wrong. All they have is "get me in trouble" and "not get me in trouble" and alot of them dont even care about that.
Is there anyone who doesn't know it's wrong to rape?

pyschopaths/sociopaths. Their very mental defect leaves them without a concept of morally right or wrong. All they have is "get me in trouble" and "not get me in trouble" and alot of them dont even care about that.

Precisely, so what exactly is there to "educate?"
Is there anyone who doesn't know it's wrong to rape?

Sure. It depends on how you define rape.

"Everyone" knows its wrong to snatch a woman of the street, drag her into an alley beat her and rape her. But not everyone thinks its rape to have sex with your wife, even when she's not in the mood. Not everyone sees the same degree of "wrong" in having sex with your date after she's passed out in your car.

The 1st step in prevention is education.
Still not as priceless as that Dem who thought Guam might tip over. Now that was priceless.

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