Proof that Obama is not the smartest person in the room.

Our teleprompter in chief pays tribute to corpsemen every everywhere.

[ame=]Obama FAIL. Pronounces "corpsman", "corpse man" - YouTube[/ame]
Obama is Not stupid, nor is he making mistakes, errors, oversights, or gaffs.

The rampant destruction caused by Obama and the Lefts policies and actions is DELIBERATE!

Consider, Obama has already spent more of the wealth that your Unborn Grandchildren will earn in their lifetimes, on "HIS PEOPLE", than your Unborn Grandchildren will get to spend on themselves.

Anyone who arranges to control the spending of 18 Trillion Dollars is WINNING!

Obama is not inept, he is a Racist and a Traitor.

Seriously sucks to be a right winger now adays.


Yup...they just keep straining...fabricating shit when they can't dig any up...

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How was that video faked? Or did you bother to watch it?
Republicans don't need to make up anything. The truth is bad enough.

I did indeed try the video, but couldn't get didn't hear what this dust up is about..
However...regardless of any gaffe the prez may have made (being human and all), it does not define his the endless string of inane and ignorant commentary and repeated stupid behavior have with Palin and W.
I repeat: The right endlessly strains to find fault w our prez...and when they can't find it...they just make shit up.

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Yup...they just keep straining...fabricating shit when they can't dig any up...

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How was that video faked? Or did you bother to watch it?
Republicans don't need to make up anything. The truth is bad enough.

I did indeed try the video, but couldn't get didn't hear what this dust up is about..
However...regardless of any gaffe the prez may have made (being human and all), it does not define his the endless string of inane and ignorant commentary and repeated stupid behavior have with Palin and W.
I repeat: The right endlessly strains to find fault w our prez...and when they can't find it...they just make shit up.

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No one has made anything up.
So Obama being an idiot is OK because Palin is an idiot? Do you really want to compare Obama unfavorably with Palin? What does that say about Obama?

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