Proof that the Catholic Church is the one true church and all others are pretenders...

Yes Jesus had brothers and sisters
Step-brothers maybe.
Matthew (13:55-56) mention James, Joseph, Jude and Simon as Brothers of Jesus the children of Joseph and Mary
Dude, you do realize that you are reading a TRANSLATION of the original ancient Greek, right?

Those words meant 'siblings' as those who grew up in the same household.

It does not necessarily mean actual full sibling as we mean it today in our modern language at all, NOT AT ALL.

You really shouldnt use the stamp of modern thinking on your interpretation of ancient scripture but instead look for what the authors meant to say.


Yes Jesus had brothers and sisters
Step-brothers maybe.
Matthew (13:55-56) mention James, Joseph, Jude and Simon as Brothers of Jesus the children of Joseph and Mary
Dude, you do realize that you are reading a TRANSLATION of the original ancient Greek, right?

Those words meant 'siblings' as those who grew up in the same household.

It does not necessarily mean actual full sibling as we mean it today in our modern language at all, NOT AT ALL.

You really shouldnt use the stamp of modern thinking on your interpretation of ancient scripture but instead look for what the authors meant to say.



what is a "temple virgin" ? is that the VESTAL thing?
Sorry Blackrook, I don't mean to offend you, but of the 7 churches that will follow Christ into the Temple, the Catholic church is not one of them.
This Pope is a friend of the UN and you rarely hear him speak of Christ. He is to busy honing in on us and our border, and determining that the United States needs to be under the thumb of the UN/NWO for our own good.
How do you know that the Catholic church is the one, true, church? Because when they need to cast out demons, they call the experts. The Catholics.

Matthew (13:55-56) mention James, Joseph, Jude and Simon as Brothers of Jesus the children of Joseph and Mary

STRONGS NT 80: ἀδελφός

ἀδελφός, (οῦ, ὁ (from ἆ copulative and δελφύς, from the same womb; cf. ἀγάστωρ) (from Homer down);
1. a brother (whether born of the same two parents, or only of the same father or the same mother): Matthew 1:2; Matthew 4:18, and often. That 'the brethren of Jesus,' Matthew 12:46, 47 (but WH only in marginal reading); f; Mark 6:3 (in the last two passages also sisters); Luke 8:19; John 2:12; John 7:3; Acts 1:14; Galatians 1:19; 1 Corinthians 9:5, are neither sons of Joseph by a wife married before Mary (which is the account in the Apocryphal Gospels (cf. Thilo, Cod. Apocr. N. T. i. 362f)), nor cousins, the children of Alphaeus or Cleophas (i. e. Clopas) and Mary a sister of the mother of Jesus (the current opinion among the doctors of the church since Jerome and Augustine (cf. Lightfoot's Commentary on Galatians, diss. ii.)), according to that use of language by which ἀδελφός like the Hebrew אָח denotes any blood-relation or kinsman (Genesis 14:16; 1 Samuel 20:29; 2 Kings 10:13; 1 Chronicles 23:2, etc.), but own brothers, born after Jesus, is clear principally from Matthew 1:25 (only in R G); Luke 2:7 — where, had Mary borne no other children after Jesus, instead of υἱόν πρωτότοκον, the expression υἱόν μονογενῆ would have been used, as well as from Acts 1:14, cf. John 7:5, where the Lord's brethren are distinguished from the apostles. See further on this point under Ἰάκωβος, 3. (Cf. B. D. under the word ; Andrews, Life of our Lord, pp. 104-116; Bib. Sacr. for 1864, pp. 855-869; for 1869, pp. 745-758; Laurent, N. T. Studien, pp. 153-193; McClellan, note on Matthew 13:55.)

2. according to a Hebrew use of אָח (Exodus 2:11; Exodus 4:18, etc.), hardly to be met with in secular authors, having the same national ancestor, belonging to the same people, countryman; so the Jews (as the σπέρμα Ἀβραάμ, υἱοί Ἰσραήλ, cf. Acts 13:26; (in Deuteronomy 15:3 opposed to ὁ ἀλλότριος, cf. Acts 17:15; Acts 15:12; Philo de septen. § 9 at the beginning)) are called ἀδελφοί: Matthew 5:47; Acts 3:22 (Deuteronomy 18:15); ; Romans 9:3; in address, Acts 2:29; Acts 3:17; Acts 23:1; Hebrews 7:5.

3. just as in Leviticus 19:17 the word אָח is used interchangeably with רֵַעַ (but, as Leviticus 19:16, 18 show, in speaking of Israelites), so in the sayings of Christ, Matthew 5:22, 24; Matthew 7:3ff, ἀδελφός is used for ὁ πλησίον to denote (as appears from Luke 10:29ff) any fellow-man — as having one and the same father with others, viz. God (Hebrews 2:11), and as descended from the same first ancestor (Acts 17:26); cf. Epictetus diss. 1, 13, 3.

4. a fellow-believer, united to another by the bond of affection; so most frequently of Christians, constituting as it were but a single family: Matthew 23:8; John 21:23; Acts 6:3 (Lachmann omits); ; Galatians 1:2; 1 Corinthians 5:11; Philippians 1:14, etc.; in courteous address, Romans 1:13; Romans 7:1; 1 Corinthians 1:10; 1 John 2:7 Rec., and often elsewhere; yet in the phraseology of John it has reference to the new life unto which men are begotten again by the efficiency of a common father, even God: 1 John 2:9ff; ; etc., cf. 1 John 5:1.

5. an associate in employment or office: 1 Corinthians 1:1; 2 Corinthians 1:1; 2 Corinthians 2:13(12); Ephesians 6:21; Colossians 1:1.

6. brethren of Christ is used of,

a. his brothers by blood; see 1 above.

b. all men: Matthew 25:40 (Lachmann brackets); Hebrews 2:11f (others refer these examples to d.)

c. apostles: Matthew 28:10; John 20:17.

d. Christians, as those who are destined to be exalted to the same heavenly δόξα (which see, III. 4 b.) which he enjoys: Romans 8:29.
Sorry Blackrook, I don't mean to offend you, but of the 7 churches that will follow Christ into the Temple, the Catholic church is not one of them.
This Pope is a friend of the UN and you rarely hear him speak of Christ. He is to busy honing in on us and our border, and determining that the United States needs to be under the thumb of the UN/NWO for our own good.

sheeesh ram------I am no fan of the present pope----but ---AT YOU, I IS A SURPRISED JEW
The Catholic Church is the only church
Stop right there. Look up the word "catholic" in any non-religious dictionary. It means that something is so general or universal, that there's only one of it.

When you call your church "catholic" you are already claiming that it is the "only" church.

If "virgin" olive oil is from the first pressing of the olives, them what is this imported "extra virgin" oil sold on store shelves?

I don't understand Latin or Italian, or always think the way Romans do about something. Why are so many white people Roman Catholic rather than Lutheran?

Has the Great Reformation of Europe been all in vain, and rolled back to medieval monkery?

I understand it------the church was INVENTED BY THE ROMANS who
considered themselves the TEMPLATE FOR HUMAN-----the roman
REICH idea was so entrenched into the catholic mind that adolf
adopted it. ------be not dismayed----it is actually the greeks who
invented that perversion
The Catholic Church is the only church that has held the line on artificial forms of birth control.

The Catholic Church is the only church that has held the line on Jesus' teaching that one should not divorce and remarry.

The Catholic Church is the only church that has held the line on women being excluded from the priesthood.

You may disagree with these positions, the whole world may disagree, but the Catholic Church's holding to unpopular positions is proof that the Catholic Church is not a creature of popular opinion but something more powerful and permanent.

The Catholic Church is the only church preserved from error by the Holy Spirit.

All other churches' holding of any doctrine can be changed by a vote of its leadership and/or membership.

Only the Pope can change a Catholic doctrine, but because the Holy Spirit guides him, doctrines that were true yesterday remain true today.

1. There is nothing in the Bible about contraception.

2. Divorce is not exactly encouraged in many Christian churches

3. Women cannot be pastors in my church

4. The Catholic Church stating that the Holy Spirit preserves is from error is the ultimate "circular reasoning". Um, look at Pope Francis, sorry, he's just full of error

My husband was Catholic and my lovely in-laws (I mean that) are Catholic. I have no problem with Catholic people, but the Catholic CHURCH withholds Christian teaching from too many.

sweet-Susie-----can you tell me in what statement Jesus says
The Catholic Church is the only church that has held the line on artificial forms of birth control.

The Catholic Church is the only church that has held the line on Jesus' teaching that one should not divorce and remarry.

The Catholic Church is the only church that has held the line on women being excluded from the priesthood.

You may disagree with these positions, the whole world may disagree, but the Catholic Church's holding to unpopular positions is proof that the Catholic Church is not a creature of popular opinion but something more powerful and permanent.

The Catholic Church is the only church preserved from error by the Holy Spirit.

All other churches' holding of any doctrine can be changed by a vote of its leadership and/or membership.

Only the Pope can change a Catholic doctrine, but because the Holy Spirit guides him, doctrines that were true yesterday remain true today.
So, because they are primitive, anti-science, and misogynistic they are the "one true church"?

View attachment 322420
The Catholic Church preserved the knowledge of the ancient world and brought Europe out of the dark ages. It is absurd to say we are "anti-science." Many of the best universities are Catholic.
Lol, the Catholic Church was the cause of the dark ages you nitwit.

not really CRIPT
"We" hate your worship of her.
Catholics honor Mary, we do not worship her. Do you hate our honoring Mary?
But Roman Catholics do believe Mary was born without sin. It's called the Immaculate Conception. And that, according to Roman Catholic Tradition, refers not to the birth of Christ but that of Mary.
So who were Mary's parents? Mary was the first cousin of Elizabeth, the husband of Zacharias, which would make Jesus a second cousin to John the Baptist, who was well known for honoring Jesus, "He that cometh after me is preferred before me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose," etc.
The Catholic Church is the only church that has held the line on artificial forms of birth control.

The Catholic Church is the only church that has held the line on Jesus' teaching that one should not divorce and remarry.

The Catholic Church is the only church that has held the line on women being excluded from the priesthood.

You may disagree with these positions, the whole world may disagree, but the Catholic Church's holding to unpopular positions is proof that the Catholic Church is not a creature of popular opinion but something more powerful and permanent.

The Catholic Church is the only church preserved from error by the Holy Spirit.

All other churches' holding of any doctrine can be changed by a vote of its leadership and/or membership.

Only the Pope can change a Catholic doctrine, but because the Holy Spirit guides him, doctrines that were true yesterday remain true today.

1. There is nothing in the Bible about contraception.

2. Divorce is not exactly encouraged in many Christian churches

3. Women cannot be pastors in my church

4. The Catholic Church stating that the Holy Spirit preserves is from error is the ultimate "circular reasoning". Um, look at Pope Francis, sorry, he's just full of error

My husband was Catholic and my lovely in-laws (I mean that) are Catholic. I have no problem with Catholic people, but the Catholic CHURCH withholds Christian teaching from too many.
The Catholic Church withholds Christian teaching?

That's an obsolete accusation more credible before the printing press was invented and rare and expensive Catholic Bibles had to be locked to the pulpit so they wouldn't be stolen.

Make that accusation 500 years ago and you might have had a point.


My husband's Catholic grandmother did not understand, until we showed her, that Mary mother of Jesus did not have other children. In the 'Catholic' Bible of course that is whitewashed into "cousins" which is completely insupportable. The perpetual virginity just makes her into an idol and is not necessary.
The Protestant attitude towards Mary is very disrespectful, in my opinion. It's like they're determined to hate her out of spite for how much Catholics love her.
"We" hate your worship of her.
Micks don't "worship" Mary and never have. We just give her the respect she deserves. Anyone who "Worships" Mary is a heretic and should be burned at the stake!!!

But we do love Mary because she said "Yes" to god. (OK: Mary said ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.’ but in Hebrew).

ps: Awww OK; stake burnings are off; Global warming and all that sort of thing.........but a severe reprimand nonetheless.


Mary probably spoke aramaic
Sorry Blackrook, I don't mean to offend you, but of the 7 churches that will follow Christ into the Temple, the Catholic church is not one of them.
This Pope is a friend of the UN and you rarely hear him speak of Christ. He is to busy honing in on us and our border, and determining that the United States needs to be under the thumb of the UN/NWO for our own good.

sheeesh ram------I am no fan of the present pope----but ---AT YOU, I IS A SURPRISED JEW

I am married to a Catholic. 90% of my friends are Catholic. My father-in-law is a Deacon in the church. And I love them all. But their religion is so corrupt that they actually rewrote the Bible. Their religion is antisemitic, and that is problematic.
Original sin is understood to mean that mankind has a fallen nature...i.e. a propensity to sin. It means that Mary was not born with that inclination to sin.
"Man" fell into sin, by Catholic belief, whereas the seed of the "woman" was preserved holy and inviolate.

Throw that pseudo-religious Mariology bullshit out of federal court and put those damned ladies in prison where they belong. I am simply too poor for anything else. I cannot afford them any grace.
"We" hate your worship of her.
Catholics honor Mary, we do not worship her. Do you hate our honoring Mary?
But Roman Catholics do believe Mary was born without sin. It's called the Immaculate Conception. And that, according to Roman Catholic Tradition, refers not to the birth of Christ but that of Mary.
The Ark of Gods Redeemer cannot bear sin any more than the Holy of Holies could be so allowed to be corrupted with sin.

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