Proof that the MSM creates FAKE NEWS!!!

This is like history repeating itself.
Fake news isn't a new concept - Hitler called it 'lügenpresse'
Fake news isn't a new concept - Hitler called it 'lügenpresse'
A Brief History of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era Predecessor to Trump's 'Fake News'
read more: A brief history of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'
FAKE NEWS, TRUMP AND HITLER - is “Big Brother” getting closer
The ugly history of ‘Lügenpresse,’ a Nazi slur shouted at a Trump rally
The ugly history of ‘Lügenpresse,’ a Nazi slur shouted at a Trump rally

Lying press
Lying press - Wikipedia
To Trump and his little Trumpsters, any media that questions Trump or points out documented misstatements/misinformation/lies of Trump, immediately becomes "Fake News.
It's history repeating itself all over again."
This is,,,View attachment 147077
Please respond with counter facts for every point attached OR ELSE YOU are a LIAR!
YOU are ignorant and grossly grossly uninformed dependent on this MSM to provide you information to make stupid uninformed OPINIONS!
View attachment 147084

Well I tell you what, I have 15 guest coming to our Lake home and I don't and won't have the time to look over and research your right wing resources claims about the left wing media. But I do guarantee you all my guest will be gone by Tuesday. Then I will look at what you posted.
I will tell you a couple quick things, I told lie? When I have made an unintentional inaccurate claim, I'm an adult and admit to the mistake. This is what adults do.
Secondly, while I'm away for a few days having fun with real people, why don't you prove what I posted is wrong. Good luck.
See you Tuesday and be ready.

I guess you need to be reminded of this statement by the premier fake news creator..."The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."
Ask your "15 guests" if they believe "Trump anti-immigrant" as I'm positive you believe. If they are guests of YOURS most likely they will lie to you knowing that you hate America and the points Trump stands for they will say YES!
As you and they both believe the MSM you believe that statement.
In fact I just googled that statement "Trump anti-immigrant"
84,200 results with headlines like below..
SO because the MSM uses these headlines and truly uninformed people believe them these uninformed people believe as you probably do..
"Trump anti-immigrant" EVEN though he is MARRIED to a Legal immigrant! Even though I as do 40+ million other Americans have "LEGAL" immigrant relatives,
this notion that Trump and all of us are "ANTI-Immigrant" foisted on truly ignorant people!
The one adjective that all these MSM seem to forget in discussing "Trump is anti-immigrant" ... is Trump is anti-ILLEGAL immigrant" as are the rest of us!
Especially those of us who know people who gave up their homeland citizenship to become "LEGAL" immigrants and then they and 40+ million other
"LEGAL" immigrants are really pissed! Not only at the MSM for consistently leaving the "ILLEGAL" adjective but that truly uniformed people evidently like
YOU are left to believe it! This is one of the MAJOR reasons I constantly laugh at the major network news! They not only repeat the same stories but use
the same terms..."Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric"... Trump's anti-immigrant plans!
And the surprising thing is that supposedly smart people by into the MSM's biased and yes FAKE news!
Screen Shot 2017-09-01 at 9.45.16 PM.png
This is like history repeating itself.
Fake news isn't a new concept - Hitler called it 'lügenpresse'
Fake news isn't a new concept - Hitler called it 'lügenpresse'
A Brief History of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era Predecessor to Trump's 'Fake News'
read more: A brief history of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'
FAKE NEWS, TRUMP AND HITLER - is “Big Brother” getting closer
The ugly history of ‘Lügenpresse,’ a Nazi slur shouted at a Trump rally
The ugly history of ‘Lügenpresse,’ a Nazi slur shouted at a Trump rally

Lying press
Lying press - Wikipedia
To Trump and his little Trumpsters, any media that questions Trump or points out documented misstatements/misinformation/lies of Trump, immediately becomes "Fake News.
It's history repeating itself all over again."
This is,,,View attachment 147077
Please respond with counter facts for every point attached OR ELSE YOU are a LIAR!
YOU are ignorant and grossly grossly uninformed dependent on this MSM to provide you information to make stupid uninformed OPINIONS!
View attachment 147084

Well I tell you what, I have 15 guest coming to our Lake home and I don't and won't have the time to look over and research your right wing resources claims about the left wing media. But I do guarantee you all my guest will be gone by Tuesday. Then I will look at what you posted.
I will tell you a couple quick things, I told lie? When I have made an unintentional inaccurate claim, I'm an adult and admit to the mistake. This is what adults do.
Secondly, while I'm away for a few days having fun with real people, why don't you prove what I posted is wrong. Good luck.
See you Tuesday and be ready.

I guess you need to be reminded of this statement by the premier fake news creator..."The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."
Ask your "15 guests" if they believe "Trump anti-immigrant" as I'm positive you believe. If they are guests of YOURS most likely they will lie to you knowing that you hate America and the points Trump stands for they will say YES!
As you and they both believe the MSM you believe that statement.
In fact I just googled that statement "Trump anti-immigrant"
84,200 results with headlines like below..
SO because the MSM uses these headlines and truly uninformed people believe them these uninformed people believe as you probably do..
"Trump anti-immigrant" EVEN though he is MARRIED to a Legal immigrant! Even though I as do 40+ million other Americans have "LEGAL" immigrant relatives,
this notion that Trump and all of us are "ANTI-Immigrant" foisted on truly ignorant people!
The one adjective that all these MSM seem to forget in discussing "Trump is anti-immigrant" ... is Trump is anti-ILLEGAL immigrant" as are the rest of us!
Especially those of us who know people who gave up their homeland citizenship to become "LEGAL" immigrants and then they and 40+ million other
"LEGAL" immigrants are really pissed! Not only at the MSM for consistently leaving the "ILLEGAL" adjective but that truly uniformed people evidently like
YOU are left to believe it! This is one of the MAJOR reasons I constantly laugh at the major network news! They not only repeat the same stories but use
the same terms..."Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric"... Trump's anti-immigrant plans!
And the surprising thing is that supposedly smart people by into the MSM's biased and yes FAKE news!
View attachment 147119

First I'll address your last post.
I hate America? Why is it with you easily manipulated Trumpsters, that you are convinced that people who don't support Trump, hate America? Please explain yourself.
Secondly, my friends are made up of liberals, conservatives and moderates. We all know where each other stands politically. We don't hate each other because of politics. We rarely discuss politics and when we do, we act like adults. No name calling, finger pointing or uneducated conjecture.
I agree that the MSM is top heavy in liberalism. Try telling me something I don't know. That liberal media is biased but not "fake news". The conservative news resources do the same exact thing as the liberal media, except they report the news with a conservative bias. Why is the conservative media is not "fake news" and the liberal media is "fake news", when they are both doing the same exact thing? Please explain that.
Oh and regarding Trump and immigrants, why is it he seems to focus on colored immigrants only. His targets are from the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and South America. Explain that please.
Oh and regarding Trump and immigrants, why is it he seems to focus on colored immigrants only. His targets are from the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and South America. Explain that please.

You're the ones obsessed with immigrating those types of people here in waves and it's done for the sole purpose of 'fundamentally transforming America'. You hate the very thing that is at the root of what defines this country's character and want to replace it with something else.
Oh and regarding Trump and immigrants, why is it he seems to focus on colored immigrants only. His targets are from the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and South America. Explain that please.

You're the ones obsessed with immigrating those types of people here in waves and it's done for the sole purpose of 'fundamentally transforming America'. You hate the very thing that is at the root of what defines this country's character and want to replace it with something else.

You have no clue who I am.
I am a immigrant (white, so you Trumpsters love me) and my family retains dual citizenship . My family moved to the US from New Zealand in 1966, to expand my family's business. The business employs over 2,000 white collar Americans.
We are not in agriculture, we are not in construction, we are not in the hospitality industry, we are not in the service or manufacturing sectors either. All of those industries are the ones who are "fundamentally transforming America". That's a fact.
Did you ever think about studying issues instead of using talking points loaded with conjecture? I guess not. , Thus, we have you making uneducated remarks? Man, I am sure happy that I'm not you. Whew! :2up:
We learned in kindergarten to not lie so as to draw attention to yourself
CNN never went
Republicans think white supremacists are less dangerous than the news media
By an overwhelming margin, Republicans say the news media poses a greater threat to the United States than white supremacists. In a Fox News poll released Wednesday,
69 percent of Republicans said the news media is a bigger danger to society,
compared with just 18 percent who responded that white supremacists are more of a problem.
From the very same news magazine who's Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas
"I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
So these people are PROVING with this article the MSM is presenting President Trump's point they are creating FAKE NEWS!

The MSM is finding it so hard to believe that MORE people find the MSM more dangerous then
White Supremacists! YES they are beside themselves. They just don't understand!
Well for one thing HOW MANY people are really in the White Supremacists,KKK,Neo-Nazis???

Well we know that there are estimates that the KKK counts between 5,000 and 8,000 members nationwide. Source: How Many Nazis Are There in America, Really?
How many White Supremacists are there in the entire USA?
The next day at Charlottesville, the far-right forces — likely numbering between 1,000 and 1,500 — marched to Emancipation Park.
A New Generation of White Supremacists Emerges in Charlottesville — ProPublica

So we know KKK has between 5,000 to 8,000.
Charlottesville had 1,000 to 1,500 "alt-rights"...
NOTE "far-right forces" term... includes neo-nazis, white supremacists,

So far NO fixed millions of people that call themselves "White Supremacists", KKK, etc...
The closest I could find to any number is this web site: Southern Poverty Law Center
Hate & Extremism
SPLC says: "We’re tracking more than 1,600 extremist groups operating across the country."
OK... Now EVEN the SPLC won't come up with total numbers so let's just extrapolate!
Let's assume All 1,600 extremist groups average 1,000 members.. That is 1,600,000 at the most!

So the MSM asks people if these 1,600,000 members are more dangerous then
the 2,659,000 people in the information industry.
Media and Information : Spotlight on Statistics: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Now mind you the people in the "information" MSM industry... THEIR JOBS are to present information to the rest of the 300 million Americans!! That's their JOB!
So once again... we are showing that the MSM i.e. NewsWeek, the magazine who's editor once proclaimed Obama as a god, says they find it HARD to believe that people find THEM more dangerous!

NOTE SPLC does NOT consider Black Lives Matter as a "hate group"!
YUP!!! Black Lives Matter Is Not a Hate Group
"Black Lives Matter is not a hate group. But the perception that it is racist illustrates the problem. Our society as a whole still does not accept that racial injustice remains pervasive. And, unfortunately, the fact that white people tend to see race as a zero-sum game may actually impede progress."

So here we have the referee who determines what an extremist group is SPLC... but they don't consider a group who's members chanted...There’s no doubt that some protesters who claim the mantle of Black Lives Matter have said offensive things, like the chant “pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon” that was heard at one rally.

So NOT only do we have the perception that "White Supremacists" are well armed, and more dangerous to society by the MSM and their mouthpiece SPLC... but the MSM fosters this gross and totally 100%
wrong premise!
The White Supremacists HAVE NO power!

So we have the MSM getting all angst out about a poll that is reflecting the VAST majority of Americans!
Remember the MSM has voted with their pocketbook. Have voted with their votes. AND have
voted with their news as anti-Trump, Anti-American and above all that those of us that don't agree with them... WE ARE RACISTS!!!!! Neo-Nazis!!! ALT-RIGHT!!! ALL of us 60 million people!

You are so right.

Here, let me fix that for you:

This is like history repeating itself.
Fake news isn't a new concept - Hitler called it 'lügenpresse'
Fake news isn't a new concept - Hitler called it 'lügenpresse'
A Brief History of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era Predecessor to Trump's 'Fake News'
read more: A brief history of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'
FAKE NEWS, TRUMP AND HITLER - is “Big Brother” getting closer
The ugly history of ‘Lügenpresse,’ a Nazi slur shouted at a Trump rally
The ugly history of ‘Lügenpresse,’ a Nazi slur shouted at a Trump rally

Lying press
Lying press - Wikipedia
To Trump and his little Trumpsters, any media that questions Trump or points out documented misstatements/misinformation/lies of Trump, immediately becomes "Fake News.
It's history repeating itself all over again."
This is,,,View attachment 147077
Please respond with counter facts for every point attached OR ELSE YOU are a LIAR!
YOU are ignorant and grossly grossly uninformed dependent on this MSM to provide you information to make stupid uninformed OPINIONS!
View attachment 147084

Well I tell you what, I have 15 guest coming to our Lake home and I don't and won't have the time to look over and research your right wing resources claims about the left wing media. But I do guarantee you all my guest will be gone by Tuesday. Then I will look at what you posted.
I will tell you a couple quick things, I told lie? When I have made an unintentional inaccurate claim, I'm an adult and admit to the mistake. This is what adults do.
Secondly, while I'm away for a few days having fun with real people, why don't you prove what I posted is wrong. Good luck.
See you Tuesday and be ready.

I guess you need to be reminded of this statement by the premier fake news creator..."The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."
Ask your "15 guests" if they believe "Trump anti-immigrant" as I'm positive you believe. If they are guests of YOURS most likely they will lie to you knowing that you hate America and the points Trump stands for they will say YES!
As you and they both believe the MSM you believe that statement.
In fact I just googled that statement "Trump anti-immigrant"
84,200 results with headlines like below..
SO because the MSM uses these headlines and truly uninformed people believe them these uninformed people believe as you probably do..
"Trump anti-immigrant" EVEN though he is MARRIED to a Legal immigrant! Even though I as do 40+ million other Americans have "LEGAL" immigrant relatives,
this notion that Trump and all of us are "ANTI-Immigrant" foisted on truly ignorant people!
The one adjective that all these MSM seem to forget in discussing "Trump is anti-immigrant" ... is Trump is anti-ILLEGAL immigrant" as are the rest of us!
Especially those of us who know people who gave up their homeland citizenship to become "LEGAL" immigrants and then they and 40+ million other
"LEGAL" immigrants are really pissed! Not only at the MSM for consistently leaving the "ILLEGAL" adjective but that truly uniformed people evidently like
YOU are left to believe it! This is one of the MAJOR reasons I constantly laugh at the major network news! They not only repeat the same stories but use
the same terms..."Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric"... Trump's anti-immigrant plans!
And the surprising thing is that supposedly smart people by into the MSM's biased and yes FAKE news!
View attachment 147119

First I'll address your last post.
I hate America? Why is it with you easily manipulated Trumpsters, that you are convinced that people who don't support Trump, hate America? Please explain yourself.
Secondly, my friends are made up of liberals, conservatives and moderates. We all know where each other stands politically. We don't hate each other because of politics. We rarely discuss politics and when we do, we act like adults. No name calling, finger pointing or uneducated conjecture.
I agree that the MSM is top heavy in liberalism. Try telling me something I don't know. That liberal media is biased but not "fake news". The conservative news resources do the same exact thing as the liberal media, except they report the news with a conservative bias. Why is the conservative media is not "fake news" and the liberal media is "fake news", when they are both doing the same exact thing? Please explain that.
Oh and regarding Trump and immigrants, why is it he seems to focus on colored immigrants only. His targets are from the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and South America. Explain that please.

Well first of all I don't equate people who have logical rational reasons for not supporting Trump as hating America. What I do equate though is people who like
Hillary called Americans who didn't support here "deplorables" because we Americans do have these common characteristics with President Trump.
A) We KNOW that the MAJOR reason America is an "exceptional" country is because of our "IMMIGRANTS"! Anecdotal story:
A dinner guest was born and raised in England came to USA 21 years ago after marrying an American. She told me did all the things necessary to become an
American INCLUDING GIVEN UP HER homeland citizenship! But she concurred. America is exceptional because America politically, economically and socially
allow "LEGAL" immigrants the opportunities to do what their homeland could not. Ask her and millions like her if they as Hillary called any Trump supporters
anti-immigrant" and naturally they WILL support Trump!
B) Now as far as Trump focusing on "colored" immigrants! Good grief what a biased and totally ignorant comment cultivated by again your limited to BIASE MSM inputs!
Where did you ever come up with the conclusion? Is it possible that the VAST majority of "ILLEGAL" immigrants that have "ILLEGALLY" entered our home, i.e.
our country are "colored"? YES. No question about that. By you and your MSM biased conclusion President Trump with the seven countries banned did so
because they are "colored" countries? How is that possible when our former "colored" president was the one to originally designate these seven countries?

NOW for FACTS which you seem to tout but conveniently forget to include in your comment:
In December 2015 Congress passed a law - created by senators from both parties, and supported and signed by the White House - that removed waiver benefits for foreign nationals who had visited certain countries since March 2011. The countries were identified as having a terrorist organisation with a significant presence in the area, or the country was deemed a "safe haven" for terrorists.
The Obama administration passed the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 after the November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris.
US travel ban: Why these seven countries? - BBC News
So your contention Trump chose those countries because of "color" is wrong... Obama chose them.
The term "colored" also is so cliched, so out of date and even frankly your use of it is provincial, generational and just plain course!

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