Proof the cover story for 9/111 began immediately after the attacks

the FIRST Poster who would post on this thread would be a paid disinformation agent troll.

proof of being a paid disinfo agent please...

otherwise we will just assume that you are completely paranoid moron that we all already know you are.

thats what i love about you fucking idiots. you make completely unsubstantiated claims with absolutely no facts to back anything up. you will bite anything that remotely resembles an antigoverment position hook, line and sinker.

totally insane :cuckoo:
NIST does not believe that thermite was used to fail any columns

words matter...NIST used the words believes... instead of knows or has conclusvely proven for a reason it took 8 yesrs to produce this document they chose their words carefully and purposefully

NIST has looked at the application and use of thermite and has determined that its use to
sever columns in WTC 7 on 9/11/01 was unlikely.

not impossible...not conclusively disproven...but unlikely...which just happens to be the same word NIST uses for describing the risk of a fie initiated progressive collapse also reffering to it as an "extremely rare event"..and having a "low probability of occurrence"

testing for thermite/thermate would not necessarily have been conclusive.

this statement does not exclude that testing could possibly be conclusive pos or neg
if it was intended to exclude this possibility the words ..not necessarily...would not of been utilized

Think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision: "each application is considered".
Think about and be drawn toward (a course of action).
think - regard - deem - ponder - deliberate - reckon

NIST has looked at the application and use of thermite and has determined that its use to
sever columns in WTC 7 on 9/11/01 was unlikely.

Almost means there is only a little bit of a ways to go to complete something or to reach a certain point. or little short of being; very nearly

btw where did you get that article it's obvious you didn't write yourself
and you left out the link

of course I wrote this myself wtf are you talking about
wtf do you think I talking about, you're playing word games to bolster your specious speculation.
no surprising as you have no evidence.
in the real world it's called semantics. you are using it to mislead readers into thinking you have something you don't.
the FIRST Poster who would post on this thread would be a paid disinformation agent troll.

proof of being a paid disinfo agent please...

otherwise we will just assume that you are completely paranoid moron that we all already know you are.

thats what i love about you fucking idiots. you make completely unsubstantiated claims with absolutely no facts to back anything up. you will bite anything that remotely resembles an antigoverment position hook, line and sinker.

totally insane :cuckoo:

Hey hey fellow disinformation agent troll fizzle is back.guess your handlers must have determined there is enough of your fellow paid agents trolls sent here so they must have sent you to another site to try and derail truth discussions that didnt have as many agents there as there are here. meanwhile i see in my absense Eots as always has taken to the trolls to school and given them some major ass beatings.they sure pay you agents well for them,no way as we know you would come back for them for free all the
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the FIRST Poster who would post on this thread would be a paid disinformation agent troll.

proof of being a paid disinfo agent please...

otherwise we will just assume that you are completely paranoid moron that we all already know you are.

thats what i love about you fucking idiots. you make completely unsubstantiated claims with absolutely no facts to back anything up. you will bite anything that remotely resembles an antigoverment position hook, line and sinker.

totally insane :cuckoo:

Hey hey fellow disinformation agent troll fizzle is back.guess your handlers must have determined there is enough of your fellow paid agents trolls sent here so they must have sent you to another site to try and derail truth discussions that didnt have as many agents there as there are here. meanwhile i see in my absense Eots as always has taken to the trolls to school and given them some major ass beatings.they sure pay you agents well for them,no way as we know you would come back for them for free all the
un·like·ly adj \-ˈlī-klē\
Definition of UNLIKELY
1: not likely : improbable <an unlikely outcome>
2: likely to fail : unpromising
Still no response to the below information from the full time O.J. Simpson defense attorneys attempting to defend the "official story" through wits end...

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be....

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least

yep the trolls can only fling shit in defeat like the monkeys they are.they wont even touch it since they know they are licked.:D:D:lol:

they wont address many of the videos eots has posted either because they know it shoots down their ramblings.:D:lol:

that being said,will be back tomorrow.Been busy with work in all lately,will have a little bit of freetime tomorrow though to finally read through the official conspiracy theorys ramblings grasping at straws in defeat like they do here everyday.That much I can tell just by quickly scanning through their posts.:lol::lol::D must be frustrating being taken to school by Eots constantly.thats why you guys get are paid so well for your ass beatings from him constantly.:D:lol::lol:
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that being said,will be back tomorrow.Been busy with work in all lately,will have a little bit of freetime tomorrow though to finally read through the official conspiracy theorys ramblings grasping at straws in defeat like they do here everyday.That much I can tell just by quickly scanning through their posts.:lol::lol::D must be frustrating being taken to school by Eots constantly.thats why you guys get are paid so well for your ass beatings from him constantly.:D:lol::lol:
Male prostitution must be lucrative these days.

Speaking of schooling, you should look into it. Whatever minimum wage job you have obviously doesn't require being literate in any way.
Still no response to the below information from the full time O.J. Simpson defense attorneys attempting to defend the "official story" through wits end...

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be....

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least

yep the trolls can only fling shit in defeat like the monkeys they are.they wont even touch it since they know they are licked.:D:D:lol:

they wont address many of the videos eots has posted either because they know it shoots down their ramblings.:D:lol:

that being said,will be back tomorrow.Been busy with work in all lately,will have a little bit of freetime tomorrow though to finally read through the official conspiracy theorys ramblings grasping at straws in defeat like they do here everyday.That much I can tell just by quickly scanning through their posts.:lol::lol::D must be frustrating being taken to school by Eots constantly.thats why you guys get are paid so well for your ass beatings from him constantly.:D:lol::lol:
that being said,will be back tomorrow.Been busy with work in all lately,will have a little bit of freetime tomorrow though to finally read through the official conspiracy theorys ramblings grasping at straws in defeat like they do here everyday.That much I can tell just by quickly scanning through their posts.:lol::lol::D must be frustrating being taken to school by Eots constantly.thats why you guys get are paid so well for your ass beatings from him constantly.:D:lol::lol:
Male prostitution must be lucrative these days.

Speaking of schooling, you should look into it. Whatever minimum wage job you have obviously doesn't require being literate in any way.

you would likely know more about homosexual prostitution than anyone else but it is irrelevant to the discussion of building 7.. perhaps you should start a thread for your homosexual imaginings I am sure daws and OBA would be happy join in as it is one of their fave pastimes too
that being said,will be back tomorrow.Been busy with work in all lately,will have a little bit of freetime tomorrow though to finally read through the official conspiracy theorys ramblings grasping at straws in defeat like they do here everyday.That much I can tell just by quickly scanning through their posts.:lol::lol::D must be frustrating being taken to school by Eots constantly.thats why you guys get are paid so well for your ass beatings from him constantly.:D:lol::lol:
Male prostitution must be lucrative these days.

Speaking of schooling, you should look into it. Whatever minimum wage job you have obviously doesn't require being literate in any way.
easy now, he was burger kings employee of the month in 1999..
speaking of years why hasn't handjob reveled the cover story for the year 9111. him being psychic and all .:lol:
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that being said,will be back tomorrow.Been busy with work in all lately,will have a little bit of freetime tomorrow though to finally read through the official conspiracy theorys ramblings grasping at straws in defeat like they do here everyday.That much I can tell just by quickly scanning through their posts.:lol::lol::D must be frustrating being taken to school by Eots constantly.thats why you guys get are paid so well for your ass beatings from him constantly.:D:lol::lol:
Male prostitution must be lucrative these days.

Speaking of schooling, you should look into it. Whatever minimum wage job you have obviously doesn't require being literate in any way.
easy now, he was burger kings employee of the month in 1999..
speaking of years why hasn't handjob reveled the cover story for the year 9111. him being psychic and all .:lol:

daws lost the debate on wtc 7 hands down so they resort to little imaginings of the posters that defeated them and inane pictures...flinging shit like monkeys in defeat...once again
that being said,will be back tomorrow.Been busy with work in all lately,will have a little bit of freetime tomorrow though to finally read through the official conspiracy theorys ramblings grasping at straws in defeat like they do here everyday.That much I can tell just by quickly scanning through their posts.:lol::lol::D must be frustrating being taken to school by Eots constantly.thats why you guys get are paid so well for your ass beatings from him constantly.:D:lol::lol:
Male prostitution must be lucrative these days.

Speaking of schooling, you should look into it. Whatever minimum wage job you have obviously doesn't require being literate in any way.

you would likely know more about homosexual prostitution than anyone else but it is irrelevant to the discussion of building 7.. perhaps you should start a thread for your homosexual imaginings I am sure daws and OBA would be happy join in as it is one of their fave pastimes too
funny how every time somebody brings up homosexuality even in jest, eot's is johnny on the spot seems kinda gay to me!
BTW this thread did not start as a discussion of wtc7 btw eot's pulled it that way and there is no rule that states it must remain that way.
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Male prostitution must be lucrative these days.

Speaking of schooling, you should look into it. Whatever minimum wage job you have obviously doesn't require being literate in any way.

you would likely know more about homosexual prostitution than anyone else but it is irrelevant to the discussion of building 7.. perhaps you should start a thread for your homosexual imaginings I am sure daws and OBA would be happy join in as it is one of their fave pastimes too
funny how every time somebody brings up homosexuality even in jest, eot's is johnny on the spot seems kinda gay to me!
BTW this thread did not start as a discussion of wtc7 byou eot's pulled it that way and ther is no rule thar states it must remain that way.

your spell check not working today ?
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Male prostitution must be lucrative these days.

Speaking of schooling, you should look into it. Whatever minimum wage job you have obviously doesn't require being literate in any way.
easy now, he was burger kings employee of the month in 1999..
speaking of years why hasn't handjob reveled the cover story for the year 9111. him being psychic and all .:lol:

daws lost the debate on wtc 7 hands down so they resort to little imaginings of the posters that defeated them and inane pictures...flinging shit like monkeys in defeat...once again
right.....only in your dreams claiming a totally imaginary victory is just more evidence of your shining ignorance,

resorting to using this line"flinging shit like monkeys in defeat" is one more fold in your tin hat!
please post where I lost .....:lol::lol:
you would likely know more about homosexual prostitution than anyone else but it is irrelevant to the discussion of building 7.. perhaps you should start a thread for your homosexual imaginings I am sure daws and OBA would be happy join in as it is one of their fave pastimes too
funny how every time somebody brings up homosexuality even in jest, eot's is johnny on the spot seems kinda gay to me!
BTW this thread did not start as a discussion of wtc7 byou eot's pulled it that way and ther is no rule thar states it must remain that way.

your spell check not working today ?
not at all but you must be hitting bottom though.
you would likely know more about homosexual prostitution than anyone else but it is irrelevant to the discussion of building 7.. perhaps you should start a thread for your homosexual imaginings I am sure daws and OBA would be happy join in as it is one of their fave pastimes too
funny how every time somebody brings up homosexuality even in jest, eot's is johnny on the spot seems kinda gay to me!
BTW this thread did not start as a discussion of wtc7 byou eot's pulled it that way and ther is no rule thar states it must remain that way.

your spell check not working today ?
just fixed that, on the other hand,their is no repairing your multitude of malfunctions

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