Proof the cover story for 9/111 began immediately after the attacks

Actually it was you that lost the wtc 7 debate and where proven wrong on several points..then started your dodge posting homo sexual imaginings and inane pics usual
what points?
never posted any homosexual (BTW that's one word) imaginings and my pics are never inane. it's no surprise you say that, as you are as pictorially illiterate as you are literature illiterate.
so stop makin'shit up. you're not very good at that either.
Still no response to the below information from the full time O.J. Simpson defense attorneys attempting to defend the "official story" through wits end...

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be....

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least

yep the trolls can only fling shit in defeat like the monkeys they are.they wont even touch it since they know they are licked.:D:D:lol:

they wont address many of the videos eots has posted either because they know it shoots down their ramblings.:D:lol:

that being said,will be back tomorrow.Been busy with work in all lately,will have a little bit of freetime tomorrow though to finally read through the official conspiracy theorys ramblings grasping at straws in defeat like they do here everyday.That much I can tell just by quickly scanning through their posts.:lol::lol::D must be frustrating being taken to school by Eots constantly.thats why you guys get are paid so well for your ass beatings from him constantly.:D:lol::lol:

There are a lot of silly insults that go back and forth in these threads....but really, you should try some more variety. You keep using the same lines over and over. :D
Originally Posted by eots
The building was not damage...the NIST claim is the failure of column 79...UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE...would of resulted in initiation of the NIST collapse scenario ...(for example an a single explosion...or a kid with a pack of matches could cause the complete collapse of a 47 story steel framed building)

Originally Posted by daws101
this line is bullshit.:"UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.."

Originally Posted by eots
The investigation team concluded that the column’s failure under any circumstance would have initiated the destructive sequence of events.
NIST Releases Final WTC 7 Investigation Report

[ame=]NIST Report on WTC7 debunked and exposed! - YouTube[/ame]
Ok......................which point would you like to start with? Pick one and lets discuss it.

Ok this is really the ONLY one that needs to be discussed because its the point nobody has ever been able to debunk which is again building 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission they couldnt get around and nobody has ever been able to get around.

again Building 7 was a couple blocks away from the towers.again this is where you crippled your argument mentioniong the combination of the jet and the fires causing the collapse.well bld 7 WASNT hit by an airliner and the fires were not anywhere near as severe as the fires in the buildings that were next door neighbors to the towers which were also damaged FAR MORE EXTENSIVELY as these photos that Pualitican posted on this thread prove.Its the 9th post on this going to deny those buildings next to the towers were not damaged far worse than bld 7?:cuckoo: the first two pics are buildings that are not part of world trade center,they are posted because THEY are serious fires unlike the twin towers or bld 7 yet those towers remained standing is why he posted those two pics first.

so WHY did THEY not collapse genius?:cuckoo: could it be possible because they were not owned by jew Larry Silverstein? think, you can do it.oh thats right,your in denial and a coincidence theorist so you dont want to think.

So, your theory is that Building 7 couldn’t possibly have fallen due to being on fire ALL DAY? Even though the FDNY was expecting it to fall at any time.:

We walked over by number Seven World Trade Center as it was burning and saw this 40-plus story building with fire on nearly all floors. –FDNY Lieutenant Robert LaRocca

Just when you thought it was over, you're walking by this building and you're hearing this building creak and fully involved in flames. It's like, is it coming down next? Sure enough, about a half an hour later it came down. –FDNY Lieutenant James McGlynn

When the building came down it was completely involved in fire, all forty-seven stories.
–FDNY Assistant Chief Harry Myers (Smith, Dennis, 2002. Report From Ground Zero: The Heroic Story of the Rescuers at the World Trade Center. New York: Penguin Putnam. p. 160)

Building #7 was still actively burning and at that time we were advised by a NYFD Chief that building #7 was burning out of control and imminent collapse was probable. –PAPD P.O. Edward McQuade / server maintenance page 48.

There was a huge gaping hole and it was scattered through there. It was a huge hole. I would say it was probably a third of it, right in the middle of it. And so after Visconti came down and said nobody goes in 7, we said all right, we’ll head back to the command post.
– Capt. Chris Boyle

They were saying building Seven was going to collapse, so we regrouped and went back to our rig. We waited for building Seven to come down. –Firefighter James Wallace

Now that is just a small fraction of the quotes by fireman that I have found. Here is a link to the full accounts of the FDNY.
FDNY accounts are here:

Sounds to me like the FDNY was fully expecting it to come down. They were literally waiting for it to come down so they could continue their rescue efforts. They had been pulled back because by all estimates, that building was in danger of collapse. Are you claiming that all these men knew that the building was going to be “brought down” by some means other than the damage that they all witnessed?

It’s easy to sit here now, 10 years later, watching a video of the north side of that building as it falls and saying “that looks like a controlled demolition”. The problem with that are all the actual people, mainly firefighters, which were ACTUALLY THERE. They know what they saw and they know what a building in danger looks like. They reacted by getting away from it. These are men that know how to deal with fire and what it does to a building if it is not fought.

I realize you didn’t make this claim YET, but please don’t claim that the FDNY has been silenced in some way………………that would be ridiculous. If these men felt that the events of that day were caused by something other than two aircraft collisions…………………killing many of their “brothers”………………… you think they are going to keep silent!? Firefighters are not timid men.
Are you claiming that ALL these firefighters are mistaken? That they don’t know what a building in danger of falling looks like………….BUT YOU DO!?
Can you find an organization of FDNY firefighters that are demanding that the case be reopened? NO. Why? Because they know what happened……………..they lived it!

As for the buildings next to the towers, WTC4,5 &6, they were undoubtedly severely damaged. But you do realize that these buildings were 6 to 8 stories tall. Far different dynamics in those short of buildings compared to a skyscraper when they are damaged and on fire. In fact, there was fear the WTC 5 WAS going to collapse during the same time the firefighters were expecting WTC7 to collapse. Read the following reports. WTC4,5 & 6 did suffer varying levels of partial collapse. Many pictures in these reports show large steel supports that have failed or begun to fail due to the fires. Something that you apparently think can’t happen.

As for the comment on the “Jew Larry Silverstein” owning the property, that just makes you ignorant! Please explain why him being Jewish as anything to do with what you are claiming. As for the “owning” of the property, that is incorrect also. He is the “lease holder” to the property owned by the Port Authority of New York.

While the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is often identified as the owner of the WTC site, the ownership situation is actually somewhat complex and ambiguous.[3] The Port Authority indeed owns a "significant" internal portion of the site of 16 acres (65,000 m2), but has acknowledged "ambiguities over ownership of miscellaneous strips of property at the World Trade Center site" going back to the 1960s. It is unclear who owns 2.5 acres (10,000 m2) of the site, being land where streets had been before the World Trade Center was built.

Also, Silverstein was not the sole lease holder. He was partnered up with Westfield America for the bid on the WTC complex. So he has in no way, shape or form the unilateral power to do whatever he wants with that property.

Now that the "crux" of your argument lay in waste, what else you got!? response?
Now that the "crux" of your argument lay in waste, what else you got!? response?
your debwunker cut and paste was answered...these reports
mostly say we were informed by some nameless they ...that the building would come down...ignore all conflicting testimony and continually contradict the nist report by citing the hole as major factor in the collapse when nist says it was not

now that the "crux" of your argument lay in waste, what else you got!?

I got another debwunker that does not even know what the nist report on wtc 7 claims and ignores the of all first responders that speak of explosions and that they saw no reason that building would come down
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Originally Posted by eots
The building was not damage...the NIST claim is the failure of column 79...UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE...would of resulted in initiation of the NIST collapse scenario ...(for example an a single explosion...or a kid with a pack of matches could cause the complete collapse of a 47 story steel framed building)

Originally Posted by daws101
this line is bullshit.:"UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.."

Originally Posted by eots
The investigation team concluded that the column’s failure under any circumstance would have initiated the destructive sequence of events.
NIST Releases Final WTC 7 Investigation Report

[ame=]NIST Report on WTC7 debunked and exposed! - YouTube[/ame]

as always,dawgshit gets his ass handed to him on a platter.:D:lol: there is also this video out there as you know where the lead investigater says they found no pools of molten metal which is a well known fact among many that were there was nothing but pools of molten metal reported everywhere.there is a video out there i have posted many times where a firefighter says that.would post it but dawgsit and his fellow trolls will ignore it,they always do.even Leslie Robertson who participated in the coverup carelessly opened his mouth initially saying there were pools of molten metal everywhere.:D

they sure show offf what trolls they are constantly ignoring these little facts.ignoring that NIST was caught
lying red handed constantly.:D:lol:
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Now that the "crux" of your argument lay in waste, what else you got!? response?
your debwunker cut and paste was answered...these reports
mostly say we were informed by some nameless they ...that the building would come down...ignore all conflicting testimony and continually contradict the nist report by citing the hole as major factor in the collapse when nist says it was not

now that the "crux" of your argument lay in waste, what else you got!?

I got another debwunker that does not even know what the nist report on wtc 7 claims and ignores the of all first responders that speak of explosions and that they saw no reason that building would come down

that cracks me up to no end when they are getting their asses handed to them on a platter,they get desperate and refer to debunked deb wunker links.:clap2::lol::lol::D
Still no response to the below information from the full time O.J. Simpson defense attorneys attempting to defend the "official story" through wits end...

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be....

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least

yep the trolls can only fling shit in defeat like the monkeys they are.they wont even touch it since they know they are licked.:D:D:lol:

they wont address many of the videos eots has posted either because they know it shoots down their ramblings.:D:lol:

that being said,will be back tomorrow.Been busy with work in all lately,will have a little bit of freetime tomorrow though to finally read through the official conspiracy theorys ramblings grasping at straws in defeat like they do here everyday.That much I can tell just by quickly scanning through their posts.:lol::lol::D must be frustrating being taken to school by Eots constantly.thats why you guys get are paid so well for your ass beatings from him constantly.:D:lol::lol:

There are a lot of silly insults that go back and forth in these threads....but really, you should try some more variety. You keep using the same lines over and over. :D

maybe if their repeated enough to people like agent dawgshit,it'll get through to him that its the truth.:D

guess you want me to be like agent dawgshit or crackerjack kid and say -you are a male prostitute?

sorry,dont want to be kiddie like,just will continue to speak the truth that the trolls can only sling shit in defeat like they always do.:D:lol:
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Ok this is really the ONLY one that needs to be discussed because its the point nobody has ever been able to debunk which is again building 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission they couldnt get around and nobody has ever been able to get around.

again Building 7 was a couple blocks away from the towers.again this is where you crippled your argument mentioniong the combination of the jet and the fires causing the collapse.well bld 7 WASNT hit by an airliner and the fires were not anywhere near as severe as the fires in the buildings that were next door neighbors to the towers which were also damaged FAR MORE EXTENSIVELY as these photos that Pualitican posted on this thread prove.Its the 9th post on this going to deny those buildings next to the towers were not damaged far worse than bld 7?:cuckoo: the first two pics are buildings that are not part of world trade center,they are posted because THEY are serious fires unlike the twin towers or bld 7 yet those towers remained standing is why he posted those two pics first.

so WHY did THEY not collapse genius?:cuckoo: could it be possible because they were not owned by jew Larry Silverstein? think, you can do it.oh thats right,your in denial and a coincidence theorist so you dont want to think.

So, your theory is that Building 7 couldn’t possibly have fallen due to being on fire ALL DAY? Even though the FDNY was expecting it to fall at any time.:

We walked over by number Seven World Trade Center as it was burning and saw this 40-plus story building with fire on nearly all floors. –FDNY Lieutenant Robert LaRocca

Just when you thought it was over, you're walking by this building and you're hearing this building creak and fully involved in flames. It's like, is it coming down next? Sure enough, about a half an hour later it came down. –FDNY Lieutenant James McGlynn

When the building came down it was completely involved in fire, all forty-seven stories.
–FDNY Assistant Chief Harry Myers (Smith, Dennis, 2002. Report From Ground Zero: The Heroic Story of the Rescuers at the World Trade Center. New York: Penguin Putnam. p. 160)

Building #7 was still actively burning and at that time we were advised by a NYFD Chief that building #7 was burning out of control and imminent collapse was probable. –PAPD P.O. Edward McQuade / server maintenance page 48.

There was a huge gaping hole and it was scattered through there. It was a huge hole. I would say it was probably a third of it, right in the middle of it. And so after Visconti came down and said nobody goes in 7, we said all right, we’ll head back to the command post.
– Capt. Chris Boyle

They were saying building Seven was going to collapse, so we regrouped and went back to our rig. We waited for building Seven to come down. –Firefighter James Wallace

Now that is just a small fraction of the quotes by fireman that I have found. Here is a link to the full accounts of the FDNY.
FDNY accounts are here:

Sounds to me like the FDNY was fully expecting it to come down. They were literally waiting for it to come down so they could continue their rescue efforts. They had been pulled back because by all estimates, that building was in danger of collapse. Are you claiming that all these men knew that the building was going to be “brought down” by some means other than the damage that they all witnessed?

It’s easy to sit here now, 10 years later, watching a video of the north side of that building as it falls and saying “that looks like a controlled demolition”. The problem with that are all the actual people, mainly firefighters, which were ACTUALLY THERE. They know what they saw and they know what a building in danger looks like. They reacted by getting away from it. These are men that know how to deal with fire and what it does to a building if it is not fought.

I realize you didn’t make this claim YET, but please don’t claim that the FDNY has been silenced in some way………………that would be ridiculous. If these men felt that the events of that day were caused by something other than two aircraft collisions…………………killing many of their “brothers”………………… you think they are going to keep silent!? Firefighters are not timid men.
Are you claiming that ALL these firefighters are mistaken? That they don’t know what a building in danger of falling looks like………….BUT YOU DO!?
Can you find an organization of FDNY firefighters that are demanding that the case be reopened? NO. Why? Because they know what happened……………..they lived it!

As for the buildings next to the towers, WTC4,5 &6, they were undoubtedly severely damaged. But you do realize that these buildings were 6 to 8 stories tall. Far different dynamics in those short of buildings compared to a skyscraper when they are damaged and on fire. In fact, there was fear the WTC 5 WAS going to collapse during the same time the firefighters were expecting WTC7 to collapse. Read the following reports. WTC4,5 & 6 did suffer varying levels of partial collapse. Many pictures in these reports show large steel supports that have failed or begun to fail due to the fires. Something that you apparently think can’t happen.

As for the comment on the “Jew Larry Silverstein” owning the property, that just makes you ignorant! Please explain why him being Jewish as anything to do with what you are claiming. As for the “owning” of the property, that is incorrect also. He is the “lease holder” to the property owned by the Port Authority of New York.

While the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is often identified as the owner of the WTC site, the ownership situation is actually somewhat complex and ambiguous.[3] The Port Authority indeed owns a "significant" internal portion of the site of 16 acres (65,000 m2), but has acknowledged "ambiguities over ownership of miscellaneous strips of property at the World Trade Center site" going back to the 1960s. It is unclear who owns 2.5 acres (10,000 m2) of the site, being land where streets had been before the World Trade Center was built.

Also, Silverstein was not the sole lease holder. He was partnered up with Westfield America for the bid on the WTC complex. So he has in no way, shape or form the unilateral power to do whatever he wants with that property.

Now that the "crux" of your argument lay in waste, what else you got!? response?

all you have done in your ramblings is prove as always you only see what you want to see and prove you are one wacky coincidence theorist.:D:lol::lol::lol: if you had done any research into this case other than seeing only what you want to see,then you would know the evidence that the mossad was a major player involved in this is overwhelming and that jew silverstein proffited immensely in these attacks.Thats Silversteins connection to this.

oh and dont defer to a webwunker like saying silverstein did not profit,its a well known fact he did as did Cheney and keep hurting your credibility as well in being a weird coincidence theorist in that the only three blds that collapsed that day were owed by Silverstein and again,the other buildings next door did not.

oh and the rest of your drivel is irrelevent as well because like I said,NIST was caught lying and Eots video proved that they never had a serious investigation.Its obvious you are not watching any of these videos he posts so your proving in spades your in denial and only see what you want to see so no sense in going any further with you on this.

do this,go back to junior high school and ask them to let you sit on some science classes and ask them to stress to talk about the laws of physics and come back here in a few years from now and pm me and THEN we'll talk again.not till then though.and more imporantly,when your ready to stop being afraid of the truth as well and want to be objective instead of only seeing what you WANT to see,we'll talk again.not till then though.
Male prostitution must be lucrative these days.

Speaking of schooling, you should look into it. Whatever minimum wage job you have obviously doesn't require being literate in any way.
easy now, he was burger kings employee of the month in 1999..
speaking of years why hasn't handjob reveled the cover story for the year 9111. him being psychic and all .:lol:

daws lost the debate on wtc 7 hands down so they resort to little imaginings of the posters that defeated them and inane pictures...flinging shit like monkeys in defeat...once again

amen to that.Dawgshit,Moron In the hat,crackerkid and the rest of the OCTA's really lost this debate back here on this thread running away from the many facts in these two videos you posted failing to address them

and you really took them to school major big time in that last video you posted as they never could counter that video I posted in the very beginning that a cover story was obviously put out that very day before any kind of an investigation was done.the agents are getting desperate in the fact they wont touch the points brought up in thse videos we keep posting.:lol::lol::lol::D everything else they have posted is irrelevent because all those facts in the three videos you posted recently and mine as well prove there was a conspiracy and coverup.:lol::D
Still no response to the below information from the full time O.J. Simpson defense attorneys attempting to defend the "official story" through wits end...

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be....

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least

every single official conspiracy theory apologist poster i see has run off from this fact and not tried to counter it along wih dodging all the facts brought up in the last three videos Eots has posted as well as failing to counter the points brought up in my video I posted in the very beginning that a coverup began and as always,cant get around the collapse of bld 7 ,seeing that they all have no interest in the truth and only maintaning the lies of the governments version and refuse to admit defeat on building 7 and refuse to admit NIST lied from the very beginning and that thanks to people like dawgshit and crackerkid referring to comments like male prostitution,this thread has gone to hell and the OCTA trolls are not mature enought to admit defeat,this thread has run its course and nto worth posting in anymore.its been over run by trolls.
I see there have been two farts in a row from agent MORON IN THE HAT since my last post as well.
Originally Posted by eots
The building was not damage...the NIST claim is the failure of column 79...UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE...would of resulted in initiation of the NIST collapse scenario ...(for example an a single explosion...or a kid with a pack of matches could cause the complete collapse of a 47 story steel framed building)

Originally Posted by eots
The investigation team concluded that the column’s failure under any circumstance would have initiated the destructive sequence of events.
NIST Releases Final WTC 7 Investigation Report

[ame=]NIST Report on WTC7 debunked and exposed! - YouTube[/ame]

as always,dawgshit gets his ass handed to him on a platter.:D:lol: there is also this video out there as you know where the lead investigater says they found no pools of molten metal which is a well known fact among many that were there was nothing but pools of molten metal reported everywhere.there is a video out there i have posted many times where a firefighter says that.would post it but dawgsit and his fellow trolls will ignore it,they always do.even Leslie Robertson who participated in the coverup carelessly opened his mouth initially saying there were pools of molten metal everywhere.:D

they sure show offf what trolls they are constantly ignoring these little facts.ignoring that NIST was caught
lying red handed constantly.:D:lol:

again since the trolls ignored the last two videos that shot down the 9/11 coverup commission,they will ignore this one as well and not debate it since it shoots down their ramblings when they refer to their deb wunker links. so no sense in doing this anymore with them-:trolls:
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It's pretty funny that 9/11 Rimjob keeps reading the posts of all the folks he has on ignore.


The ORBS make him do it.
It's pretty funny that 9/11 Rimjob keeps reading the posts of all the folks he has on ignore.


The ORBS make him do it.

your inane and irrelevant pictures only prove you have lost the intellectual debate..and that would be clear to anyone other than your fellow agents and debwunkers
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