Proof the cover story for 9/111 began immediately after the attacks

absolutely pointless video void of any facts and serves only to hi-light the fact that debwunkers like to focus on people like dylan avery so they can distract from the impeccable men and woman of service and expertise featured at patriotsquestion911

Patriots Question 9/11 - YouTube

Looping. Looping. Looping.

It fits. All twoofers are pretty fucking loop-y.

On the other hand, not one thing id-eots has ever posted has ever withstood critical analysis.

This explains why he finds it so necessary to repeat himself. He's run out of plumb stupid unpersuasive shit. So he just rinses and mindlessly repeats.

And forever, he will fail.

talk about looping...same repetitive shit from you over and over so lets see it don't just yap about it... show me this critical thinking,explain to deets why his science is wrong not yours

Dwain Deets, MS Physics, MS Eng – Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. Before this appointment, he served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden. Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award and the Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988). Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics, a distinguished speaking engagement sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (1986). Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000. Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology. 37 year NASA career.

[ame=]Dwain Deets in Ventura on Building 7 (Part 1 of 4).m4v - YouTube[/ame]


thanks for posting that.Barry Jennings testimony is another part of the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission of bld 7 that not only the 9/11 coverup commission could not get around,but these agent trolls on my ignore list have always failed to do and everybody else that defended it here on this thread failed to do as well.

Barry Jennings testimony was so overwhelming that explosives went off,thats why they killed him later in disguised his death later on as something else.they could not afford to have him around anymore telling the truth.

The agents on my ignore list always have to fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.they hate hearing it all the time but its the truth so it needs to constantly be repeated.:D:D:lol: Maybe the loyal brainwashed Bush dupe on here living in denial Light,that that will seek in with them.

It cracks me up to no end how the commission themselves could never get around that fact yet this brainwashed Bush dupe Light and the agent trolls that have penetrated this site somehow think they possibly could.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

Rolls on floor laughing.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

agent trolls that have penetrated this site
Oh my GOD! How does one "penetrate" a free discussion forum setup for people with different opinions to converse? Again, you talk as if there is some organized effort to disprove your opinions. Could you possibly be more diluted? We are all just people with opinions. Some of us can show how we come to our opinions by showing the evidence and logic that we use. Others, like yourself, just like to make claims. Try "showing your work". Instead of saying things like "there is plenty of evidence for" or "it's obvious"..............prove it! some real evidence. Show SOMETHING. Just parroting the same old claims is just sad. You can't actually defend your position, so you start calling people idiots for not taking your word for it. And now you are starting to refuse to continue speaking with someone that you are disagreeing with? Really!? That will "show them" that you are right!!

As for Barry Jennings, he has spoken about being unhappy with his interview being used to "prove" there were explosives and dead people in the building.
[ame=]Barry Jennings: Dead Bodies? - YouTube[/ame]
And as for his death...............please show some evidence that he was murdered. The only people claiming he was killed, are the people trying to push an "inside job" theory. And what is the logic behind killing someone that has already shared their story?
People are killed to prevent them from talking. He has already "talked". Nothing is gained by eliminating him. That is just the tip of the iceberg of your "logic fallacies".

you have already proven in spades too many times your an idiot who cant remember anything taught to you in junior high school science classes,its not my fault you have a terrible memory and dont know anything about the laws of physics and only see what you WANT to see.:cuckoo:

now your REALLY being ignorant beyond belief with this latest ramble about Barry Jennings.

sorry unlike you I dont go by opinions,I go by facts and evidence you have proven you constantly ignored throughout this entire thread.Its not my fault you only see what you want to see and wont look at the evidence.thats all you have is warped opinions that dont stand up to the facts and evidence.again since you refuse to learn what the laws of physics are that were violated that day and keep dodging everything thats brought up constantly,its impossible to have kind of rational discussion with you.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

that being the case,you want top reply to me again.your just going to show that you like to talk to yourself because there is plenty of information throughout this thread from the posts of myself,eots,maximillian and mr jones it was an inside job.for the hundreth time,you refused to watch the videos that Eots posted that proved all this or addressed maximilliand post he posted THREE times for all you to answer,its not my fault your scared of the truth.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
thanks for posting that.Barry Jennings testimony is another part of the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission of bld 7 that not only the 9/11 coverup commission could not get around,but these agent trolls on my ignore list have always failed to do and everybody else that defended it here on this thread failed to do as well.

Barry Jennings testimony was so overwhelming that explosives went off,thats why they killed him later in disguised his death later on as something else.they could not afford to have him around anymore telling the truth.

The agents on my ignore list always have to fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.they hate hearing it all the time but its the truth so it needs to constantly be repeated.:D:D:lol: Maybe the loyal brainwashed Bush dupe on here living in denial Light,that that will seek in with them.

It cracks me up to no end how the commission themselves could never get around that fact yet this brainwashed Bush dupe Light and the agent trolls that have penetrated this site somehow think they possibly could.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

Rolls on floor laughing.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

agent trolls that have penetrated this site
Oh my GOD! How does one "penetrate" a free discussion forum setup for people with different opinions to converse? Again, you talk as if there is some organized effort to disprove your opinions. Could you possibly be more diluted? We are all just people with opinions. Some of us can show how we come to our opinions by showing the evidence and logic that we use. Others, like yourself, just like to make claims. Try "showing your work". Instead of saying things like "there is plenty of evidence for" or "it's obvious"..............prove it! some real evidence. Show SOMETHING. Just parroting the same old claims is just sad. You can't actually defend your position, so you start calling people idiots for not taking your word for it. And now you are starting to refuse to continue speaking with someone that you are disagreeing with? Really!? That will "show them" that you are right!!

As for Barry Jennings, he has spoken about being unhappy with his interview being used to "prove" there were explosives and dead people in the building.
[ame=]Barry Jennings: Dead Bodies? - YouTube[/ame]
And as for his death...............please show some evidence that he was murdered. The only people claiming he was killed, are the people trying to push an "inside job" theory. And what is the logic behind killing someone that has already shared their story?
People are killed to prevent them from talking. He has already "talked". Nothing is gained by eliminating him. That is just the tip of the iceberg of your "logic fallacies".

you have already proven in spades too many times your an idiot who cant remember anything taught to you in junior high school science classes,its not my fault you have a terrible memory and dont know anything about the laws of physics and only see what you WANT to see.:cuckoo: I already TRIED to help you by giving you advise to go back to junior high school and enroll in a science class there and ask the teacher to teach you about the laws of it my fault you wont listen and follow through and learn?:cuckoo:

funny how I was just talking to a friend of mine the other day about this that I had never spoke to about 9/11 because the opportunity was never there.Finally having the chance to talk to him about it I asked him if he knew that 9/11 was an inside job and he said yeah and the way he found out he said was that his son who happened to be in junior high when it happened,that he talked to him about it saying he thought there had to be explosives planted in the towers for them to come down like that because the explanation the government gave defied the laws of physics he had learned about that year.

A true story.I dont care wheter you believe it or not since you are obviously not interested in the I said before,its pretty funny that I have had far more intelligent discussion about the laws of physics with students like him than i can with you.:D:lol::lol:you obviously forgot everything you learned about science in junior high school and are too embarrassed to admit it.:D:lol:

Oh and NOW your REALLY being ignorant beyond belief with this latest ramble about Barry Jennings.How convient they killed him off not to live anymore to go around the country to tell his story and more people.Not everybody gets on the net and knows about 9/11.:cuckoo: Jennings death was one of many conveint deaths for them.

There was even this one lady who went on alex jones radio show talking about explosives being in the bld 7 as well.the video has been played on the net before and I'll try to find it where she tells Jones all about mistimed explosives going off and she says on the video if she ever dies in a way that Jennings did for example, to not believe a word of it,that she would never take her life.Well a few months later after she told Jones all this on the air,she was found at her home hanging from the ceiling dead.This all after she said she would never take her life.There have been many people who have given versions different than the 9/11 coverup commission who have died in strange ways after doing so,your clearly in denial.

sorry unlike you I dont go by opinions,I go by facts and evidence you have proven you constantly ignored throughout this entire thread.Its not my fault you only see what you want to see and wont look at the evidence.thats all you have is warped opinions that dont stand up to the facts and evidence.again since you refuse to learn what the laws of physics are that were violated that day and keep dodging everything thats brought up constantly and wont watch videos and only read parts of posts,its impossible to have any kind of rational discussion with you.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

that being the case,you want top reply to me again,your just going to show further what an idiot you are since you like to talk to yourself.:lol: there is plenty of information throughout this thread from the posts of myself,eots,maximillian and mr jones that it was an inside job.

For the hundreth time,you refused to watch the videos that Eots posted that proved all this or addressed maximillians post he posted for you THREE times that you ran away from everytime,just like you ran away from all of Eots videos and only selected PARTS of my posts to read and when you did read them,constantly ignored the laws of physics and refused to admit that according to YOUR logic,"ALL THE OTHER BUILDINGS IN THE AREA NOT OWNED BY SILVERSTEIN AND MUCH CLOSER TO THE TOWERS AND MUCH WORSE FIRES AND DAMAGED FAR MORE EXTENSIVELY,"that because of your warped logic you have,they should have collapsed as well but you constantly evaded that fact and ignored it.

You constantly crippled your own arguments with you own warped logic and refused to acknowledge it when defeated.:cuckoo: amazing how the trolls on here ignore that because you keep repeating the same garbage over and over again,I have to keep repeating the same thing over and over again to you because you ignore it.:cuckoo:

seriously,go back to junior high school and take some science classes,the more and more you keep come on on here defending bld 7,the more and more you make yourself look like an idiot.again i cant believe you could be stupid enough to think you could do what the 9/11 coverup commission failed to do which is prove that the fires caused the collapse of bld 7.:lol: for the hundreth time,thats something they,you or nobody else can get around.You may have posted that video of what Jennings said but you sure didnt listen to it.No surprise since you have proven so many times on here you didnt watch any of Eots videos either.again take those science classes and junior high,THEN we will talk again. again you want to address this post you'll just show off even more so what an idiot you are that you like to talk to yourself.:lol:

I have tried to reason with you as best as I could think of but cant do that with you for the reasons listed.With the help of others,I never had to try and shoot down your arguments,you did that yourself with your own warped logic crippling your arguments saying that the combination of the plane hitting it and the fires caused it to collapse.

Then when confronted and cornered that bld 7 collapsed and was not hit by a plane,you backpeddled and ran away trying to save face in your posts posting garbage about the fires and the debris that hit it except as always,you crippled that argument since AGAIN,according to your own warped logic,those other buildings much closer to the trade center should have collapsed as well but did not.:lol::lol::D you evaded that every single time.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

again funny how the trolls on here ignore how you constantly repeat your same drivel and ramblings over and over and thats WHY i end up repeating myself.:cuckoo:

well I'm not going to try and discuss this anymore with you since its like trying to outrun a racecar on your own feet and you just force me to repeat the same thing over and over since you keep saying the same thing over and over.again, enroll in junior high school science classes next fall and a year from now, well talk again.:D
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absolutely pointless video void of any facts and serves only to hi-light the fact that debwunkers like to focus on people like dylan avery so they can distract from the impeccable men and woman of service and expertise featured at patriotsquestion911

Patriots Question 9/11 - YouTube

Looping. Looping. Looping.

It fits. All twoofers are pretty fucking loop-y.

On the other hand, not one thing id-eots has ever posted has ever withstood critical analysis.

This explains why he finds it so necessary to repeat himself. He's run out of plumb stupid unpersuasive shit. So he just rinses and mindlessly repeats.

And forever, he will fail.

talk about looping...same repetitive shit from you over and over so lets see it don't just yap about it... show me this critical thinking,explain to deets why his science is wrong not yours

Dwain Deets, MS Physics, MS Eng – Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. Before this appointment, he served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden. Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award and the Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988). Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics, a distinguished speaking engagement sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (1986). Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000. Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology. 37 year NASA career.

[ame=]Dwain Deets in Ventura on Building 7 (Part 1 of 4).m4v - YouTube[/ame]

Hey Light-actually you REALLY should change your user name to I CANT SEE THE LIGHT.:D:lol: since its so much the truth,funny how according to your logic,this guy Eots is talking about and thousands of architects and engineers are wacked out nuts and Bush and Cheney our looking out for our best interests.:lol::lol::lol:

how would you know if columns where weakened or damaged in a blast scenario that occurred earlier or in a series of blast ?

what specific forensic evidence do you speak of ??

so the odds that he was telling the truth are about the same as being mauled by a polar and a black bear in the same day..
in other words it's highly UNLIKELY.
BTW since he's dead and can't be cross examined his testimony is invalid

how convenient
"how would you know if columns where weakened or damaged in a blast scenario that occurred earlier or in a series of blast ?"eot's
that's blast's and stop dodging you're attempting to use Jenning's testimony as evidence of explosives use ,it don't fly since there is no proof of any blast scenario.

what specific forensic evidence do you speak of ??eot's

asked and answered..
Looping. Looping. Looping.

It fits. All twoofers are pretty fucking loop-y.

On the other hand, not one thing id-eots has ever posted has ever withstood critical analysis.

This explains why he finds it so necessary to repeat himself. He's run out of plumb stupid unpersuasive shit. So he just rinses and mindlessly repeats.

And forever, he will fail.

talk about looping...same repetitive shit from you over and over so lets see it don't just yap about it... show me this critical thinking,explain to deets why his science is wrong not yours

Dwain Deets, MS Physics, MS Eng – Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. Before this appointment, he served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden. Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award and the Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988). Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics, a distinguished speaking engagement sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (1986). Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000. Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology. 37 year NASA career.

[ame=]Dwain Deets in Ventura on Building 7 (Part 1 of 4).m4v - YouTube[/ame]

Hey Light-actually you REALLY should change your user name to I CANT SEE THE LIGHT.:D:lol: since its so much the truth,funny how according to your logic,this guy Eots is talking about and thousands of architects and engineers are wacked out nuts and Bush and Cheney our looking out for our best interests.:lol::lol::lol:
talk about looping...same repetitive shit from you over and over so lets see it don't just yap about it... show me this critical thinking,explain to deets why his science is wrong not yours

Dwain Deets, MS Physics, MS Eng – Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. Before this appointment, he served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden. Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award and the Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988). Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics, a distinguished speaking engagement sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (1986). Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000. Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology. 37 year NASA career.

Dwain Deets in Ventura on Building 7 (Part 1 of 4).m4v - YouTube

Hey Light-actually you REALLY should change your user name to I CANT SEE THE LIGHT.:D:lol: since its so much the truth,funny how according to your logic,this guy Eots is talking about and thousands of architects and engineers are wacked out nuts and Bush and Cheney our looking out for our best interests.:lol::lol::lol:

wow.. you sure showed us why deets is wrong
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[ame=]2012 - NEWEST 9/11 DOCUMENTARY - PROOF 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

Quite disturbing information yet Very Excellent documentary with many things I have not seen about 9/11. Most of the world knows 9/11 was an inside job....don't take my word for it....just look at the many polls for many countries.

Plus it is quite disturbing to see what so many prominent people say world wide about America and 9/11

Now let the O.J. Simpson defense attorney's begin their tactics...

Israel Hires Internet Soldiers to Penetrate American Forums, Chatrooms : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

[ame=]provocateurs,shills and disinfo agents - YouTube[/ame]
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x0-MAXIPAD-0x is busy looping as paid disinformation agents do.

All twoofers are sick fucking scumbags and all twoofers should be under constant observation.

Your intelligence is clearly quite low and lacks ability to comprehend indisputable facts and information. The real reason you want to constantly observe people is to get to see them in the shower you let the intelligent people of the world see the evidence and decide for themselves without having to put up with your tactics...

[ame=]2012 - NEWEST 9/11 DOCUMENTARY - PROOF 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

Quite disturbing information yet Very Excellent documentary with many things I have not seen about 9/11. Most of the world knows 9/11 was an inside job....don't take my word for it....just look at the many polls for many countries.

Plus it is quite disturbing to see what so many prominent people say world wide about America and 9/11

Now let the O.J. Simpson defense attorney's begin their tactics...

Israel Hires Internet Soldiers to Penetrate American Forums, Chatrooms : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

[ame=]provocateurs,shills and disinfo agents - YouTube[/ame]

x0-MAXIPAD-0x is busy looping as paid disinformation agents do.

All twoofers are sick fucking scumbags and all twoofers should be under constant observation.

Liar-disability is busy ignoring indisputable information and attacking the messengers like disinformation agents do.

You twoofer asshole lying nitwit cocksuckers have ALWAYS evaded answering the most basic of questions.

It's obvious why.

You are pussies. Cowards. Dishonest. Stupid, Venal. Petty. Useless.

All twoofers should be under constant scrutiny.
x0-MAXIPAD-0x is busy looping as paid disinformation agents do.

All twoofers are sick fucking scumbags and all twoofers should be under constant observation.

Liar-disability is busy ignoring indisputable information and attacking the messengers like disinformation agents do.

You twoofer asshole lying nitwit cocksuckers have ALWAYS evaded answering the most basic of questions.

It's obvious why.

You are pussies. Cowards. Dishonest. Stupid, Venal. Petty. Useless.

All twoofers should be under constant scrutiny.

Remember the Anthrax attacks which just happen to occur right after 9/11? Likely not with such a low I.Q.

The white house staff began taking the anti-biotic for anthrax BEFORE the first anthrax attack even occured.

The O.P. documentary in this thread who first put out the story for 9/11 to mass media is....

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

More about the O.P...

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least
Last edited:
Liar-disability is busy ignoring indisputable information and attacking the messengers like disinformation agents do.

You twoofer asshole lying nitwit cocksuckers have ALWAYS evaded answering the most basic of questions.

It's obvious why.

You are pussies. Cowards. Dishonest. Stupid, Venal. Petty. Useless.

All twoofers should be under constant scrutiny.

Remember the Anthrax attacks which just happen to occur right after 9/11? Likely not with such a low I.Q.

The white house staff began taking the anti-biotic for anthrax BEFORE the first anthrax attack even occured.

The O.P. documentary in this thread who first put out the story for 9/11 to mass media is....

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

More about the O.P...

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least

* * * *

Remember the Anthrax attacks which just happen to occur right after 9/11? Likely not with such a low I.Q.

The white house staff began taking the anti-biotic for anthrax BEFORE the first anthrax attack even occured.

The O.P. documentary in this thread who first put out the story for 9/11 to mass media is....

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

More about the O.P...

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least



LOL! Oh my GOD! How does one "penetrate" a free discussion forum setup for people with different opinions to converse? Again, you talk as if there is some organized effort to disprove your opinions. Could you possibly be more diluted? We are all just people with opinions. Some of us can show how we come to our opinions by showing the evidence and logic that we use. Others, like yourself, just like to make claims. Try "showing your work". Instead of saying things like "there is plenty of evidence for" or "it's obvious"..............prove it! some real evidence. Show SOMETHING. Just parroting the same old claims is just sad. You can't actually defend your position, so you start calling people idiots for not taking your word for it. And now you are starting to refuse to continue speaking with someone that you are disagreeing with? Really!? That will "show them" that you are right!!

As for Barry Jennings, he has spoken about being unhappy with his interview being used to "prove" there were explosives and dead people in the building.
Barry Jennings: Dead Bodies? - YouTube
And as for his death...............please show some evidence that he was murdered. The only people claiming he was killed, are the people trying to push an "inside job" theory. And what is the logic behind killing someone that has already shared their story?
People are killed to prevent them from talking. He has already "talked". Nothing is gained by eliminating him. That is just the tip of the iceberg of your "logic fallacies".

you have already proven in spades too many times your an idiot who cant remember anything taught to you in junior high school science classes,its not my fault you have a terrible memory and dont know anything about the laws of physics and only see what you WANT to see.:cuckoo: I already TRIED to help you by giving you advise to go back to junior high school and enroll in a science class there and ask the teacher to teach you about the laws of it my fault you wont listen and follow through and learn?:cuckoo:

funny how I was just talking to a friend of mine the other day about this that I had never spoke to about 9/11 because the opportunity was never there.Finally having the chance to talk to him about it I asked him if he knew that 9/11 was an inside job and he said yeah and the way he found out he said was that his son who happened to be in junior high when it happened,that he talked to him about it saying he thought there had to be explosives planted in the towers for them to come down like that because the explanation the government gave defied the laws of physics he had learned about that year.

A true story.I dont care wheter you believe it or not since you are obviously not interested in the I said before,its pretty funny that I have had far more intelligent discussion about the laws of physics with students like him than i can with you.:D:lol::lol:you obviously forgot everything you learned about science in junior high school and are too embarrassed to admit it.:D:lol:

Oh and NOW your REALLY being ignorant beyond belief with this latest ramble about Barry Jennings.How convient they killed him off not to live anymore to go around the country to tell his story and more people.Not everybody gets on the net and knows about 9/11.:cuckoo: Jennings death was one of many conveint deaths for them.

There was even this one lady who went on alex jones radio show talking about explosives being in the bld 7 as well.the video has been played on the net before and I'll try to find it where she tells Jones all about mistimed explosives going off and she says on the video if she ever dies in a way that Jennings did for example, to not believe a word of it,that she would never take her life.Well a few months later after she told Jones all this on the air,she was found at her home hanging from the ceiling dead.This all after she said she would never take her life.There have been many people who have given versions different than the 9/11 coverup commission who have died in strange ways after doing so,your clearly in denial.

sorry unlike you I dont go by opinions,I go by facts and evidence you have proven you constantly ignored throughout this entire thread.Its not my fault you only see what you want to see and wont look at the evidence.thats all you have is warped opinions that dont stand up to the facts and evidence.again since you refuse to learn what the laws of physics are that were violated that day and keep dodging everything thats brought up constantly and wont watch videos and only read parts of posts,its impossible to have any kind of rational discussion with you.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

that being the case,you want top reply to me again,your just going to show further what an idiot you are since you like to talk to yourself.:lol: there is plenty of information throughout this thread from the posts of myself,eots,maximillian and mr jones that it was an inside job.

For the hundreth time,you refused to watch the videos that Eots posted that proved all this or addressed maximillians post he posted for you THREE times that you ran away from everytime,just like you ran away from all of Eots videos and only selected PARTS of my posts to read and when you did read them,constantly ignored the laws of physics and refused to admit that according to YOUR logic,"ALL THE OTHER BUILDINGS IN THE AREA NOT OWNED BY SILVERSTEIN AND MUCH CLOSER TO THE TOWERS AND MUCH WORSE FIRES AND DAMAGED FAR MORE EXTENSIVELY,"that because of your warped logic you have,they should have collapsed as well but you constantly evaded that fact and ignored it.

You constantly crippled your own arguments with you own warped logic and refused to acknowledge it when defeated.:cuckoo: amazing how the trolls on here ignore that because you keep repeating the same garbage over and over again,I have to keep repeating the same thing over and over again to you because you ignore it.:cuckoo:

seriously,go back to junior high school and take some science classes,the more and more you keep come on on here defending bld 7,the more and more you make yourself look like an idiot.again i cant believe you could be stupid enough to think you could do what the 9/11 coverup commission failed to do which is prove that the fires caused the collapse of bld 7.:lol: for the hundreth time,thats something they,you or nobody else can get around.You may have posted that video of what Jennings said but you sure didnt listen to it.No surprise since you have proven so many times on here you didnt watch any of Eots videos either.again take those science classes and junior high,THEN we will talk again. again you want to address this post you'll just show off even more so what an idiot you are that you like to talk to yourself.:lol:

I have tried to reason with you as best as I could think of but cant do that with you for the reasons listed.With the help of others,I never had to try and shoot down your arguments,you did that yourself with your own warped logic crippling your arguments saying that the combination of the plane hitting it and the fires caused it to collapse.

Then when confronted and cornered that bld 7 collapsed and was not hit by a plane,you backpeddled and ran away trying to save face in your posts posting garbage about the fires and the debris that hit it except as always,you crippled that argument since AGAIN,according to your own warped logic,those other buildings much closer to the trade center should have collapsed as well but did not.:lol::lol::D you evaded that every single time.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

again funny how the trolls on here ignore how you constantly repeat your same drivel and ramblings over and over and thats WHY i end up repeating myself.:cuckoo:

well I'm not going to try and discuss this anymore with you since its like trying to outrun a racecar on your own feet and you just force me to repeat the same thing over and over since you keep saying the same thing over and over.again, enroll in junior high school science classes next fall and a year from now, well talk again.:D

well I'm not going to try and discuss this anymore
Really? You haven't "discussed" it with me YET! You just repeat the same thing over and over. You can't defend any of your points, so you just repeat them. Then you wait until Eots posts some videos. I don't agree with most of them, but at least he makes the effort to show why he has the opinion that he has. You can't even do THAT.

And are running away! How's that working for ya!?
* * * *

Remember the Anthrax attacks which just happen to occur right after 9/11? Likely not with such a low I.Q.

The white house staff began taking the anti-biotic for anthrax BEFORE the first anthrax attack even occured.

The O.P. documentary in this thread who first put out the story for 9/11 to mass media is....

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

More about the O.P...

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least




Liar-disability...we already know your brain is need for sign language to show us.

You display text book forms of denial when presented indisputable facts and information too hard to comprehend.

Look up the definition of denial and see how well it fits you...
Hey Light-actually you REALLY should change your user name to I CANT SEE THE LIGHT.:D:lol: since its so much the truth,funny how according to your logic,this guy Eots is talking about and thousands of architects and engineers are wacked out nuts and Bush and Cheney our looking out for our best interests.:lol::lol::lol:

wow.. you sure showed us why deets is wrong
why do you always answer for handjob?.....
besides his(deets)speculation is based on a false premise as he has no he was finished before he make this sooo easy!

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