Proof the cover story for 9/111 began immediately after the attacks


x0-MAXIPAD-0x is busy looping as paid disinformation agents do.

All twoofers are sick fucking scumbags and all twoofers should be under constant observation.

Liar-disability is busy ignoring indisputable information and attacking the messengers like disinformation agents do.
* * * *

Remember the Anthrax attacks which just happen to occur right after 9/11? Likely not with such a low I.Q.

The white house staff began taking the anti-biotic for anthrax BEFORE the first anthrax attack even occured.

The O.P. documentary in this thread who first put out the story for 9/11 to mass media is....

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

More about the O.P...

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least




Liar-disability...we already know your brain is need for sign language to show us.

You display text book forms of denial when presented indisputable facts and information too hard to comprehend.

Look up the definition of denial and see how well it fits you...

No no. My brain is fine. When I see a jet airliner crashing into buildings, I don't say "look at the orbs!"

Scumbag rancid idiot lying twoofers do that kind of shit.

Liar-disability...we already know your brain is need for sign language to show us.

You display text book forms of denial when presented indisputable facts and information too hard to comprehend.

Again these are indisputable facts which your test book form of denial avoids to comprehend...........

Remember the Anthrax attacks which just happen to occur right after 9/11? Likely not with such a low I.Q.

The white house staff began taking the anti-biotic for anthrax BEFORE the first anthrax attack even occured.

The O.P. documentary in this thread who first put out the story for 9/11 to mass media is....

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

More about the O.P...

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least

Look up the definition of denial and see how well it fits you...

No no. My brain is fine. When I see a jet airliner crashing into buildings, I don't say "look at the orbs!"

Scumbag rancid idiot lying twoofers do that kind of shit.

You avoid these facts like a text book form of denial...

Again these are indisputable facts, among many others, which your text book form of denial avoids to comprehend...........

Remember the Anthrax attacks which just happen to occur right after 9/11? Likely not with such a low I.Q.

The white house staff began taking the anti-biotic for anthrax BEFORE the first anthrax attack even occured.

Yes I agree there are some wierd theories about 9/ the no plane theory getting a lot of attention.

These wierd theories create a huge smokescreen around the core indisputable facts.

People with a higher I.Q. can see right through it....people with a low I.Q. get confused and tend not to believe the indisputable facts because of other false information thrown in the mix.

Is there intentional disinformation, deflection, divide and conquer tactics going on?

Fact is there are many disturbing facts and many wierd postings that deflect from the core indisputable facts...
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Liar-disability...we already know your brain is need for sign language to show us.

You display text book forms of denial when presented indisputable facts and information too hard to comprehend.

Again these are indisputable facts which your test book form of denial avoids to comprehend...........

Remember the Anthrax attacks which just happen to occur right after 9/11? Likely not with such a low I.Q.

The white house staff began taking the anti-biotic for anthrax BEFORE the first anthrax attack even occured.

The O.P. documentary in this thread who first put out the story for 9/11 to mass media is....

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

More about the O.P...

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least

Look up the definition of denial and see how well it fits you...

No no. My brain is fine. When I see a jet airliner crashing into buildings, I don't say "look at the orbs!"

Scumbag rancid idiot lying twoofers do that kind of shit.

You avoid these facts like a text book form of denial...

Again these are indisputable facts, among many others, which your text book form of denial avoids to comprehend...........

Remember the Anthrax attacks which just happen to occur right after 9/11? Likely not with such a low I.Q.

The white house staff began taking the anti-biotic for anthrax BEFORE the first anthrax attack even occured.

Yes I agree there are some wierd theories about 9/ the no plane theory getting a lot of attention.

These wierd theories create a huge smokescreen around the core indisputable facts.

People with a higher I.Q. can see right through it....people with a low I.Q. get confused and tend not to believe the indisputable facts because of other false information thrown in the mix.

Is there intentional disinformation, deflection, divide and conquer tactics going on?

Fact is there are many disturbing facts and many wierd postings that deflect from the core indisputable facts...
I find it laughable that the twofer movement likes to think that they have a higher IQ yet the majority of them are incapable of typing at a level higher than 5th grade. Even if they really can't spell most seem ignorant of the fact that spell check exists. I personally think most of them live in their mother's basement and don't date much.
No no. My brain is fine. When I see a jet airliner crashing into buildings, I don't say "look at the orbs!"

Scumbag rancid idiot lying twoofers do that kind of shit.

You avoid these facts like a text book form of denial...

Again these are indisputable facts, among many others, which your text book form of denial avoids to comprehend...........

Remember the Anthrax attacks which just happen to occur right after 9/11? Likely not with such a low I.Q.

The white house staff began taking the anti-biotic for anthrax BEFORE the first anthrax attack even occured.

Yes I agree there are some wierd theories about 9/ the no plane theory getting a lot of attention.

These wierd theories create a huge smokescreen around the core indisputable facts.

People with a higher I.Q. can see right through it....people with a low I.Q. get confused and tend not to believe the indisputable facts because of other false information thrown in the mix.

Is there intentional disinformation, deflection, divide and conquer tactics going on?

Fact is there are many disturbing facts and many wierd postings that deflect from the core indisputable facts...
I find it laughable that the twofer movement likes to think that they have a higher IQ yet the majority of them are incapable of typing at a level higher than 5th grade. Even if they really can't spell most seem ignorant of the fact that spell check exists. I personally think most of them live in their mother's basement and don't date much.


[ame=]Patriots Question 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

x0-MAXIPAD-0x is busy looping as paid disinformation agents do.

All twoofers are sick fucking scumbags and all twoofers should be under constant observation.

Liar-disability is busy ignoring indisputable information and attacking the messengers like disinformation agents do.

of course,like many here,he wont get paid if he defends the offical version.:D

x0-MAXIPAD-0x is busy looping as paid disinformation agents do.

All twoofers are sick fucking scumbags and all twoofers should be under constant observation.

Your intelligence is clearly quite low and lacks ability to comprehend indisputable facts and information. The real reason you want to constantly observe people is to get to see them in the shower you let the intelligent people of the world see the evidence and decide for themselves without having to put up with your tactics...

[ame=]2012 - NEWEST 9/11 DOCUMENTARY - PROOF 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

Quite disturbing information yet Very Excellent documentary with many things I have not seen about 9/11. Most of the world knows 9/11 was an inside job....don't take my word for it....just look at the many polls for many countries.

Plus it is quite disturbing to see what so many prominent people say world wide about America and 9/11

Now let the O.J. Simpson defense attorney's begin their tactics...

Israel Hires Internet Soldiers to Penetrate American Forums, Chatrooms : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

[ame=]provocateurs,shills and disinfo agents - YouTube[/ame]

what I think is so hysterical about Liar ability and the other agent trolls that have penetrated this site and the brainwashed Bush dupes such as Toto,Todd is a parrot, and I Cant See The Light,is that they are ignorant about the laws of physics and could not comprehend explosives brought the towers down like that junior high school son of a friend of mine could at that time.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D

amazing how people are too embarrassed to admit they know nothing whatsoever about the laws of physics isnt it? there was this one poster here that used to have the appropriate user name called PHYSICS EXIST which they dont seem to think so.:lol::D
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Do you truthers REALLY believe multiple people on this board are paid to come post in the conspiracy theory forum against you? Or is it just an insult that caught on, in the vein of calling Tea Party members teabaggers?
* * * *

Remember the Anthrax attacks which just happen to occur right after 9/11? Likely not with such a low I.Q.

The white house staff began taking the anti-biotic for anthrax BEFORE the first anthrax attack even occured.

The O.P. documentary in this thread who first put out the story for 9/11 to mass media is....

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

More about the O.P...

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least




Liar-disability...we already know your brain is need for sign language to show us.

You display text book forms of denial when presented indisputable facts and information too hard to comprehend.

Look up the definition of denial and see how well it fits you...


Liar ability has come in handy for one thing,he is a useful troll who helps keep these threads
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You avoid these facts like a text book form of denial...

Again these are indisputable facts, among many others, which your text book form of denial avoids to comprehend...........

Remember the Anthrax attacks which just happen to occur right after 9/11? Likely not with such a low I.Q.

The white house staff began taking the anti-biotic for anthrax BEFORE the first anthrax attack even occured.

Yes I agree there are some wierd theories about 9/ the no plane theory getting a lot of attention.

These wierd theories create a huge smokescreen around the core indisputable facts.

People with a higher I.Q. can see right through it....people with a low I.Q. get confused and tend not to believe the indisputable facts because of other false information thrown in the mix.

Is there intentional disinformation, deflection, divide and conquer tactics going on?

Fact is there are many disturbing facts and many wierd postings that deflect from the core indisputable facts...
I find it laughable that the twofer movement likes to think that they have a higher IQ yet the majority of them are incapable of typing at a level higher than 5th grade. Even if they really can't spell most seem ignorant of the fact that spell check exists. I personally think most of them live in their mother's basement and don't date much.


[ame=]Patriots Question 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

somehow Bush dupes like I Cant See The Light find all these incredible experts in that link of yours such as these architects,engineers,scientists,expert pilots,former high ranking government officials such as Generals and former CIA people who say the governments version is b.s.

somehow they find THEM as laughable sources but instead our government institutions and the Neocons in the Bush administration credible sources even though they were caught lying on many counts such as Nist saying there was no molten metal being found at the site.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

they kill me everytime with that logic.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D
Do you truthers REALLY believe multiple people on this board are paid to come post in the conspiracy theory forum against you? Or is it just an insult that caught on, in the vein of calling Tea Party members teabaggers?

damn your ignorant.They got these paid shills on message boards EVERYWHERE.:cuckoo: are you that dense that if they were not paid agents they would not troll these boards posting lies and ignoring evidence and facts constantly day and night everyday like they do?:cuckoo:

a couple of them go to several message boards and post day and night all hours on end posting lies and propaganda.are you that dense in that you cant see that unless they were paid shills they would not devote their entire days and nights going to sites posting lies and propaganda like they do constantly?:cuckoo: Obviously so.I barely have time to go to more than a couple others and post unlike them.If they were not paid shills,they would be like you and not care about these topics being discussed and not come here every single day defending the absurd fairy tales of the governments.:lol::lol::lol:
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Do you truthers REALLY believe multiple people on this board are paid to come post in the conspiracy theory forum against you? Or is it just an insult that caught on, in the vein of calling Tea Party members teabaggers?

damn your ignorant.They got these paid shills on message boards EVERYWHERE.:cuckoo: are you that dense that if they were not paid agents they would not troll these boards posting lies and ignoring evidence and facts constantly day and night everyday like they do?:cuckoo:

a couple of them go to several message boards and post day and night all hours on end posting lies and propaganda.are you that dense in that you cant see that unless they were paid shills they would not devote their entire days and nights going to sites posting lies and propaganda like they do constantly?:cuckoo: Obviously so.I barely have time to go to more than a couple others and post unlike them.If they were not paid shills,they would be like you and not care about these topics being discussed and not come here every single day defending the absurd fairy tales of the governments.:lol::lol::lol:
go to several message boards and post day and night all hours on end posting lies and propaganda.

I find it laughable that the twofer movement likes to think that they have a higher IQ yet the majority of them are incapable of typing at a level higher than 5th grade. Even if they really can't spell most seem ignorant of the fact that spell check exists. I personally think most of them live in their mother's basement and don't date much.


[ame=]Patriots Question 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

somehow Bush dupes like I Cant See The Light find all these incredible experts in that link of yours such as these architects,engineers,scientists,expert pilots,former high ranking government officials such as Generals and former CIA people who say the governments version is b.s.

somehow they find THEM as laughable sources but instead our government institutions and the Neocons in the Bush administration credible sources even though they were caught lying on many counts such as Nist saying there was no molten metal being found at the site.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

they kill me everytime with that logic.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

Looks like SOMEONE is living "rent free" inside your head!! Sense you singled me out in that post.

As for that video that has been posted 100 times, how does the fact that some military and ex-military personnel opinions PROVE anything? I have been to the website and read almost all of their statements. They prove very little. Many of them are speaking to elements outside their expertise. Doctors saying that the buildings shouldn't fall "that way". Air traffic controllers saying that there should have been more wreckage. Which means their opinion carries no more weight than mine does. There are some who's statements are purely talking about "intelligence" information. Should they have seen this coming and was someone asleep at the wheel type of questions? Those people have a legitimate case to make. There was an intelligence failure and people were asleep at the wheel.
For those few that ARE speaking to their area of expertise, the onus is on them to prove it. If they are such patriots and have all the "real" facts on their side, they should be able to get some real action taken on this subject. Problem is, they haven't and won't. Because they've got NOTHING! Nothing of real substance. They've got all the "it doesn't look right" and "that's not supposed to happen" arguments. And the fact that it has been almost 11 years and nothing has happened, tells me how much of a case they have.
someone is back to talk to himself I that is some scary shit that someone feels they need to talk to themselves.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

thats what these paid shills that have posted on this thread just recently on this page do all the time cause thats their job.
I only needed to look at the first sentence which is all i read by the way to see my hunch was right.i can tell just from that first sentence as usual I CANT SEE THE LIGHT,your still afraid of the truth and dont want to go back to junior high school and learn about the laws of physics that all 7th graders know.congrats.

oh and thanks for admitting thats your warped logic you have about those experts,that they are wrong and the neocons in the Bush administration and our corrupt institutions are looking out for us and that your living in denial as usual.
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That word, alone, conveys the essential befuddlement of so many twoofers.



This is hysterical.

I wish USMB had a wider audience. The entire nation could use a laugh.

back so soon to shit on the floor some more I see LIAR ABILITY. Funny how you paid trolls get back on these threads the SECOND a truther posts.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: well no surprise since your handlers would get pissed if you did not as we both know.

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