Proof the cover story for 9/111 began immediately after the attacks

Here is more to the cover story for 9/11 being spoonfed to pitty little American's...

American's are such a pun intended...LOL...:badgrin:

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least

Here is more to the cover story for 9/11 being spoonfed to pitty little American's...

American's are such a pun intended...LOL...:badgrin:

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least


wow ,you posted a childish picture,you are good at posting childish ,inane pictures aren't you ?..what an empty mind and empty life you must have ..its sad but at least you have have your lil pictures to draw comfort from...
Here is more to the cover story for 9/11 being spoonfed to pitty little American's...

American's are such a pun intended...LOL...:badgrin:

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least


wow ,you posted a childish picture,you are good at posting childish ,inane pictures aren't you ?..what an empty mind and empty life you must have
its sad but at least you have have your lil pictures to draw comfort from...

And you?

You seem to derive satisfaction from positing one of the most self-evidently absurd "theories" ever imagined.

Hey, but all YOU want is an investigation to "answer" meaningless questions (which in turn are premised on the most imbecile of notions).

So go eat another shit sandwich you lowlife vile scumbag twoofer.

And wash it down with a mug of STFU.

Nobody with a brain buys any of the idiocy you and the other asshole twoofers always spew.

Fucking orbs. Thermite. Planted thermite. Hadda be planted when the fucking building was constructed. There wasn't any thermite back in those days, either. Conspiracies: To go to war. Or to get oil. Or to demo the building. Yeah yeah. The Joooos.

You are rancid beyond words.

Fuck off.
Here is more to the cover story for 9/11 being spoonfed to pitty little American's...

American's are such a pun intended...LOL...:badgrin:

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least


EXCELLENT use of imagery!


thanks for posting that.Barry Jennings testimony is another part of the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission of bld 7 that not only the 9/11 coverup commission could not get around,but these agent trolls on my ignore list have always failed to do and everybody else that defended it here on this thread failed to do as well.

Barry Jennings testimony was so overwhelming that explosives went off,thats why they killed him later in disguised his death later on as something else.they could not afford to have him around anymore telling the truth.

The agents on my ignore list always have to fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.they hate hearing it all the time but its the truth so it needs to constantly be repeated.:D:D:lol: Maybe the loyal brainwashed Bush dupe on here living in denial Light,that that will seek in with them.

It cracks me up to no end how the commission themselves could never get around that fact yet this brainwashed Bush dupe Light and the agent trolls that have penetrated this site somehow think they possibly could.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

Rolls on floor laughing.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

agent trolls that have penetrated this site
Oh my GOD! How does one "penetrate" a free discussion forum setup for people with different opinions to converse? Again, you talk as if there is some organized effort to disprove your opinions. Could you possibly be more diluted? We are all just people with opinions. Some of us can show how we come to our opinions by showing the evidence and logic that we use. Others, like yourself, just like to make claims. Try "showing your work". Instead of saying things like "there is plenty of evidence for" or "it's obvious"..............prove it! some real evidence. Show SOMETHING. Just parroting the same old claims is just sad. You can't actually defend your position, so you start calling people idiots for not taking your word for it. And now you are starting to refuse to continue speaking with someone that you are disagreeing with? Really!? That will "show them" that you are right!!

As for Barry Jennings, he has spoken about being unhappy with his interview being used to "prove" there were explosives and dead people in the building.
[ame=]Barry Jennings: Dead Bodies? - YouTube[/ame]
And as for his death...............please show some evidence that he was murdered. The only people claiming he was killed, are the people trying to push an "inside job" theory. And what is the logic behind killing someone that has already shared their story?
People are killed to prevent them from talking. He has already "talked". Nothing is gained by eliminating him. That is just the tip of the iceberg of your "logic fallacies".
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Here is more to the cover story for 9/11 being spoonfed to pitty little American's...

American's are such a pun intended...LOL...:badgrin:

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least


wow ,you posted a childish picture,you are good at posting childish ,inane pictures aren't you ?..what an empty mind and empty life you must have ..its sad but at least you have have your lil pictures to draw comfort from...
At least you have your YouTube videos.:badgrin::badgrin:

wow ,you posted a childish picture,you are good at posting childish ,inane pictures aren't you ?..what an empty mind and empty life you must have ..its sad but at least you have have your lil pictures to draw comfort from...
At least you have your YouTube videos.:badgrin::badgrin:

yes and they are from some of the top retired military veterans and government research scientist...not pictures of crying children with inane captions on the level of lol cats and that about says it all

[ame=]911 Truther Fail - YouTube[/ame]

absolutely pointless video void of any facts and serves only to hi-light the fact that debwunkers like to focus on people like dylan avery so they can distract from the impeccable men and woman of service and expertise featured at patriotsquestion911

[ame=]Patriots Question 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]911 Truther Fail - YouTube[/ame]

absolutely pointless video void of any facts and serves only to hi-light the fact that debwunkers like to focus on people like dylan avery so they can distract from the impeccable men and woman of service and expertise featured at patriotsquestion911

[ame=]Patriots Question 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

Looping. Looping. Looping.

It fits. All twoofers are pretty fucking loop-y.

On the other hand, not one thing id-eots has ever posted has ever withstood critical analysis.

This explains why he finds it so necessary to repeat himself. He's run out of plumb stupid unpersuasive shit. So he just rinses and mindlessly repeats.

And forever, he will fail.

[ame=]911 Truther Fail - YouTube[/ame]

absolutely pointless video void of any facts and serves only to hi-light the fact that debwunkers like to focus on people like dylan avery so they can distract from the impeccable men and woman of service and expertise featured at patriotsquestion911

[ame=]Patriots Question 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Bill Maher Goes into Audience to Kick Out 9/11 Truther - YouTube[/ame]

absolutely pointless video void of any facts and serves only to hi-light the fact that debwunkers like to focus on people like dylan avery so they can distract from the impeccable men and woman of service and expertise featured at patriotsquestion911

[ame=]Patriots Question 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

Looping. Looping. Looping.

It fits. All twoofers are pretty fucking loop-y.

On the other hand, not one thing id-eots has ever posted has ever withstood critical analysis.

This explains why he finds it so necessary to repeat himself. He's run out of plumb stupid unpersuasive shit. So he just rinses and mindlessly repeats.

And forever, he will fail.

talk about looping...same repetitive shit from you over and over so lets see it don't just yap about it... show me this critical thinking,explain to deets why his science is wrong not yours

Dwain Deets, MS Physics, MS Eng – Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. Before this appointment, he served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden. Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award and the Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988). Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics, a distinguished speaking engagement sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (1986). Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000. Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology. 37 year NASA career.

[ame=]Dwain Deets in Ventura on Building 7 (Part 1 of 4).m4v - YouTube[/ame]
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Why does it matter if he's Jewish?

as I tried to explain to Light earlier Toto,Silverstein is the jew connection to the mossads involvement in it.:cuckoo: there is plenty of overwhelming evidence out there that proves the mossad had a heavy hand in this but as we both know,your just like him, afraid of the truth and only see what you WANT to see as you have proven in spades so many times over the years that I would show it to you if you wanted to learn, but since your like him,only want to live in denial and be afraid, and only see what you want to see, I wont bother since talking to you about this is like talking to a wall.
oh and silverstein just like Bushwacker and Cheney,proffited very handsomely from these attacks that you would know if you stopped listening to the idiot box in your living room that you have allowed to brainwash you. you might try what Mad Scientist did,he was for along time a brainwshed Bush dupe in denial for a long time on this as well but then unlike you,he finally stopped being afraid and started listening to the alternative media tat reports real news they suppress and is finally awake.something I never thought would haappen with him.

I have seen this happen quite a few times over the years actually,that someone like MS who defends the official version,cross over and no lonver believe it anymore where I have never seen someone such as Eots or Paulitician cross over and be a Bush never will either because the truth wins out in the end.


Run Toto Run.:lol::lol::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Here is more to the cover story for 9/11 being spoonfed to pitty little American's...

American's are such a pun intended...LOL...:badgrin:

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least


wow ,you posted a childish picture,you are good at posting childish ,inane pictures aren't you ?..what an empty mind and empty life you must have ..its sad but at least you have have your lil pictures to draw comfort from...

typical ploy of an agent when beaten and cant think up anymore lies to post to get around the facts.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

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