Proof the cover story for 9/111 began immediately after the attacks

[ame=]Barry Manilow - Copacabana + Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

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Or we can talk Barry Bonds.

[ame=]BARRY BONDS (HR 756) - YouTube[/ame]

Nobody "admits" free fall. Nobody can "admit" pure fiction.

And reality says it did not fall at free fall speeds.

That YouBoob bullshit distorts (deliberately) what NIST did conclude.

More Twoofer dishonesty.

What a shock.

In a video, it appears that WTC 7 is descending in free fall, something that would not occur in the structural collapse that you describe. How can you ignore basic laws of physics?

In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study), NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.

To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.

The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study) and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at WTC Disaster Study).

The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:

Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.
Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation

In short, the YouBoob bullshit linked by id-eots is a lie and, knowing this, id-eots is a liar.

That stage 2 rate of collapse = roughly 2.25 seconds' worth of "free fall" which is completely expected and having nothing at all to do with any intentional demolition of anything.

Why do Twoofers insist on being fucking complete, abject, lying sacks of shit?

Nobody "admits" free fall. Nobody can "admit" pure fiction.

And reality says it did not fall at free fall speeds.

That YouBoob bullshit distorts (deliberately) what NIST did conclude.

More Twoofer dishonesty.

What a shock.

In a video, it appears that WTC 7 is descending in free fall, something that would not occur in the structural collapse that you describe. How can you ignore basic laws of physics?

In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study), NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.

To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.

The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study) and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at WTC Disaster Study).

The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:

Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.
Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation

In short, the YouBoob bullshit linked by id-eots is a lie and, knowing this, id-eots is a liar.

That stage 2 rate of collapse = roughly 2.25 seconds' worth of "free fall" which is completely expected and having nothing at all to do with any intentional demolition of anything.

Why do Twoofers insist on being fucking complete, abject, lying sacks of shit?

what a moron...

nobody "admits" free fall. Nobody can "admit" pure fiction.

And reality says it did not fall at free fall speeds.

stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): Gravitational acceleration (free fall)

in short, the youboob bullshit linked by id-eots is a lie and, knowing this, id-eots is a liar.

That stage 2 rate of collapse = roughly 2.25 seconds' worth of "free fall" which is completely expected and having nothing at all to do with any intentional demolition of anything. Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation


nobody "admits" free fall. Nobody can "admit" pure fiction.

And reality says it did not fall at free fall speeds.

stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): Gravitational acceleration (free fall)

in short, the youboob bullshit linked by id-eots is a lie and, knowing this, id-eots is a liar.

That stage 2 rate of collapse = roughly 2.25 seconds' worth of "free fall" which is completely expected and having nothing at all to do with any intentional demolition of anything. Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation


^ the expected answer of a twoofer when facts and reality get in the way of his lies.

Or, it could have been the


Nobody "admits" free fall. Nobody can "admit" pure fiction.

And reality says it did not fall at free fall speeds.

That YouBoob bullshit distorts (deliberately) what NIST did conclude.

More Twoofer dishonesty.

What a shock.

In a video, it appears that WTC 7 is descending in free fall, something that would not occur in the structural collapse that you describe. How can you ignore basic laws of physics?

In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study), NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.

To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.

The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study) and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at WTC Disaster Study).

The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:

Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.
Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation

In short, the YouBoob bullshit linked by id-eots is a lie and, knowing this, id-eots is a liar.

That stage 2 rate of collapse = roughly 2.25 seconds' worth of "free fall" which is completely expected and having nothing at all to do with any intentional demolition of anything.

Why do Twoofers insist on being fucking complete, abject, lying sacks of shit?

what a moron...

That does constitute an honest sign-off for your posts.
So, your theory is that Building 7 couldn’t possibly have fallen due to being on fire ALL DAY? Even though the FDNY was expecting it to fall at any time.:

We walked over by number Seven World Trade Center as it was burning and saw this 40-plus story building with fire on nearly all floors. –FDNY Lieutenant Robert LaRocca

Just when you thought it was over, you're walking by this building and you're hearing this building creak and fully involved in flames. It's like, is it coming down next? Sure enough, about a half an hour later it came down. –FDNY Lieutenant James McGlynn

When the building came down it was completely involved in fire, all forty-seven stories.
–FDNY Assistant Chief Harry Myers (Smith, Dennis, 2002. Report From Ground Zero: The Heroic Story of the Rescuers at the World Trade Center. New York: Penguin Putnam. p. 160)

Building #7 was still actively burning and at that time we were advised by a NYFD Chief that building #7 was burning out of control and imminent collapse was probable. –PAPD P.O. Edward McQuade / server maintenance page 48.

There was a huge gaping hole and it was scattered through there. It was a huge hole. I would say it was probably a third of it, right in the middle of it. And so after Visconti came down and said nobody goes in 7, we said all right, we’ll head back to the command post.
– Capt. Chris Boyle

They were saying building Seven was going to collapse, so we regrouped and went back to our rig. We waited for building Seven to come down. –Firefighter James Wallace

Now that is just a small fraction of the quotes by fireman that I have found. Here is a link to the full accounts of the FDNY.
FDNY accounts are here:

Sounds to me like the FDNY was fully expecting it to come down. They were literally waiting for it to come down so they could continue their rescue efforts. They had been pulled back because by all estimates, that building was in danger of collapse. Are you claiming that all these men knew that the building was going to be “brought down” by some means other than the damage that they all witnessed?

It’s easy to sit here now, 10 years later, watching a video of the north side of that building as it falls and saying “that looks like a controlled demolition”. The problem with that are all the actual people, mainly firefighters, which were ACTUALLY THERE. They know what they saw and they know what a building in danger looks like. They reacted by getting away from it. These are men that know how to deal with fire and what it does to a building if it is not fought.

I realize you didn’t make this claim YET, but please don’t claim that the FDNY has been silenced in some way………………that would be ridiculous. If these men felt that the events of that day were caused by something other than two aircraft collisions…………………killing many of their “brothers”………………… you think they are going to keep silent!? Firefighters are not timid men.
Are you claiming that ALL these firefighters are mistaken? That they don’t know what a building in danger of falling looks like………….BUT YOU DO!?
Can you find an organization of FDNY firefighters that are demanding that the case be reopened? NO. Why? Because they know what happened……………..they lived it!

As for the buildings next to the towers, WTC4,5 &6, they were undoubtedly severely damaged. But you do realize that these buildings were 6 to 8 stories tall. Far different dynamics in those short of buildings compared to a skyscraper when they are damaged and on fire. In fact, there was fear the WTC 5 WAS going to collapse during the same time the firefighters were expecting WTC7 to collapse. Read the following reports. WTC4,5 & 6 did suffer varying levels of partial collapse. Many pictures in these reports show large steel supports that have failed or begun to fail due to the fires. Something that you apparently think can’t happen.

As for the comment on the “Jew Larry Silverstein” owning the property, that just makes you ignorant! Please explain why him being Jewish as anything to do with what you are claiming. As for the “owning” of the property, that is incorrect also. He is the “lease holder” to the property owned by the Port Authority of New York.

Also, Silverstein was not the sole lease holder. He was partnered up with Westfield America for the bid on the WTC complex. So he has in no way, shape or form the unilateral power to do whatever he wants with that property.

Now that the "crux" of your argument lay in waste, what else you got!? response?
something else I forgot to mentioned before was again you sure cripple your arguments constantly.Here you are talking about the combination of a jet and the fire causing the collapse of the towers and when cornered that bld 7 was not hit by an airliner, you backpeddle talking about a huge hole hit in the building and all these fires being on the floors yet at the same time according to your logic,those neighbor buildings next door to the towers ALSO should have collapsed because they ALSO had huge holes in them,far more extensive damage as those photos prove-and those are not fake photos either:lol::D,had far worse burning severe fires in them and yet those buildings did not collapse.oh and you constantly prove you have done no research into this other than what you want to see because there were some mistimed explosions that took place earlier in the day which is what caused the big hole.:lol::lol::lol: and like always you ignore that NIST was caught lying.

as i said before,you need to go back to junior high school science classes because a fire induced collapse with a hole like that doesnt make it fall at free fall speed,they would GRADUALLY fall down.god your ignorant as hell.:lol::lol::lol: not to mention close minded that you forgot everything you learned at that age,seriously,as i said before,I have had far more inteeligent conversations with htis with junior high school kids and thats because they dont ignore the laws of physics they learned.:lol::lol: so like i said,till you get that education,your not worth my time anymore.your too afraid obviously to look at videos as you have proved in spades.

You obviously didn't bother reading my post explaining the difference between WTC7 and WTC4,5&6. Maybe the difference between a 47 story skyscraper and an 8 story building escaped your junior high education.

because there were some mistimed explosions that took place earlier in the day which is what caused the big hole
Who's ass did you pull that out of!? Where is the evidence for THIS claim?

fire induced collapse with a hole like that doesnt make it fall at free fall speed,they would GRADUALLY fall down
Please show ANY skyscraper that has ever "gradually" collapsed!!

I notice that you don't actually want to discuss this subject. You just want to yell out your claims and call those that don't agree trolls. You can't validate these things you say, so out comes the ranting!!

And I like this one:
your not worth my time anymore
This is another way of you saying "I can't prove your position wrong nor can I prove my position I am just going to quit!"
I would like to quote one of your "one liners" here about running away in defeat................but I just can't bring myself to type something that stupid.

four farts in a row from the agent trolls since this last post of yours.:lol::poop: You might post for the agents those videos again how NIST was caught lying about no molten steel found.if you post those videos often enough,maybe it will sink into their warped brains.:lol::lol:

although I highly doubt it since they are obviously on drugs.

I love how according to the logic of a certain official conspiracy theory apologist afraid of the truth,that according to his logic,the next door neighbor buildings much closer to the towers and had far more extensive damage to it and far more extensive fires,that according to his logic,they should have collapsed as well yet they did not.then when cornered on this that, he cripples his arguments,has to fling shit in defeat to avoid admitting defeat cause the truth scares him.:lol::lol::D

try to reason with him on this sense YOU are still discussing this with the paid trolls and the loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth.I can see none of that has sunk in with him.well not surprising since they only see what they want to see.

amazing how they worship the 9/11 commission and live in denial with their coincidence theorys that only the buildings owned by Jew silverstein that day collapsed and the others with far more extensive damage as the photos prove-guess they never looked at them on that link I supplied,thats a given obviously,that THEY never collapsed which again according to a loyal Bush dupes logic ,SHOULD have as well.:cuckoo: but didnt because a fact he is afraid of,they did not because they were not owned by silverstein.guess thats a point he doesnt want to tackle since it shoots down his ramblings.:lol::lol::D

more importantly since you are STILL trying to get them unbrainwashed,explain to the loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth,that if he did not have such a bad memory, and could actually remember what was taught to him in junior high school science classes,those three buildings should never have come down at free fall speed like they did defying the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years.

It will go ignored of course but try to to explain that if he knew one iota about the laws of physics that every junior high school kid knows and learns at that age,those towers should never have fallen straight down at freefall speed,that they should have GRADUALLY came down and tipped over and came down around 97 seconds or so.

Good luck,you cant reason with someone who only sees what they want to see,wont watch your videos that have shot down their ramblings and wont be open minded enough to ask to go ask a junior high school teacher to explain to him the laws of physics.:lol::lol::D

thats about as best as dummies style I know of on how to explain it to the people worshipping the 9/11 coverup you know any better way? good luck.I have tried as best as I could but cant have a rational discussion with someone who wont watch the evidence you show in videos like you have or only selectively reads what they want to read as you well now,thats why I wish you luck trying to reason with them since you choose to continue with them on this.
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four farts in a row from the agent trolls since this last post of yours.:lol::poop: You might post for the agents those videos again how NIST was caught lying about no molten steel found.if you post those videos often enough,maybe it will sink into their warped brains.:lol::lol:

although I highly doubt it since they are obviously on drugs.

I love how according to the logic of a certain official conspiracy theory apologist afraid of the truth,that according to his logic,the next door neighbor buildings much closer to the towers and had far more extensive damage to it and far more extensive fires,that according to his logic,they should have collapsed as well yet they did not.then when cornered on this that, he cripples his arguments,has to fling shit in defeat to avoid admitting defeat cause the truth scares him.:lol::lol::D

try to reason with him on this sense YOU are still discussing this with the paid trolls and the loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth.I can see none of that has sunk in with him.well not surprising since they only see what they want to see.

amazing how they worship the 9/11 commission and live in denial with their coincidence theorys that only the buildings owned by Jew silverstein that day collapsed and the others with far more extensive damage as the photos prove-guess they never looked at them on that link I supplied,thats a given obviously,that THEY never collapsed which again according to a loyal Bush dupes logic ,SHOULD have as well.:cuckoo: but didnt because a fact he is afraid of,they did not because they were not owned by silverstein.guess thats a point he doesnt want to tackle since it shoots down his ramblings.:lol::lol::D

more importantly since you are STILL trying to get them unbrainwashed,explain to the loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth,that if he did not have such a bad memory, and could actually remember what was taught to him in junior high school science classes,those three buildings should never have come down at free fall speed like they did defying the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years.

It will go ignored of course but try to to explain that if he knew one iota about the laws of physics that every junior high school kid knows and learns at that age,those towers should never have fallen straight down at freefall speed,that they should have GRADUALLY came down and tipped over and came down around 97 seconds or so.

Good luck,you cant reason with someone who only sees what they want to see,wont watch your videos that have shot down their ramblings and wont be open minded enough to ask to go ask a junior high school teacher to explain to him the laws of physics.:lol::lol::D

thats about as best as dummies style I know of on how to explain it to the people worshipping the 9/11 coverup you know any better way? good luck.I have tried as best as I could but cant have a rational discussion with someone who wont watch the evidence you show in videos like you have or only selectively reads what they want to read as you well now,thats why I wish you luck trying to reason with them since you choose to continue with them on this.

Why does it matter if he's Jewish?
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four farts in a row from the agent trolls since this last post of yours.:lol::poop: You might post for the agents those videos again how NIST was caught lying about no molten steel found.if you post those videos often enough,maybe it will sink into their warped brains.:lol::lol:

although I highly doubt it since they are obviously on drugs.

I love how according to the logic of a certain official conspiracy theory apologist afraid of the truth,that according to his logic,the next door neighbor buildings much closer to the towers and had far more extensive damage to it and far more extensive fires,that according to his logic,they should have collapsed as well yet they did not.then when cornered on this that, he cripples his arguments,has to fling shit in defeat to avoid admitting defeat cause the truth scares him.:lol::lol::D

try to reason with him on this sense YOU are still discussing this with the paid trolls and the loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth.I can see none of that has sunk in with him.well not surprising since they only see what they want to see.

amazing how they worship the 9/11 commission and live in denial with their coincidence theorys that only the buildings owned by Jew silverstein that day collapsed and the others with far more extensive damage as the photos prove-guess they never looked at them on that link I supplied,thats a given obviously,that THEY never collapsed which again according to a loyal Bush dupes logic ,SHOULD have as well.:cuckoo: but didnt because a fact he is afraid of,they did not because they were not owned by silverstein.guess thats a point he doesnt want to tackle since it shoots down his ramblings.:lol::lol::D

more importantly since you are STILL trying to get them unbrainwashed,explain to the loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth,that if he did not have such a bad memory, and could actually remember what was taught to him in junior high school science classes,those three buildings should never have come down at free fall speed like they did defying the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years.

It will go ignored of course but try to to explain that if he knew one iota about the laws of physics that every junior high school kid knows and learns at that age,those towers should never have fallen straight down at freefall speed,that they should have GRADUALLY came down and tipped over and came down around 97 seconds or so.

Good luck,you cant reason with someone who only sees what they want to see,wont watch your videos that have shot down their ramblings and wont be open minded enough to ask to go ask a junior high school teacher to explain to him the laws of physics.:lol::lol::D

thats about as best as dummies style I know of on how to explain it to the people worshipping the 9/11 coverup you know any better way? good luck.I have tried as best as I could but cant have a rational discussion with someone who wont watch the evidence you show in videos like you have or only selectively reads what they want to read as you well now,thats why I wish you luck trying to reason with them since you choose to continue with them on this.

Why does it matter if he's Jewish?

as I tried to explain to Light earlier Toto,Silverstein is the jew connection to the mossads involvement in it.:cuckoo: there is plenty of overwhelming evidence out there that proves the mossad had a heavy hand in this but as we both know,your just like him, afraid of the truth and only see what you WANT to see as you have proven in spades so many times over the years that I would show it to you if you wanted to learn, but since your like him,only want to live in denial and be afraid, and only see what you want to see, I wont bother since talking to you about this is like talking to a wall.
oh and silverstein just like Bushwacker and Cheney,proffited very handsomely from these attacks that you would know if you stopped listening to the idiot box in your living room that you have allowed to brainwash you. you might try what Mad Scientist did,he was for along time a brainwshed Bush dupe in denial for a long time on this as well but then unlike you,he finally stopped being afraid and started listening to the alternative media tat reports real news they suppress and is finally awake.something I never thought would haappen with him.

I have seen this happen quite a few times over the years actually,that someone like MS who defends the official version,cross over and no lonver believe it anymore where I have never seen someone such as Eots or Paulitician cross over and be a Bush never will either because the truth wins out in the end.
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This coming from the same stupid fucker that doesn't know how many years it's been since 9/11 occurred.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
someone farted in here.:D:lol::lol::lol::clap2::clap2::poop:

you can only sling shit in defeat candyass as always.:D:lol:
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since only Eots and Max are the only intelligent posters to come on here and post this will have to be my last post here for a while since all this thread does is attract the trolls and OCTAS afraid of the truth.

You OCTA'S make yourselves look like idiots more and more so by constantly defending that paid agent in that video at the beginning.If you all were not such idiots you see that he is just like the paid agents on my ignore list that have penetrated this site.Hired to spread the lies and he was obviously hired long before the attacks to memorize that script like an actor and have his speech ready to go.You are being complete idiots accepting that he knew what had already caused it to collapse before the government even concluded so and you know it.stop living in denial.

That guy unlike the other people in the streets is not one bit at all broken up about it all,a fact you idiots ignore.He actually sounds more happy than sad about it if anything.guess all that money paid off to him made him so happy.all that money being paid to him,he doesnt give a shit about all those people in our government that they will do that to you you idiots.

Also those firefighters never would have stayed as long as they did if they thought there was any kind of a chance those towers would collapse.Give me a break with your pitiful ramblings the combination of the airliner and the fires caused it to collapse.we know the fires were not serious because thanks to the family members who had to fight for the release of the tapes that were not released until years later,you hear on them the firefighters saying the fires are not that serious,that they would have them put out shortly.they would have evacuated a long time ago and never have stayed that long if they were serious.

you can forget your ramblings that the airliner along with the fires caused it to collapse because as any serious researcher like Eots,myself and Max all know,those towers were OVER designed to take a hit from an airliner.The designers anticipated this designing it in mind with multiple airliners striking it at speeds up to 600mph.One of them said so in an interview about 9 months before it happened. again that guy is an agent saying the fires induced the collapse and your a complete idiot if you believe that and of course you will try and fool yourself and saying none of these points are true as well.Go ahead,you just prove what stupid idiots you are be doing so.:D:lol: so by all means,go ahead and make idiot asses out of yourselfs,thats your problem.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
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four farts in a row from the agent trolls since this last post of yours.:lol::poop: You might post for the agents those videos again how NIST was caught lying about no molten steel found.if you post those videos often enough,maybe it will sink into their warped brains.:lol::lol:

although I highly doubt it since they are obviously on drugs.

I love how according to the logic of a certain official conspiracy theory apologist afraid of the truth,that according to his logic,the next door neighbor buildings much closer to the towers and had far more extensive damage to it and far more extensive fires,that according to his logic,they should have collapsed as well yet they did not.then when cornered on this that, he cripples his arguments,has to fling shit in defeat to avoid admitting defeat cause the truth scares him.:lol::lol::D

try to reason with him on this sense YOU are still discussing this with the paid trolls and the loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth.I can see none of that has sunk in with him.well not surprising since they only see what they want to see.

amazing how they worship the 9/11 commission and live in denial with their coincidence theorys that only the buildings owned by Jew silverstein that day collapsed and the others with far more extensive damage as the photos prove-guess they never looked at them on that link I supplied,thats a given obviously,that THEY never collapsed which again according to a loyal Bush dupes logic ,SHOULD have as well.:cuckoo: but didnt because a fact he is afraid of,they did not because they were not owned by silverstein.guess thats a point he doesnt want to tackle since it shoots down his ramblings.:lol::lol::D

more importantly since you are STILL trying to get them unbrainwashed,explain to the loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth,that if he did not have such a bad memory, and could actually remember what was taught to him in junior high school science classes,those three buildings should never have come down at free fall speed like they did defying the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years.

It will go ignored of course but try to to explain that if he knew one iota about the laws of physics that every junior high school kid knows and learns at that age,those towers should never have fallen straight down at freefall speed,that they should have GRADUALLY came down and tipped over and came down around 97 seconds or so.

Good luck,you cant reason with someone who only sees what they want to see,wont watch your videos that have shot down their ramblings and wont be open minded enough to ask to go ask a junior high school teacher to explain to him the laws of physics.:lol::lol::D

thats about as best as dummies style I know of on how to explain it to the people worshipping the 9/11 coverup you know any better way? good luck.I have tried as best as I could but cant have a rational discussion with someone who wont watch the evidence you show in videos like you have or only selectively reads what they want to read as you well now,thats why I wish you luck trying to reason with them since you choose to continue with them on this.

Why does it matter if he's Jewish?

as I tried to explain to Light earlier Toto,Silverstein is the jew connection to the mossads involvement in it.:cuckoo: there is plenty of overwhelming evidence out there that proves the mossad had a heavy hand in this but as we both know,your just like him, afraid of the truth and only see what you WANT to see as you have proven in spades so many times over the years that I would show it to you if you wanted to learn, but since your like him,only want to live in denial and be afraid, and only see what you want to see, I wont bother since talking to you about this is like talking to a wall.
oh and silverstein just like Bushwacker and Cheney,proffited very handsomely from these attacks that you would know if you stopped listening to the idiot box in your living room that you have allowed to brainwash you. you might try what Mad Scientist did,he was for along time a brainwshed Bush dupe in denial for a long time on this as well but then unlike you,he finally stopped being afraid and started listening to the alternative media tat reports real news they suppress and is finally awake.something I never thought would haappen with him.

I have seen this happen quite a few times over the years actually,that someone like MS who defends the official version,cross over and no lonver believe it anymore where I have never seen someone such as Eots or Paulitician cross over and be a Bush never will either because the truth wins out in the end.


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