Proof the cover story for 9/111 began immediately after the attacks


Here is this disinformation agent automatically concluding before ANYBODY has even NIST,that the towers fell due to structural failure from the fires saying the intense heat caused it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D Intense heat? yeah thats why in one of the famous pics posted many times over the years we see a woman leaning against the towers even though the flames are allegedly so intense.:lol::lol::D

even though the films show the majority of the explosion took place outside the towers the fires are really intense.:lol::D

Even though there was black smoke emitting from the towers proving the fires were oxygen starved and not serious at all just like the firefighters are recorded saying before they collapsed and there have been many cases over the years of towers such as the one in philadelphia where it was lit up like a torch unlike the twin towers, and did not collapse,these twin towers heat was so intense it caused strutural failure and for them to collapse.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol: good one.

In somehow,immediately these newscasters had physic powers to declare that very day shortly after the attacks, that Osama Bin Laden was behind the attacks.:D

Best fairy tale ever created by the government and many blind sheep americans,many of them being here at this site as well,bought this fairy tale hook,line and sinker.:D:lol:

Boy our school systems are failing.either that or many people here in the states,slept through junior high school science classes.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

These fires were not hot enough to melt a marshmellow,let along cause structural failure.:lol:

good would have been great comedy material for a comedy routine if it wasnt such a tragedy.

Oh and disinfo agents,yes I know I said 9/111 in the thread instead of 9/11,yes I just realised that, but I cant change the title,only a mod can.

Yeah, you're right, you never see an idiot "man on the street" interview unless the man is an agent of the government.

And why would anyone think that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause structural damage? It's ridiculous!

Meanwhile, in the world of the 3 digit IQs, we wonder, how do you survive with such minimal brain function?

thats something you should consider since you slept junior high school science classes.:lol: again your being an idiot ignoring how this bozo concluded before an investigation ever happened what really happend and if you were aware of witness testimonys like him,you would see your being an idiot as well.:lol::D Lets see,who wins? your ramblings or the laws of physics? you lose like all bush dupes always do.
Ok this is really the ONLY one that needs to be discussed because its the point nobody has ever been able to debunk which is again building 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission they couldnt get around and nobody has ever been able to get around.

again Building 7 was a couple blocks away from the towers.again this is where you crippled your argument mentioniong the combination of the jet and the fires causing the collapse.well bld 7 WASNT hit by an airliner and the fires were not anywhere near as severe as the fires in the buildings that were next door neighbors to the towers which were also damaged FAR MORE EXTENSIVELY as these photos that Pualitican posted on this thread prove.Its the 9th post on this going to deny those buildings next to the towers were not damaged far worse than bld 7?:cuckoo: the first two pics are buildings that are not part of world trade center,they are posted because THEY are serious fires unlike the twin towers or bld 7 yet those towers remained standing is why he posted those two pics first.

so WHY did THEY not collapse genius?:cuckoo: could it be possible because they were not owned by jew Larry Silverstein? think, you can do it.oh thats right,your in denial and a coincidence theorist so you dont want to think.

So, your theory is that Building 7 couldn’t possibly have fallen due to being on fire ALL DAY? Even though the FDNY was expecting it to fall at any time.:

We walked over by number Seven World Trade Center as it was burning and saw this 40-plus story building with fire on nearly all floors. –FDNY Lieutenant Robert LaRocca

Just when you thought it was over, you're walking by this building and you're hearing this building creak and fully involved in flames. It's like, is it coming down next? Sure enough, about a half an hour later it came down. –FDNY Lieutenant James McGlynn

When the building came down it was completely involved in fire, all forty-seven stories.
–FDNY Assistant Chief Harry Myers (Smith, Dennis, 2002. Report From Ground Zero: The Heroic Story of the Rescuers at the World Trade Center. New York: Penguin Putnam. p. 160)

Building #7 was still actively burning and at that time we were advised by a NYFD Chief that building #7 was burning out of control and imminent collapse was probable. –PAPD P.O. Edward McQuade / server maintenance page 48.

There was a huge gaping hole and it was scattered through there. It was a huge hole. I would say it was probably a third of it, right in the middle of it. And so after Visconti came down and said nobody goes in 7, we said all right, we’ll head back to the command post.
– Capt. Chris Boyle

They were saying building Seven was going to collapse, so we regrouped and went back to our rig. We waited for building Seven to come down. –Firefighter James Wallace

Now that is just a small fraction of the quotes by fireman that I have found. Here is a link to the full accounts of the FDNY.
FDNY accounts are here:

Sounds to me like the FDNY was fully expecting it to come down. They were literally waiting for it to come down so they could continue their rescue efforts. They had been pulled back because by all estimates, that building was in danger of collapse. Are you claiming that all these men knew that the building was going to be “brought down” by some means other than the damage that they all witnessed?

It’s easy to sit here now, 10 years later, watching a video of the north side of that building as it falls and saying “that looks like a controlled demolition”. The problem with that are all the actual people, mainly firefighters, which were ACTUALLY THERE. They know what they saw and they know what a building in danger looks like. They reacted by getting away from it. These are men that know how to deal with fire and what it does to a building if it is not fought.

I realize you didn’t make this claim YET, but please don’t claim that the FDNY has been silenced in some way………………that would be ridiculous. If these men felt that the events of that day were caused by something other than two aircraft collisions…………………killing many of their “brothers”………………… you think they are going to keep silent!? Firefighters are not timid men.
Are you claiming that ALL these firefighters are mistaken? That they don’t know what a building in danger of falling looks like………….BUT YOU DO!?
Can you find an organization of FDNY firefighters that are demanding that the case be reopened? NO. Why? Because they know what happened……………..they lived it!

As for the buildings next to the towers, WTC4,5 &6, they were undoubtedly severely damaged. But you do realize that these buildings were 6 to 8 stories tall. Far different dynamics in those short of buildings compared to a skyscraper when they are damaged and on fire. In fact, there was fear the WTC 5 WAS going to collapse during the same time the firefighters were expecting WTC7 to collapse. Read the following reports. WTC4,5 & 6 did suffer varying levels of partial collapse. Many pictures in these reports show large steel supports that have failed or begun to fail due to the fires. Something that you apparently think can’t happen.

As for the comment on the “Jew Larry Silverstein” owning the property, that just makes you ignorant! Please explain why him being Jewish as anything to do with what you are claiming. As for the “owning” of the property, that is incorrect also. He is the “lease holder” to the property owned by the Port Authority of New York.

While the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is often identified as the owner of the WTC site, the ownership situation is actually somewhat complex and ambiguous.[3] The Port Authority indeed owns a "significant" internal portion of the site of 16 acres (65,000 m2), but has acknowledged "ambiguities over ownership of miscellaneous strips of property at the World Trade Center site" going back to the 1960s. It is unclear who owns 2.5 acres (10,000 m2) of the site, being land where streets had been before the World Trade Center was built.

Also, Silverstein was not the sole lease holder. He was partnered up with Westfield America for the bid on the WTC complex. So he has in no way, shape or form the unilateral power to do whatever he wants with that property.

Now that the "crux" of your argument lay in waste, what else you got!? response?
something else I forgot to mentioned before was again you sure cripple your arguments constantly.Here you are talking about the combination of a jet and the fire causing the collapse of the towers and when cornered that bld 7 was not hit by an airliner, you backpeddle talking about a huge hole hit in the building and all these fires being on the floors yet at the same time according to your logic,those neighbor buildings next door to the towers ALSO should have collapsed because they ALSO had huge holes in them,far more extensive damage as those photos prove-and those are not fake photos either:lol::D,had far worse burning severe fires in them and yet those buildings did not collapse.oh and you constantly prove you have done no research into this other than what you want to see because there were some mistimed explosions that took place earlier in the day which is what caused the big hole.:lol::lol::lol: and like always you ignore that NIST was caught lying.

as i said before,you need to go back to junior high school science classes because a fire induced collapse with a hole like that doesnt make it fall at free fall speed,they would GRADUALLY fall down.god your ignorant as hell.:lol::lol::lol: not to mention close minded that you forgot everything you learned at that age,seriously,as i said before,I have had far more inteeligent conversations with htis with junior high school kids and thats because they dont ignore the laws of physics they learned.:lol::lol: so like i said,till you get that education,your not worth my time anymore.your too afraid obviously to look at videos as you have proved in spades.

Here is this disinformation agent automatically concluding before ANYBODY has even NIST,that the towers fell due to structural failure from the fires saying the intense heat caused it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D Intense heat? yeah thats why in one of the famous pics posted many times over the years we see a woman leaning against the towers even though the flames are allegedly so intense.:lol::lol::D

even though the films show the majority of the explosion took place outside the towers the fires are really intense.:lol::D

Even though there was black smoke emitting from the towers proving the fires were oxygen starved and not serious at all just like the firefighters are recorded saying before they collapsed and there have been many cases over the years of towers such as the one in philadelphia where it was lit up like a torch unlike the twin towers, and did not collapse,these twin towers heat was so intense it caused strutural failure and for them to collapse.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol: good one.

In somehow,immediately these newscasters had physic powers to declare that very day shortly after the attacks, that Osama Bin Laden was behind the attacks.:D

Best fairy tale ever created by the government and many blind sheep americans,many of them being here at this site as well,bought this fairy tale hook,line and sinker.:D:lol:

Boy our school systems are failing.either that or many people here in the states,slept through junior high school science classes.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

These fires were not hot enough to melt a marshmellow,let along cause structural failure.:lol:

good would have been great comedy material for a comedy routine if it wasnt such a tragedy.

Oh and disinfo agents,yes I know I said 9/111 in the thread instead of 9/11,yes I just realised that, but I cant change the title,only a mod can.

Yeah, you're right, you never see an idiot "man on the street" interview unless the man is an agent of the government.

And why would anyone think that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause structural damage? It's ridiculous!

Meanwhile, in the world of the 3 digit IQs, we wonder, how do you survive with such minimal brain function?

thats something you should consider since you slept junior high school science classes.:lol: again your being an idiot ignoring how this bozo concluded before an investigation ever happened what really happend and if you were aware of witness testimonys like him,you would see your being an idiot as well.:lol::D Lets see,who wins? your ramblings or the laws of physics? you lose like all bush dupes always do.

Parrot your obviously an idiot who slept through junior high school science classes like I told the previous Bush dupe because as any architect will tell you who is not afraid of the government,they will tell you that those towers should never have come strait down by a fire induced building dumbfuck.congrats on your ignorance.:clap2::lol::D like I told him come back after you take some science classes in junior high that you obviously slept through.

There's a real poseur.

And with that gaping hole on the floors where the fires were raging, what effect would a gaping hole have on the ability to rush oxygen to the fire?


the loss of WTC 7’s Column 79—the structural component identified as the one whose failure on 9/11 started the progressive collapse—would still have led to a complete loss of the building if fire or damage from the falling debris of the nearby WTC 1 tower were not factors. The investigation team concluded that the column’s failure under any circumstance would have initiated the destructive sequence of events.

Another major puzzler.

It is also significant that to account for a "blast" taking-out a support structure adequate to cause the global collapse, the SOUND would have had to have been 130 to 140 dB half a mile away. No such explosive sound was reported or recorded.

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9/11 Rimjob, IQof7forever, CriscoPHEARa, id-eots and the rest of the scumbag twoofers endlessly loop the same drivel.

They collectively are The Fountain of Shit!

[ame=]9/11: Sound Evidence for WTC 7 Explosions and NIST Cover Up - YouTube[/ame]

Last edited by a moderator:

Here is this disinformation agent automatically concluding before ANYBODY has even NIST,that the towers fell due to structural failure from the fires saying the intense heat caused it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D Intense heat? yeah thats why in one of the famous pics posted many times over the years we see a woman leaning against the towers even though the flames are allegedly so intense.:lol::lol::D

even though the films show the majority of the explosion took place outside the towers the fires are really intense.:lol::D

Even though there was black smoke emitting from the towers proving the fires were oxygen starved and not serious at all just like the firefighters are recorded saying before they collapsed and there have been many cases over the years of towers such as the one in philadelphia where it was lit up like a torch unlike the twin towers, and did not collapse,these twin towers heat was so intense it caused strutural failure and for them to collapse.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol: good one.

In somehow,immediately these newscasters had physic powers to declare that very day shortly after the attacks, that Osama Bin Laden was behind the attacks.:D

Best fairy tale ever created by the government and many blind sheep americans,many of them being here at this site as well,bought this fairy tale hook,line and sinker.:D:lol:

Boy our school systems are failing.either that or many people here in the states,slept through junior high school science classes.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

These fires were not hot enough to melt a marshmellow,let along cause structural failure.:lol:

good would have been great comedy material for a comedy routine if it wasnt such a tragedy.

Oh and disinfo agents,yes I know I said 9/111 in the thread instead of 9/11,yes I just realised that, but I cant change the title,only a mod can.

Yeah, you're right, you never see an idiot "man on the street" interview unless the man is an agent of the government.

And why would anyone think that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause structural damage? It's ridiculous!

Meanwhile, in the world of the 3 digit IQs, we wonder, how do you survive with such minimal brain function?

thats something you should consider since you slept junior high school science classes.:lol: again your being an idiot ignoring how this bozo concluded before an investigation ever happened what really happend and if you were aware of witness testimonys like him,you would see your being an idiot as well.:lol::D Lets see,who wins? your ramblings or the laws of physics? you lose like all bush dupes always do.

Your BS has nothing to do with physics.
You never answered my question.

Here is this disinformation agent automatically concluding before ANYBODY has even NIST,that the towers fell due to structural failure from the fires saying the intense heat caused it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D Intense heat? yeah thats why in one of the famous pics posted many times over the years we see a woman leaning against the towers even though the flames are allegedly so intense.:lol::lol::D

even though the films show the majority of the explosion took place outside the towers the fires are really intense.:lol::D

Even though there was black smoke emitting from the towers proving the fires were oxygen starved and not serious at all just like the firefighters are recorded saying before they collapsed and there have been many cases over the years of towers such as the one in philadelphia where it was lit up like a torch unlike the twin towers, and did not collapse,these twin towers heat was so intense it caused strutural failure and for them to collapse.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol: good one.

In somehow,immediately these newscasters had physic powers to declare that very day shortly after the attacks, that Osama Bin Laden was behind the attacks.:D

Best fairy tale ever created by the government and many blind sheep americans,many of them being here at this site as well,bought this fairy tale hook,line and sinker.:D:lol:

Boy our school systems are failing.either that or many people here in the states,slept through junior high school science classes.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

These fires were not hot enough to melt a marshmellow,let along cause structural failure.:lol:

good would have been great comedy material for a comedy routine if it wasnt such a tragedy.

Oh and disinfo agents,yes I know I said 9/111 in the thread instead of 9/11,yes I just realised that, but I cant change the title,only a mod can.

Yeah, you're right, you never see an idiot "man on the street" interview unless the man is an agent of the government.

And why would anyone think that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause structural damage? It's ridiculous!

Meanwhile, in the world of the 3 digit IQs, we wonder, how do you survive with such minimal brain function?

you mean this retarded question ?..The answer would be that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause most likely cause some kind of structural damage..why do you ask ????

Here is this disinformation agent automatically concluding before ANYBODY has even NIST,that the towers fell due to structural failure from the fires saying the intense heat caused it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D Intense heat? yeah thats why in one of the famous pics posted many times over the years we see a woman leaning against the towers even though the flames are allegedly so intense.:lol::lol::D

even though the films show the majority of the explosion took place outside the towers the fires are really intense.:lol::D

Even though there was black smoke emitting from the towers proving the fires were oxygen starved and not serious at all just like the firefighters are recorded saying before they collapsed and there have been many cases over the years of towers such as the one in philadelphia where it was lit up like a torch unlike the twin towers, and did not collapse,these twin towers heat was so intense it caused strutural failure and for them to collapse.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol: good one.

In somehow,immediately these newscasters had physic powers to declare that very day shortly after the attacks, that Osama Bin Laden was behind the attacks.:D

Best fairy tale ever created by the government and many blind sheep americans,many of them being here at this site as well,bought this fairy tale hook,line and sinker.:D:lol:

Boy our school systems are failing.either that or many people here in the states,slept through junior high school science classes.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

These fires were not hot enough to melt a marshmellow,let along cause structural failure.:lol:

good would have been great comedy material for a comedy routine if it wasnt such a tragedy.

Oh and disinfo agents,yes I know I said 9/111 in the thread instead of 9/11,yes I just realised that, but I cant change the title,only a mod can.

Yeah, you're right, you never see an idiot "man on the street" interview unless the man is an agent of the government.

And why would anyone think that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause structural damage? It's ridiculous!

Meanwhile, in the world of the 3 digit IQs, we wonder, how do you survive with such minimal brain function?

you mean this retarded question ?..The answer would be that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause most likely cause some kind of structural damage..why do you ask ????

This one.....Meanwhile, in the world of the 3 digit IQs, we wonder, how do you survive with such minimal brain function?
Yeah, you're right, you never see an idiot "man on the street" interview unless the man is an agent of the government.

And why would anyone think that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause structural damage? It's ridiculous!

Meanwhile, in the world of the 3 digit IQs, we wonder, how do you survive with such minimal brain function?

you mean this retarded question ?..The answer would be that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause most likely cause some kind of structural damage..why do you ask ????

This one.....Meanwhile, in the world of the 3 digit IQs, we wonder, how do you survive with such minimal brain function?

that question is even more retarded ...and sounds like the words of someone who can not defend their position on the collapse of building 7 or the twin towers
you mean this retarded question ?..The answer would be that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause most likely cause some kind of structural damage..why do you ask ????

This one.....Meanwhile, in the world of the 3 digit IQs, we wonder, how do you survive with such minimal brain function?

that question is even more retarded ...and sounds like the words of someone who can not defend their position on the collapse of building 7 or the twin towers

Why did the government hide explosives in WTC7?
What was the motive?

There's a real poseur.

And with that gaping hole on the floors where the fires were raging, what effect would a gaping hole have on the ability to rush oxygen to the fire?


the loss of WTC 7’s Column 79—the structural component identified as the one whose failure on 9/11 started the progressive collapse—would still have led to a complete loss of the building if fire or damage from the falling debris of the nearby WTC 1 tower were not factors. The investigation team concluded that the column’s failure under any circumstance would have initiated the destructive sequence of events.

Another major puzzler.

It is also significant that to account for a "blast" taking-out a support structure adequate to cause the global collapse, the SOUND would have had to have been 130 to 140 dB half a mile away. No such explosive sound was reported or recorded.

once again you pull the clip from your ass and try to say it's evidence.
then you yammer on about explosions being heard so they cancel each other out.
you're trying to have it both ways.
also there is no evidence of either being used...
Barry Jennings account has no relevance to the collapse as he and Mr.Hess were rescued hours before.
their stories contradict each other and do no march the forensic evidence.
so the odds that he was telling the truth are about the same as being mauled by a polar and a black bear in the same day..
in other words it's highly UNLIKELY.
BTW since he's dead and can't be cross examined his testimony is invalid

Barry Jennings account has no relevance to the collapse as he and Mr.Hess were rescued hours before.

how would you know if columns where weakened or damaged in a blast scenario that occurred earlier or in a series of blast ?

their stories contradict each other and do no march the forensic evidence.

what specific forensic evidence do you speak of ??

so the odds that he was telling the truth are about the same as being mauled by a polar and a black bear in the same day..
in other words it's highly UNLIKELY.
BTW since he's dead and can't be cross examined his testimony is invalid

how convenient
Barry Jennings account has no relevance to the collapse as he and Mr.Hess were rescued hours before.
their stories contradict each other and do no march the forensic evidence.
so the odds that he was telling the truth are about the same as being mauled by a polar and a black bear in the same day..
in other words it's highly UNLIKELY.
BTW since he's dead and can't be cross examined his testimony is invalid


Barry Jennings?


Let's talk Barry White!

[ame=]Barry White Love´s Theme - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Barry White - Can't get enough of your love baby - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Barry White - My First My Last My Everything - Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
Barry Jennings account has no relevance to the collapse as he and Mr.Hess were rescued hours before.
their stories contradict each other and do no march the forensic evidence.
so the odds that he was telling the truth are about the same as being mauled by a polar and a black bear in the same day..
in other words it's highly UNLIKELY.
BTW since he's dead and can't be cross examined his testimony is invalid


Barry Jennings?


Let's talk Barry White!

[ame=]Barry White Love´s Theme - YouTube[/ame]

Barry White?


Let's really talk Barry Manilow.

[ame=]Mandy 1978 - YouTube[/ame]

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