Proof the cover story for 9/111 began immediately after the attacks

since only Eots and Max are the only intelligent posters to come on here and post this will have to be my last post here for a while since all thsi thread does is attract the trolls and OCTAS afraid of the truth.

You OCTA'S make yourselves look like idiots more and more so by constantly defending that paid agent in that video at the beginning.If you all were not such idiots you see that he is just liek the paid agents on my ignore list that have penetrated this site.Hired to spread the lies and he was obviously hired long before the attacks to memorize that script like an actor and have his speech ready to go.You are being complete idiots accepting that he knew what had already caused it to collapse before the government even concluded so and you know it.stop living in denial.

That guy unlike the other people in the streets is not one bit at all broken up about it all,a fact you idiots ignore.He actually sounds more hppay than sad about it if anything.guess all that money paid off to him made him so happy.all that money being paid to him,he doesnt give a shit about all those people in our government will do that to you idiots.

Also those firefighters never would have stayed as long as they did if they thought there was any kind of a chance those towers would collapse.Give me a break with your pitiful ramblings the combination of the airliner and the fires caused it to collapse.we know the fires were not serious because thanks to the family members who had to fight for the release of the tapes that were not released until years later,you hear on them the firefighters saying the fires are not that serious,that they would have them put out shortly.they would have evacuated a long time ago and never have stayed that long if they were serious.

you can forget your ramblings that the airliner along with the fires caused it to collapse because as any serious researcher like Eots,myself and Max all know,those towers were OVER designed to take a hit from an airliner.The designers anticipated this designing it in mind with multiple airliners striking it at speeds up to 600mph.One of them said so in an interview about 9 months before it happened. again that guy is an agent saying the fires induced the collapse and your a complete idiot if you dont believe that and of course you will try and fool yourself and saying none of these points are true as well.Go ahead,you just pove what stupid idiots you are be doing so.:D:lol: so by all means,go ahead and make idiot asses out of yourselfs,thats your problem.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Paid agents, right.
since only Eots and Max are the only intelligent posters to come on here and post this will have to be my last post here for a while since all thsi thread does is attract the trolls and OCTAS afraid of the truth.

You OCTA'S make yourselves look like idiots more and more so by constantly defending that paid agent in that video at the beginning.If you all were not such idiots you see that he is just liek the paid agents on my ignore list that have penetrated this site.Hired to spread the lies and he was obviously hired long before the attacks to memorize that script like an actor and have his speech ready to go.You are being complete idiots accepting that he knew what had already caused it to collapse before the government even concluded so and you know it.stop living in denial.

That guy unlike the other people in the streets is not one bit at all broken up about it all,a fact you idiots ignore.He actually sounds more hppay than sad about it if anything.guess all that money paid off to him made him so happy.all that money being paid to him,he doesnt give a shit about all those people in our government will do that to you idiots.

Also those firefighters never would have stayed as long as they did if they thought there was any kind of a chance those towers would collapse.Give me a break with your pitiful ramblings the combination of the airliner and the fires caused it to collapse.we know the fires were not serious because thanks to the family members who had to fight for the release of the tapes that were not released until years later,you hear on them the firefighters saying the fires are not that serious,that they would have them put out shortly.they would have evacuated a long time ago and never have stayed that long if they were serious.

you can forget your ramblings that the airliner along with the fires caused it to collapse because as any serious researcher like Eots,myself and Max all know,those towers were OVER designed to take a hit from an airliner.The designers anticipated this designing it in mind with multiple airliners striking it at speeds up to 600mph.One of them said so in an interview about 9 months before it happened. again that guy is an agent saying the fires induced the collapse and your a complete idiot if you dont believe that and of course you will try and fool yourself and saying none of these points are true as well.Go ahead,you just pove what stupid idiots you are be doing so.:D:lol: so by all means,go ahead and make idiot asses out of yourselfs,thats your problem.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Paid agents, right.

[ame=]Yo my name is tod, I don't give a fuck. - YouTube[/ame]

four farts in a row from the agent trolls since this last post of yours.:lol::poop: You might post for the agents those videos again how NIST was caught lying about no molten steel found.if you post those videos often enough,maybe it will sink into their warped brains.:lol::lol:

although I highly doubt it since they are obviously on drugs.

I love how according to the logic of a certain official conspiracy theory apologist afraid of the truth,that according to his logic,the next door neighbor buildings much closer to the towers and had far more extensive damage to it and far more extensive fires,that according to his logic,they should have collapsed as well yet they did not.then when cornered on this that, he cripples his arguments,has to fling shit in defeat to avoid admitting defeat cause the truth scares him.:lol::lol::D

try to reason with him on this sense YOU are still discussing this with the paid trolls and the loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth.I can see none of that has sunk in with him.well not surprising since they only see what they want to see.

amazing how they worship the 9/11 commission and live in denial with their coincidence theorys that only the buildings owned by Jew silverstein that day collapsed and the others with far more extensive damage as the photos prove-guess they never looked at them on that link I supplied,thats a given obviously,that THEY never collapsed which again according to a loyal Bush dupes logic ,SHOULD have as well.:cuckoo: but didnt because a fact he is afraid of,they did not because they were not owned by silverstein.guess thats a point he doesnt want to tackle since it shoots down his ramblings.:lol::lol::D

more importantly since you are STILL trying to get them unbrainwashed,explain to the loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth,that if he did not have such a bad memory, and could actually remember what was taught to him in junior high school science classes,those three buildings should never have come down at free fall speed like they did defying the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years.

It will go ignored of course but try to to explain that if he knew one iota about the laws of physics that every junior high school kid knows and learns at that age,those towers should never have fallen straight down at freefall speed,that they should have GRADUALLY came down and tipped over and came down around 97 seconds or so.

Good luck,you cant reason with someone who only sees what they want to see,wont watch your videos that have shot down their ramblings and wont be open minded enough to ask to go ask a junior high school teacher to explain to him the laws of physics.:lol::lol::D

thats about as best as dummies style I know of on how to explain it to the people worshipping the 9/11 coverup you know any better way? good luck.I have tried as best as I could but cant have a rational discussion with someone who wont watch the evidence you show in videos like you have or only selectively reads what they want to read as you well now,thats why I wish you luck trying to reason with them since you choose to continue with them on this.

Why does it matter if he's Jewish?
I think he is stating what has become a curious coincidence.
that the only people arrested on 9-11 were Jewish.
There is talk that 9-11 may have been helped along by certain Israeli
factions, who happen to be Jewish.
Actually when this is looked at closer, it seems that 9-11 had more ties to Israeli sympathizers that were Jewish then any Muslims.
Just passing along what has been documented.
since only Eots and Max are the only intelligent posters to come on here and post this will have to be my last post here for a while since all thsi thread does is attract the trolls and OCTAS afraid of the truth.

You OCTA'S make yourselves look like idiots more and more so by constantly defending that paid agent in that video at the beginning.If you all were not such idiots you see that he is just liek the paid agents on my ignore list that have penetrated this site.Hired to spread the lies and he was obviously hired long before the attacks to memorize that script like an actor and have his speech ready to go.You are being complete idiots accepting that he knew what had already caused it to collapse before the government even concluded so and you know it.stop living in denial.

That guy unlike the other people in the streets is not one bit at all broken up about it all,a fact you idiots ignore.He actually sounds more hppay than sad about it if anything.guess all that money paid off to him made him so happy.all that money being paid to him,he doesnt give a shit about all those people in our government will do that to you idiots.

Also those firefighters never would have stayed as long as they did if they thought there was any kind of a chance those towers would collapse.Give me a break with your pitiful ramblings the combination of the airliner and the fires caused it to collapse.we know the fires were not serious because thanks to the family members who had to fight for the release of the tapes that were not released until years later,you hear on them the firefighters saying the fires are not that serious,that they would have them put out shortly.they would have evacuated a long time ago and never have stayed that long if they were serious.

you can forget your ramblings that the airliner along with the fires caused it to collapse because as any serious researcher like Eots,myself and Max all know,those towers were OVER designed to take a hit from an airliner.The designers anticipated this designing it in mind with multiple airliners striking it at speeds up to 600mph.One of them said so in an interview about 9 months before it happened. again that guy is an agent saying the fires induced the collapse and your a complete idiot if you dont believe that and of course you will try and fool yourself and saying none of these points are true as well.Go ahead,you just pove what stupid idiots you are be doing so.:D:lol: so by all means,go ahead and make idiot asses out of yourselfs,thats your problem.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Paid agents, right.

Israel Hires Internet Soldiers to Penetrate American Forums, Chatrooms : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

[ame=]provocateurs,shills and disinfo agents - YouTube[/ame]
since only Eots and Max are the only intelligent posters to come on here and post this will have to be my last post here for a while since all thsi thread does is attract the trolls and OCTAS afraid of the truth.

You OCTA'S make yourselves look like idiots more and more so by constantly defending that paid agent in that video at the beginning.If you all were not such idiots you see that he is just liek the paid agents on my ignore list that have penetrated this site.Hired to spread the lies and he was obviously hired long before the attacks to memorize that script like an actor and have his speech ready to go.You are being complete idiots accepting that he knew what had already caused it to collapse before the government even concluded so and you know it.stop living in denial.

That guy unlike the other people in the streets is not one bit at all broken up about it all,a fact you idiots ignore.He actually sounds more hppay than sad about it if anything.guess all that money paid off to him made him so happy.all that money being paid to him,he doesnt give a shit about all those people in our government will do that to you idiots.

Also those firefighters never would have stayed as long as they did if they thought there was any kind of a chance those towers would collapse.Give me a break with your pitiful ramblings the combination of the airliner and the fires caused it to collapse.we know the fires were not serious because thanks to the family members who had to fight for the release of the tapes that were not released until years later,you hear on them the firefighters saying the fires are not that serious,that they would have them put out shortly.they would have evacuated a long time ago and never have stayed that long if they were serious.

you can forget your ramblings that the airliner along with the fires caused it to collapse because as any serious researcher like Eots,myself and Max all know,those towers were OVER designed to take a hit from an airliner.The designers anticipated this designing it in mind with multiple airliners striking it at speeds up to 600mph.One of them said so in an interview about 9 months before it happened. again that guy is an agent saying the fires induced the collapse and your a complete idiot if you dont believe that and of course you will try and fool yourself and saying none of these points are true as well.Go ahead,you just pove what stupid idiots you are be doing so.:D:lol: so by all means,go ahead and make idiot asses out of yourselfs,thats your problem.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Paid agents, right.

Israel Hires Internet Soldiers to Penetrate American Forums, Chatrooms : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

[ame=]provocateurs,shills and disinfo agents - YouTube[/ame]


thanks for posting that.Barry Jennings testimony is another part of the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission of bld 7 that not only the 9/11 coverup commission could not get around,but these agent trolls on my ignore list have always failed to do and everybody else that defended it here on this thread failed to do as well.

Barry Jennings testimony was so overwhelming that explosives went off,thats why they killed him later in disguised his death later on as something else.they could not afford to have him around anymore telling the truth.

The agents on my ignore list always have to fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.they hate hearing it all the time but its the truth so it needs to constantly be repeated.:D:D:lol: Maybe the loyal brainwashed Bush dupe on here living in denial Light,that that will seek in with them.

It cracks me up to no end how the commission themselves could never get around that fact yet this brainwashed Bush dupe Light and the agent trolls that have penetrated this site somehow think they possibly could.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

Rolls on floor laughing.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Here is this disinformation agent automatically concluding before ANYBODY has even NIST,that the towers fell due to structural failure from the fires saying the intense heat caused it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D Intense heat? yeah thats why in one of the famous pics posted many times over the years we see a woman leaning against the towers even though the flames are allegedly so intense.:lol::lol::D

even though the films show the majority of the explosion took place outside the towers the fires are really intense.:lol::D

Even though there was black smoke emitting from the towers proving the fires were oxygen starved and not serious at all just like the firefighters are recorded saying before they collapsed and there have been many cases over the years of towers such as the one in philadelphia where it was lit up like a torch unlike the twin towers, and did not collapse,these twin towers heat was so intense it caused strutural failure and for them to collapse.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol: good one.

In somehow,immediately these newscasters had physic powers to declare that very day shortly after the attacks, that Osama Bin Laden was behind the attacks.:D

Best fairy tale ever created by the government and many blind sheep americans,many of them being here at this site as well,bought this fairy tale hook,line and sinker.:D:lol:

Boy our school systems are failing.either that or many people here in the states,slept through junior high school science classes.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

These fires were not hot enough to melt a marshmellow,let along cause structural failure.:lol:

good would have been great comedy material for a comedy routine if it wasnt such a tragedy.

Oh and disinfo agents,yes I know I said 9/111 in the thread instead of 9/11,yes I just realised that, but I cant change the title,only a mod can.

Yeah, you're right, you never see an idiot "man on the street" interview unless the man is an agent of the government.

And why would anyone think that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause structural damage? It's ridiculous!

Meanwhile, in the world of the 3 digit IQs, we wonder, how do you survive with such minimal brain function?

you mean this retarded question ?..The answer would be that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause most likely cause some kind of structural damage..why do you ask ????

retarded question is right in the fact that as any grade school graduate knows,it would have tipped over sideways and GRADUALLY over a long period of time collapsed.cant help someone who ditched junior high school science classes.:lol::lol::lol::D

Parrot troll of course will live in denial that any architect will tell you the same thing.:lol:
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Yeah, you're right, you never see an idiot "man on the street" interview unless the man is an agent of the government.

And why would anyone think that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause structural damage? It's ridiculous!

Meanwhile, in the world of the 3 digit IQs, we wonder, how do you survive with such minimal brain function?

you mean this retarded question ?..The answer would be that a high speed jet, full of fuel, crashing into the side of a building would cause most likely cause some kind of structural damage..why do you ask ????

retarded question is right in the fact that as any grade school graduate knows,it would have tipped over sideways and GRDUALLY over along period of time collapsed.cant help someone who ditched junior high school science classes.:lol::lol::lol::D


Unlike you, you lying hack piece of twoofer shit, even grade schoolers recognize that gravity tends to pull straight down, you moron.
Why does it matter if he's Jewish?

as I tried to explain to Light earlier Toto,Silverstein is the jew connection to the mossads involvement in it.:cuckoo: there is plenty of overwhelming evidence out there that proves the mossad had a heavy hand in this but as we both know,your just like him, afraid of the truth and only see what you WANT to see as you have proven in spades so many times over the years that I would show it to you if you wanted to learn, but since your like him,only want to live in denial and be afraid, and only see what you want to see, I wont bother since talking to you about this is like talking to a wall.
oh and silverstein just like Bushwacker and Cheney,proffited very handsomely from these attacks that you would know if you stopped listening to the idiot box in your living room that you have allowed to brainwash you. you might try what Mad Scientist did,he was for along time a brainwshed Bush dupe in denial for a long time on this as well but then unlike you,he finally stopped being afraid and started listening to the alternative media that reports real news they suppress and is finally awake.something I never thought would haappen with him.

I have seen this happen quite a few times over the years actually,that someone like MS who defends the official version,cross over and no lonver believe it anymore where I have never seen someone such as Eots or Paulitician cross over and be a Bush never will either because the truth wins out in the end.


how convient for you as always toto.Like the chickenshit coward you are,as always you run off and try and laugh it off knowing your always,you show off you have the most pathetic debating skills of all the brainwashed Bush dupes on here.congrats on that.these agents here love you for being afraid like you are.thank you for proving that AGAIN as always.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
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since only Eots and Max are the only intelligent posters to come on here and post this will have to be my last post here for a while since all thsi thread does is attract the trolls and OCTAS afraid of the truth.

You OCTA'S make yourselves look like idiots more and more so by constantly defending that paid agent in that video at the beginning.If you all were not such idiots you see that he is just liek the paid agents on my ignore list that have penetrated this site.Hired to spread the lies and he was obviously hired long before the attacks to memorize that script like an actor and have his speech ready to go.You are being complete idiots accepting that he knew what had already caused it to collapse before the government even concluded so and you know it.stop living in denial.

That guy unlike the other people in the streets is not one bit at all broken up about it all,a fact you idiots ignore.He actually sounds more hppay than sad about it if anything.guess all that money paid off to him made him so happy.all that money being paid to him,he doesnt give a shit about all those people in our government will do that to you idiots.

Also those firefighters never would have stayed as long as they did if they thought there was any kind of a chance those towers would collapse.Give me a break with your pitiful ramblings the combination of the airliner and the fires caused it to collapse.we know the fires were not serious because thanks to the family members who had to fight for the release of the tapes that were not released until years later,you hear on them the firefighters saying the fires are not that serious,that they would have them put out shortly.they would have evacuated a long time ago and never have stayed that long if they were serious.

you can forget your ramblings that the airliner along with the fires caused it to collapse because as any serious researcher like Eots,myself and Max all know,those towers were OVER designed to take a hit from an airliner.The designers anticipated this designing it in mind with multiple airliners striking it at speeds up to 600mph.One of them said so in an interview about 9 months before it happened. again that guy is an agent saying the fires induced the collapse and your a complete idiot if you dont believe that and of course you will try and fool yourself and saying none of these points are true as well.Go ahead,you just pove what stupid idiots you are be doing so.:D:lol: so by all means,go ahead and make idiot asses out of yourselfs,thats your problem.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Paid agents, right.

yeah your too much of a dumbfuck troll afraid of the truth who has always been brainwashed by the media and government to know they are everywhere on message boards.they are simple as hell to spot how they lie and make up shit to avoid defeat.

with you and Toto, its obvious you two are just idiot dumbfucks in denial and afraid of the truth who only see what you want to guys dont fit the pattern they do.Mad Scientist as I said before,used to always be like you two as well.

I never thought he would become awake, but he finally is and crossed over and now sees how corrupt our government really is and that 9/11 was an inside job. I always knew he was like you two,just afraid of the truth and in denial and brainwashed because again,he never fit the pattern that the agents trolls on my ignore list do of a paid agent.He did not lie and make things up like they do when confronted with evidence and facts they cant refute.

He just made pitiful comments like you two do when defeated.everytime he talks to me now on the moronic posts that you guys make,I have to remind him all the time how he used to sound as stupid as you both do.:lol::lol:
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four farts in a row from the agent trolls since this last post of yours.:lol::poop: You might post for the agents those videos again how NIST was caught lying about no molten steel found.if you post those videos often enough,maybe it will sink into their warped brains.:lol::lol:

although I highly doubt it since they are obviously on drugs.

I love how according to the logic of a certain official conspiracy theory apologist afraid of the truth,that according to his logic,the next door neighbor buildings much closer to the towers and had far more extensive damage to it and far more extensive fires,that according to his logic,they should have collapsed as well yet they did not.then when cornered on this that, he cripples his arguments,has to fling shit in defeat to avoid admitting defeat cause the truth scares him.:lol::lol::D

try to reason with him on this sense YOU are still discussing this with the paid trolls and the loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth.I can see none of that has sunk in with him.well not surprising since they only see what they want to see.

amazing how they worship the 9/11 commission and live in denial with their coincidence theorys that only the buildings owned by Jew silverstein that day collapsed and the others with far more extensive damage as the photos prove-guess they never looked at them on that link I supplied,thats a given obviously,that THEY never collapsed which again according to a loyal Bush dupes logic ,SHOULD have as well.:cuckoo: but didnt because a fact he is afraid of,they did not because they were not owned by silverstein.guess thats a point he doesnt want to tackle since it shoots down his ramblings.:lol::lol::D

more importantly since you are STILL trying to get them unbrainwashed,explain to the loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth,that if he did not have such a bad memory, and could actually remember what was taught to him in junior high school science classes,those three buildings should never have come down at free fall speed like they did defying the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years.

It will go ignored of course but try to to explain that if he knew one iota about the laws of physics that every junior high school kid knows and learns at that age,those towers should never have fallen straight down at freefall speed,that they should have GRADUALLY came down and tipped over and came down around 97 seconds or so.

Good luck,you cant reason with someone who only sees what they want to see,wont watch your videos that have shot down their ramblings and wont be open minded enough to ask to go ask a junior high school teacher to explain to him the laws of physics.:lol::lol::D

thats about as best as dummies style I know of on how to explain it to the people worshipping the 9/11 coverup you know any better way? good luck.I have tried as best as I could but cant have a rational discussion with someone who wont watch the evidence you show in videos like you have or only selectively reads what they want to read as you well now,thats why I wish you luck trying to reason with them since you choose to continue with them on this.

Why does it matter if he's Jewish?
I think he is stating what has become a curious coincidence.
that the only people arrested on 9-11 were Jewish.
There is talk that 9-11 may have been helped along by certain Israeli
factions, who happen to be Jewish.
Actually when this is looked at closer, it seems that 9-11 had more ties to Israeli sympathizers that were Jewish then any Muslims.
Just passing along what has been documented.

Thanks,you put it in dummies style to Toto as best as possible but your wasting your breath.with Toto,that kind of thing is too complicated for him to grasp.its also too complicated for him to grasp that Silverstein proffited HUGE from the attacks and that his buildings were the only ones to collapsed.Him proffiting from these attacks and his buildings being the only ones that collapsed is one major weird coincidence.But thats a little bit too much of a complicated fact for coincidence theorists such as Toto,Parrot and Light to comprehend or understand no matter how you try and explain it to them in dummies style the way you did.:lol::lol::D

thanks for coming on here.great to see someone else on here finally besides Eots and Max that have intelligence and understand the laws of physicss that every grade school graduate learns.:clap2::clap2::clap2: something they all somehow forgot.
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since only Eots and Max are the only intelligent posters to come on here and post this will have to be my last post here for a while since all thsi thread does is attract the trolls and OCTAS afraid of the truth.

You OCTA'S make yourselves look like idiots more and more so by constantly defending that paid agent in that video at the beginning.If you all were not such idiots you see that he is just liek the paid agents on my ignore list that have penetrated this site.Hired to spread the lies and he was obviously hired long before the attacks to memorize that script like an actor and have his speech ready to go.You are being complete idiots accepting that he knew what had already caused it to collapse before the government even concluded so and you know it.stop living in denial.

That guy unlike the other people in the streets is not one bit at all broken up about it all,a fact you idiots ignore.He actually sounds more hppay than sad about it if anything.guess all that money paid off to him made him so happy.all that money being paid to him,he doesnt give a shit about all those people in our government will do that to you idiots.

Also those firefighters never would have stayed as long as they did if they thought there was any kind of a chance those towers would collapse.Give me a break with your pitiful ramblings the combination of the airliner and the fires caused it to collapse.we know the fires were not serious because thanks to the family members who had to fight for the release of the tapes that were not released until years later,you hear on them the firefighters saying the fires are not that serious,that they would have them put out shortly.they would have evacuated a long time ago and never have stayed that long if they were serious.

you can forget your ramblings that the airliner along with the fires caused it to collapse because as any serious researcher like Eots,myself and Max all know,those towers were OVER designed to take a hit from an airliner.The designers anticipated this designing it in mind with multiple airliners striking it at speeds up to 600mph.One of them said so in an interview about 9 months before it happened. again that guy is an agent saying the fires induced the collapse and your a complete idiot if you dont believe that and of course you will try and fool yourself and saying none of these points are true as well.Go ahead,you just pove what stupid idiots you are be doing so.:D:lol: so by all means,go ahead and make idiot asses out of yourselfs,thats your problem.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Paid agents, right.

Israel Hires Internet Soldiers to Penetrate American Forums, Chatrooms : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

[ame=]provocateurs,shills and disinfo agents - YouTube[/ame]


Like i said,your wasting your breath on them,they are too afraid of the truth and only see what they want to see so I can tell you right now,they wont watch that video but thanks for posting it anyways.
I see agent troll LIAR ABILITYS handlers are getting worried on all this information thats being put out on this thread and that his handlers quickly sent him here to try and derail this thread which he will fail like he does everyday in his pitiful life.
I see agent troll LIAR ABILITYS handlers are getting worried on all this information thats being put out on this thread and that his handlers quickly sent him here to try and derail this thread which he will fail like he does everyday in his pitiful life.

Paid agents!

Yeah. A great job. Very high pay. Lots of sight seeing opportunities. The view from the Orbs can be astounding!

And those side benefits! I mean, the extra income from contract hits on you VITs (very important Twoofers) is enough to keep me living large.

Thanks for keeping me employed!

Special Disinformation Agent Liability
Federal Top Secret Bureau Debwunkers M Us!
someone is shitting on the floor here and stinking up my thread.:poop: I got to leave and get away from that horrible smell.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D
I see agent troll LIAR ABILITYS handlers are getting worried on all this information thats being put out on this thread and that his handlers quickly sent him here to try and derail this thread which he will fail like he does everyday in his pitiful life.

Paid agents!

Yeah. A great job. Very high pay. Lots of sight seeing opportunities. The view from the Orbs can be astounding!

And those side benefits! I mean, the extra income from contract hits on you VITs (very important Twoofers) is enough to keep me living large.

Thanks for keeping me employed!

Special Disinformation Agent Liability
Federal Top Secret Bureau Debwunkers M Us!

Hey Liability

You going to the DIA (that's Disinformation Agent) convention this year? Last year's convention was a blast!!
Here is more to the cover story for 9/11 being spoonfed to pitty little American's...

American's are such a pun intended...LOL...:badgrin:

It was Jerome Hauer who advised the White House staff to start taking "CIPRO" - the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax - a week prior to the Anthrax mailings attack

Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were, at best, slow and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in the rhetoric he employed in his public utterances about them

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least
I see agent troll LIAR ABILITYS handlers are getting worried on all this information thats being put out on this thread and that his handlers quickly sent him here to try and derail this thread which he will fail like he does everyday in his pitiful life.

Paid agents!

Yeah. A great job. Very high pay. Lots of sight seeing opportunities. The view from the Orbs can be astounding!

And those side benefits! I mean, the extra income from contract hits on you VITs (very important Twoofers) is enough to keep me living large.

Thanks for keeping me employed!

Special Disinformation Agent Liability
Federal Top Secret Bureau Debwunkers M Us!

Hey Liability

You going to the DIA (that's Disinformation Agent) convention this year? Last year's convention was a blast!!

"You won't see me there!" -- official motto of the DIA Convention

And the pay is just GREAT!
Here is more to the cover story for 9/11 being spoonfed to pitty little American's...

I stopped reading right there.

x0MaxyPad0x is as brain dead as TDM. But one doesn't expect intelligence from any twoofer and one is never surprised when they always turn out to be lying idiots.

It's a pity that little twoofer dipshits are so pitiable.

ALL twoofers should be constantly monitored.

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