Proof: The Russian Investigations are Phony and Partisan..

I've seen the pic below in DOZENS of threads about the alleged Flynn connection to Russia. There is SO much irony in that picture -- it burns my soul. I finally decided to point it out..

Gotta first say -- I LOVE 3rd Party politics. Worked with the Green Party as an LParty representative on common issues. Spent many nights drinking and discussing politics with key Greens. Have NOTHING against Jill Stein. Don't believe she's guilty of much of anything other than being completely economically naive.

Who ELSE is at that table with Putin? Of course -- Jill Stein. A candidate for President of US that same year. A woman who actually DID influence the votes on election day and caused Hillary to lose 3 states. Because Hillary's margin of defeat in those KEY STATES was less than the votes for the Green Party. That is by definition, having the ability to ALTER the results of an election and DIRECTLY affect the votes..

How much was she paid to attend the RT Awards banquet? Why has her name NEVER BEEN MENTIONED in conjunction with the "The Russians are Coming to Get You" investigations? Did any of that money end up defraying campaign costs? What OTHER "contacts with High Level Russians" has she had?

Can't answer those questions? Can't show me where HER ass has been dragged thru the mud in rumors, leaks, investigations? Then --- there's PROOF --- this whole farce is a McCarthy style witchhunt.. Because OBVIOUSLY -- that woman at the table ALTERED the results of an election and caused Hillary to lose...

What this whole dust-up is -- is the pre-prepared ALIBI from the DNC and Dem Leadership all the way UP to Obama to cover THEIR Russian "connections" and more seriously as we're finding out in dribbles, the UNCONSCIONABLE abuse of Big Brother spying and leaking against political opponents..


So you think Jill Stein was also involved with the Trump/Russia collusion to throw the election?


No -- I want to know if her and Green Party were HELPED by Russia to split the left-wing vote. And you knew that. Were speechless about WHY this isn't part of your witch hunt investigation and just had to say something.

You do realize that Jill Stein has nothing to do with whether or not Trump and/or his people are guilty, right?

Sure looks to me that there may be GUILTIER parties with MORE evidence of "colluding with the Russians to influence an election" on the part of the woman sitting at Putin's table.

And AGAIN -- I'm playing devil's advocate here to make reason valuable again. NOT to get the GParty investigated or indicted. If the Trump Admin is being knee-capped for Russian collusion -- WHY has this ladies' name not even come up ONCE in TERABYTES of coverage of this "scandal"?

Because the investigation SOLE purpose is to monkey-wrench the current admin, and cover-up the SEVERE wrong-doings of turning Big Brother against a political opponent. The ONLY alibi Obama and crew have for the ILLEGAL use of the 702 Domestic Spy system is "alarming suspicions of colluding with the Russians".

They are not interested in finding ALL the possible collusion...

Was that a yes or a no?
So it wasn't just a money making financial deal...the Russians it appears is smuggling uranium out of the U.S. through Canada...
Thanks to Hillary.
Get that Beauregard Session feller going on a prosecution then...what is this delay in prosecuting her ? know there have been 8 investigations of Benghazi there should be plenty of evidence documented there to slam her in prison ...Right ?
is Jill a former career military officer who signed an agreement to not accept payments from foreign countries

After You Go: Temporary Employment Restrictions |

That's not collusion with the Russians to alter an election is it? Sounds like an Administrative issue to me.
it's not collusion, it's just ILLEGAL for Flynn to do it the way he did...

and Comey never used the word collusion, he said coordinated....? Not certain what the actual difference is..???

It had nothing to do with "colluding or coordinating with the Russians". That's the bottom line. Straight Administrative detail work. OTH -- A socialist Prez candidate showing up at the SAME table with Putin in a picture widely posted to SUGGEST Flynn was colluding -- that's interesting. No? And begs the question, if you're gonna HAVE an investigation into Russian efforts to affect the election result -- what OTHER contact Stein or the Greens had. Don't you want to know that? When it's a more obvious EFFECT on the outcome of an election???
WHO SAID that Flynn was colluding with the enemy...uh, Russians?

Flynn is in trouble FOR BREAKING THE LAW....not for colluding with the Russians....and for LYING about his meetings and not reporting them, ACCORDING to the law and protocol for Ex Military Generals.

end of story....

Listen up real closely. He was SPIED on in order to focus the investigation on the Russian connection. No Russia connection excuse --- then there's NO explanation or excuse why his communications were tapped. This isn't about Flynn.. Although you ask any leftist on this board what the evidence on Russian Collusion is and they'll say Manafort, Flynn, Sessions and now Kushner. Only ONE of those has any PRAYER of being valid. But there you go. It's Russia Russia Russia..

This thread is about the lady at the table who actually DID influence the election and helped Hillary to lose.. How much was SHE paid? How many other "surreptitious meetings" did she have with High Ranking Russians? And you can't get HIGHER than Putin.. Socialist on Socialist. Had more of a plausible outcome on the election than ANY Russian "fake news" story..

It's all phony if they DON'T investigate her..
How was Flynn spied on? Was he tailed? NO. Was his and only his conversations recorded? NO.

Flynn's communications WERE NOT TAPPED. Where in the world are you getting this stuff from????

The ONLY reason ANY of Flynn's conversations were recorded is due to HIS conversations that he chose to have, with the Russian Ambassador and or other Russian agents....who were the target of the of the monitoring.

What part on this do you not understand?

My Dear Flacaltenn, there is no VALID reason to further any investigation on Jill Stein because she had no further contact with the Russians, the intel agencies were monitoring the Russian agents and if she had colluded with them to disseminate the stolen emails or colluded in any other way or aided and abetted the enemy or even had a possibility of doing such, it would have been seen, in the monitoring our gvt did on the Russian agents.

She did not lie about her meetings or conversations with the Russians like Flynn did and every single person working for Trump did.

Flynn lied about his contacts with the Russians and he lied to the Vice President and Press Secretary about it and even to the FBI about it from what I've read on it, until they let him know he was lying and then he changed his tune.

Sessions LIED about his contacts with the Russians, on 3 separate occasion, and did so under oath or affidavit. Manafort also lied about his Russian connections....

AND Kushner lied about his Russian contacts.

the president lied about his campaign team ALSO, over and over again, saying that there were NO CONNECTIONS and Contacts or relationships.

What's all the LYING about FlaCal?

And obfuscating by the President FlaCal?

I am not saying the President or their team have broken the law, we dont know that, the investigation is on going.

But I do know the liar n chief is acting guilty as hell in every move he and his team makes, in every lie he and his team tells, in all the obstruction he has tried to do with his firings, his interference with the investigations and investigators, with his tweets sending them on wild goose chases, with his alternative facts played in the alternative media....

The way he is acting makes him seem to be guilty of something, whether he is or not.

He needs to KNOCK IT OFF, and sit back and let the investigations come to fruition without his obfuscating... He should encourage this investigation on the Russians, not try to stop it, at any chance he gets.
I dont think at this point theres anything criminal that went on.


but all security clearances should be taken away from interested parties immediately, and allow the situation to unwind. Anyone who lied when they were being vetted, or simply forgot they rubbed elbows with Russians needs to go. Ignoring the foundation that supports our National Security shouldn't be tolerated.
How was Flynn spied on? Was he tailed? NO. Was his and only his conversations recorded? NO.

Flynn's communications WERE NOT TAPPED. Where in the world are you getting this stuff from????

Can't even read the rest of your post since you are such deep partisan denial about HOW intimate details of ALL his conversions were ACQUIRED and LEAKED to media by HIJACKING and WEAPONIZING the awesome capabilities of US DOMESTIC Intelligence.

They found NOTHING ILLEGAL. Had NO BASIS for monitoring his communications. AND -- USED the information to blackmail him and his relations with his superiors. These leaks of HIGHLY classified data -- never to be used against US citizens in a criminal investigation without a SEPARATE SPECIFIC warrant is a Gross Abuse of Power. All from "unidentified sources" that included VERY sensitive classified details that should put all these "highly placed sources" in Leavenworth for their treason..

Even the unethical and slimy WaPost admitted that having such communications should be EXPECTED. And their sources acknowledged that the practice should not be discouraged.

National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say

Neither of those assertions is consistent with the fuller account of Flynn’s contacts with Kislyak provided by officials who had access to reports from U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies that routinely monitor the communications of Russian diplomats. Nine current and former officials, who were in senior positions at multiple agencies at the time of the calls, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.

All of those officials said Flynn’s references to the election-related sanctions were explicit. Two of those officials went further, saying that Flynn urged Russia not to overreact to the penalties being imposed by President Barack Obama, making clear that the two sides would be in position to review the matter after Trump was sworn in as president.

Officials also cited political sensitivities. Prominent Americans in and out of government are so frequently in communication with foreign officials that singling out one individual — particularly one poised for a top White House job — would invite charges of political persecution.

Former U.S. officials also said aggressive enforcement would probably discourage appropriate contact. Michael McFaul, who served as U.S. ambassador to Russia during the Obama administration, said that he was in Moscow meeting with officials in the weeks leading up to Obama’s 2008 election win.

“As a former diplomat and U.S. government official, one needs to be able to have contact with foreigners to do one’s job,” McFaul said. McFaul, a Russia scholar, said he was careful never to signal pending policy changes before Obama took office.

You are entitled to hide from the fact that all this amounts to ILLEGAL spying on political opposition. But what I need you to answer is WHY ---- the female US Candidate for President of the US, sitting at that same table with Putin who ACTUALLY DID affect votes and helped to defeat Clinton -- Can openly brag about Putin setting her up in private conversations about HER intended Foreign Policy with Russia and NEVER come up in an investigation into "collusion with Russia on affecting US election results"..
You're not being honest and consistent. It's hypocritical as hell to hold the Red Team campaign to having NO CONTACTS with Russians. When the BLUE team LEADER is representing interests of 1/3 the total value of Russia and getting them INFLUENCE and action on their needs. Like ending sanctions. THAT is a conflict of interest that never existed in the Red Team..

Actually in this case the red team had dozens of contacts with the russians, and then lied about those contacts. Lying on security clearances, lying on congressional questionnaires and lying to the FBI and Vice President.

The Blue team actually had more contacts with the Russians, but they did so while they were the legal representatives of the united states, and it was their constitutional duty. Or while being legally registered with the department of state.

My evil motive here is to show that "having contacts with Russia" is NOT a crime and should NEVER be an alibi for abusing the power of the Intel agencies just to uncover some "lies" that result in Administrative sanctions or dismissals.
How was Flynn spied on? Was he tailed? NO. Was his and only his conversations recorded? NO.

Flynn's communications WERE NOT TAPPED. Where in the world are you getting this stuff from????

Can't even read the rest of your post since you are such deep partisan denial about HOW intimate details of ALL his conversions were ACQUIRED and LEAKED to media by HIJACKING and WEAPONIZING the awesome capabilities of US DOMESTIC Intelligence.

They found NOTHING ILLEGAL. Had NO BASIS for monitoring his communications. AND -- USED the information to blackmail him and his relations with his superiors. These leaks of HIGHLY classified data -- never to be used against US citizens in a criminal investigation without a SEPARATE SPECIFIC warrant is a Gross Abuse of Power. All from "unidentified sources" that included VERY sensitive classified details that should put all these "highly placed sources" in Leavenworth for their treason..

Even the unethical and slimy WaPost admitted that having such communications should be EXPECTED. And their sources acknowledged that the practice should not be discouraged.

National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say

Neither of those assertions is consistent with the fuller account of Flynn’s contacts with Kislyak provided by officials who had access to reports from U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies that routinely monitor the communications of Russian diplomats. Nine current and former officials, who were in senior positions at multiple agencies at the time of the calls, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.

All of those officials said Flynn’s references to the election-related sanctions were explicit. Two of those officials went further, saying that Flynn urged Russia not to overreact to the penalties being imposed by President Barack Obama, making clear that the two sides would be in position to review the matter after Trump was sworn in as president.

Officials also cited political sensitivities. Prominent Americans in and out of government are so frequently in communication with foreign officials that singling out one individual — particularly one poised for a top White House job — would invite charges of political persecution.

Former U.S. officials also said aggressive enforcement would probably discourage appropriate contact. Michael McFaul, who served as U.S. ambassador to Russia during the Obama administration, said that he was in Moscow meeting with officials in the weeks leading up to Obama’s 2008 election win.

“As a former diplomat and U.S. government official, one needs to be able to have contact with foreigners to do one’s job,” McFaul said. McFaul, a Russia scholar, said he was careful never to signal pending policy changes before Obama took office.

You are entitled to hide from the fact that all this amounts to ILLEGAL spying on political opposition. But what I need you to answer is WHY ---- the female US Candidate for President of the US, sitting at that same table with Putin who ACTUALLY DID affect votes and helped to defeat Clinton -- Can openly brag about Putin setting her up in private conversations about HER intended Foreign Policy with Russia and NEVER come up in an investigation into "collusion with Russia on affecting US election results"..
there was good REASON to monitor the Russian Ambassador since they KNEW the Russians were going full force in trying to influence our election process....

That was not illegal and it should not ever be.

The ''leakers'' to the press did do something illegal,

but the monitoring of the Russian operative's conversations, what you are calling spying on Flynn, was in no way illegal....the unmasking of Flynn as the American Person was not illegal either if it was important to understanding the intelligence briefing...

but as mentioned, whomever leaked the information, broke the law.

The intel community KNOWS what both Stein and the Trump team were actually discussing with the Russians if over the phone....Stein was not the problem, Trump's team, Flynn, was....back stabbing the sitting president, which IS WHAT FLYNN DID, set off alarms, as it should have....

you are in denial about Flynn's wrong doings...that caused the intel community's concerns.
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How was Flynn spied on? Was he tailed? NO. Was his and only his conversations recorded? NO.

Flynn's communications WERE NOT TAPPED. Where in the world are you getting this stuff from????

Can't even read the rest of your post since you are such deep partisan denial about HOW intimate details of ALL his conversions were ACQUIRED and LEAKED to media by HIJACKING and WEAPONIZING the awesome capabilities of US DOMESTIC Intelligence.

They found NOTHING ILLEGAL. Had NO BASIS for monitoring his communications. AND -- USED the information to blackmail him and his relations with his superiors. These leaks of HIGHLY classified data -- never to be used against US citizens in a criminal investigation without a SEPARATE SPECIFIC warrant is a Gross Abuse of Power. All from "unidentified sources" that included VERY sensitive classified details that should put all these "highly placed sources" in Leavenworth for their treason..

Even the unethical and slimy WaPost admitted that having such communications should be EXPECTED. And their sources acknowledged that the practice should not be discouraged.

National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say

Neither of those assertions is consistent with the fuller account of Flynn’s contacts with Kislyak provided by officials who had access to reports from U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies that routinely monitor the communications of Russian diplomats. Nine current and former officials, who were in senior positions at multiple agencies at the time of the calls, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.

All of those officials said Flynn’s references to the election-related sanctions were explicit. Two of those officials went further, saying that Flynn urged Russia not to overreact to the penalties being imposed by President Barack Obama, making clear that the two sides would be in position to review the matter after Trump was sworn in as president.

Officials also cited political sensitivities. Prominent Americans in and out of government are so frequently in communication with foreign officials that singling out one individual — particularly one poised for a top White House job — would invite charges of political persecution.

Former U.S. officials also said aggressive enforcement would probably discourage appropriate contact. Michael McFaul, who served as U.S. ambassador to Russia during the Obama administration, said that he was in Moscow meeting with officials in the weeks leading up to Obama’s 2008 election win.

“As a former diplomat and U.S. government official, one needs to be able to have contact with foreigners to do one’s job,” McFaul said. McFaul, a Russia scholar, said he was careful never to signal pending policy changes before Obama took office.

You are entitled to hide from the fact that all this amounts to ILLEGAL spying on political opposition. But what I need you to answer is WHY ---- the female US Candidate for President of the US, sitting at that same table with Putin who ACTUALLY DID affect votes and helped to defeat Clinton -- Can openly brag about Putin setting her up in private conversations about HER intended Foreign Policy with Russia and NEVER come up in an investigation into "collusion with Russia on affecting US election results"..
there was good REASON to monitor the Russian Ambassador since they KNEW the Russians were going full force in trying to influence our election process....

That was not illegal and it should not ever be.

The ''leakers'' to the press did do something illegal,

but the monitoring of the Russian operative's conversations, what you are calling spying on Flynn, was in no way illegal....the unmasking of Flynn as the American Person was not illegal either if it was important to understanding the intelligence briefing...

but as mentioned, whomever leaked the information, broke the law.

The intel community KNOWS what both Stein and the Trump team were actually discussing with the Russians if over the phone....Stein was not the problem, Trump's team, Flynn, was....back stabbing the sitting president, which IS WHAT FLYNN DID, set off alarms, as it should have....

you are in denial about Flynn's wrong doings...that caused the intel community's concerns.

Got news for you sweetheart. From my yrs in those secure areas,, I can tell you -- the Russian Ambassador is NEVER sacrificed in covert intel operations. There was NO LEGAL BASIS to target Flynn with the Big Brother system and REVEAL details of those privileged calls. NONE.. It was a fishing expedition. Which is the most serious kind of abuse of Domestic Spying operations I've ever seen..

Stein had PERSONAL discussions in RUSSIA, set up by Putin when she attended that awards ceremony at RT. You are doing nothing but speculating and digging for excuses so that you can continue to be a denier.. AND --- you didn't answer my question to you.. Not much use to continue asking..

Not the proper use of Big Brother to determine if the President has "staff issues". So just take that garbage outside...
I've seen the pic below in DOZENS of threads about the alleged Flynn connection to Russia. There is SO much irony in that picture -- it burns my soul. I finally decided to point it out..

Gotta first say -- I LOVE 3rd Party politics. Worked with the Green Party as an LParty representative on common issues. Spent many nights drinking and discussing politics with key Greens. Have NOTHING against Jill Stein. Don't believe she's guilty of much of anything other than being completely economically naive.

Who ELSE is at that table with Putin? Of course -- Jill Stein. A candidate for President of US that same year. A woman who actually DID influence the votes on election day and caused Hillary to lose 3 states. Because Hillary's margin of defeat in those KEY STATES was less than the votes for the Green Party. That is by definition, having the ability to ALTER the results of an election and DIRECTLY affect the votes..

How much was she paid to attend the RT Awards banquet? Why has her name NEVER BEEN MENTIONED in conjunction with the "The Russians are Coming to Get You" investigations? Did any of that money end up defraying campaign costs? What OTHER "contacts with High Level Russians" has she had?

Can't answer those questions? Can't show me where HER ass has been dragged thru the mud in rumors, leaks, investigations? Then --- there's PROOF --- this whole farce is a McCarthy style witchhunt.. Because OBVIOUSLY -- that woman at the table ALTERED the results of an election and caused Hillary to lose...

What this whole dust-up is -- is the pre-prepared ALIBI from the DNC and Dem Leadership all the way UP to Obama to cover THEIR Russian "connections" and more seriously as we're finding out in dribbles, the UNCONSCIONABLE abuse of Big Brother spying and leaking against political opponents..


You are correct Stein caused more harm to Clinton in key states than the Russian Fake News that the DNC is trying to convince everyone as the reason why Clinton lost.

Sanders voters that were outraged at the mistreatment of their candidate during the primary season either stayed home or went to Stein and no one to blame for this but Clinton and DNC leadership.

If Stein thought for a moment Trump was a threat she would have told those planning to vote for her to cast their vote for Clinton but she did not, so hell yeah she is the reason why Clinton lost in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

I don't think anyone can say that is the reason she lost - it's all speculation because we will never know how much was due to her own campaign, her own character, votes for Stein or the Russian manipulations - all all four so it's pointless to speculate. But it's not pointless to investigate it, and to get to know exactly what happened and make sure it doesn't happen again.
its been my experience in the past the people who THINK/ASSUME other people are guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt end up being not guilty of anything at all.

Now there's some damn funny shit right there man. Congrats on your honest appraisal of the Russians are Coming investigation.. :lmao:

Im not saying either way. I plan on letting the investigation take its course then form an opinion.

That's kind of the way I see it. Right now there is so much dust in the air it's impossible to see anything clearly. Let it be investigated and then we can see what's what.
its been my experience in the past the people who THINK/ASSUME other people are guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt end up being not guilty of anything at all.

Now there's some damn funny shit right there man. Congrats on your honest appraisal of the Russians are Coming investigation.. :lmao:

Im not saying either way. I plan on letting the investigation take its course then form an opinion.

That's kind of the way I see it. Right now there is so much dust in the air it's impossible to see anything clearly. Let it be investigated and then we can see what's what.

So you think the Indy Counsel is gonna investigate the Prez candidate that had Putin set up meetings for her in Russia? Where she discussed her "foreign relations policy plans" and got great feedback from the Russians?

I don't think there's a PRAYER anyone is interested in that -- because it doesn't help the Dem party hinder the Trump Admin....
I've seen the pic below in DOZENS of threads about the alleged Flynn connection to Russia. There is SO much irony in that picture -- it burns my soul. I finally decided to point it out..

Gotta first say -- I LOVE 3rd Party politics. Worked with the Green Party as an LParty representative on common issues. Spent many nights drinking and discussing politics with key Greens. Have NOTHING against Jill Stein. Don't believe she's guilty of much of anything other than being completely economically naive.

Who ELSE is at that table with Putin? Of course -- Jill Stein. A candidate for President of US that same year. A woman who actually DID influence the votes on election day and caused Hillary to lose 3 states. Because Hillary's margin of defeat in those KEY STATES was less than the votes for the Green Party. That is by definition, having the ability to ALTER the results of an election and DIRECTLY affect the votes..

How much was she paid to attend the RT Awards banquet? Why has her name NEVER BEEN MENTIONED in conjunction with the "The Russians are Coming to Get You" investigations? Did any of that money end up defraying campaign costs? What OTHER "contacts with High Level Russians" has she had?

Can't answer those questions? Can't show me where HER ass has been dragged thru the mud in rumors, leaks, investigations? Then --- there's PROOF --- this whole farce is a McCarthy style witchhunt.. Because OBVIOUSLY -- that woman at the table ALTERED the results of an election and caused Hillary to lose...

What this whole dust-up is -- is the pre-prepared ALIBI from the DNC and Dem Leadership all the way UP to Obama to cover THEIR Russian "connections" and more seriously as we're finding out in dribbles, the UNCONSCIONABLE abuse of Big Brother spying and leaking against political opponents..


You really can't compare Michael Flynn's actions to Jill Stein. I have no idea why she was at the same table with Flynn and Vladimir Putin--but I'll bet she wasn't continually on the phone with the Russian ambassador and Russian intelligence agents like Michael Flynn was. They have him on tape since last July when this investigation started. They never mentioned they had Jill Stein on recording with any Russian officials, nor did she lie to the FBI, like Flynn did--which is a FELONY.

Flynn's butt is nailed to the wall. He violated military code to no end. As far as 3rd party voting there was a lot of that going on this year--including on the Republican side. Flynn accepted money from Turkey and Russia and didn't even disclose that information when his renewal came up for top secret security clearance. He didn't notify anyone that he was a Foreign agent while he was attending National Security briefings.
Flynn probably broke the law by failing to disclose foreign payments, House Oversight leaders say
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -


Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is Treason, and it's clear Jill Stein was not a part of that. As far as you're claim this is "proof" that this Russian investigation is just a "ruse" is a very far stretch.

This Russian investigation just turned into a Criminal Investigation as of last week, May 19, 2017. Which is probably why Flynn pleaded the 5th on everything this week. This means that everyone will clam up and lawyer up. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller will not be releasing any information until it's complete--so information from here on out will be will be slower coming out, according to Lindsey Graham.

Congressional probes do not turn into Criminal Investigations without solid evidence of a crime being committed.
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The OP seems to be complaining that the Trump justice department isn't investigating Jill Stein.

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