Proportioning Of Sex?

There has to be more than coin toss luck to it. Take small island populations for instance. That's a small sample, and yet it balances out. How?
Why would there have to be more than luck to it? Things don't actually happen for a reason, no matter how many people say the opposite. Male and female gametes propagate in equal numbers and there's no reason one should be favored over the other.
All good suggestions. I was just wondering if any research has been done on the subject. It is kind of a phenomenon. As in it just happens. But no one really seems to know how.

Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer did a study that found that when the young people gender ratio gets above 120 males to every 100 females the society becomes unstable and that is where you see your crime, war, terrorism. You can google a link based on the info I provided to try to find the original study if you need it for something other than internet time-passing curiosity.
If that theory holds true China should erupt violently any day now. But they seem to be holding strong. And peaceful for the most part.

They have also been easing back on the 1-child policy for awhile now.
All good suggestions. I was just wondering if any research has been done on the subject. It is kind of a phenomenon. As in it just happens. But no one really seems to know how.

Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer did a study that found that when the young people gender ratio gets above 120 males to every 100 females the society becomes unstable and that is where you see your crime, war, terrorism. You can google a link based on the info I provided to try to find the original study if you need it for something other than internet time-passing curiosity.
If that theory holds true China should erupt violently any day now. But they seem to be holding strong. And peaceful for the most part.

They have also been easing back on the 1-child policy for awhile now.
wouldn't matter. the one child policy should still render a roughly 50/50 split.
All good suggestions. I was just wondering if any research has been done on the subject. It is kind of a phenomenon. As in it just happens. But no one really seems to know how.

Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer did a study that found that when the young people gender ratio gets above 120 males to every 100 females the society becomes unstable and that is where you see your crime, war, terrorism. You can google a link based on the info I provided to try to find the original study if you need it for something other than internet time-passing curiosity.
If that theory holds true China should erupt violently any day now. But they seem to be holding strong. And peaceful for the most part.

They have also been easing back on the 1-child policy for awhile now.
wouldn't matter. the one child policy should still render a roughly 50/50 split.

It doesn't and generally the split isn't even anyway. Statistically, there are about 3-6% more boys than girls born naturally. Women live longer than men generally, so it just seems 50/50 over living generations.
All good suggestions. I was just wondering if any research has been done on the subject. It is kind of a phenomenon. As in it just happens. But no one really seems to know how.

Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer did a study that found that when the young people gender ratio gets above 120 males to every 100 females the society becomes unstable and that is where you see your crime, war, terrorism. You can google a link based on the info I provided to try to find the original study if you need it for something other than internet time-passing curiosity.
If that theory holds true China should erupt violently any day now. But they seem to be holding strong. And peaceful for the most part.

They have also been easing back on the 1-child policy for awhile now.
wouldn't matter. the one child policy should still render a roughly 50/50 split.

It doesn't and generally the split isn't even anyway. Statistically, there are about 3-6% more boys than girls born naturally. Women live longer than men generally, so it just seems 50/50 over living generations.
i don't know that it's that high - at least not naturally. anyhow, this is an interesting article

Why Are More Baby Boys Born Than Girls?
Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer did a study that found that when the young people gender ratio gets above 120 males to every 100 females the society becomes unstable and that is where you see your crime, war, terrorism. You can google a link based on the info I provided to try to find the original study if you need it for something other than internet time-passing curiosity.
If that theory holds true China should erupt violently any day now. But they seem to be holding strong. And peaceful for the most part.

They have also been easing back on the 1-child policy for awhile now.
wouldn't matter. the one child policy should still render a roughly 50/50 split.

It doesn't and generally the split isn't even anyway. Statistically, there are about 3-6% more boys than girls born naturally. Women live longer than men generally, so it just seems 50/50 over living generations.
i don't know that it's that high - at least not naturally. anyhow, this is an interesting article

Why Are More Baby Boys Born Than Girls?

I recall seeing something one time that said a study concluded that much of it had to do with how the father ejaculated. Basically, the more forceful dad's load, the more likely the baby would be male. The boy making sperm dies quicker than the girl making sperm and fight it out so it needs to be propelled closer to the egg than the female making sperm which has more shelf-life to work its way there on its own.

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