Proposal for New USMB "Invite Only" Threads.

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I like the idea. I don’t get this stipulation though:

"-- no material from these threads LEAVES those threads to be quoted elsewhere on the boards. This applies to both invited and uninvited members.”

Why is that? If someone makes a memorable point, it reflects the feelings of that member. They should be liable/applauded for it elsewhere as conditions warrant.

Well that is the same situation with the Zone 4 Sections you cannot quote from Zone 4 threads in the Open Forum.

Oh. Okay. What someone says should be quotable across all zones IMHO. But for the mods, their sandbox, their rules.

Thanks for the info!

As Lucy just pointed out -- that is not a precedent. We don't allow ANYTHING from Zone4 to go anywhere else. And why should we let folks who weren't invited rip that convo and take it elsewhere to flame it? do allow it. Just look in the FZ and you will see lots of threads started just to diss someone that said something somewhere else. Even if the person isn't down there, they get bashed. So do allow it.

No nothing from there or Badlands or The Rubber Room can be brought out of Zone 4, eg. you cannot copy and paste, Screen Shot etc anything from a Badlands thread and post it in Politics, Current Events, General Discussion, The Lounge or any other section in Open Forum.
Thats not what I said. I said ANY thread, ANY post, ANY member of USMB can be quoted and bashed DOWNSTAIRS.
Awe hell..................make it a call out prize fight the opposition on each side..............someone not in the fight choose a controversial topic...............then get the popcorn.
Suppose I wanted to invite a few people I don’t like to a thread just to tell them all to piss off; would this be a potential function of this new system? :eusa_think:

You can do that now just about anywhere ... :thup:

But this would give it more flair :laugh:
Pick those who got at it all the time..........and then make them play the opposite position............that would be weird...........I remember a teacher who would do that for debating a subject.

Because it's a trial. If there is compliance and interest -- we would certainly open that number up at a later date.
Not everyone is gonna be interested in EVERY topic they are invited to and we want to cut down on the alerts that people receive..

Are these threads going to be moderated and if so why?

Because the object is to promote more moderate cooperative discussion. And to allow people to explore serious topics with folks they trust and choose without the ever-present interference of trolls and opposing zealots. If you want private discussions -- you can't beat PMs. If you LIKE the constant warfare, trolling and personal sniping in EVERY other USMB thread -- you probably wouldn't use it.

There's no reason why all these threads need to be echo chambers with like-minded people. Although they can be. One hope is that folks will find trusted members "of the other side" to bring in to balance discussions

My personal opinion is that these Invite Only would require VERY LITTLE if ANY moderation by USMB staff. Other than intruders who simply don't read OPs or don't know what Forum they are in.

Why not make these Invite Only Threads invisible to those who are not Invited, that way not only do you not have to be bothered with getting involved to delete posts and thread ban those who are not Invited but insist on posting, also there would be no problem with the using of the ratings buttons as you cannot rate what you cannot see, you cannot rate or read what you do not know even exists. So the Invite Only Threads would only be visible to those Invited and also to all the Mods but nobody else.

As it is from your OP description etc IMHO these Invite Only Threads as stated are not going to work, if your intention is to restrict in your terms Mega trolls and Ultra partisan Battle Bots it will not work because the former will all still Funny EVERY POST and the latter probably will not want to be involved as it could all be too restricted in general for a full on Battle Bot situation. So based on this I vote No, if the threads were Invisible I would probably vote Yes for the reasons I explain in my paragraph one.

Frankly, don't have the best coupling with Admin and it's hard to make threads invisible to all but a CHANGING subset of the membership. Would need the software to RECOGNIZE an invite list to even do that. And I don't think the capability is there.

I have different peeps that I would invite to a thread on the Israel/Pali issues. Or an Enviro issue. Or a race issue thread. That flexibility is BETTER than having a fixed "group". The idea is to give ANY "upstairs" convo a private room for that thread. But only in ONE forum. The Structured Debate forum..

How would this be different than the CDZ, not an Invite Only thread thing but is a no Trolling thing, how would this be different than the CDZ except someone can Invite only specific members?

Main problem in CDZ is not flaming or personal feuds (obviously) but single agenda posters that cannot discuss more then THEIR topic and try to turn EVERY thread into THEIR pet cause. It's annoying. It happens a lot. Opening a thread there is like hosting an open bar on a busy street. Even if the cops are RIGHT THERE -- you're gonna get a lot folks you wish were would find something else to do.

I'm being ME here. Brutally honest. Because I actually believe America is about to hang up on "conversations" and dialogue. And USMB is not helping. It's TEARING APART the more highly moderated social media right now. On USMB we FORCE everyone to endure the same redundant conflict in damn near every thread.

Either way your "social media" platform becomes a victim of the polarization and anger and escalation of inter-personal violence. You either DRIVE it to smoking ruins by dividing it or you let EVERYONE drive and it's a demolition derby..
Can I use my safe space forum to counter someone elses safe space?


About trolling, though, good clean trolling is necessary. What the heck? What's the Internet coming to if you can't even troll dolts once in a while? Geez.

You still have 30+ forums in which to do your troll acts. Chill. In fact, if you and the other trolls get an insecurity complex about "invites" -- you could start some Invite threads to discuss your improving your rep and polishing your images. :funnyface:

The real question is -- can folks ignore ONE forum and not have twin calves over not being able to post drive-by flames or divert the convos?. It's like a canine or feline territory marking behavior that I IMAGINE is very hard to quit..
Why only twelve people?

Because it's a trial. If there is compliance and interest -- we would certainly open that number up at a later date.
Not everyone is gonna be interested in EVERY topic they are invited to and we want to cut down on the alerts that people receive..

Are these threads going to be moderated and if so why?

Because the object is to promote more moderate cooperative discussion. And to allow people to explore serious topics with folks they trust and choose without the ever-present interference of trolls and opposing zealots. If you want private discussions -- you can't beat PMs. If you LIKE the constant warfare, trolling and personal sniping in EVERY other USMB thread -- you probably wouldn't use it.

There's no reason why all these threads need to be echo chambers with like-minded people. Although they can be. One hope is that folks will find trusted members "of the other side" to bring in to balance discussions

My personal opinion is that these Invite Only would require VERY LITTLE if ANY moderation by USMB staff. Other than intruders who simply don't read OPs or don't know what Forum they are in.
Suppose I wanted to invite a few people I don’t like to a thread just to tell them all to piss off; would this be a potential function of this new system? :eusa_think:

Might work ONCE -- if you ENTRAP them with some phony OP.. You GOT an Opening Post for that?
Awe hell..................make it a call out prize fight the opposition on each side..............someone not in the fight choose a controversial topic...............then get the popcorn.

You been to Badlands lately? Some of the best threads on USMB are there. It's a higher class Flame Zone.. :113: You should be honored that your thread goes there instead of into the shredder.
USMB Mod Staff is preparing to roll out a new feature. This is a TRIAL, not a guarantee that it will work out. The success of this concept depends largely on the ability of our members to "self-moderate" themselves and cooperate with the rules for this feature. It is NOT open yet. THis is an opportunity to comment on the plan and the rules. The explanation here is LONG. So if you tl;dr it -- this feature is probably not gonna work for you..

The feature is having "Invite Only" threads. They will all reside in the Structured Debate forum for now. For those of you not familiar with the Struct Debate forum, it's a place where the OP can stipulate an ADDITIONAL 3 rules for the thread participants in addition to normal Zone2 moderation. You will be able to still use the ORIGINAL Struct Debate rules OR create an Invite Only thread that meets all the guidelines below.

The concept is that any member can start a thread on any topic that would be acceptable in Zone2 or Zone3 and choose 12 people to "invite in" for the discussion. Sorting out the invites and who are people you want and trust is all on you.. In the future, the number of invites may increase and I've tested that at LEAST 25 are possible.

Read the guidelines carefully. They are more complicated than other forums and we must get compliance on every one of them to make this work. I honestly believe this could be the most popular feature on USMB and give folks a break from being constantly on the front lines of a very nasty Amer. political divide while having to deal with Mega trolls and Ultra partisan Battle Bots. It's NOT a safe zone. It's NOT a "chat room" or clubhouse. These are topical discussions meant to promote more uninterrupted adult discussion.

Comments/suggestions are welcome -- but stick to discussing this feature and the rules.

Rules for Posting "Invite Only" Threads -------- Forum not opened yet !!!!

For an "Invite Only" thread in the Structured Debate Forum ---- where OPs have always been allowed to stipulate 3 additional rules of their own. Under an "Invite Only" format this will automatically adopt 2 rules automatically -- you need not specify these..

Make Rule One that Site Wide Rules apply and threads will be Zone3 moderated

In addition -->
-- flaming or mention of ANY MEMBER (including moderators) who is not in the Invite list is not allowed. Not even by pseudonames or pet names. You want to flame USMB members, don't whimp out. Take it to the Flame Zone where they can flame back. You want to go 9 rounds with another member -- take it to the Bull Ring.

Make Rule Two be to include an "Invite List" of mention alerts (like @FCT @DTMB @catpaws) embedded in the OP for everyone to see. Can be anywhere in the Opening Post AFTER the Bold Red "Invite Only" warning.

Make Rule Three ---- any one additional rule that the OP desires to specify that does not violate the Site Wide or Zone3 rules.. If you WANT to make an additional rule -- place it near the TOP of the Opening Post after the red and bold "invite" required warning (see below).

You could still use the Structured Debate forum under the original Guidelines or use it for Invite Only threads.

Other guidance for members using the Structured Debate Forum under Invite Only rules would be:

- The first line of the OP MUST BE the following statement in Red Bold..

This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

- simply and politely tell intruders the rules and ask them to leave. Then report them if they dont. Moderators will thread ban any intruders automatically. If it's chronic abuse, warnings and other sanctions may be applied.

- these threads WILL BE closed if members NOT on the Invite list are flamed or named in any way.. (Maybe some requested mod help for those that slip up once if someone REQUESTS a post deletion)

-- no material from these threads LEAVES those threads to be quoted elsewhere on the boards. This applies to both invited and uninvited members. Moderators should not MERGE or MOVE any threads out of or into the Structured Debate forum.

-- Moderation will NOT add members to the invite list or delete members from the invite list or recognize any additions NOT in the Opening Posts ----- so get it right in the Opening Post. Similarly Moderators will not eject invited members from an existing thread except for violations of the Invite Only rules. Live and Learn. Make another thread. And behave like a good guest if you want to be in Invite Only threads. How an OP decides how an invite list is created is SOLELY up to the person who creates the Opening Post.

-- if a person is alerted to one of your threads and requests in that thread that you DO NOT invite again, please respect that request. Who gets invites is solely up to the membership to sort out. But keep a list of those who DO NOT want to participate in the invite threads that you create.

- We're gonna start out with a limit of 12 invites per thread until everybody is familiar with the rules and bugs are shaken out of the rules. Moderation MAY increase that number in the future..

- Topic control is STILL in effect. So don't forget a specific Title and OP like any other Z2 or Z3 thread. These are discussion topics, not chat rooms. The purpose is to get better TOPICAL discussion. Make the Title and OP thematic or fairly narrow. Moderation will cut a LOT of slack on friendly personal banter -- but the TOPIC needs to be respected. Moderation may close if the topic is nowhere in sight.

I like the idea. I don’t get this stipulation though:

"-- no material from these threads LEAVES those threads to be quoted elsewhere on the boards. This applies to both invited and uninvited members.”

Why is that? If someone makes a memorable point, it reflects the feelings of that member. They should be liable/applauded for it elsewhere as conditions warrant.

Well that is the same situation with the Zone 4 Sections you cannot quote from Zone 4 threads in the Open Forum.
? What's Zone 4? The Taunting Arena?
USMB Mod Staff is preparing to roll out a new feature. This is a TRIAL, not a guarantee that it will work out. The success of this concept depends largely on the ability of our members to "self-moderate" themselves and cooperate with the rules for this feature. It is NOT open yet. THis is an opportunity to comment on the plan and the rules. The explanation here is LONG. So if you tl;dr it -- this feature is probably not gonna work for you..

The feature is having "Invite Only" threads. They will all reside in the Structured Debate forum for now. For those of you not familiar with the Struct Debate forum, it's a place where the OP can stipulate an ADDITIONAL 3 rules for the thread participants in addition to normal Zone2 moderation. You will be able to still use the ORIGINAL Struct Debate rules OR create an Invite Only thread that meets all the guidelines below.

The concept is that any member can start a thread on any topic that would be acceptable in Zone2 or Zone3 and choose 12 people to "invite in" for the discussion. Sorting out the invites and who are people you want and trust is all on you.. In the future, the number of invites may increase and I've tested that at LEAST 25 are possible.

Read the guidelines carefully. They are more complicated than other forums and we must get compliance on every one of them to make this work. I honestly believe this could be the most popular feature on USMB and give folks a break from being constantly on the front lines of a very nasty Amer. political divide while having to deal with Mega trolls and Ultra partisan Battle Bots. It's NOT a safe zone. It's NOT a "chat room" or clubhouse. These are topical discussions meant to promote more uninterrupted adult discussion.

Comments/suggestions are welcome -- but stick to discussing this feature and the rules.

Rules for Posting "Invite Only" Threads -------- Forum not opened yet !!!!

For an "Invite Only" thread in the Structured Debate Forum ---- where OPs have always been allowed to stipulate 3 additional rules of their own. Under an "Invite Only" format this will automatically adopt 2 rules automatically -- you need not specify these..

Make Rule One that Site Wide Rules apply and threads will be Zone3 moderated

In addition -->
-- flaming or mention of ANY MEMBER (including moderators) who is not in the Invite list is not allowed. Not even by pseudonames or pet names. You want to flame USMB members, don't whimp out. Take it to the Flame Zone where they can flame back. You want to go 9 rounds with another member -- take it to the Bull Ring.

Make Rule Two be to include an "Invite List" of mention alerts (like @FCT @DTMB @catpaws) embedded in the OP for everyone to see. Can be anywhere in the Opening Post AFTER the Bold Red "Invite Only" warning.

Make Rule Three ---- any one additional rule that the OP desires to specify that does not violate the Site Wide or Zone3 rules.. If you WANT to make an additional rule -- place it near the TOP of the Opening Post after the red and bold "invite" required warning (see below).

You could still use the Structured Debate forum under the original Guidelines or use it for Invite Only threads.

Other guidance for members using the Structured Debate Forum under Invite Only rules would be:

- The first line of the OP MUST BE the following statement in Red Bold..

This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

- simply and politely tell intruders the rules and ask them to leave. Then report them if they dont. Moderators will thread ban any intruders automatically. If it's chronic abuse, warnings and other sanctions may be applied.

- these threads WILL BE closed if members NOT on the Invite list are flamed or named in any way.. (Maybe some requested mod help for those that slip up once if someone REQUESTS a post deletion)

-- no material from these threads LEAVES those threads to be quoted elsewhere on the boards. This applies to both invited and uninvited members. Moderators should not MERGE or MOVE any threads out of or into the Structured Debate forum.

-- Moderation will NOT add members to the invite list or delete members from the invite list or recognize any additions NOT in the Opening Posts ----- so get it right in the Opening Post. Similarly Moderators will not eject invited members from an existing thread except for violations of the Invite Only rules. Live and Learn. Make another thread. And behave like a good guest if you want to be in Invite Only threads. How an OP decides how an invite list is created is SOLELY up to the person who creates the Opening Post.

-- if a person is alerted to one of your threads and requests in that thread that you DO NOT invite again, please respect that request. Who gets invites is solely up to the membership to sort out. But keep a list of those who DO NOT want to participate in the invite threads that you create.

- We're gonna start out with a limit of 12 invites per thread until everybody is familiar with the rules and bugs are shaken out of the rules. Moderation MAY increase that number in the future..

- Topic control is STILL in effect. So don't forget a specific Title and OP like any other Z2 or Z3 thread. These are discussion topics, not chat rooms. The purpose is to get better TOPICAL discussion. Make the Title and OP thematic or fairly narrow. Moderation will cut a LOT of slack on friendly personal banter -- but the TOPIC needs to be respected. Moderation may close if the topic is nowhere in sight.

Will the Mods, themselves, honor the invite only nature of these discussions?

They sure as hell didn't last time.
USMB Mod Staff is preparing to roll out a new feature. This is a TRIAL, not a guarantee that it will work out. The success of this concept depends largely on the ability of our members to "self-moderate" themselves and cooperate with the rules for this feature. It is NOT open yet. THis is an opportunity to comment on the plan and the rules. The explanation here is LONG. So if you tl;dr it -- this feature is probably not gonna work for you..

The feature is having "Invite Only" threads. They will all reside in the Structured Debate forum for now. For those of you not familiar with the Struct Debate forum, it's a place where the OP can stipulate an ADDITIONAL 3 rules for the thread participants in addition to normal Zone2 moderation. You will be able to still use the ORIGINAL Struct Debate rules OR create an Invite Only thread that meets all the guidelines below.

The concept is that any member can start a thread on any topic that would be acceptable in Zone2 or Zone3 and choose 12 people to "invite in" for the discussion. Sorting out the invites and who are people you want and trust is all on you.. In the future, the number of invites may increase and I've tested that at LEAST 25 are possible.

Read the guidelines carefully. They are more complicated than other forums and we must get compliance on every one of them to make this work. I honestly believe this could be the most popular feature on USMB and give folks a break from being constantly on the front lines of a very nasty Amer. political divide while having to deal with Mega trolls and Ultra partisan Battle Bots. It's NOT a safe zone. It's NOT a "chat room" or clubhouse. These are topical discussions meant to promote more uninterrupted adult discussion.

Comments/suggestions are welcome -- but stick to discussing this feature and the rules.

Rules for Posting "Invite Only" Threads -------- Forum not opened yet !!!!

For an "Invite Only" thread in the Structured Debate Forum ---- where OPs have always been allowed to stipulate 3 additional rules of their own. Under an "Invite Only" format this will automatically adopt 2 rules automatically -- you need not specify these..

Make Rule One that Site Wide Rules apply and threads will be Zone3 moderated

In addition -->
-- flaming or mention of ANY MEMBER (including moderators) who is not in the Invite list is not allowed. Not even by pseudonames or pet names. You want to flame USMB members, don't whimp out. Take it to the Flame Zone where they can flame back. You want to go 9 rounds with another member -- take it to the Bull Ring.

Make Rule Two be to include an "Invite List" of mention alerts (like @FCT @DTMB @catpaws) embedded in the OP for everyone to see. Can be anywhere in the Opening Post AFTER the Bold Red "Invite Only" warning.

Make Rule Three ---- any one additional rule that the OP desires to specify that does not violate the Site Wide or Zone3 rules.. If you WANT to make an additional rule -- place it near the TOP of the Opening Post after the red and bold "invite" required warning (see below).

You could still use the Structured Debate forum under the original Guidelines or use it for Invite Only threads.

Other guidance for members using the Structured Debate Forum under Invite Only rules would be:

- The first line of the OP MUST BE the following statement in Red Bold..

This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

- simply and politely tell intruders the rules and ask them to leave. Then report them if they dont. Moderators will thread ban any intruders automatically. If it's chronic abuse, warnings and other sanctions may be applied.

- these threads WILL BE closed if members NOT on the Invite list are flamed or named in any way.. (Maybe some requested mod help for those that slip up once if someone REQUESTS a post deletion)

-- no material from these threads LEAVES those threads to be quoted elsewhere on the boards. This applies to both invited and uninvited members. Moderators should not MERGE or MOVE any threads out of or into the Structured Debate forum.

-- Moderation will NOT add members to the invite list or delete members from the invite list or recognize any additions NOT in the Opening Posts ----- so get it right in the Opening Post. Similarly Moderators will not eject invited members from an existing thread except for violations of the Invite Only rules. Live and Learn. Make another thread. And behave like a good guest if you want to be in Invite Only threads. How an OP decides how an invite list is created is SOLELY up to the person who creates the Opening Post.

-- if a person is alerted to one of your threads and requests in that thread that you DO NOT invite again, please respect that request. Who gets invites is solely up to the membership to sort out. But keep a list of those who DO NOT want to participate in the invite threads that you create.

- We're gonna start out with a limit of 12 invites per thread until everybody is familiar with the rules and bugs are shaken out of the rules. Moderation MAY increase that number in the future..

- Topic control is STILL in effect. So don't forget a specific Title and OP like any other Z2 or Z3 thread. These are discussion topics, not chat rooms. The purpose is to get better TOPICAL discussion. Make the Title and OP thematic or fairly narrow. Moderation will cut a LOT of slack on friendly personal banter -- but the TOPIC needs to be respected. Moderation may close if the topic is nowhere in sight.

I like the idea. I don’t get this stipulation though:

"-- no material from these threads LEAVES those threads to be quoted elsewhere on the boards. This applies to both invited and uninvited members.”

Why is that? If someone makes a memorable point, it reflects the feelings of that member. They should be liable/applauded for it elsewhere as conditions warrant.

Well that is the same situation with the Zone 4 Sections you cannot quote from Zone 4 threads in the Open Forum.
? What's Zone 4? The Taunting Arena?

Apparently so.
USMB Mod Staff is preparing to roll out a new feature. This is a TRIAL, not a guarantee that it will work out. The success of this concept depends largely on the ability of our members to "self-moderate" themselves and cooperate with the rules for this feature. It is NOT open yet. THis is an opportunity to comment on the plan and the rules. The explanation here is LONG. So if you tl;dr it -- this feature is probably not gonna work for you..

The feature is having "Invite Only" threads. They will all reside in the Structured Debate forum for now. For those of you not familiar with the Struct Debate forum, it's a place where the OP can stipulate an ADDITIONAL 3 rules for the thread participants in addition to normal Zone2 moderation. You will be able to still use the ORIGINAL Struct Debate rules OR create an Invite Only thread that meets all the guidelines below.

The concept is that any member can start a thread on any topic that would be acceptable in Zone2 or Zone3 and choose 12 people to "invite in" for the discussion. Sorting out the invites and who are people you want and trust is all on you.. In the future, the number of invites may increase and I've tested that at LEAST 25 are possible.

Read the guidelines carefully. They are more complicated than other forums and we must get compliance on every one of them to make this work. I honestly believe this could be the most popular feature on USMB and give folks a break from being constantly on the front lines of a very nasty Amer. political divide while having to deal with Mega trolls and Ultra partisan Battle Bots. It's NOT a safe zone. It's NOT a "chat room" or clubhouse. These are topical discussions meant to promote more uninterrupted adult discussion.

Comments/suggestions are welcome -- but stick to discussing this feature and the rules.

Rules for Posting "Invite Only" Threads -------- Forum not opened yet !!!!

For an "Invite Only" thread in the Structured Debate Forum ---- where OPs have always been allowed to stipulate 3 additional rules of their own. Under an "Invite Only" format this will automatically adopt 2 rules automatically -- you need not specify these..

Make Rule One that Site Wide Rules apply and threads will be Zone3 moderated

In addition -->
-- flaming or mention of ANY MEMBER (including moderators) who is not in the Invite list is not allowed. Not even by pseudonames or pet names. You want to flame USMB members, don't whimp out. Take it to the Flame Zone where they can flame back. You want to go 9 rounds with another member -- take it to the Bull Ring.

Make Rule Two be to include an "Invite List" of mention alerts (like @FCT @DTMB @catpaws) embedded in the OP for everyone to see. Can be anywhere in the Opening Post AFTER the Bold Red "Invite Only" warning.

Make Rule Three ---- any one additional rule that the OP desires to specify that does not violate the Site Wide or Zone3 rules.. If you WANT to make an additional rule -- place it near the TOP of the Opening Post after the red and bold "invite" required warning (see below).

You could still use the Structured Debate forum under the original Guidelines or use it for Invite Only threads.

Other guidance for members using the Structured Debate Forum under Invite Only rules would be:

- The first line of the OP MUST BE the following statement in Red Bold..

This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

- simply and politely tell intruders the rules and ask them to leave. Then report them if they dont. Moderators will thread ban any intruders automatically. If it's chronic abuse, warnings and other sanctions may be applied.

- these threads WILL BE closed if members NOT on the Invite list are flamed or named in any way.. (Maybe some requested mod help for those that slip up once if someone REQUESTS a post deletion)

-- no material from these threads LEAVES those threads to be quoted elsewhere on the boards. This applies to both invited and uninvited members. Moderators should not MERGE or MOVE any threads out of or into the Structured Debate forum.

-- Moderation will NOT add members to the invite list or delete members from the invite list or recognize any additions NOT in the Opening Posts ----- so get it right in the Opening Post. Similarly Moderators will not eject invited members from an existing thread except for violations of the Invite Only rules. Live and Learn. Make another thread. And behave like a good guest if you want to be in Invite Only threads. How an OP decides how an invite list is created is SOLELY up to the person who creates the Opening Post.

-- if a person is alerted to one of your threads and requests in that thread that you DO NOT invite again, please respect that request. Who gets invites is solely up to the membership to sort out. But keep a list of those who DO NOT want to participate in the invite threads that you create.

- We're gonna start out with a limit of 12 invites per thread until everybody is familiar with the rules and bugs are shaken out of the rules. Moderation MAY increase that number in the future..

- Topic control is STILL in effect. So don't forget a specific Title and OP like any other Z2 or Z3 thread. These are discussion topics, not chat rooms. The purpose is to get better TOPICAL discussion. Make the Title and OP thematic or fairly narrow. Moderation will cut a LOT of slack on friendly personal banter -- but the TOPIC needs to be respected. Moderation may close if the topic is nowhere in sight.
Republicans want to restrict free speech. They want to stroke each others "uno" without interference. They think repeating again and again without interruption that Obama was born in Kenya and Hillary should be arrested as "great discussion".
USMB Mod Staff is preparing to roll out a new feature. This is a TRIAL, not a guarantee that it will work out. The success of this concept depends largely on the ability of our members to "self-moderate" themselves and cooperate with the rules for this feature. It is NOT open yet. THis is an opportunity to comment on the plan and the rules. The explanation here is LONG. So if you tl;dr it -- this feature is probably not gonna work for you..

The feature is having "Invite Only" threads. They will all reside in the Structured Debate forum for now. For those of you not familiar with the Struct Debate forum, it's a place where the OP can stipulate an ADDITIONAL 3 rules for the thread participants in addition to normal Zone2 moderation. You will be able to still use the ORIGINAL Struct Debate rules OR create an Invite Only thread that meets all the guidelines below.

The concept is that any member can start a thread on any topic that would be acceptable in Zone2 or Zone3 and choose 12 people to "invite in" for the discussion. Sorting out the invites and who are people you want and trust is all on you.. In the future, the number of invites may increase and I've tested that at LEAST 25 are possible.

Read the guidelines carefully. They are more complicated than other forums and we must get compliance on every one of them to make this work. I honestly believe this could be the most popular feature on USMB and give folks a break from being constantly on the front lines of a very nasty Amer. political divide while having to deal with Mega trolls and Ultra partisan Battle Bots. It's NOT a safe zone. It's NOT a "chat room" or clubhouse. These are topical discussions meant to promote more uninterrupted adult discussion.

Comments/suggestions are welcome -- but stick to discussing this feature and the rules.

Rules for Posting "Invite Only" Threads -------- Forum not opened yet !!!!

For an "Invite Only" thread in the Structured Debate Forum ---- where OPs have always been allowed to stipulate 3 additional rules of their own. Under an "Invite Only" format this will automatically adopt 2 rules automatically -- you need not specify these..

Make Rule One that Site Wide Rules apply and threads will be Zone3 moderated

In addition -->
-- flaming or mention of ANY MEMBER (including moderators) who is not in the Invite list is not allowed. Not even by pseudonames or pet names. You want to flame USMB members, don't whimp out. Take it to the Flame Zone where they can flame back. You want to go 9 rounds with another member -- take it to the Bull Ring.

Make Rule Two be to include an "Invite List" of mention alerts (like @FCT @DTMB @catpaws) embedded in the OP for everyone to see. Can be anywhere in the Opening Post AFTER the Bold Red "Invite Only" warning.

Make Rule Three ---- any one additional rule that the OP desires to specify that does not violate the Site Wide or Zone3 rules.. If you WANT to make an additional rule -- place it near the TOP of the Opening Post after the red and bold "invite" required warning (see below).

You could still use the Structured Debate forum under the original Guidelines or use it for Invite Only threads.

Other guidance for members using the Structured Debate Forum under Invite Only rules would be:

- The first line of the OP MUST BE the following statement in Red Bold..

This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

- simply and politely tell intruders the rules and ask them to leave. Then report them if they dont. Moderators will thread ban any intruders automatically. If it's chronic abuse, warnings and other sanctions may be applied.

- these threads WILL BE closed if members NOT on the Invite list are flamed or named in any way.. (Maybe some requested mod help for those that slip up once if someone REQUESTS a post deletion)

-- no material from these threads LEAVES those threads to be quoted elsewhere on the boards. This applies to both invited and uninvited members. Moderators should not MERGE or MOVE any threads out of or into the Structured Debate forum.

-- Moderation will NOT add members to the invite list or delete members from the invite list or recognize any additions NOT in the Opening Posts ----- so get it right in the Opening Post. Similarly Moderators will not eject invited members from an existing thread except for violations of the Invite Only rules. Live and Learn. Make another thread. And behave like a good guest if you want to be in Invite Only threads. How an OP decides how an invite list is created is SOLELY up to the person who creates the Opening Post.

-- if a person is alerted to one of your threads and requests in that thread that you DO NOT invite again, please respect that request. Who gets invites is solely up to the membership to sort out. But keep a list of those who DO NOT want to participate in the invite threads that you create.

- We're gonna start out with a limit of 12 invites per thread until everybody is familiar with the rules and bugs are shaken out of the rules. Moderation MAY increase that number in the future..

- Topic control is STILL in effect. So don't forget a specific Title and OP like any other Z2 or Z3 thread. These are discussion topics, not chat rooms. The purpose is to get better TOPICAL discussion. Make the Title and OP thematic or fairly narrow. Moderation will cut a LOT of slack on friendly personal banter -- but the TOPIC needs to be respected. Moderation may close if the topic is nowhere in sight.

I like the idea. I don’t get this stipulation though:

"-- no material from these threads LEAVES those threads to be quoted elsewhere on the boards. This applies to both invited and uninvited members.”

Why is that? If someone makes a memorable point, it reflects the feelings of that member. They should be liable/applauded for it elsewhere as conditions warrant.

If there was a lot of self control on a Message board -- it wouldn't be abused. It's in the rules because we pretty know some folks can't control themselves when they cant spray paint up a thread.

If it's your OWN material and it meets the requirements of the Zone you want to repost it just paraphrase it without any included quotes from others.
Ooops. You can't discuss actual quotes from upstairs in an FZ thread? You know, I've read the damned rules on this site more than once and I never saw any such rule, for starters.
USMB Mod Staff is preparing to roll out a new feature. This is a TRIAL, not a guarantee that it will work out. The success of this concept depends largely on the ability of our members to "self-moderate" themselves and cooperate with the rules for this feature. It is NOT open yet. THis is an opportunity to comment on the plan and the rules. The explanation here is LONG. So if you tl;dr it -- this feature is probably not gonna work for you..

The feature is having "Invite Only" threads. They will all reside in the Structured Debate forum for now. For those of you not familiar with the Struct Debate forum, it's a place where the OP can stipulate an ADDITIONAL 3 rules for the thread participants in addition to normal Zone2 moderation. You will be able to still use the ORIGINAL Struct Debate rules OR create an Invite Only thread that meets all the guidelines below.

The concept is that any member can start a thread on any topic that would be acceptable in Zone2 or Zone3 and choose 12 people to "invite in" for the discussion. Sorting out the invites and who are people you want and trust is all on you.. In the future, the number of invites may increase and I've tested that at LEAST 25 are possible.

Read the guidelines carefully. They are more complicated than other forums and we must get compliance on every one of them to make this work. I honestly believe this could be the most popular feature on USMB and give folks a break from being constantly on the front lines of a very nasty Amer. political divide while having to deal with Mega trolls and Ultra partisan Battle Bots. It's NOT a safe zone. It's NOT a "chat room" or clubhouse. These are topical discussions meant to promote more uninterrupted adult discussion.

Comments/suggestions are welcome -- but stick to discussing this feature and the rules.

Rules for Posting "Invite Only" Threads -------- Forum not opened yet !!!!

For an "Invite Only" thread in the Structured Debate Forum ---- where OPs have always been allowed to stipulate 3 additional rules of their own. Under an "Invite Only" format this will automatically adopt 2 rules automatically -- you need not specify these..

Make Rule One that Site Wide Rules apply and threads will be Zone3 moderated

In addition -->
-- flaming or mention of ANY MEMBER (including moderators) who is not in the Invite list is not allowed. Not even by pseudonames or pet names. You want to flame USMB members, don't whimp out. Take it to the Flame Zone where they can flame back. You want to go 9 rounds with another member -- take it to the Bull Ring.

Make Rule Two be to include an "Invite List" of mention alerts (like @FCT @DTMB @catpaws) embedded in the OP for everyone to see. Can be anywhere in the Opening Post AFTER the Bold Red "Invite Only" warning.

Make Rule Three ---- any one additional rule that the OP desires to specify that does not violate the Site Wide or Zone3 rules.. If you WANT to make an additional rule -- place it near the TOP of the Opening Post after the red and bold "invite" required warning (see below).

You could still use the Structured Debate forum under the original Guidelines or use it for Invite Only threads.

Other guidance for members using the Structured Debate Forum under Invite Only rules would be:

- The first line of the OP MUST BE the following statement in Red Bold..

This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

- simply and politely tell intruders the rules and ask them to leave. Then report them if they dont. Moderators will thread ban any intruders automatically. If it's chronic abuse, warnings and other sanctions may be applied.

- these threads WILL BE closed if members NOT on the Invite list are flamed or named in any way.. (Maybe some requested mod help for those that slip up once if someone REQUESTS a post deletion)

-- no material from these threads LEAVES those threads to be quoted elsewhere on the boards. This applies to both invited and uninvited members. Moderators should not MERGE or MOVE any threads out of or into the Structured Debate forum.

-- Moderation will NOT add members to the invite list or delete members from the invite list or recognize any additions NOT in the Opening Posts ----- so get it right in the Opening Post. Similarly Moderators will not eject invited members from an existing thread except for violations of the Invite Only rules. Live and Learn. Make another thread. And behave like a good guest if you want to be in Invite Only threads. How an OP decides how an invite list is created is SOLELY up to the person who creates the Opening Post.

-- if a person is alerted to one of your threads and requests in that thread that you DO NOT invite again, please respect that request. Who gets invites is solely up to the membership to sort out. But keep a list of those who DO NOT want to participate in the invite threads that you create.

- We're gonna start out with a limit of 12 invites per thread until everybody is familiar with the rules and bugs are shaken out of the rules. Moderation MAY increase that number in the future..

- Topic control is STILL in effect. So don't forget a specific Title and OP like any other Z2 or Z3 thread. These are discussion topics, not chat rooms. The purpose is to get better TOPICAL discussion. Make the Title and OP thematic or fairly narrow. Moderation will cut a LOT of slack on friendly personal banter -- but the TOPIC needs to be respected. Moderation may close if the topic is nowhere in sight.

I like the idea. I don’t get this stipulation though:

"-- no material from these threads LEAVES those threads to be quoted elsewhere on the boards. This applies to both invited and uninvited members.”

Why is that? If someone makes a memorable point, it reflects the feelings of that member. They should be liable/applauded for it elsewhere as conditions warrant.

If there was a lot of self control on a Message board -- it wouldn't be abused. It's in the rules because we pretty know some folks can't control themselves when they cant spray paint up a thread.

If it's your OWN material and it meets the requirements of the Zone you want to repost it just paraphrase it without any included quotes from others.
Ooops. You can't discuss actual quotes from upstairs in an FZ thread? You know, I've read the damned rules on this site more than once and I never saw any such rule, for starters.

It’s been there…Cereal Killer has it there plain as day at the top of this forum.
I just never saw the need to go into a forum so the rules never came into my consciousness.
USMB Mod Staff is preparing to roll out a new feature. This is a TRIAL, not a guarantee that it will work out. The success of this concept depends largely on the ability of our members to "self-moderate" themselves and cooperate with the rules for this feature. It is NOT open yet. THis is an opportunity to comment on the plan and the rules. The explanation here is LONG. So if you tl;dr it -- this feature is probably not gonna work for you..

The feature is having "Invite Only" threads. They will all reside in the Structured Debate forum for now. For those of you not familiar with the Struct Debate forum, it's a place where the OP can stipulate an ADDITIONAL 3 rules for the thread participants in addition to normal Zone2 moderation. You will be able to still use the ORIGINAL Struct Debate rules OR create an Invite Only thread that meets all the guidelines below.

The concept is that any member can start a thread on any topic that would be acceptable in Zone2 or Zone3 and choose 12 people to "invite in" for the discussion. Sorting out the invites and who are people you want and trust is all on you.. In the future, the number of invites may increase and I've tested that at LEAST 25 are possible.

Read the guidelines carefully. They are more complicated than other forums and we must get compliance on every one of them to make this work. I honestly believe this could be the most popular feature on USMB and give folks a break from being constantly on the front lines of a very nasty Amer. political divide while having to deal with Mega trolls and Ultra partisan Battle Bots. It's NOT a safe zone. It's NOT a "chat room" or clubhouse. These are topical discussions meant to promote more uninterrupted adult discussion.

Comments/suggestions are welcome -- but stick to discussing this feature and the rules.

Rules for Posting "Invite Only" Threads -------- Forum not opened yet !!!!

For an "Invite Only" thread in the Structured Debate Forum ---- where OPs have always been allowed to stipulate 3 additional rules of their own. Under an "Invite Only" format this will automatically adopt 2 rules automatically -- you need not specify these..

Make Rule One that Site Wide Rules apply and threads will be Zone3 moderated

In addition -->
-- flaming or mention of ANY MEMBER (including moderators) who is not in the Invite list is not allowed. Not even by pseudonames or pet names. You want to flame USMB members, don't whimp out. Take it to the Flame Zone where they can flame back. You want to go 9 rounds with another member -- take it to the Bull Ring.

Make Rule Two be to include an "Invite List" of mention alerts (like @FCT @DTMB @catpaws) embedded in the OP for everyone to see. Can be anywhere in the Opening Post AFTER the Bold Red "Invite Only" warning.

Make Rule Three ---- any one additional rule that the OP desires to specify that does not violate the Site Wide or Zone3 rules.. If you WANT to make an additional rule -- place it near the TOP of the Opening Post after the red and bold "invite" required warning (see below).

You could still use the Structured Debate forum under the original Guidelines or use it for Invite Only threads.

Other guidance for members using the Structured Debate Forum under Invite Only rules would be:

- The first line of the OP MUST BE the following statement in Red Bold..

This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

- simply and politely tell intruders the rules and ask them to leave. Then report them if they dont. Moderators will thread ban any intruders automatically. If it's chronic abuse, warnings and other sanctions may be applied.

- these threads WILL BE closed if members NOT on the Invite list are flamed or named in any way.. (Maybe some requested mod help for those that slip up once if someone REQUESTS a post deletion)

-- no material from these threads LEAVES those threads to be quoted elsewhere on the boards. This applies to both invited and uninvited members. Moderators should not MERGE or MOVE any threads out of or into the Structured Debate forum.

-- Moderation will NOT add members to the invite list or delete members from the invite list or recognize any additions NOT in the Opening Posts ----- so get it right in the Opening Post. Similarly Moderators will not eject invited members from an existing thread except for violations of the Invite Only rules. Live and Learn. Make another thread. And behave like a good guest if you want to be in Invite Only threads. How an OP decides how an invite list is created is SOLELY up to the person who creates the Opening Post.

-- if a person is alerted to one of your threads and requests in that thread that you DO NOT invite again, please respect that request. Who gets invites is solely up to the membership to sort out. But keep a list of those who DO NOT want to participate in the invite threads that you create.

- We're gonna start out with a limit of 12 invites per thread until everybody is familiar with the rules and bugs are shaken out of the rules. Moderation MAY increase that number in the future..

- Topic control is STILL in effect. So don't forget a specific Title and OP like any other Z2 or Z3 thread. These are discussion topics, not chat rooms. The purpose is to get better TOPICAL discussion. Make the Title and OP thematic or fairly narrow. Moderation will cut a LOT of slack on friendly personal banter -- but the TOPIC needs to be respected. Moderation may close if the topic is nowhere in sight.

1. I am a Alpha Troll and not a Mega Troll!

2. Read the rules and feel this will be a massive headache for the staff and you might want to do this as a hidden forum if possible where those involved would need permission from staff to post in that region.

3. If you can not understand what I just wrote then the simple answer is:

  • Massive headache for staff.
  • Too many kids minds on this forum.
  • Shadow the forum.
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