Prosecution Knows It Has Lost, Now Trying To Add Lesser Charges To Avoid Total Loss

Prosecution in desperate last minute attempt to add charges....defense sparring. Libs frantically trying to nail him for something.....

In all honesty this whole thing could have and should have been avoided as both sides made some extremely poor decisions.

2 people are dead. Rittenhouse should not walk away from this without some type of punishment and a lesson learned, however, that lesson should not be that when his life was in danger he did anything wrong when he defended his life.

Hopefully snowflakes and liberals will learn:

1. That old adage, 'Don't want none? Then don't start none.'

2. Choosing to chase, attack, stomp, and try to kill someone armed with an AR-15 & you only have a skateboard as a weapon is dumb as hell & will most likely win you the Darwin Award.

What charges,if any,do you think he will be found guilty on?
This case was lost when the judge said you couldn't call the people Rittenhouse murdered victims, but you could call them rioters and looters.

A warning to you right wingers, don't talk shit because those like you started this and when Rittenhouse gets off, don't cry about what you guys made happen.

Do not make Rittenhouse a hero. That will not end well.
This case was lost when the judge said you couldn't call the people Rittenhouse murdered victims, but you could call them rioters and looters.

A warning to you right wingers, don't talk shit because those like you started this and when Rittenhouse gets off, don't cry about what you uuys made happen.

Do not make Rittenhouse a hero. That will not end well.

The people he shot were rioting and burning and looting. They were not victims.

If not sending an innocent man to jail, sets you people off, then bring it.
This case was lost when the judge said you couldn't call the people Rittenhouse murdered victims, but you could call them rioters and looters.

A warning to you right wingers, don't talk shit because those like you started this and when Rittenhouse gets off, don't cry about what you uuys made happen.

Do not make Rittenhouse a hero. That will not end well.

Oh go piss up a rope. The only thing that will happen is more of you assholes are going to get aired out. Here's a hint, jackass. DON'T TRY AND BURN PEOPLES HOMES DOWN!
Oh go piss up a rope. The only thing that will happen is more of you assholes are going to get aired out. Here's a hint, jackass. DON'T TRY AND BURN PEOPLES HOMES DOWN!
Given the fact that whites did most of the burning and Rittenhouse killed 2 whites, it's best you heed my warnings son. Do not make this boy your racial hero. That will not end well.
This case was lost when the judge said you couldn't call the people Rittenhouse murdered victims, but you could call them rioters and looters.

A warning to you right wingers, don't talk shit because those like you started this and when Rittenhouse gets off, don't cry about what you guys made happen.

Do not make Rittenhouse a hero. That will not end well.

Fuck you!
Rittenhouse did what the local Gov't failed to do and was established to do: help and protect others from civil disturbance!!
They are not trying to add charges. They are attempting to allow the jury to convict on lesser charges. This is quite common
The prosecution in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, led by Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger, will seek to add additional, lesser charges to their case after their prosecution fell apart this week

You Trumpies are really keen on killing other US citizens.
The picture proof shows 3 things about this fake trial:

1) Each of the 3 shootings were in simple self defense.
2) Each of the 3 "victims" made agressive acts toward the shooter.
3) The judge will not allow politicization of the survivor of 3 attempts on his life, because he is innocent of false charges of by the lawyer who is knocking on the door of prosecutorial misconduct that could put him into a jail cell next to someone who despises all prosecutors who don't play fair.
@ Gracie

Kenosha isn't Chicago.. The black population of Kenosha is between 10-11%.
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The fate of the shooter is of minimum importance compared to a non guilty verdict that will lower the bar on justifying murder.

Interesting too that two similar cases are in progress at the same time. Can the timing be arranged to coincide closely to give the effect of one or the other being of no importance.

Qanon and other bad actors are waiting impatiently for the prospect of a license to kill. IMO.
Rittenhouse didn't murder anyone. The videos and the testimony supports that conclusion IMO. Your hyperbole is noted.
Rittenhouse is a loser and will always be a loser.

The loser will be the next high profile white guy that gets killed, and the jury in that trial lets the defendent go free.

Everybody forget about the OJ trial already, after what happened to Rodney King?

So which high profile white guy is going to watch his murderer go free? Because someone will.

Pay backs are a mofo aren't they.
Oh go piss up a rope. The only thing that will happen is more of you assholes are going to get aired out. Here's a hint, jackass. DON'T TRY AND BURN PEOPLES HOMES DOWN!

The protestors all went home before dark day after day.. The locals kept wondering who all the whire guys with guns were.
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This case was lost when the judge said you couldn't call the people Rittenhouse murdered victims, but you could call them rioters and looters.

A warning to you right wingers, don't talk shit because those like you started this and when Rittenhouse gets off, don't cry about what you guys made happen.

Do not make Rittenhouse a hero. That will not end well.
Hold up IM2. That part about “what you guys made happen” is a futile blame game. Justifying crimes before they’ve happened will….not end well… to use your words. Justifying future destruction of property, arson, and crime sprees by stating that looters are not responsible for their own actions. Your post is not surprising in any way. Unfortunately, many minds think exactly the same way you do and think they can steal, burn properties, and cause intentional turmoil openly, and you justify it.

You should consider adding, “They made me do it!” to your signature to display your position.

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