Prosecution Knows It Has Lost, Now Trying To Add Lesser Charges To Avoid Total Loss

They appointed completely inept prosecutors (so bad they have to be enemy action) and the judge is biased for the defense, it's obvious the intent is to acquit. The verdict was determined before the trial.ever started.
The prosecutor appeared to be both incompetent and unprepared. It does also appear that the judge took a side
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This blame game has been played by the right and it has been plsyed all my life and before. This guy drove in from out of town armed thinking he was going to defend citizens. So he came prepared to fight and came with his gun to shoot somebody. The car dealership he claimed to be protecting didn't want him there. All this is the result of a white officer shooting a black man in the back multiple times then lying about him grabbing a weapon. That officer did not get punished. Rittenhouse kills2 people and lies about self defense when he was armed and had all the defense he needed.

People just don't run up on individuals holding guns. You guys are all so good at quoting Dr. King as a diversion when white racism is called out, buut he said other words like these:

“ Now I wanted to say something about the fact that we have lived over these last two or three summers with agony and we have seen our cities going up in flames. And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non¬-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view. I'm absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt. And I feel that we must always work with an effective, powerful weapon and method that brings about tangible results. But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity."

53 years later whites like many here still are not listening then you want to lecture somebody based on your purposefully ignoring the real cause of the problem.
The blame game is not just used by the right but overrides the constant back and forth of right versus left political players. It has gone on for so long now it’s almost accepted by the masses. Almost. Many people (referencing all skin tones) know the blame game well and shysters benefit from it financially. Mainstream media falls under this category as well as specific politicians who have mouthpieces on the Hill from both sides. It’s a continuous cycle because it pays off in elections with increasing the odds of a win. After all, the win is the most important element of a successful blame game in the minds of game players.

The positive aspect of this constant partisan finger pointing is that a majority of people detest the game. This majority doesn’t stand out much because it includes a wide variety of political affiliations and many people with no political affiliation.

Citizens should come together to demand a better grade of politicians who don’t make false promises to win and once elected held accountable. People who want fair outcomes and honest officials who don’t accept bribes. People who want a peaceful existence with equal opportunities. What we don’t want is the continuation of the worthless blame game to justify actions.

My post to you was not a preachy lecture about the Rittenhouse case. Maybe you group many people together in your mind because you think they all act the same and think the same? That assessment is not only inaccurate but pours gas on the fire. Your words in red font “whites like many here” show why generalizations are wrong and harmful. Because you have grouped “whites like many here” it removes the concept that adults have personal responsibility for their actions and words. Your words, whether you realize it or not, indicate you see racial divisions defining people. Viewing ALL people as individuals first and foremost is the ONLY way forward at this point in time.

What happens when the actions and words of one person are blamed on other people? Rage mostly and this plays out by the minute. What is the result of making racial blanket statements when it involves blaming people who weren’t involved? Anger and more rage mostly. The choice we have is to feed the blame beast according to skin color or to starve the beast of blame so fair outcomes override. I hope for a decapitated blame beast that unites many.
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American breakdown of law and order at it's finest.

To allow protest to turn violent, and to then destroy property all due to stand down orders or a rules of engagement order in which allows for such chaos and anarchy to exist or get going, yes makes the government liable.....

Government officials allowing this stuff for a political narrative or political gain, therefore places the government's of either a city that did such a thing for such reasons or a state or whoever is at fault, to then become liable in such a breakdown of law and order in society.

Yes in order to curb such a thing from becoming the norm, then the radical personel working for the government of these places that allowed it to happen, well they should be placed on to unpaid leave pending a hearing, and then fired by their peers if found guilty of radicalizing law and order policy for personal beliefs or for a political agenda.

This shouldn't end with the Rittenhouse trial.. The pursuit should also include city official's like the mayor's who turned their cities into lawless chaos caldrons, and did so for political agendas or using their own agendas to try and get to a personal means by way of abuse of their own government duties, and their government staff's in order to do so.
You have targeted the chain of command well: who dropped the ball at the start, why was the chaos that ensued allowed to happen? Which officials have come out publicly to accept at least partial responsibility? Why was it a free for all in an area already in turmoil? Like the way political parties blame the other side for the win, if there are individuals behind the scenes who could have prevented it they should have been fired.
The blame game is not just used by the right but overrides the constant back and forth of right versus left political players. It has gone on for so long now it’s almost accepted by the masses. Almost. Many people (referencing all skin tones) know the blame game well and shysters benefit from it financially. Mainstream media falls under this category as well as specific politicians who have mouthpieces on the Hill from both sides. It’s a continuous cycle because it pays off in elections with increasing the odds of a win. After all, the win is the most important element of a successful blame game in the minds of game players.

The positive aspect of this constant partisan finger pointing is that a majority of people detest the game. This majority doesn’t stand out much because it includes a wide variety of political affiliations and many people with no political affiliation.

Citizens should come together to demand a better grade of politicians who don’t make false promises to win and once elected held accountable. People who want fair outcomes and honest officials who don’t accept bribes. People who want a peaceful existence with equal opportunities. What we don’t want is the continuation of the worthless blame game to justify actions.

My post to you was not a preachy lecture about the Rittenhouse case. Maybe you group many people together in your mind because you think they all act the same and think the same? That assessment is not only inaccurate but pours gas on the fire. Your words in red font “whites like many here” show why generalizations are wrong and harmful. Because you have grouped “whites like many here” it removes the concept that adults have personal responsibility for their actions and words. Your words, whether you realize it or not, indicate you see racial divisions defining people. Viewing ALL people as individuals first and foremost is the ONLY way forward at this point in time.

What happens when the actions and words of one person are blamed on other people? Rage mostly and this plays out by the minute. What is the result of making racial blanket statements when it involves blaming people who weren’t involved? Anger and more rage mostly. The choice we have is to feed the blame beast according to skin color or to starve the beast of blame so fair outcomes override. I hope for a decapitated blame beast that unites many.
I don't group jack squat amd really that group vs. individual argument by the right is silly and without merit when you face the reality of our system. Whites here use the actions of a few blsck people to paint a whole race then whine whrn the same is done to them. Kyle Rittenhouse is one person, but more than one white person has called him a hero and cheer him for his murders. The same white people are hoping the McM8chaels get off for their murder. The same white people are mad because Derick Chauvin got life in prison and still believe floyd died of an overdose. The ssame white people try justifying the murders of Brianna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Alton Syerling, Mike Brown, Tryvon Martin and numerous others. So this is not about one person and it is time white people quit with the fake amnesia.
I would not want to see Rittenhouse in the military or any law enforcement agency. The kid has a hero complex.
Ohhhh, no heroes in the military now eh, otherwise just social worker mentalities that will fly over to give flowers and bath oils to Kimmy or Z eh ??? Yeah that ought to do the trick, because it worked so well for Dennis Rodman ??? ROTFLMBO, you people need to get your head out of your butt's before it's to late. The woke military is a damned laughing stock to the world power's, and it's only going to get worse.

Why do you think that China and Russia didn't show up to Joe's dinner party on the climate change and etc ? It's because they are embarrassed for the leadership of this nation now, and they aren't going to let the Democrat wokies attempt to make them look weak in the world. Forget that. I can't blame them.
LOLOL. You are a complete fool to put this chubby , stupid teeny bopper ahead of the Marine Corp. My God, you are a disgrace for America,
There's thousands of your woke potentials, and their pic's upon the internet, so don't provoke those who are good at making comparison's that will then post what you might think are worthy candidate's as opposed too Kyles qualifications if were to try and join.. Oh and how about a link to where the military turned Kyle down if he tried to join ?
They were boogaloo boys.

Reflections on Kenosha |

There’s the local fascist leader Ryan Balch, part of the Boogaloo Movement, a white supremacist network that advocates a genocidal race war targeting Black people. Balch and his “boogaloo boys” gave Rittenhouse and his fellow teen fascist Dominick Black protection and direction before the shooting
That's a very serious accusation and so thanks for bringing it up.
The outcome for Kyle personally is of little interest to me.
The repercussions coming out of the verdict is what will matter.
A guilty verdict of any consequence will mean will mean new efforts to make the point that white people with guns can commit murder...............

And a not guilty verdict will legitimize Kyle and thus legitimize the murder.

It's hard to imagine what will work best for the purpose of damage control.

I imagine, a brutally stern reprimand by the judge (feigned) that is made as much public as possible. Followed by something like a suspended sentence of 5 years, and a mandated period of psychiatric help to bring about reform in Kyle.
He's too dangerous to be allowed back in public.
Has he demonstrated any remorse or is her too far gone for that?
That's a very serious accusation and so thanks for bringing it up.
The outcome for Kyle personally is of little interest to me.
The repercussions coming out of the verdict is what will matter.
A guilty verdict of any consequence will mean will mean new efforts to make the point that white people with guns can commit murder...............

And a not guilty verdict will legitimize Kyle and thus legitimize the murder.

It's hard to imagine what will work best for the purpose of damage control.

I imagine, a brutally stern reprimand by the judge (feigned) that is made as much public as possible. Followed by something like a suspended sentence of 5 years, and a mandated period of psychiatric help to bring about reform in Kyle.
He's too dangerous to be allowed back in public.
Has he demonstrated any remorse or is her too far gone for that?
Wow, all that for one guy while the violent dangerous murderous criminal rioting mobsters went free eh ?? Agenda's have a tendency to demand this much, but justice will prevail sooner or later, but first justice will be at the ballot box, so get ready because people have finally open their eyes to all the bullcrap going on with the Democrat's.
Funny how that Dufus prosecutor tried to ask or imply in a manipulative way to Kyle, as to why he brought a gun with him to help protect property(?), but he never asked his own witness as to why he was carrying as well, otherwise when he got his wrist destroyed because he pointed a loaded gun at a man (Kyle) that was being attacked by a mob from different angles.
I don't group jack squat amd really that group vs. individual argument by the right is silly and without merit when you face the reality of our system. Whites here use the actions of a few blsck people to paint a whole race then whine whrn the same is done to them. Kyle Rittenhouse is one person, but more than one white person has called him a hero and cheer him for his murders. The same white people are hoping the McM8chaels get off for their murder. The same white people are mad because Derick Chauvin got life in prison and still believe floyd died of an overdose. The ssame white people try justifying the murders of Brianna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Alton Syerling, Mike Brown, Tryvon Martin and numerous others. So this is not about one person and it is time white people quit with the fake amnesia.
We are equally free to express opinions and we won’t find much common ground because I’m firm (my whole life) about my position of fairness boiling down to each person involved.

Your experiences have shaped your own viewpoints. The best way to hold people accountable is to single out individuals for their individual actions. Even though your additional post primarily cuts it down, once again, to skin color versus skin color instead of focusing on corrupt individuals who get by with crimes and with passing the buck. They’ll continue to play the blame game and continue to judge people based upon skin color.

At a minimum, a solid 10% to 15% in the US walk around acting entitled to things. Multiple reasons but another topic. Important part of this: individuals freely acting out rudeness packaged and presented within all cultures, covering all income brackets, and all shades of skin tones. Overall, individual adults choose their actions in the US. I will never buy into the “They made me do it” argument. When fair consequences aren’t a part of the outcome for rioting and looting, people continue to riot. When bad cops remain on a force the whole precinct suffers because of the actions of the corrupt ones. Blaming a cop for another cop’s actions is as bad as blaming other people for criminal activity they had nothing to do with- generalizing versus specifying- huge difference in outcome. When you spread the blame around a lot of times the guilty get off free and clear. Do you see the difference?
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