Protest against Obama policies in Chicago

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
More racists?

Thursday evening in Chicago, black grassroots activists fed up with manipulation of their suffering by city leadership turned out to protest a fundraiser for President Obama held by Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Illinois Speaker of the General Assembly Michael Madigan.

According to the protesters, Emanuel, Madigan, and Obama pretend to try to help their community but do nothing to curb the funneling of money and contracts to corrupt community organizations and union-controlled worksites that won’t hire black labor.

The protest began in the lobby of the building where the fundraiser took place and proceeded with a march past City Hall, ending up in front of the ABC 7 News studio on State Street.

Black Grassroots Activists Protest Obama Fundraiser, City Hall, ABC News in Chicago

Maybe not.
everyone is a racist, therefore yes they are racists.....There just cut out the bull of your story and move on.
Well I like the fact that not all approve of the things going on in their state. Protest is one way to redress the issue. You would be a fool to think that all black people like Oblama and will be supporting him, just as you would be a fool to think that all white people support and like Mittens.

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