Protest at the Inaurguration

Is it legal to protest at the inaurguration?

  • yes

    Votes: 18 90.0%
  • no

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • don't know

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters
so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, Probably be a waste of travel expense.

Who is talking about bringing weapons? DC's laws prevent that without the Secret Service being involved.
Bringing weapons to protests is all the rage now with the right wing trump cult these days. It makes them feel good. Was just making sure the Britpat finger flinging kid was aware, it would be a bad idea.

He never brought it up, you just tried to equate bringing a sign saying Biden sucks to bringing an uzi.

Dishonest as usual from you.
No I plainly said " so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. " I also told him to " Have fun then and protest your butt off there. Peaceful protest is your right. " I've no problem with him waving little sign or trying to lead slogan chanting. He can lay down in the street like a speed bump to block traffic if he chooses. I will watch on TV.

Don't try to dodge, butt boy, we saw what you posted.

I quoted what I posted to make sure you saw it. Glad you can read, ass wipe. To bad you cannot comprehend.

You tried a false association, and got caught. own it you fucking hack.
Not a false association at all. I just plainly stated " You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense."

I don't care if he wants to carry a sign and said so. It has just gotten so right wing trump supporters like to also carry their AR-15s to protests. Think of it a safety brief, covering the bases.
He later posted in favor of bring weapons to protests (although not to an inaugural protest), yet you have been bitching about it for him (or for your own edification) since 1:22 PM. I really do not care, personally. I bet the DC people can deal with whatever may or may not come up just fine and are used to inaugural protests at every inaugural. Get a life, dude.

Bullshit. you brought up firearms out of nowhere for some inane reason.

A few RKBA protests, and given the actual violence done by anti-fa types, I am not surprised. Also at those protests no one gets shot.

Stop trying to weasel your way out of this, you poseur hack.
Look dipshit, I gave you your reply. I have no problem bringing up firearms when talking about protests. Like it or not, the nut ball right has made it a staple of their side of the protest movement in the year 2020 and I do not expect it to change in the year 2021. Five years ago, who would have thought nut ball right wing in Michigan would protest at their state capital, looking like armed for Armageddon? They apparently allow that at the state capital in Michigan. I just cautioned against trying to pull that crap in response to a protest at the inaugural. I don't think those people in charge will go along with it, as I never knew them to be able to take a joke. If you don't like it, go piss up a rope.

You tried to link his post about showing up with a sign with showing up with a gun, even though he said NOTHING about doing so.

And yet at lefty protests with improvised weapons they get used, and they get brought TO BE used. When RKBA protesters bring their weapons, no one gets hurt.

And that's the thing you can't get across your think empty skull, it isn't the weapons themselves, it is the intent of the people bringing them. RBKA activists bring the weapons to make a point and to defend, your anti-fa and BLM fellow travelers bring them to use them on anyone they oppose.

You tried to make it seem like Bripat wanted to bring weapons, and you got called out on it.
Understand your post except for meaning of RKBA as I don't know that acronym.
For the umpteenth time, in this year, I simply warned against bringing any, and also said in later post that I recognize his right to peaceful protest. I refuse to take back either, so you are screwed.
I definitely do not mind if he wants to bring a sign and protest, or try to lead a protest chant or any other type of peaceful protest. Especially since I will be watching on TV and eating popcorn, probably have a beer and enjoying the entertainment.
I cannot for the life of me, think why he or any other adult would ever ask if it is ok to protest at an inaugural event unless they wanted to do something forbidden by law or local policy. People have protested at them, probably since the beginning of them.
Do you see where this is going? You are going to act insulted for him. I am not going change or apologize to him or you, as I feel no regret and do not owe you anything, as neither of your were brought to harm. And you will renew your useless attack with the same crap.
You ever hear that doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results is a sign of insanity?

Right to Keep and Bear Arms. if you are going to debate something, learn the lingo.

You tried to imply he was talking about bringing weapons when he never mentioned doing it. you tried to associate peaceful protest with trying to bring guns into DC and an inauguration.

And you are trying to weasel out of it.
Implied not such thing. Simply warned against it.
Sure you did, fuckstick.
No I didn't, dipshit, but take it how you like it as there is not much you can do about it. It is your decision.

Well there goes your "he didn't accuse me of it" defense, slappy.
Wasn't a defense. Just an accusation pointed at you. Maybe now you can let him fight his own fight, unless you think he can't handle it.
so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, Probably be a waste of travel expense.

Who is talking about bringing weapons? DC's laws prevent that without the Secret Service being involved.
Bringing weapons to protests is all the rage now with the right wing trump cult these days. It makes them feel good. Was just making sure the Britpat finger flinging kid was aware, it would be a bad idea.

He never brought it up, you just tried to equate bringing a sign saying Biden sucks to bringing an uzi.

Dishonest as usual from you.
No I plainly said " so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. " I also told him to " Have fun then and protest your butt off there. Peaceful protest is your right. " I've no problem with him waving little sign or trying to lead slogan chanting. He can lay down in the street like a speed bump to block traffic if he chooses. I will watch on TV.

Don't try to dodge, butt boy, we saw what you posted.

I quoted what I posted to make sure you saw it. Glad you can read, ass wipe. To bad you cannot comprehend.

You tried a false association, and got caught. own it you fucking hack.
Not a false association at all. I just plainly stated " You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense."

I don't care if he wants to carry a sign and said so. It has just gotten so right wing trump supporters like to also carry their AR-15s to protests. Think of it a safety brief, covering the bases.
He later posted in favor of bring weapons to protests (although not to an inaugural protest), yet you have been bitching about it for him (or for your own edification) since 1:22 PM. I really do not care, personally. I bet the DC people can deal with whatever may or may not come up just fine and are used to inaugural protests at every inaugural. Get a life, dude.

Bullshit. you brought up firearms out of nowhere for some inane reason.

A few RKBA protests, and given the actual violence done by anti-fa types, I am not surprised. Also at those protests no one gets shot.

Stop trying to weasel your way out of this, you poseur hack.
Look dipshit, I gave you your reply. I have no problem bringing up firearms when talking about protests. Like it or not, the nut ball right has made it a staple of their side of the protest movement in the year 2020 and I do not expect it to change in the year 2021. Five years ago, who would have thought nut ball right wing in Michigan would protest at their state capital, looking like armed for Armageddon? They apparently allow that at the state capital in Michigan. I just cautioned against trying to pull that crap in response to a protest at the inaugural. I don't think those people in charge will go along with it, as I never knew them to be able to take a joke. If you don't like it, go piss up a rope.

You tried to link his post about showing up with a sign with showing up with a gun, even though he said NOTHING about doing so.

And yet at lefty protests with improvised weapons they get used, and they get brought TO BE used. When RKBA protesters bring their weapons, no one gets hurt.

And that's the thing you can't get across your think empty skull, it isn't the weapons themselves, it is the intent of the people bringing them. RBKA activists bring the weapons to make a point and to defend, your anti-fa and BLM fellow travelers bring them to use them on anyone they oppose.

You tried to make it seem like Bripat wanted to bring weapons, and you got called out on it.
Understand your post except for meaning of RKBA as I don't know that acronym.
For the umpteenth time, in this year, I simply warned against bringing any, and also said in later post that I recognize his right to peaceful protest. I refuse to take back either, so you are screwed.
I definitely do not mind if he wants to bring a sign and protest, or try to lead a protest chant or any other type of peaceful protest. Especially since I will be watching on TV and eating popcorn, probably have a beer and enjoying the entertainment.
I cannot for the life of me, think why he or any other adult would ever ask if it is ok to protest at an inaugural event unless they wanted to do something forbidden by law or local policy. People have protested at them, probably since the beginning of them.
Do you see where this is going? You are going to act insulted for him. I am not going change or apologize to him or you, as I feel no regret and do not owe you anything, as neither of your were brought to harm. And you will renew your useless attack with the same crap.
You ever hear that doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results is a sign of insanity?

Right to Keep and Bear Arms. if you are going to debate something, learn the lingo.

You tried to imply he was talking about bringing weapons when he never mentioned doing it. you tried to associate peaceful protest with trying to bring guns into DC and an inauguration.

And you are trying to weasel out of it.
Implied not such thing. Simply warned against it.
Sure you did, fuckstick.
No I didn't, dipshit, but take it how you like it as there is not much you can do about it. It is your decision.

Well there goes your "he didn't accuse me of it" defense, slappy.
Wasn't a defense. Just an accusation pointed at you. Maybe now you can let him fight his own fight, unless you think he can't handle it.

Just calling out your bullshit, you poseur hack.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?

The DC police will setup ridiculous rules shunting any protest as far from the inauguration as possible. They will use COVID regulations as an excuse, and will suppress any deviation from said rules with far more ruthlessness than they did against the protesters at Trump's inauguration.

This will be despite the far more passive mindset that will be shown by the right wing protesters.
In that case, I think no Republicans should attend. No Senators, no Congressmen, no Trump administration officials.
Yes. Why not try to overthrow the government,loser
You're confused. We're gonna take back what was stolen.
so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, Probably be a waste of travel expense.

Who is talking about bringing weapons? DC's laws prevent that without the Secret Service being involved.
Bringing weapons to protests is all the rage now with the right wing trump cult these days. It makes them feel good. Was just making sure the Britpat finger flinging kid was aware, it would be a bad idea.

He never brought it up, you just tried to equate bringing a sign saying Biden sucks to bringing an uzi.

Dishonest as usual from you.
No I plainly said " so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. " I also told him to " Have fun then and protest your butt off there. Peaceful protest is your right. " I've no problem with him waving little sign or trying to lead slogan chanting. He can lay down in the street like a speed bump to block traffic if he chooses. I will watch on TV.

Don't try to dodge, butt boy, we saw what you posted.

I quoted what I posted to make sure you saw it. Glad you can read, ass wipe. To bad you cannot comprehend.

You tried a false association, and got caught. own it you fucking hack.
Not a false association at all. I just plainly stated " You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense."

I don't care if he wants to carry a sign and said so. It has just gotten so right wing trump supporters like to also carry their AR-15s to protests. Think of it a safety brief, covering the bases.
He later posted in favor of bring weapons to protests (although not to an inaugural protest), yet you have been bitching about it for him (or for your own edification) since 1:22 PM. I really do not care, personally. I bet the DC people can deal with whatever may or may not come up just fine and are used to inaugural protests at every inaugural. Get a life, dude.

Bullshit. you brought up firearms out of nowhere for some inane reason.

A few RKBA protests, and given the actual violence done by anti-fa types, I am not surprised. Also at those protests no one gets shot.

Stop trying to weasel your way out of this, you poseur hack.
Look dipshit, I gave you your reply. I have no problem bringing up firearms when talking about protests. Like it or not, the nut ball right has made it a staple of their side of the protest movement in the year 2020 and I do not expect it to change in the year 2021. Five years ago, who would have thought nut ball right wing in Michigan would protest at their state capital, looking like armed for Armageddon? They apparently allow that at the state capital in Michigan. I just cautioned against trying to pull that crap in response to a protest at the inaugural. I don't think those people in charge will go along with it, as I never knew them to be able to take a joke. If you don't like it, go piss up a rope.

You tried to link his post about showing up with a sign with showing up with a gun, even though he said NOTHING about doing so.

And yet at lefty protests with improvised weapons they get used, and they get brought TO BE used. When RKBA protesters bring their weapons, no one gets hurt.

And that's the thing you can't get across your think empty skull, it isn't the weapons themselves, it is the intent of the people bringing them. RBKA activists bring the weapons to make a point and to defend, your anti-fa and BLM fellow travelers bring them to use them on anyone they oppose.

You tried to make it seem like Bripat wanted to bring weapons, and you got called out on it.
Understand your post except for meaning of RKBA as I don't know that acronym.
For the umpteenth time, in this year, I simply warned against bringing any, and also said in later post that I recognize his right to peaceful protest. I refuse to take back either, so you are screwed.
I definitely do not mind if he wants to bring a sign and protest, or try to lead a protest chant or any other type of peaceful protest. Especially since I will be watching on TV and eating popcorn, probably have a beer and enjoying the entertainment.
I cannot for the life of me, think why he or any other adult would ever ask if it is ok to protest at an inaugural event unless they wanted to do something forbidden by law or local policy. People have protested at them, probably since the beginning of them.
Do you see where this is going? You are going to act insulted for him. I am not going change or apologize to him or you, as I feel no regret and do not owe you anything, as neither of your were brought to harm. And you will renew your useless attack with the same crap.
You ever hear that doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results is a sign of insanity?

Right to Keep and Bear Arms. if you are going to debate something, learn the lingo.

You tried to imply he was talking about bringing weapons when he never mentioned doing it. you tried to associate peaceful protest with trying to bring guns into DC and an inauguration.

And you are trying to weasel out of it.
Implied not such thing. Simply warned against it.
Sure you did, fuckstick.
No I didn't, dipshit, but take it how you like it as there is not much you can do about it. It is your decision.
You did. Quit lying. No one is fooled.
For those of you who are clueless "at the inauguration" means right there on the capitol mall. It doesn't mean 5 blocks away.
so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, Probably be a waste of travel expense.

Who is talking about bringing weapons? DC's laws prevent that without the Secret Service being involved.
Bringing weapons to protests is all the rage now with the right wing trump cult these days. It makes them feel good. Was just making sure the Britpat finger flinging kid was aware, it would be a bad idea.

He never brought it up, you just tried to equate bringing a sign saying Biden sucks to bringing an uzi.

Dishonest as usual from you.
No I plainly said " so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. " I also told him to " Have fun then and protest your butt off there. Peaceful protest is your right. " I've no problem with him waving little sign or trying to lead slogan chanting. He can lay down in the street like a speed bump to block traffic if he chooses. I will watch on TV.

Don't try to dodge, butt boy, we saw what you posted.

I quoted what I posted to make sure you saw it. Glad you can read, ass wipe. To bad you cannot comprehend.

You tried a false association, and got caught. own it you fucking hack.
Not a false association at all. I just plainly stated " You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense."

I don't care if he wants to carry a sign and said so. It has just gotten so right wing trump supporters like to also carry their AR-15s to protests. Think of it a safety brief, covering the bases.
He later posted in favor of bring weapons to protests (although not to an inaugural protest), yet you have been bitching about it for him (or for your own edification) since 1:22 PM. I really do not care, personally. I bet the DC people can deal with whatever may or may not come up just fine and are used to inaugural protests at every inaugural. Get a life, dude.

Bullshit. you brought up firearms out of nowhere for some inane reason.

A few RKBA protests, and given the actual violence done by anti-fa types, I am not surprised. Also at those protests no one gets shot.

Stop trying to weasel your way out of this, you poseur hack.
Look dipshit, I gave you your reply. I have no problem bringing up firearms when talking about protests. Like it or not, the nut ball right has made it a staple of their side of the protest movement in the year 2020 and I do not expect it to change in the year 2021. Five years ago, who would have thought nut ball right wing in Michigan would protest at their state capital, looking like armed for Armageddon? They apparently allow that at the state capital in Michigan. I just cautioned against trying to pull that crap in response to a protest at the inaugural. I don't think those people in charge will go along with it, as I never knew them to be able to take a joke. If you don't like it, go piss up a rope.

You tried to link his post about showing up with a sign with showing up with a gun, even though he said NOTHING about doing so.

And yet at lefty protests with improvised weapons they get used, and they get brought TO BE used. When RKBA protesters bring their weapons, no one gets hurt.

And that's the thing you can't get across your think empty skull, it isn't the weapons themselves, it is the intent of the people bringing them. RBKA activists bring the weapons to make a point and to defend, your anti-fa and BLM fellow travelers bring them to use them on anyone they oppose.

You tried to make it seem like Bripat wanted to bring weapons, and you got called out on it.
Understand your post except for meaning of RKBA as I don't know that acronym.
For the umpteenth time, in this year, I simply warned against bringing any, and also said in later post that I recognize his right to peaceful protest. I refuse to take back either, so you are screwed.
I definitely do not mind if he wants to bring a sign and protest, or try to lead a protest chant or any other type of peaceful protest. Especially since I will be watching on TV and eating popcorn, probably have a beer and enjoying the entertainment.
I cannot for the life of me, think why he or any other adult would ever ask if it is ok to protest at an inaugural event unless they wanted to do something forbidden by law or local policy. People have protested at them, probably since the beginning of them.
Do you see where this is going? You are going to act insulted for him. I am not going change or apologize to him or you, as I feel no regret and do not owe you anything, as neither of your were brought to harm. And you will renew your useless attack with the same crap.
You ever hear that doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results is a sign of insanity?

Right to Keep and Bear Arms. if you are going to debate something, learn the lingo.

You tried to imply he was talking about bringing weapons when he never mentioned doing it. you tried to associate peaceful protest with trying to bring guns into DC and an inauguration.

And you are trying to weasel out of it.
Implied not such thing. Simply warned against it.
Sure you did, fuckstick.
No I didn't, dipshit, but take it how you like it as there is not much you can do about it. It is your decision.

Well there goes your "he didn't accuse me of it" defense, slappy.
Wasn't a defense. Just an accusation pointed at you. Maybe now you can let him fight his own fight, unless you think he can't handle it.

Just calling out your bullshit, you poseur hack.
Just call in an interposing ass hole. Since it fits, wear it.
so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, Probably be a waste of travel expense.

Who is talking about bringing weapons? DC's laws prevent that without the Secret Service being involved.
Bringing weapons to protests is all the rage now with the right wing trump cult these days. It makes them feel good. Was just making sure the Britpat finger flinging kid was aware, it would be a bad idea.

He never brought it up, you just tried to equate bringing a sign saying Biden sucks to bringing an uzi.

Dishonest as usual from you.
No I plainly said " so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. " I also told him to " Have fun then and protest your butt off there. Peaceful protest is your right. " I've no problem with him waving little sign or trying to lead slogan chanting. He can lay down in the street like a speed bump to block traffic if he chooses. I will watch on TV.

Don't try to dodge, butt boy, we saw what you posted.

I quoted what I posted to make sure you saw it. Glad you can read, ass wipe. To bad you cannot comprehend.

You tried a false association, and got caught. own it you fucking hack.
Not a false association at all. I just plainly stated " You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense."

I don't care if he wants to carry a sign and said so. It has just gotten so right wing trump supporters like to also carry their AR-15s to protests. Think of it a safety brief, covering the bases.
He later posted in favor of bring weapons to protests (although not to an inaugural protest), yet you have been bitching about it for him (or for your own edification) since 1:22 PM. I really do not care, personally. I bet the DC people can deal with whatever may or may not come up just fine and are used to inaugural protests at every inaugural. Get a life, dude.

Bullshit. you brought up firearms out of nowhere for some inane reason.

A few RKBA protests, and given the actual violence done by anti-fa types, I am not surprised. Also at those protests no one gets shot.

Stop trying to weasel your way out of this, you poseur hack.
Look dipshit, I gave you your reply. I have no problem bringing up firearms when talking about protests. Like it or not, the nut ball right has made it a staple of their side of the protest movement in the year 2020 and I do not expect it to change in the year 2021. Five years ago, who would have thought nut ball right wing in Michigan would protest at their state capital, looking like armed for Armageddon? They apparently allow that at the state capital in Michigan. I just cautioned against trying to pull that crap in response to a protest at the inaugural. I don't think those people in charge will go along with it, as I never knew them to be able to take a joke. If you don't like it, go piss up a rope.

You tried to link his post about showing up with a sign with showing up with a gun, even though he said NOTHING about doing so.

And yet at lefty protests with improvised weapons they get used, and they get brought TO BE used. When RKBA protesters bring their weapons, no one gets hurt.

And that's the thing you can't get across your think empty skull, it isn't the weapons themselves, it is the intent of the people bringing them. RBKA activists bring the weapons to make a point and to defend, your anti-fa and BLM fellow travelers bring them to use them on anyone they oppose.

You tried to make it seem like Bripat wanted to bring weapons, and you got called out on it.
Understand your post except for meaning of RKBA as I don't know that acronym.
For the umpteenth time, in this year, I simply warned against bringing any, and also said in later post that I recognize his right to peaceful protest. I refuse to take back either, so you are screwed.
I definitely do not mind if he wants to bring a sign and protest, or try to lead a protest chant or any other type of peaceful protest. Especially since I will be watching on TV and eating popcorn, probably have a beer and enjoying the entertainment.
I cannot for the life of me, think why he or any other adult would ever ask if it is ok to protest at an inaugural event unless they wanted to do something forbidden by law or local policy. People have protested at them, probably since the beginning of them.
Do you see where this is going? You are going to act insulted for him. I am not going change or apologize to him or you, as I feel no regret and do not owe you anything, as neither of your were brought to harm. And you will renew your useless attack with the same crap.
You ever hear that doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results is a sign of insanity?

Right to Keep and Bear Arms. if you are going to debate something, learn the lingo.

You tried to imply he was talking about bringing weapons when he never mentioned doing it. you tried to associate peaceful protest with trying to bring guns into DC and an inauguration.

And you are trying to weasel out of it.
Implied not such thing. Simply warned against it.
Sure you did, fuckstick.
No I didn't, dipshit, but take it how you like it as there is not much you can do about it. It is your decision.

Well there goes your "he didn't accuse me of it" defense, slappy.
Wasn't a defense. Just an accusation pointed at you. Maybe now you can let him fight his own fight, unless you think he can't handle it.

Just calling out your bullshit, you poseur hack.
Just call in an interposing ass hole. Since it fits, wear it.

Aww, poor wibble poseur got called out and now has a sadz!

Maybe try the Hello Kitty message board, it might be more your speed.
so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, Probably be a waste of travel expense.

Who is talking about bringing weapons? DC's laws prevent that without the Secret Service being involved.
Bringing weapons to protests is all the rage now with the right wing trump cult these days. It makes them feel good. Was just making sure the Britpat finger flinging kid was aware, it would be a bad idea.

He never brought it up, you just tried to equate bringing a sign saying Biden sucks to bringing an uzi.

Dishonest as usual from you.
No I plainly said " so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. " I also told him to " Have fun then and protest your butt off there. Peaceful protest is your right. " I've no problem with him waving little sign or trying to lead slogan chanting. He can lay down in the street like a speed bump to block traffic if he chooses. I will watch on TV.

Don't try to dodge, butt boy, we saw what you posted.

I quoted what I posted to make sure you saw it. Glad you can read, ass wipe. To bad you cannot comprehend.

You tried a false association, and got caught. own it you fucking hack.
Not a false association at all. I just plainly stated " You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense."

I don't care if he wants to carry a sign and said so. It has just gotten so right wing trump supporters like to also carry their AR-15s to protests. Think of it a safety brief, covering the bases.
He later posted in favor of bring weapons to protests (although not to an inaugural protest), yet you have been bitching about it for him (or for your own edification) since 1:22 PM. I really do not care, personally. I bet the DC people can deal with whatever may or may not come up just fine and are used to inaugural protests at every inaugural. Get a life, dude.

Bullshit. you brought up firearms out of nowhere for some inane reason.

A few RKBA protests, and given the actual violence done by anti-fa types, I am not surprised. Also at those protests no one gets shot.

Stop trying to weasel your way out of this, you poseur hack.
Look dipshit, I gave you your reply. I have no problem bringing up firearms when talking about protests. Like it or not, the nut ball right has made it a staple of their side of the protest movement in the year 2020 and I do not expect it to change in the year 2021. Five years ago, who would have thought nut ball right wing in Michigan would protest at their state capital, looking like armed for Armageddon? They apparently allow that at the state capital in Michigan. I just cautioned against trying to pull that crap in response to a protest at the inaugural. I don't think those people in charge will go along with it, as I never knew them to be able to take a joke. If you don't like it, go piss up a rope.

You tried to link his post about showing up with a sign with showing up with a gun, even though he said NOTHING about doing so.

And yet at lefty protests with improvised weapons they get used, and they get brought TO BE used. When RKBA protesters bring their weapons, no one gets hurt.

And that's the thing you can't get across your think empty skull, it isn't the weapons themselves, it is the intent of the people bringing them. RBKA activists bring the weapons to make a point and to defend, your anti-fa and BLM fellow travelers bring them to use them on anyone they oppose.

You tried to make it seem like Bripat wanted to bring weapons, and you got called out on it.
Understand your post except for meaning of RKBA as I don't know that acronym.
For the umpteenth time, in this year, I simply warned against bringing any, and also said in later post that I recognize his right to peaceful protest. I refuse to take back either, so you are screwed.
I definitely do not mind if he wants to bring a sign and protest, or try to lead a protest chant or any other type of peaceful protest. Especially since I will be watching on TV and eating popcorn, probably have a beer and enjoying the entertainment.
I cannot for the life of me, think why he or any other adult would ever ask if it is ok to protest at an inaugural event unless they wanted to do something forbidden by law or local policy. People have protested at them, probably since the beginning of them.
Do you see where this is going? You are going to act insulted for him. I am not going change or apologize to him or you, as I feel no regret and do not owe you anything, as neither of your were brought to harm. And you will renew your useless attack with the same crap.
You ever hear that doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results is a sign of insanity?

Right to Keep and Bear Arms. if you are going to debate something, learn the lingo.

You tried to imply he was talking about bringing weapons when he never mentioned doing it. you tried to associate peaceful protest with trying to bring guns into DC and an inauguration.

And you are trying to weasel out of it.
Implied not such thing. Simply warned against it.
Sure you did, fuckstick.
No I didn't, dipshit, but take it how you like it as there is not much you can do about it. It is your decision.
You did. Quit lying. No one is fooled.
Oh, the great "He's a liar" wail. Act your age.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
Go for it, loser.
I would if I knew I could get away with it. Perhaps I can pay for some sky writing that says Biden is a crook. Of course, I'm virtually certain they won't allow any flights over the capitol building.

The airspace over DC is highly regulated and restricted. One zone extends in a 15 mile circle from Reagan airport, and the second one goes out to 30 miles. No, you won't get authorization from the FAA to do skywriting in either of those zones.

so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, Probably be a waste of travel expense.

Who is talking about bringing weapons? DC's laws prevent that without the Secret Service being involved.
Bringing weapons to protests is all the rage now with the right wing trump cult these days. It makes them feel good. Was just making sure the Britpat finger flinging kid was aware, it would be a bad idea.

He never brought it up, you just tried to equate bringing a sign saying Biden sucks to bringing an uzi.

Dishonest as usual from you.
No I plainly said " so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. " I also told him to " Have fun then and protest your butt off there. Peaceful protest is your right. " I've no problem with him waving little sign or trying to lead slogan chanting. He can lay down in the street like a speed bump to block traffic if he chooses. I will watch on TV.

Don't try to dodge, butt boy, we saw what you posted.

I quoted what I posted to make sure you saw it. Glad you can read, ass wipe. To bad you cannot comprehend.

You tried a false association, and got caught. own it you fucking hack.
Not a false association at all. I just plainly stated " You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense."

I don't care if he wants to carry a sign and said so. It has just gotten so right wing trump supporters like to also carry their AR-15s to protests. Think of it a safety brief, covering the bases.
He later posted in favor of bring weapons to protests (although not to an inaugural protest), yet you have been bitching about it for him (or for your own edification) since 1:22 PM. I really do not care, personally. I bet the DC people can deal with whatever may or may not come up just fine and are used to inaugural protests at every inaugural. Get a life, dude.

Bullshit. you brought up firearms out of nowhere for some inane reason.

A few RKBA protests, and given the actual violence done by anti-fa types, I am not surprised. Also at those protests no one gets shot.

Stop trying to weasel your way out of this, you poseur hack.
Look dipshit, I gave you your reply. I have no problem bringing up firearms when talking about protests. Like it or not, the nut ball right has made it a staple of their side of the protest movement in the year 2020 and I do not expect it to change in the year 2021. Five years ago, who would have thought nut ball right wing in Michigan would protest at their state capital, looking like armed for Armageddon? They apparently allow that at the state capital in Michigan. I just cautioned against trying to pull that crap in response to a protest at the inaugural. I don't think those people in charge will go along with it, as I never knew them to be able to take a joke. If you don't like it, go piss up a rope.

You tried to link his post about showing up with a sign with showing up with a gun, even though he said NOTHING about doing so.

And yet at lefty protests with improvised weapons they get used, and they get brought TO BE used. When RKBA protesters bring their weapons, no one gets hurt.

And that's the thing you can't get across your think empty skull, it isn't the weapons themselves, it is the intent of the people bringing them. RBKA activists bring the weapons to make a point and to defend, your anti-fa and BLM fellow travelers bring them to use them on anyone they oppose.

You tried to make it seem like Bripat wanted to bring weapons, and you got called out on it.
Understand your post except for meaning of RKBA as I don't know that acronym.
For the umpteenth time, in this year, I simply warned against bringing any, and also said in later post that I recognize his right to peaceful protest. I refuse to take back either, so you are screwed.
I definitely do not mind if he wants to bring a sign and protest, or try to lead a protest chant or any other type of peaceful protest. Especially since I will be watching on TV and eating popcorn, probably have a beer and enjoying the entertainment.
I cannot for the life of me, think why he or any other adult would ever ask if it is ok to protest at an inaugural event unless they wanted to do something forbidden by law or local policy. People have protested at them, probably since the beginning of them.
Do you see where this is going? You are going to act insulted for him. I am not going change or apologize to him or you, as I feel no regret and do not owe you anything, as neither of your were brought to harm. And you will renew your useless attack with the same crap.
You ever hear that doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results is a sign of insanity?

Right to Keep and Bear Arms. if you are going to debate something, learn the lingo.

You tried to imply he was talking about bringing weapons when he never mentioned doing it. you tried to associate peaceful protest with trying to bring guns into DC and an inauguration.

And you are trying to weasel out of it.
Implied not such thing. Simply warned against it.
Sure you did, fuckstick.
No I didn't, dipshit, but take it how you like it as there is not much you can do about it. It is your decision.
You did. Quit lying. No one is fooled.
Oh, the great "He's a liar" wail. Act your age.
You mean I should start muttering "nuh uhn" in every response like you?
so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, Probably be a waste of travel expense.

Who is talking about bringing weapons? DC's laws prevent that without the Secret Service being involved.
Bringing weapons to protests is all the rage now with the right wing trump cult these days. It makes them feel good. Was just making sure the Britpat finger flinging kid was aware, it would be a bad idea.

He never brought it up, you just tried to equate bringing a sign saying Biden sucks to bringing an uzi.

Dishonest as usual from you.
No I plainly said " so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. " I also told him to " Have fun then and protest your butt off there. Peaceful protest is your right. " I've no problem with him waving little sign or trying to lead slogan chanting. He can lay down in the street like a speed bump to block traffic if he chooses. I will watch on TV.

Don't try to dodge, butt boy, we saw what you posted.

I quoted what I posted to make sure you saw it. Glad you can read, ass wipe. To bad you cannot comprehend.

You tried a false association, and got caught. own it you fucking hack.
Not a false association at all. I just plainly stated " You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense."

I don't care if he wants to carry a sign and said so. It has just gotten so right wing trump supporters like to also carry their AR-15s to protests. Think of it a safety brief, covering the bases.
He later posted in favor of bring weapons to protests (although not to an inaugural protest), yet you have been bitching about it for him (or for your own edification) since 1:22 PM. I really do not care, personally. I bet the DC people can deal with whatever may or may not come up just fine and are used to inaugural protests at every inaugural. Get a life, dude.

Bullshit. you brought up firearms out of nowhere for some inane reason.

A few RKBA protests, and given the actual violence done by anti-fa types, I am not surprised. Also at those protests no one gets shot.

Stop trying to weasel your way out of this, you poseur hack.
Look dipshit, I gave you your reply. I have no problem bringing up firearms when talking about protests. Like it or not, the nut ball right has made it a staple of their side of the protest movement in the year 2020 and I do not expect it to change in the year 2021. Five years ago, who would have thought nut ball right wing in Michigan would protest at their state capital, looking like armed for Armageddon? They apparently allow that at the state capital in Michigan. I just cautioned against trying to pull that crap in response to a protest at the inaugural. I don't think those people in charge will go along with it, as I never knew them to be able to take a joke. If you don't like it, go piss up a rope.

You tried to link his post about showing up with a sign with showing up with a gun, even though he said NOTHING about doing so.

And yet at lefty protests with improvised weapons they get used, and they get brought TO BE used. When RKBA protesters bring their weapons, no one gets hurt.

And that's the thing you can't get across your think empty skull, it isn't the weapons themselves, it is the intent of the people bringing them. RBKA activists bring the weapons to make a point and to defend, your anti-fa and BLM fellow travelers bring them to use them on anyone they oppose.

You tried to make it seem like Bripat wanted to bring weapons, and you got called out on it.
Understand your post except for meaning of RKBA as I don't know that acronym.
For the umpteenth time, in this year, I simply warned against bringing any, and also said in later post that I recognize his right to peaceful protest. I refuse to take back either, so you are screwed.
I definitely do not mind if he wants to bring a sign and protest, or try to lead a protest chant or any other type of peaceful protest. Especially since I will be watching on TV and eating popcorn, probably have a beer and enjoying the entertainment.
I cannot for the life of me, think why he or any other adult would ever ask if it is ok to protest at an inaugural event unless they wanted to do something forbidden by law or local policy. People have protested at them, probably since the beginning of them.
Do you see where this is going? You are going to act insulted for him. I am not going change or apologize to him or you, as I feel no regret and do not owe you anything, as neither of your were brought to harm. And you will renew your useless attack with the same crap.
You ever hear that doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results is a sign of insanity?

Right to Keep and Bear Arms. if you are going to debate something, learn the lingo.

You tried to imply he was talking about bringing weapons when he never mentioned doing it. you tried to associate peaceful protest with trying to bring guns into DC and an inauguration.

And you are trying to weasel out of it.
Implied not such thing. Simply warned against it.
Sure you did, fuckstick.
No I didn't, dipshit, but take it how you like it as there is not much you can do about it. It is your decision.
You did. Quit lying. No one is fooled.
Oh, the great "He's a liar" wail. Act your age.
You mean I should start muttering "nuh uhn" in every response like you?
No. You are supposed to be out trying to hire a contractor with a pilot's liscense to break controlled airspace over the inaugural for your goofy sky writing protest. Dream your little dreams, kid.
Oh, the great "He's a liar" wail. Act your age.
You mean I should start muttering "nuh uhn" in every response like you?
No. You are supposed to be out trying to hire a contractor with a pilot's liscense to break controlled airspace over the inaugural for your goofy sky writing protest. Dream your little dreams, kid.
Why am I supposed to do that?
I read the other post about the sky writing idea where the other guy informed correctly that it was closed air space. I said you with a little sign would be fine and your right to protest. Didn't know you might be contemplating a sky writing sign.
Oh, the great "He's a liar" wail. Act your age.
You mean I should start muttering "nuh uhn" in every response like you?
No. You are supposed to be out trying to hire a contractor with a pilot's liscense to break controlled airspace over the inaugural for your goofy sky writing protest. Dream your little dreams, kid.
Why am I supposed to do that?
I read the other post about the sky writing idea where the other guy informed correctly that it was closed air space. I said you with a little sign would be fine and your right to protest. Didn't know you might be contemplating a sky writing sign.
I asked a question, douchebag, and I concluded in the post that they wouldn't allow it.

Are you really this dishonest?
Oh, the great "He's a liar" wail. Act your age.
You mean I should start muttering "nuh uhn" in every response like you?
No. You are supposed to be out trying to hire a contractor with a pilot's liscense to break controlled airspace over the inaugural for your goofy sky writing protest. Dream your little dreams, kid.
Why am I supposed to do that?
I read the other post about the sky writing idea where the other guy informed correctly that it was closed air space. I said you with a little sign would be fine and your right to protest. Didn't know you might be contemplating a sky writing sign.
I asked a question, douchebag, and I concluded in the post that they wouldn't allow it.

Are you really this dishonest?
Just read it in passing chuckled at the lack of knowledge, law, etc and moved on. Suggest you move on, also.

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