Protest in DC today for pro Israel fans

The people claiming Israel is committing a genocide are so blinded by their antisemitism that they can’t see the only people clamoring to commit a genocide are the HAMAS terrorists and their supporters on college campuses screaming ”Death to Jews!”
The same antisemitic posters bloating about imaginary genocides blamed Israel for Oct 6.

They expressed absolutely no outrage over the subhuman barbarity of those they support.
Genocide is derived from generation and means intent to wipe out a generation
Any damn fool can see Israel is not doing that. What Israel is doing is wiping out a self proclaimed terrorist, sadist organization And those who hug and harbor them.
It’s insecticide and not genocide
It's nothing personal, they just want the land and no neighbors that aren't like them. Oh, and the US to clear the areas around them so they can feel safe. Oh, and the press to show how they are victims. Oh, and to be loved by all.
Buttercup blames the Jews for the fact that over a thousand of them were massacred in the most evil ways possible. She calls it all an Israeli psy op.

How anybody could hear of babies being cooked alive and be so utterly heartless is beyond me.

I don't blame the Jews, don't ever try to speak for me. Your constant lies and fallacies on this topic are disgusting. And I think it's incredibly ironic that you call me heartless when the person I was replying to openly advocated for the mass slaughter of children and women. Projection much?
It's nothing personal, they just want the land and no neighbors that aren't like them. Oh, and the US to clear the areas around them so they can feel safe. Oh, and the press to show how they are victims. Oh, and to be loved by all.
No, they don’t want indoctrinated Jew-haters who are committed to killing every Jew they can find around them. Would YOU want Ted Bundy living in the apartment right next to your 23-year-old daughter?
No, they don’t want indoctrinated Jew-haters who are committed to killing every Jew they can find around them. Would YOU want Ted Bundy living in the apartment right next to your 23-year-old daughter?
If his daughter was a republican then the answer is Yes
If his daughter was a republican then the answer is Yes
Yup….the hate is that strong.

Have you noticed that the outrage for me (a nice Jewish woman) spewing out of these antisemites is GREATER than for Muslim savages who cooked a baby alive, cut off heads of children, tied families together and set them afire, raped women until they died from internal trauma, and then laughed about it all?
You are on record as indicatiing you viewed it as a false flag psy ops from the very beginning.

That has nothing to do with Judaism or the Jewish people. That has already been explained to you numerous times by numerous people. But since you don't seem willing or able to debate in an honest way, all you have is nasty ad hominems instead of actual arguments, which says more about you than anyone you attack.
They do? Where do you get that fact from? Mad Magazine?
So right. Orwellian does explain their thinking. good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood, and justice and injustice. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength.

It boggles the mind the idiocy we see on this forum. No one in their right mind would support a genocide. Their minds aren’t their own.

We live in a very dark, upside-down world. I actually shouldn't be surprised by the bloodthirstiness, the cheering for mass killing of civilians, and all the other ugly stuff around here. I know you're not a believer, but it reminds me of 2 Timothy 3, which says that in the last days 'perilous' times will come. 2 Timothy 3:3 in particular is very timely.

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