Protest in DC today for pro Israel fans

You are generally very much admired by whites because you also know how to live and act.
Oh wow….thanks. I’ve been on the receiving end of a lot of cyberbullying and antisemitism today, so your support means a lot!
It can't just flip to being like that in a day.

Much of that Pally protest BS is funded by Soros and not organic.

That doesn't mean the mush heads aren't having their minds pumped full of bullshit though.

It's upsetting, it really is.
Thanks. This was organized to happen in concert with the massacre of Jews. But how do you explain the antisemitic comments of friends on Facebook? SOROS isn’t paying THEM.
Thanks. This was organized to happen in concert with the massacre of Jews. But how do you explain the antisemitic comments of friends on Facebook? SOROS isn’t paying THEM.
It's a SPIRITUAL battle. I stick with that.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places
That’s it. They hate when people who have been the victims of horrific bigotry are able to overcome it - and quickly - to become successful. It kills the myth they push that prejudice and racism is the reason minorities fail. Jews prove the, wrong, and they can’t forgive us for that.
Off topic a bit but Native Americans have been, and are, treated far worse by the white man than blacks have ever been.
Blacks are belligerent noise makers, always living in 60-140 years ago and never directing anything about improvements in the present moment
BS! Israel has been killing Gazans for decades. Gazans live in an open air prison controlled by an apartheid Fascist regime. This has gone on for decades.

Wake the fuck up!

Shut off Fox News. They're lying to you.
I'm not listening to Fox News. But if you were watching real news instead of antisemitic propaganda that you probably endorse, you would know what I posted is 100% accurate.
Thanks. This was organized to happen in concert with the massacre of Jews. But how do you explain the antisemitic comments of friends on Facebook? SOROS isn’t paying THEM.
That's something I don't know. I can't explain that lunacy.

Ofc none of my FB friends are like that because we all know each other and there's Jews here and there in our groups.

It is what it is.

Well maybe not none, but you know..not many. More than a dozen of my FB list are of the tribe, and others

are married to them.
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Thanks. This was organized to happen in concert with the massacre of Jews. But how do you explain the antisemitic comments of friends on Facebook? SOROS isn’t paying THEM.
You'll drive yourself nuts asking 'why?' Lisa. Why does anybody choose to be the way they are, most especially those raised to know better?

What happens to otherwise perfectly normal people that they decide to be:
--far left in their thinking and ideology?
--'woke' when it goes against all intellectual honesty?
--choose to insult, malign, accuse, bad mouth people here at USMB because they see things a certain way? They would never treat their friends or relatives that way.
--choose to pretend they don't see the double standard and two tiered justice system that we have in the current Administration and DOJ? (They would scream bloody murder if it was them or somebody they admire who was targeted.)
--choose to believe every horrible thing said about somebody they dislike but refuse to believe anything negative said about the person they choose to support?
--choose to ignore what Hamas is doing, throw all their sympathy to the Palestinians, and hate/accuse/demean/insult/trash the Jews?

It isn't rational. It isn't normal. It is in fact evil. But as Duke said, it is what it is. We can hold our heads up and choose to be honorable and decent in spite of it. Or we can get in the mud with them.

I don't like to get in the mud. I'm pretty sure you don't either. But given that they think people like you do not deserve to live, do keep watching your back.

What they don't understand is they feel righteous hating the Jews now. But those who condone and even promote such evil are ripe for a huge fall when they realize the time will come when nobody will be left to stand up for them.
I'm not listening to Fox News. But if you were watching real news instead of antisemitic propaganda that you probably endorse, you would know what I posted is 100% accurate.
Antiseptic propaganda…lmfao. Where would one find such propaganda?

Same old criticisms from warmongers. It’s all they know.

Peace sister. Not war!
Lol. WTF. Do you not see the destruction and death in Gaza? Are you fucking blind or just crazy with hatred for Muslims?
If hamas didn't want death and destruction in Gaza they would not have attacked Israel. Since they did attack Israel, they must have wanted death and destruction in Gaza. Since they got what they wanted, can't you at least be happy for them.
OK, so why the NG then? I doubt if they will attack the WH. :dunno:
To protect the protest rally goers from attack, not to be in a stance against the protestors attending the rally.

The NG is only to be called up against Americans who show up in Washington to protest an election, and even then Nancy forgot their phone number... 😂
If hamas didn't want death and destruction in Gaza they would not have attacked Israel. Since they did attack Israel, they must have wanted death and destruction in Gaza. Since they got what they wanted, can't you at least be happy for them.

They got what they wanted this time.
If hamas didn't want death and destruction in Gaza they would not have attacked Israel. Since they did attack Israel, they must have wanted death and destruction in Gaza. Since they got what they wanted, can't you at least be happy for them.
You clearly have been duped, like so many here.
If hamas didn't want death and destruction in Gaza they would not have attacked Israel. Since they did attack Israel, they must have wanted death and destruction in Gaza. Since they got what they wanted, can't you at least be happy for them.
They try super hard to use the citizen's of Gaza in order to stop Israel's destruction of every Hamas asset be it human or weapon in GAZA.

It's not working, so GAZA will fall under the weight of it all.

They say that the poor poor citizens are being massacred in GAZA, and probably are for the guilty ones, but for the one's who are innocent I say "get out, get out in anyway that you can", but for the one's that spit and hit on the dead body of that beautiful young woman laying on the tailgate of that pick up lifeless, yes you need to hang out next to one of them rocket launcher pads after it fires again.

And for the parent's that the boy called home so proud to tell them that he killed 10 Innocents with his hands, and they were elated with him, well they need to strap themselves to the next rocket that flies out of Gaza towards Israel. Yeah, that should be their fate as the iron dome deals nicely with them.
That meme perfectly sums up the warmongering neocon Establishment dupes for the last month. Perfectly sums it up!
They're like trained monkeys. Whatever the establishment says they believe and mimic. I don’t believe they know anything about the multitude of Israeli atrocities committed against Palestinians. They know nothing of the horrid conditions imposed on Gazans for decades. They do know all about Hamas atrocities, thanks to a biased media and government (controlled by the Israeli Lobby).

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