Protest in DC today for pro Israel fans

That has nothing to do with Judaism or the Jewish people. That has already been explained to you numerous times by numerous people. But since you don't seem willing or able to debate in an honest way, all you have is nasty ad hominems instead of actual arguments, which says more about you than anyone you attack.
Of course it does, you dishonest ghoul.

You.blamed on the IDF, a defensive force made up of Jews, assigned the role of defending Jews, and being the official protective apparatus of the Jewish state.
Of course it does, you dishonest ghoul.

You.blamed on the IDF, a defensive force made up of Jews, assigned the role of defending Jews, and being the official protective apparatus of the Jewish state.

There you go again, putting words in my mouth. That's your M.O, to constantly lie about or twist what others say, putting up strawmen so you can knock them down, since you are unwilling or unable to debate honestly.

I'm not even going to dignify more of your underhanded tactics, because you don't post with good will, I prefer dealing with sincere and reasonable people...not snakes like you.
The rabid dogs use children and babies as human shields.


I agree with you that anyone who uses children and babies as human shields is evil. That's not what the other guy said though, but whatever. I'm not going to belabor the point.
The Oct 7th massacre has brought up to the surface so much hatred for the Jews it's unbelievable! :(
It certainly is. Jews get tortured to death In the most agonizing ways, including children, and instead of outrage at the Muslim terrorists who did it, all of a sudden hordes of antisemites crawl out from under a rock and proudly exclaim how much they hate Jews!
Yup….the hate is that strong.

Have you noticed that the outrage for me (a nice Jewish woman) spewing out of these antisemites is GREATER than for Muslim savages who cooked a baby alive, cut off heads of children, tied families together and set them afire, raped women until they died from internal trauma, and then laughed about it all?
They are a grotesque bunch which the Hamas huggers on here have no idea how they have forever soiled themselves by supporting them
I’m not Jewish but the dozen or so thinkers here are fully aware of how you and yours have been talked to and we got your back
The Oct 7th massacre has brought up to the surface so much hatred for the Jews it's unbelievable! :(
Some of that had to have been hiding right under the surface for a long time.

It was pretty shocking to me. A lot of it comes from the left for whatever reason.

Idk why, I suppose one day I'll learn why. I tell ya what, growing up in America with Jews

all over the place, it was NOT LIKE THIS. This is fucked up.

Obviously many professors harbor that antisemitism and have instilled it into many students.
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There would be no Palestinian dead if Hamas had not fired 5000 rockets into Israel killing more than a thousand of their civilians and injuring many more plus capturing hundreds of others to torture, murder, hold for ransom. If Hamas had not boasted and continues to boast that there will be many more October 7ths.

Does that not matter to you? How should Israel respond to that kind of attack? They did their best to get civilians out of the way in Gaza and Hamas prevented most from escaping the military target areas and also deliberately used and use their own people as human shields to generate sympathy from people like you.

Innocent Israeli lives lost is an indecent tragedy.
Innocent Palestinian lives lost is an indecent tragedy.

But all the deaths on BOTH sides in this case are on the heads of the Hamas and the evil countries and people who supply them. Including those here in America.
BS! Israel has been killing Gazans for decades. Gazans live in an open air prison controlled by an apartheid Fascist regime. This has gone on for decades.

Wake the fuck up!

Shut off Fox News. They're lying to you.
They are a grotesque bunch which the Hamas huggers on here have no idea how they have forever soiled themselves by supporting them
I’m not Jewish but the dozen or so thinkers here are fully aware of how you and yours have been talked to and we got your back
Thanks. That gives me strength. It’s a hard time to be Jewish all of a sudden, and your support and those of the others is very helpful.
Not one of them expressed any sympathy for October 7th on the 7th, 8th, 9th, etc.

They immediately pushed their THEORIES -- anti Israel/anti Jew theories which, by the way, they have in common with Hamas
You are no different than Hamas. You are a terrorist supporter. As are many others here supporting Israel’s destruction of Gaza.

It’s very likely Israel set up the events that occurred on Oct 7, so they could commit genocide. There is no way Hamas pulls off what they did without some form of Israel involvement.
Some of that had to have been hiding right under the surface for a long time.

It was pretty shocking to me. A lot of it comes from the left for whatever reason.

Idk why, I suppose one day I'll learn why. I tell ya what, growing up in America with Jews

all over the place, it was NOT LIKE THIS. This is fucked up.

Obviously many professors harbor that antisemitism and have instilled it into many students.
Yup. A professor at Cornell said when he woke up the morning of the 7th and learned that innocent Jews were tortured to death, he found the news “exhilarating.” What type of animal is infesting our colleges?

And it is indeed shocking. A friend of mine who is on FB said she is nauseated by the vile antisemitic comments by people she always thought liked her, and thought well of her.

It’s like America has become the island in Lord of the Flies, and the Jews have collectively been assigned the role of Piggy.
Some of that had to have been hiding right under the surface for a long time.

It was pretty shocking to me. A lot of it comes from the left for whatever reason.

Idk why, I suppose one day I'll learn why. I tell ya what, growing up in America with Jews

all over the place, it was NOT LIKE THIS. This is fucked up.

Obviously many professors harbor that antisemitism and have instilled it into many students.
Jews are diligent, religious, respectful and successful law abiding citizens .
Libs hate all of that and it’s as simple as that.
Jews are diligent, religious, respectful and successful law abiding citizens .
Libs hate all of that and it’s as simple as that.
That’s it. They hate when people who have been the victims of horrific bigotry are able to overcome it - and quickly - to become successful. It kills the myth they push that prejudice and racism is the reason minorities fail. Jews prove the, wrong, and they can’t forgive us for that.
Yup. A professor at Cornell said when he woke up the morning of the 7th and learned that innocent Jews were tortured to death, he found the news “exhilarating.” What type of animal is infesting our colleges?

And it is indeed shocking. A friend of mine who is on FB said she is nauseated by the vile antisemitic comments by people she always thought liked her, and thought well of her.

It’s like America has become the island in Lord of the Flies, and the Jews have collectively been assigned the role of Piggy.
It can't just flip to being like that in a day.

Much of that Pally protest BS is funded by Soros and not organic.

That doesn't mean the mush heads aren't having their minds pumped full of bullshit though.

It's upsetting, it really is.

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