Protest in DC today for pro Israel fans

Don’t be a fucking coward dummy, like your favorite potus Joe Biden.

As the Israeli state commits a full-on Gaza genocide, in “response” to the October 7 terror attack by the thoroughly Mossad-infiltrated Hamas, Secretary of State Blinken tentatively suggests to Bossman Bibi that maybe he could drop “smaller bombs” and have a few hours of break in between hospital-smashing and genocidal geography-clearing.

In other news, 16 of 535, just under 3% of the House and Senate, is appealing to Joe Biden to “not extradite” and “not prosecute” Julian Assange over US DoJ charges of over a decade ago, for which he has been held for the past decade and has suffered ongoing attempts by US and UK state actors to demoralize and destroy him. 3% – not 10%, or 30%, why not all of them?

When did the overwhelming majority of American politicians turn into such cowards, unable to get to the point, unwilling to use the correct words, do the right thing, simultaneously blind to morality and reality, as self-aware as floating diatoms and half as smart? When did we elect such a steaming pile of Prufrocks to lead our country?

A Government of Cowards - LewRockwell
Nice rant! Too bad it doesn't have to do with the point I made. I am truly sorry about your traumatic brain injury. Biden is not running the show and you know it.
I don’t get it. Why shouldn’t an anti-semitic protest (it’s not a “rally”) where vandalism and theft is occurring NOT be broken up? Are the Democrats so afraid of offending Jew-hating Muslims from foreign countries that they will allow them to break laws?

Only a Zionist Fascist supports genocide of Palestinians.

As the Israeli state commits a full-on Gaza genocide, in “response” to the October 7 terror attack by the thoroughly Mossad-infiltrated Hamas, Secretary of State Blinken tentatively suggests to Bossman Bibi that maybe he could drop “smaller bombs” and have a few hours of break in between hospital-smashing and genocidal geography-clearing.

In other news, 16 of 535, just under 3% of the House and Senate, is appealing to Joe Biden to “not extradite” and “not prosecute” Julian Assange over US DoJ charges of over a decade ago, for which he has been held for the past decade and has suffered ongoing attempts by US and UK state actors to demoralize and destroy him. 3% – not 10%, or 30%, why not all of them?

When did the overwhelming majority of American politicians turn into such cowards, unable to get to the point, unwilling to use the correct words, do the right thing, simultaneously blind to morality and reality, as self-aware as floating diatoms and half as smart? When did we elect such a steaming pile of Prufrocks to lead our country?

A Government of Cowards - LewRockwell
You had to post the same meaningless tripe in 2 posts? Running out of fake material?
With all of the violent anti-Israel protests going on, don't you think this gathering might be a target for that kind of scum?
Not a doubt in my mind there will be violence. It will not come from pro Israelis either.
I don’t get it. Why shouldn’t an anti-semitic protest (it’s not a “rally”) where vandalism and theft is occurring NOT be broken up? Are the Democrats so afraid of offending Jew-hating Muslims from foreign countries that they will allow them to break laws?
Since government at the federal and many state levels is now hard left, 'woke' and 'PC', yes they will not do anything that would anger or offend the groups they choose to protect. Which means they ignore laws those groups commit.

Unfortunately Israel/Jews are an intended target to them, not a protected class.

And if Patriots don't stop squabbling among themselves and committing political genocide on those who disagree on this or that issue. . .

. . .if Patriots don't set aside individual issues that can wait, get past resentment of personalities, and set their sites on a shared MAGA vision of a strong, free, secure, prosperous America and pull together to achieve that vision. . .

We'll lose again in 2024.

And that will strengthen those who want anything other than a MAGA vision and it will get much much worse.
And after thousands and thousands of Hamas fired rockets killed some 1,400 Israeli citizens--they didn't even try to hit military targets--and injured/maimed thousands more--by comparison that would be like fifty 9/11s--and hundreds of civilians were kidnapped to be murdered or held as hostages--along with Hamas' declaration that there would be more and more October 7ths. . . .

It is insane for the 'woke' and antisemite world to suggest Israel should not use it's superior military and weapons and use any means necessary to take out Hamas to prevent more loss of innocent life in Israel.

Can you imagine after 9/11 if the leftist loons had insisted that we should do nothing since we seriously outgunned the Taliban/al Qaida? We should just let them plot and carry out more attacks to murder thousands of American citizens?
Now pray tell, how many Palestinians are dead and wounded from Israel’s carpet bombing?

Does this even concern you people?

Thousands of children are dead. Some are probably lying alive in the rubble slowly dying at this very minute.
You’re the biggest Jew-hater in here. Did you not see how your HAMAS heroes stuck little Jewish babies in the oven and baked them to death, tied mother and son together and set them on fire, murdered the parents of a 3-year-old in front of her and NOW ARE HOLDING HER HOSTAGE AND DOING GD KNOWS WHAT TO HER, tore the limbs off living Jews and laughed as they bled out in agony, and raped women until they died from the trauma?

Now, go to hell you POS. I’m done with you.
I love Jews. I hate Zionist Nazis like you.
You had to post the same meaningless tripe in 2 posts? Running out of fake material?
It’s been confirmed by the powers-that-be. You are the winner of the dumbest poster award from USMB. CONGRATS.

As we see here, nothing can unite the left and the extreme right quite like Jews.
You are united with dumb Joe. He’s not been right about any war over 50 years. You should be ashamed of your support for Brandon.
You are united with dumb Joe. He’s not been right about any war over 50 years. You should be ashamed of your support for Brandon.
Joe is an idiot.

The truth of the matter is that you are now in line with George Soros, and his BLM/ANTIFA shock troops.

After all, they are the ones being sent in for the pro-Hamas Jew hating rallies.
Now pray tell, how many Palestinians are dead and wounded from Israel’s carpet bombing?

Does this even concern you people?

Thousands of children are dead. Some are probably lying alive in the rubble slowly dying at this very minute.
There would be no Palestinian dead if Hamas had not fired 5000 rockets into Israel killing more than a thousand of their civilians and injuring many more plus capturing hundreds of others to torture, murder, hold for ransom. If Hamas had not boasted and continues to boast that there will be many more October 7ths.

Does that not matter to you? How should Israel respond to that kind of attack? They did their best to get civilians out of the way in Gaza and Hamas prevented most from escaping the military target areas and also deliberately used and use their own people as human shields to generate sympathy from people like you.

Innocent Israeli lives lost is an indecent tragedy.
Innocent Palestinian lives lost is an indecent tragedy.

But all the deaths on BOTH sides in this case are on the heads of the Hamas and the evil countries and people who supply them. Including those here in America.
Genocide is derived from generation and means intent to wipe out a generation
Any damn fool can see Israel is not doing that. What Israel is doing is wiping out a self proclaimed terrorist, sadist organization And those who hug and harbor them.
It’s insecticide and not genocide
Genocide is derived from generation and means intent to wipe out a generation
Any damn fool can see Israel is not doing that. What Israel is going is wiping out a self proclaimed terrorist, sadist organization And those who hug and harbor them.
It’s insecticide and not genocide
The people claiming Israel is committing a genocide are so blinded by their antisemitism that they can’t see the only people clamoring to commit a genocide are the HAMAS terrorists and their supporters on college campuses screaming ”Death to Jews!”
The people claiming Israel is committing a genocide are so blinded by their antisemitism that they can’t see the only people clamoring to commit a genocide are the HAMAS terrorists and their supporters on college campuses screaming ”Death to Jews!”
It is yet Another Word that libs have attempted to change the definition of and that list I created (and had censored) is approaching 90 with the addition of genocide and criminal

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