Protest in DC today for pro Israel fans

Uncle Sam and Benjamin Netanyahu are just like the king of Thailand, they can do no wrong. They're all above the law. How impressive! lol. :)

In U.S.-occupied Iraq, the United States’ exceptionally weak interpretations of the Geneva Conventions led to endless disputes with the ICRC and the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), which issued damning quarterly human rights reports. UNAMI consistently maintained that U.S. airstrikes in densely populated civilian areas were violations of international law.

UNAMI also rejected U.S. claims that its widespread killing of civilians was the result of the Iraqi Resistance using civilians as “human shields,” another U.S. propaganda trope that Israel is mimicking today. Israeli accusations of human shielding are even more absurd in the densely populated, confined space of Gaza, where the whole world can see that it is Israel that is placing civilians in the line of fire as they desperately seek safety from Israeli bombardment.

Israeli War Crimes and Propaganda Follow US Blueprint - Original – Israeli War Crimes and Propaganda Follow US Blueprint - Original
So your opinion is that Hamas doesn't use the civilian population as human shields? Are the tunnels a myth?
The illegality of so called hate speech is mostly a make pretend concept
“Speech” is The word priority. . The fact that it may contain unpleasantries toward another party is lib loon censorship
Is it true anyone who opposes Israel’s grnocidal war is an anti-Semite?
It’s true that anyone calls Israel’s reaction to the torture and massacre of innocent Jews by the Muslim terrorists a “genocide” IS an antisemite.
Listen to yourself! Mass murdering innocent women and children is the right thing to do? You just said it was.

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And you call antiwar gipper a terrorist? This whole thing is getting more Orwellian by the day.
So right. Orwellian does explain their thinking. good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood, and justice and injustice. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength.

It boggles the mind the idiocy we see on this forum. No one in their right mind would support a genocide. Their minds aren’t their own.
It’s true that anyone calls Israel’s reaction to the torture and massacre of innocent Jews by the Muslim terrorists a “genocide” IS an antisemite.
It’s a genocide and you are a fucking Nazi.
So right. Orwellian does explain their thinking. good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood, and justice and injustice. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength.

It boggles the mind the idiocy we see on this forum. No one in their right mind would support a genocide. Their minds aren’t their own.
The only people who want a genocide are the HAMAS terrorists. You‘re so blinded by your antisemitism that you can’t see it. Disgusting.
The only people who want a genocide are the HAMAS terrorists. You‘re so blinded by your antisemitism that you can’t see it. Disgusting.
Lol. WTF. Do you not see the destruction and death in Gaza? Are you fucking blind or just crazy with hatred for Muslims?
It’s a genocide and you are a fucking Nazi.

You‘re a Jew-hating POS who loves to abuse a Jewish woman by calling her the most heinous name you can think of - a NAZI.

Well, bad news for you. America stands behind Israel and will not let antisemites to genocide Jews.
You‘re a Jew-hating POS who loves to abuse a Jewish woman by calling her the most heinous name you can think of - a NAZI.

Well, bad news for you. America stands behind Israel and will not let antisemites to genocide Jews.
You’ve lost your mind. How many babies must die?

Given Gaza’s demographics, a large portion of the killed – perhaps up to 40 percent – are children. “We have in a few days in Gaza thousands and thousands of children killed,” observedUN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently. “Gaza is becoming a graveyard for children. Hundreds of girls and boys are reportedly being killed or injured every day,” he added.

To put things into perspective, the Russian invasion of Ukraine killed some 10,000 civilians in 19 months; Israel’s operation in Gaza appears to have yielded a comparable number in five weeks.

In the Ukrainian war civilians are dying at the rate of about 500 per month. In the Gaza war the rate is up to 20 times higher.

In the first six months of their war, the Russians took considerable care to minimize damage to civilian infrastructure. Their targets were almost exclusively military assets and installations. Wherever possible, they avoided causing damage to electricity, water plants, and communications. Thus, most of the Ukrainian population continued to have access to the basic necessities of life such as water, food, shelter, energy, communication services, hospitals, etc.

Israel makes no pretenses about trying to spare civilian infrastructure. It cut off water, food, electricity, and communications to Gaza at the outset of its operation. It then ordered more than one million people in Northern Gaza to leave their homes within 24 hours, and proceeded to flatten buildings and whole neighborhoods. Pictures of neighborhoods looking like a concrete wasteland after Israeli action have been flashed across the world.
Gaza vs. Ukraine: A Tale of Two Wars - LewRockwell
Lol. WTF. Do you not see the destruction and death in Gaza? Are you fucking blind or just crazy with hatred for Muslims?
You’re the biggest Jew-hater in here. Did you not see how your HAMAS heroes stuck little Jewish babies in the oven and baked them to death, tied mother and son together and set them on fire, murdered the parents of a 3-year-old in front of her and NOW ARE HOLDING HER HOSTAGE AND DOING GD KNOWS WHAT TO HER, tore the limbs off living Jews and laughed as they bled out in agony, and raped women until they died from the trauma?

Now, go to hell you POS. I’m done with you.
Biden even said he has seen the proof. Are you claiming Biden would lie about that?
Don’t be a fucking coward dummy, like your favorite potus Joe Biden.

As the Israeli state commits a full-on Gaza genocide, in “response” to the October 7 terror attack by the thoroughly Mossad-infiltrated Hamas, Secretary of State Blinken tentatively suggests to Bossman Bibi that maybe he could drop “smaller bombs” and have a few hours of break in between hospital-smashing and genocidal geography-clearing.

In other news, 16 of 535, just under 3% of the House and Senate, is appealing to Joe Biden to “not extradite” and “not prosecute” Julian Assange over US DoJ charges of over a decade ago, for which he has been held for the past decade and has suffered ongoing attempts by US and UK state actors to demoralize and destroy him. 3% – not 10%, or 30%, why not all of them?

When did the overwhelming majority of American politicians turn into such cowards, unable to get to the point, unwilling to use the correct words, do the right thing, simultaneously blind to morality and reality, as self-aware as floating diatoms and half as smart? When did we elect such a steaming pile of Prufrocks to lead our country?

A Government of Cowards - LewRockwell
You’re the biggest Jew-hater in here. Did you not see how your HAMAS heroes stuck little Jewish babies in the oven and baked them to death, tied mother and son together and set them on fire, murdered the parents of a 3-year-old in front of her and NOW ARE HOLDING HER HOSTAGE AND DOING GD KNOWS WHAT TO HER, tore the limbs off living Jews and laughed as they bled out in agony, and raped women until they died from the trauma?

Now, go to hell you POS. I’m done with you.
Only a Zionist Fascist supports genocide of Palestinians.

As the Israeli state commits a full-on Gaza genocide, in “response” to the October 7 terror attack by the thoroughly Mossad-infiltrated Hamas, Secretary of State Blinken tentatively suggests to Bossman Bibi that maybe he could drop “smaller bombs” and have a few hours of break in between hospital-smashing and genocidal geography-clearing.

In other news, 16 of 535, just under 3% of the House and Senate, is appealing to Joe Biden to “not extradite” and “not prosecute” Julian Assange over US DoJ charges of over a decade ago, for which he has been held for the past decade and has suffered ongoing attempts by US and UK state actors to demoralize and destroy him. 3% – not 10%, or 30%, why not all of them?

When did the overwhelming majority of American politicians turn into such cowards, unable to get to the point, unwilling to use the correct words, do the right thing, simultaneously blind to morality and reality, as self-aware as floating diatoms and half as smart? When did we elect such a steaming pile of Prufrocks to lead our country?

A Government of Cowards - LewRockwell
It’s true that anyone calls Israel’s reaction to the torture and massacre of innocent Jews by the Muslim terrorists a “genocide” IS an antisemite.
And after thousands and thousands of Hamas fired rockets killed some 1,400 Israeli citizens--they didn't even try to hit military targets--and injured/maimed thousands more--by comparison that would be like fifty 9/11s--and hundreds of civilians were kidnapped to be murdered or held as hostages--along with Hamas' declaration that there would be more and more October 7ths. . . .

It is insane for the 'woke' and antisemite world to suggest Israel should not use it's superior military and weapons and use any means necessary to take out Hamas to prevent more loss of innocent life in Israel.

Can you imagine after 9/11 if the leftist loons had insisted that we should do nothing since we seriously outgunned the Taliban/al Qaida? We should just let them plot and carry out more attacks to murder thousands of American citizens?

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