Protest in DC today for pro Israel fans

I think the intent of these arranged rallies is to create the illusion that America is under seige so that they can justify the continued endeavor to trample on constitutional rights.

It's why the NG was called up, very similar to the same illusion they were trying to create back when Trump was getting impeached and they had troops at the Capitol. The end goal then was to create the illusion that America was under seige in order to justify going after your rights of free speech, gun rights and others and this new drama has really been orchestrated in the same manner if anyone is really paying attention beyond the designated narrative. They understand that images can be very powerful and therefore manipulated. It's why they organize stuff like this. They want turmoil. It's the only way they can sell the illusion of justification for usurp.
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Thousands of people will attend the rally which will condemn the rising tide of antisemitism.

Uncle Sam and Benjamin Netanyahu are just like the king of Thailand, they can do no wrong. They're all above the law. How impressive! lol. :)

In U.S.-occupied Iraq, the United States’ exceptionally weak interpretations of the Geneva Conventions led to endless disputes with the ICRC and the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), which issued damning quarterly human rights reports. UNAMI consistently maintained that U.S. airstrikes in densely populated civilian areas were violations of international law.

UNAMI also rejected U.S. claims that its widespread killing of civilians was the result of the Iraqi Resistance using civilians as “human shields,” another U.S. propaganda trope that Israel is mimicking today. Israeli accusations of human shielding are even more absurd in the densely populated, confined space of Gaza, where the whole world can see that it is Israel that is placing civilians in the line of fire as they desperately seek safety from Israeli bombardment.

Israeli War Crimes and Propaganda Follow US Blueprint - Original – Israeli War Crimes and Propaganda Follow US Blueprint - Original
Sadly, the people will love them for it. Well..until they figure out the real consequence of participating in coercion anyway.

Problem. Reaction. Solution. Same stick, different carrot...
I don’t get it. Why shouldn’t an anti-semitic protest (it’s not a “rally”) where vandalism and theft is occurring NOT be broken up? Are the Democrats so afraid of offending Jew-hating Muslims from foreign countries that they will allow them to break laws?
Most likely legal protest will be harassed while illegal protests are encouraged
Dumb! You support mass murder of innocent women and children because the establishment told you to.

Because it is the right thing to do.

Listen to yourself! Mass murdering innocent women and children is the right thing to do? You just said it was.

And you call antiwar gipper a terrorist? This whole thing is getting more Orwellian by the day.
Look at the live coverage. You notice the difference in behavior between the Jews at this rally compared to the behavior of the pro-Palestinian HAMAS supporters.

The Jews are gathered peacefully while the radical left antisemites threaten Jews and damage property.
Thinkers vs stinkers
These holy land related protest are starting to become problematic in America. With all of the issues going on in the world, look at what Israel and Palestine has done to many of us, including me. Are there protests about starving children in Africa, child slaves in Africa, the ruthless drug cartels and their violence in South America what about that?

It’s distracting us from our horrible economy here in America.
You just parrot whatever the establishment says. Proving you’re a dumb fucker.
The globalist establishment has been viciously anti-Israel since the gas crisis of the mid seventies.

Do you not pay attention to ANYTHING other than the Islamist dogma you eat up like candy?
If the shoe fits.

He's not the one advocating for mass murder of innocent women and children, that would be you TV-watching Establishment dupes.

But apparently War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is slavery…
If the shoe fits.
Killing Jews is the number one source of income for the So-called "Palestinians".

They kill Jews, the Jews retaliate and then they pretend they are victims. Once that happens, the would sends them lots of money

The ignorant idiots in this thread support that process.

Busloads go find a picture of the rally and tell me if you think if the headline is underplaying the amount of people there
There will be massive security and and a gate placed along the mall. Everyone will be screamed for weapons.

Flights into DC are completely sold out, and I know people taking 10-hour bus rides from the Midwest to get here.
And that is heart warming. Gives us all hope that all America has not degenerated into irrational 'wokeism' that includes rampant antisemitism toward the Jews.
Right on time...

“…we’re very focused on the data we’re collecting from surveillance efforts, what’s being said on social media platforms, and we have launched an effort to be able to counter some of the negativity and reach out to people,” Hochul said.

“When we see hate speech being spoken about on online platforms, our media analysis, our social media analysis unit has ramped up its monitoring of sites to catch incitement to violence, direct threats to others.

Her previous efforts to undermine online speech....

A New York law aimed at regulating “hateful conduct” online was blocked by a judge. This law, signed by Governor Hochul, required social media networks to report and address hateful conduct, broadly defined as actions that vilify or incite violence based on various identity factors.

Judge Andrew L. Carter, Jr. ruled that the law violated the First Amendment, emphasizing the importance of protecting even hateful speech. The court argued that the law not only restricted the speech of social media users but also compelled social media networks to adopt and endorse the state’s definition of hateful conduct.

Who will speak for America? For our Republic.

Wake up, people.

These events aren't being organized by special interests for nothing. The drama over there isn't being imported over here for the tv screens for nothing. The image being manufactured in doing so isn't for nothing.
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