Protest over firing of Sessions

Firing Sessions effectively fires Rosenstein and places oversight on Mewler-Torquemada. Law is restored which outrages the Communists.

Fuck em' they are outraged by ham sandwiches and oreo cookies as well.
Is this only happening here in Seattle? Or is or has it been happening elsewhere? They are protesting Sessions firing and it's impact on Mueller...…..which I doubt it will.

Live: Protest march underway over dismissal of A.G. Jeff Sessions

It was supposed to happen all over at 5pm


Yes and it is......I did a better search..

Ohio... Downtown, Covington protests Thursday to protect Mueller investigation after Jeff Sessions firing

Cali....Bay Area residents, police set for peaceful demonstrations of Sessions ouster

even Alaska for goodness sake...….Hundreds RSVP for Anchorage protest of Sessions' firing, replacement

and I'm sure other places as well.
More manufactured "rage" from the left. There never was a surer sign that the democrats are running on fumes.
I don't get it......they are protesting for fear of the Russia investigation ending...….when all during the investigation notta damn thing was found of Trump/Russia collusion???

What a waste of taxpayer dollar$
My guess is there are more of these out there with different Demwits. It is a matter of finding them.
hypocrisy of left pelosi.jpg
hypocrisy of left warren.jpg
Protest over firing of Sessions

funny shit

who buys any of their garbage

until yesterday they hated sessions


bunch of fuck wads

Sorta makes me wonder just what Sessions was doing behind closed doors that made the leftards love him so much. Like Comey, McCain, Romney, etc.
Is this only happening here in Seattle? Or is or has it been happening elsewhere? They are protesting Sessions firing and it's impact on Mueller...…..which I doubt it will.

Live: Protest march underway over dismissal of A.G. Jeff Sessions

The firing of Sessions is in fact an effort on the part of Trump to gain control of the Mueller probe, or at least influence the investigation in some manner – that’s a fact beyond dispute.

The question is whether Trump will succeed in somehow hobbling the investigation to his advantage.

Consequently, to protest the firing of Sessions is perfectly appropriate and warranted – Trump is acting in bad faith, and with complete contempt for the rule of law.
Is this only happening here in Seattle? Or is or has it been happening elsewhere? They are protesting Sessions firing and it's impact on Mueller...…..which I doubt it will.

Live: Protest march underway over dismissal of A.G. Jeff Sessions

The firing of Sessions is in fact an effort on the part of Trump to gain control of the Mueller probe, or at least influence the investigation in some manner – that’s a fact beyond dispute.

The question is whether Trump will succeed in somehow hobbling the investigation to his advantage.

Consequently, to protest the firing of Sessions is perfectly appropriate and warranted – Trump is acting in bad faith, and with complete contempt for the rule of law.

You got a link to support that bullshit you're trying to shovel?
Two years ago these people were calling Sessions a racist, bigot, and every other ism they could think of. Now they’re shitting their pants because he’s leaving. I seriously can’t believe how fucking stupid these people are
It's the same with Comey you never know if they like them today or not.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, even if I thought he was a turd 2 years ago.
Didn't hear of any 'protests' at all, so must be yet another bust for the treasonous vermin.

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