Protesters disrupt 100 year old wwii vets medal ceremony


Active Member
Dec 4, 2014
Buffalo. NY
Protesters disrupt 100-year-old WWII vet s medal ceremony Latest News Videos Fox News

U.S. Navy veteran Dario Raschio was all smiles Saturday as he awaited a special honor from U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, who joined him at Portland Community College's Southeast Campus to present the 100-year-old with a handful of medals....
Shame, shame, shame on these people. This man suffered for lives of thousands and he did it and all he received...
Open mouths, closed minds.
For those who truly value free speech, these protestors are your worst enemy. They will only trigger a backlash by people of good will to support repressive measures against all dissent.
For those who truly value free speech, these protestors are your worst enemy. They will only trigger a backlash by people of good will to support repressive measures against all dissent.

This is exactly how the First Amendment works.

The First Amendment is often inconvenient. But that is beside the point. Inconvenience does not absolve the government of its obligation to tolerate speech.

- Justice Anthony Kennedy.

This is how we protect the First Amendment right to free speech by protest and challenging others to listen to others. Just like the KKK goes out and protests and so does the Neo Nazis. And it was a government function which they were allowed to attend.

Just because it inconvenienance this veteran doesn't mean it should be banned by the government. And just because YOU disagree with them doesn't mean they don't have the right to do it.
I LOVE how these protesters continuously fuck up their movement by pissing off EVERYONE in the country. Their movement is dead. Its going nowhere now. All that traffic blocking, meal interrupting, ceremony stopping shit ruined any chance for them to win the hearts of Americans.
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Although these protestors are excercising their 1st Amendment Rights, this man's ceremony was a bad judgement for their choice to make themselves heard. It's not a despicable as the Westboro Baptist's choices (or message), but it was disrespectful to the WWII veteran. Unless they were protesting him (which they weren't), they would have done their cause much better to choose another venue.

I agree that they've only done their cause harm. They do not deserve to be shot; however, they will suffer the backlash.

I'm a liberal.
We need to start shooting these assholes.

So peaceful protesters should be shot for expressing their first amendment rights? Because that's totally what America is all about. Killing people who are peacefully protesting.
They are not peacefully protesting. They invaded a space where they have no right to be to protest. The first amendment protests journalists who print and those who protest in the public square. An awards ceremony is not the public square. A restaurant is not the public square.

An important component of the right to speak is the right not to listen. A captive audience deprives the public of their right not to listen.
I LOVE how these protesters continuously fuck up their movement by pissing off EVERYONE in the country. Their movement is dead. Its going nowhere now. All that traffic blocking, meal interrupting, ceremony stopping shit ruined any chance for them to win the hearts of Americans.
pissing people off? they would not be protesting if "they" were not pissed off already.
COULD YOU MEAN they are upsetting the herd.
so it's ok when the Westboro Baptist church does it?

Cops silently turning their backs on a scumbag of a mayor is disrespectful, but some loud-mouth skanks bursting in on a ceremony to honor a 100 year old war hero is simply the right of protest.

There are some pretty sick people in the US.
I LOVE how these protesters continuously fuck up their movement by pissing off EVERYONE in the country. Their movement is dead. Its going nowhere now. All that traffic blocking, meal interrupting, ceremony stopping shit ruined any chance for them to win the hearts of Americans.

You never cared in the first place and yes, they are having an impact. You can't silence them or ignore them forever. These are real problems in their community on how police interact with them and how often.

Ignoring the problem just creates the lawlessness you see with gangs. In fact, gangs recruit on that much.

"Society doesn't care about you. Look at how easily they dismiss the issues of police killing our people. They don't care as long as it's minorities getting the shaft. Join us and fight the system."

That and the "We're a family" messaging but they use both simultaneously. Ignoring the issues of others does not solve the issues they face. Just because you don't see it or don't care to doesn't mean it's not real to them.
Turning your back on a scumbag of a mayor is disrespectful, but some load-skanks bursting in on a ceremony to honor a 100 year old war hero is simply the right of protest.

There are some pretty sick people in the US.
golly! you couldn't come up with something a little less bias?
We need to start shooting these assholes.

So peaceful protesters should be shot for expressing their first amendment rights? Because that's totally what America is all about. Killing people who are peacefully protesting.
They are not peacefully protesting. They invaded a space where they have no right to be to protest. The first amendment protests journalists who print and those who protest in the public square. An awards ceremony is not the public square. A restaurant is not the public square.

An important component of the right to speak is the right not to listen. A captive audience deprives the public of their right not to listen.

There is no right not to listen. That's something you just made up.
We need to start shooting these assholes.

So peaceful protesters should be shot for expressing their first amendment rights? Because that's totally what America is all about. Killing people who are peacefully protesting.
They are not peacefully protesting. They invaded a space where they have no right to be to protest. The first amendment protests journalists who print and those who protest in the public square. An awards ceremony is not the public square. A restaurant is not the public square.

An important component of the right to speak is the right not to listen. A captive audience deprives the public of their right not to listen.

There is no right not to listen. That's something you just made up.
don't make the natives restless!
The only impact the protesters are having is to alienate everyone else. The police don't kill nearly enough criminals to make a dent. It's up to citizens to take up the slack and blow the scum away.

Trayvon Martin was a thug. Michael Brown was a thug. Eric Garner was a thug. Vonderrit Myers was a thug. The communities are somewhat improved with them in the ground.
Turning your back on a scumbag of a mayor is disrespectful, but some load-skanks bursting in on a ceremony to honor a 100 year old war hero is simply the right of protest.

There are some pretty sick people in the US.
golly! you couldn't come up with something a little less bias?
NO! There are some pretty sick scumbags in this country and you should know who you are. because everyone else sure as hell does.
We need to start shooting these assholes.

So peaceful protesters should be shot for expressing their first amendment rights? Because that's totally what America is all about. Killing people who are peacefully protesting.
They are not peacefully protesting. They invaded a space where they have no right to be to protest. The first amendment protests journalists who print and those who protest in the public square. An awards ceremony is not the public square. A restaurant is not the public square.

An important component of the right to speak is the right not to listen. A captive audience deprives the public of their right not to listen.

There is no right not to listen. That's something you just made up.

Of course there is.

The First Amendment Right Against Compelled Listening by Caroline Mala Corbin SSRN

You just want to be able to force people to listen to your drivel. Now you have been educated. There is no right to be heard.

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