Protesters disrupt 100 year old wwii vets medal ceremony

We need to start shooting these assholes.

So peaceful protesters should be shot for expressing their first amendment rights? Because that's totally what America is all about. Killing people who are peacefully protesting.
They are not peacefully protesting. They invaded a space where they have no right to be to protest. The first amendment protests journalists who print and those who protest in the public square. An awards ceremony is not the public square. A restaurant is not the public square.

An important component of the right to speak is the right not to listen. A captive audience deprives the public of their right not to listen.

There is no right not to listen. That's something you just made up.

Of course there is.

The First Amendment Right Against Compelled Listening by Caroline Mala Corbin SSRN

You just want to be able to force people to listen to your drivel. Now you have been educated. There is no right to be heard.

That's an article (likely a law review one) making a CASE for a right to not listen. There is no First Amendment Jurisprudence stating that a person has a right not to listen. In fact, if we employ that method, we have no freedom of speech.

I hate some speech like the KKK, The Westboro Baptist Church and many others, but I defend their right to do it. Because if I don't, we lose that right.
Oh, the WWII generation, or as I call them, "the epitome of entitlement generation" as there is nothing that they didn't think that they were entitled to and all on the cuff of course, pay as you go just was not their way.
We need to start shooting these assholes.

So peaceful protesters should be shot for expressing their first amendment rights? Because that's totally what America is all about. Killing people who are peacefully protesting.
They are not peacefully protesting. They invaded a space where they have no right to be to protest. The first amendment protests journalists who print and those who protest in the public square. An awards ceremony is not the public square. A restaurant is not the public square.

An important component of the right to speak is the right not to listen. A captive audience deprives the public of their right not to listen.

There is no right not to listen. That's something you just made up.

Of course there is.

The First Amendment Right Against Compelled Listening by Caroline Mala Corbin SSRN

You just want to be able to force people to listen to your drivel. Now you have been educated. There is no right to be heard.

That's an article (likely a law review one) making a CASE for a right to not listen. There is no First Amendment Jurisprudence stating that a person has a right not to listen. In fact, if we employ that method, we have no freedom of speech.

I hate some speech like the KKK, The Westboro Baptist Church and many others, but I defend their right to do it. Because if I don't, we lose that right.

It's explaining what the right not to listen is and why it is. That's why you can't imagine that such a right exists. Someone opposing your protests could put their hands over their ears and scream lalalala at the top of their lungs and there isn't jack shit you could do to compel them to pay attention to your gagging.

The KKK and Westboro understands the first amendment better than you do. Free speech belongs in the public square. Not by invaders to closed spaces. That is tresspassing.
So now they are protesting a WW2 vet?

So...they hate the cops and the military and capitalism.

We need to start shooting these assholes.

So peaceful protesters should be shot for expressing their first amendment rights? Because that's totally what America is all about. Killing people who are peacefully protesting.

Interesting that they chose that time and place to protest.
Because they are ignorant fools that need to be taught a Kent State sized lesson.

Yes because Kent State really shifted the public discourse to the pro war side. Said no one ever.
I wonder how the 30 year old version of that WW2 Vet who was fighting Nazis on Americas behalf....would feel about todays spoiled brat protesters that he and his brothers fought for.

They're too noble to say it...but I bet 90% of military folks are disgusted by our general populations behavior.
I LOVE how these protesters continuously fuck up their movement by pissing off EVERYONE in the country. Their movement is dead. Its going nowhere now. All that traffic blocking, meal interrupting, ceremony stopping shit ruined any chance for them to win the hearts of Americans.
pissing people off? they would not be protesting if "they" were not pissed off already.
COULD YOU MEAN they are upsetting the herd.
so it's ok when the Westboro Baptist church does it?

No, rhey are equals with those baptists. Equally despised. Congratulations!
We need to start shooting these assholes.

So peaceful protesters should be shot for expressing their first amendment rights? Because that's totally what America is all about. Killing people who are peacefully protesting.

Interesting that they chose that time and place to protest.
Because they are ignorant fools that need to be taught a Kent State sized lesson.

Yes because Kent State really shifted the public discourse to the pro war side. Said no one ever.
It ended the protests. After Kent State the college tantrums stopped. They had been taught a lesson well learned. The public discourse didn't change. The nonsense stopped. The anti government gang activism stopped after the Sybionese Liberation Army got slaughtered in Los Angeles. If these protesters got one restaurant full of people that turned and clobbered them it too would stop.

The protesters only go to places where they feel the clientele is too docile to fight back. The protesters are afraid of confrontation. They would trample one another getting out if one of them got a salad fork in the hand.
How much you want to bet those " activists" don't even know what WWII was
How much you want to bet those activists had ancestors that were discriminated against in WWII? For all we know the supposed hero may have been one of them doing the discriminating.

"The military's view toward African Americans during World War II reflected that of the wider American culture. According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.
We need to start shooting these assholes.

So peaceful protesters should be shot for expressing their first amendment rights? Because that's totally what America is all about. Killing people who are peacefully protesting.

Interesting that they chose that time and place to protest.
Because they are ignorant fools that need to be taught a Kent State sized lesson.

Yes because Kent State really shifted the public discourse to the pro war side. Said no one ever.
It ended the protests. After Kent State the college tantrums stopped. They had been taught a lesson well learned. The public discourse didn't change. The nonsense stopped. The anti government gang activism stopped after the Sybionese Liberation Army got slaughtered in Los Angeles. If these protesters got one restaurant full of people that turned and clobbered them it too would stop.

The protesters only go to places where they feel the clientele is too docile to fight back. The protesters are afraid of confrontation. They would trample one another getting out if one of them got a salad fork in the hand.

Exactly. The protestors crawling back under their rocks doesn't mean they stop believing what they believe. It means they learn not to be stupid about what and where they are protesting.
How much you want to bet those " activists" don't even know what WWII was
How much you want to bet those activists had ancestors that were discriminated against in WWII? For all we know the supposed hero may have been one of them doing the discriminating.

"The military's view toward African Americans during World War II reflected that of the wider American culture. According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.
Then take your gripe to the military and stop them from honoring white veterans. Don't invade a ceremony for a 100 year old hero.

The protesters should have been met with serious firepower.
How much you want to bet those " activists" don't even know what WWII was
How much you want to bet those activists had ancestors that were discriminated against in WWII? For all we know the supposed hero may have been one of them doing the discriminating.

"The military's view toward African Americans during World War II reflected that of the wider American culture. According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.

For all we know, you do nothing but speculate to justify the actions of a bunch of pieces of shit.
How much you want to bet those " activists" don't even know what WWII was
How much you want to bet those activists had ancestors that were discriminated against in WWII? For all we know the supposed hero may have been one of them doing the discriminating.

"The military's view toward African Americans during World War II reflected that of the wider American culture. According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.
Then take your gripe to the military and stop them from honoring white veterans. Don't invade a ceremony for a 100 year old hero.

The protesters should have been met with serious firepower.
I'll invade any ceremony I want to. Thats the meaning of free speech you traitor. Shoulda coulda woulda.
Dear liberals: Pretend conservative protesters interupted some LGBT celebration. You would be demanding hate crimes charges.
How much you want to bet those " activists" don't even know what WWII was
How much you want to bet those activists had ancestors that were discriminated against in WWII? For all we know the supposed hero may have been one of them doing the discriminating.

"The military's view toward African Americans during World War II reflected that of the wider American culture. According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.
Then take your gripe to the military and stop them from honoring white veterans. Don't invade a ceremony for a 100 year old hero.

The protesters should have been met with serious firepower.
Ill invade any ceremony I want to. Thats the meaning of free speech you traitor. Shoulda coulda woulda.

I'll be at one next week. You coming coward?
Protesters disrupt 100-year-old WWII vet s medal ceremony Latest News Videos Fox News

U.S. Navy veteran Dario Raschio was all smiles Saturday as he awaited a special honor from U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, who joined him at Portland Community College's Southeast Campus to present the 100-year-old with a handful of medals....
Shame, shame, shame on these people. This man suffered for lives of thousands and he did it and all he received...
Open mouths, closed minds.
The protestors do NOT help their cause with stunts like this.

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