Protesters disrupt 100 year old wwii vets medal ceremony

How much you want to bet those " activists" don't even know what WWII was
How much you want to bet those activists had ancestors that were discriminated against in WWII? For all we know the supposed hero may have been one of them doing the discriminating.

"The military's view toward African Americans during World War II reflected that of the wider American culture. According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.
Then take your gripe to the military and stop them from honoring white veterans. Don't invade a ceremony for a 100 year old hero.

The protesters should have been met with serious firepower.
I'll invade any ceremony I want to. Thats the meaning of free speech you traitor. Shoulda coulda woulda.
You're an idiot 1st amendment prevents the government from shutting you up. You don't enjoy that freedom Mano a mano with anyone else.
Yes I do. I can say what i want to regardless of who it is. Not much they can do about it.
How much you want to bet those " activists" don't even know what WWII was
How much you want to bet those activists had ancestors that were discriminated against in WWII? For all we know the supposed hero may have been one of them doing the discriminating.

"The military's view toward African Americans during World War II reflected that of the wider American culture. According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.
Then take your gripe to the military and stop them from honoring white veterans. Don't invade a ceremony for a 100 year old hero.

The protesters should have been met with serious firepower.
I'll invade any ceremony I want to. Thats the meaning of free speech you traitor. Shoulda coulda woulda.
Then go protest a clan meeting, dumbass.
How much you want to bet those " activists" don't even know what WWII was
How much you want to bet those activists had ancestors that were discriminated against in WWII? For all we know the supposed hero may have been one of them doing the discriminating.

"The military's view toward African Americans during World War II reflected that of the wider American culture. According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.
Then take your gripe to the military and stop them from honoring white veterans. Don't invade a ceremony for a 100 year old hero.

The protesters should have been met with serious firepower.
I'll invade any ceremony I want to. Thats the meaning of free speech you traitor. Shoulda coulda woulda.
Then go protest a clan meeting, dumbass.
Send me via PM where your clan meeting is and I will be there. All of you will just turn red and start crying.
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So, this says this happened at a townhall meeting. This was no protest, but an ambush.

Do they have first Amendment rights? Yes they do. Do they have the right to interrrupt and disrupt a government function?

No, they don't.

Don't believe Me?

Try this in a courtroom.
Dear liberals: Pretend conservative protesters interupted some LGBT celebration. You would be demanding hate crimes charges.
Only if they committed a hate crime.

The point was that just protesting at one would be considered a hate crime.
Who told you that?

No one has to tell me. Anything that happens to the sexual deviants is automatically considered a hate crime because they get butthurt if someone says anything negative about their deviant behavior.
Can you cite at least one case? If you cant I will have to consider you a retard with no understanding of what a hate crime is.
Yeah I can, where I live a few years back. A queer kept hitting on a straight guy. He left the bar, the queer kept on hitting on him, the guy got tired of it. Hit him once, he fell hit his head on the curb. Killed him. The gay community went ape shit trying to get him tried for murder and a hate crime.
Cops silently turning their backs on a scumbag of a mayor is disrespectful, but some loud-mouth skanks bursting in on a ceremony to honor a 100 year old war hero is simply the right of protest.

There are some pretty sick people in the US.

Absolutely! I agree :clap::clap2:
How much you want to bet those " activists" don't even know what WWII was
How much you want to bet those activists had ancestors that were discriminated against in WWII? For all we know the supposed hero may have been one of them doing the discriminating.

"The military's view toward African Americans during World War II reflected that of the wider American culture. According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.
Then take your gripe to the military and stop them from honoring white veterans. Don't invade a ceremony for a 100 year old hero.

The protesters should have been met with serious firepower.
I'll invade any ceremony I want to. Thats the meaning of free speech you traitor. Shoulda coulda woulda.
Then go protest a clan meeting, dumbass.

Maybe I'll protest in front of Sharptons house or maybe I'll protest the stupid protestors. Serves them right.
Only if they committed a hate crime.

The point was that just protesting at one would be considered a hate crime.
Who told you that?

No one has to tell me. Anything that happens to the sexual deviants is automatically considered a hate crime because they get butthurt if someone says anything negative about their deviant behavior.
Can you cite at least one case? If you cant I will have to consider you a retard with no understanding of what a hate crime is.
Yeah I can, where I live a few years back. A queer kept hitting on a straight guy. He left the bar, the queer kept on hitting on him, the guy got tired of it. Hit him once, he fell hit his head on the curb. Killed him. The gay community went ape shit trying to get him tried for murder and a hate crime.
Hitting a guy and killing him is not even in the same ball park as protesting against a gay event. Are you following the conversation closely? You are not making sense.
How much you want to bet those " activists" don't even know what WWII was
How much you want to bet those activists had ancestors that were discriminated against in WWII? For all we know the supposed hero may have been one of them doing the discriminating.

"The military's view toward African Americans during World War II reflected that of the wider American culture. According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.
Then take your gripe to the military and stop them from honoring white veterans. Don't invade a ceremony for a 100 year old hero.

The protesters should have been met with serious firepower.
I'll invade any ceremony I want to. Thats the meaning of free speech you traitor. Shoulda coulda woulda.
Then go protest a clan meeting, dumbass.

Maybe I'll protest in front of Sharptons house or maybe I'll protest the stupid protestors. Serves them right.
I think we should protest in front of Clinton's house, being a pedophile. He doesn't deserve to live.
How much you want to bet those " activists" don't even know what WWII was
How much you want to bet those activists had ancestors that were discriminated against in WWII? For all we know the supposed hero may have been one of them doing the discriminating.

"The military's view toward African Americans during World War II reflected that of the wider American culture. According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.
Then take your gripe to the military and stop them from honoring white veterans. Don't invade a ceremony for a 100 year old hero.

The protesters should have been met with serious firepower.
I'll invade any ceremony I want to. Thats the meaning of free speech you traitor. Shoulda coulda woulda.
Then go protest a clan meeting, dumbass.

Maybe I'll protest in front of Sharptons house or maybe I'll protest the stupid protestors. Serves them right.
No. You wont do anything of the sort. Sharpton would put his foot in your ass and you know it. :laugh:
How much you want to bet those activists had ancestors that were discriminated against in WWII? For all we know the supposed hero may have been one of them doing the discriminating.

"The military's view toward African Americans during World War II reflected that of the wider American culture. According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.
Then take your gripe to the military and stop them from honoring white veterans. Don't invade a ceremony for a 100 year old hero.

The protesters should have been met with serious firepower.
I'll invade any ceremony I want to. Thats the meaning of free speech you traitor. Shoulda coulda woulda.
Then go protest a clan meeting, dumbass.

Maybe I'll protest in front of Sharptons house or maybe I'll protest the stupid protestors. Serves them right.
No. You wont do anything of the sort. Sharpton would put his foot in your ass and you know it. :laugh:

we all scared

We need to start shooting these assholes.
Nahhhhhhh... too draconian... you don't shoot dikkwads and phukktards for being dikkwads and phukktards... a.k.a. LibTards...

You rile them up and piss them off and get them to make fools of themselves on camera... not much of a challenge, but useful.
How much you want to bet those activists had ancestors that were discriminated against in WWII? For all we know the supposed hero may have been one of them doing the discriminating.

"The military's view toward African Americans during World War II reflected that of the wider American culture. According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.
Then take your gripe to the military and stop them from honoring white veterans. Don't invade a ceremony for a 100 year old hero.

The protesters should have been met with serious firepower.
I'll invade any ceremony I want to. Thats the meaning of free speech you traitor. Shoulda coulda woulda.
Then go protest a clan meeting, dumbass.

Maybe I'll protest in front of Sharptons house or maybe I'll protest the stupid protestors. Serves them right.
No. You wont do anything of the sort. Sharpton would put his foot in your ass and you know it. :laugh:
Sharpton is another Race-Card Player and dikkwad...

It's rather like Doctor Who... with ongoing reincarnations...

Dr. Martin Luther King was shot...

So Jesse Jackson became Martin Luther King...

Sharpton is waiting for Jackson to die so HE can become Martin Luther King...

Too bad for the Civil Rights Movement that the blood of the Savior thinned-out after the first generation...

The Jackson-Sharpton Blue Police Box is called the Tardis for a good reason.
How much you want to bet those " activists" don't even know what WWII was

Not only that I bet most of them don't even know what they are protesting.
To them it's a social media thing.
How many would return to protesting if they had to spend a night or two in jail for beig disruptive.
They would run away faster then those asswipes that were protesting Wall Street....

By the way what ever happened to those douche bags?
Only if they committed a hate crime.

The point was that just protesting at one would be considered a hate crime.
Who told you that?

No one has to tell me. Anything that happens to the sexual deviants is automatically considered a hate crime because they get butthurt if someone says anything negative about their deviant behavior.
Can you cite at least one case? If you cant I will have to consider you a retard with no understanding of what a hate crime is.
Yeah I can, where I live a few years back. A queer kept hitting on a straight guy. He left the bar, the queer kept on hitting on him, the guy got tired of it. Hit him once, he fell hit his head on the curb. Killed him. The gay community went ape shit trying to get him tried for murder and a hate crime.

Hitting on someone is not a crime.

Assaulting someone is, and if the assault was based on hate: it's a hate crime.

If the assault resulted in the victim's death, then it's murder.

If a black man hit a white man once, and that white man died as a result, intentional or not, you'd want him charged with murder and a hate crime, too.

And I'd agree.
Then take your gripe to the military and stop them from honoring white veterans. Don't invade a ceremony for a 100 year old hero.

The protesters should have been met with serious firepower.
I'll invade any ceremony I want to. Thats the meaning of free speech you traitor. Shoulda coulda woulda.
Then go protest a clan meeting, dumbass.

Maybe I'll protest in front of Sharptons house or maybe I'll protest the stupid protestors. Serves them right.
No. You wont do anything of the sort. Sharpton would put his foot in your ass and you know it. :laugh:
Sharpton is another Race-Card Player and dikkwad...

It's rather like Doctor Who... with ongoing reincarnations...

Dr. Martin Luther King was shot...

So Jesse Jackson became Martin Luther King...

Sharpton is waiting for Jackson to die so HE can become Martin Luther King...

Too bad for the Civil Rights Movement that the blood of the Savior thinned-out after the first generation...

The Jackson-Sharpton Blue Police Box is called the Tardis for a good reason.
I wonder what any of that speculation has to do with Sharpton putting his foot in Mathews ass?
The point was that just protesting at one would be considered a hate crime.
Who told you that?

No one has to tell me. Anything that happens to the sexual deviants is automatically considered a hate crime because they get butthurt if someone says anything negative about their deviant behavior.
Can you cite at least one case? If you cant I will have to consider you a retard with no understanding of what a hate crime is.
Yeah I can, where I live a few years back. A queer kept hitting on a straight guy. He left the bar, the queer kept on hitting on him, the guy got tired of it. Hit him once, he fell hit his head on the curb. Killed him. The gay community went ape shit trying to get him tried for murder and a hate crime.

Hitting on someone is not a crime.

Assaulting someone is, and if the assault was based on hate: it's a hate crime.

If the assault resulted in the victim's death, then it's murder.

If a black man hit a white man once, and that white man died as a result, intentional or not, you'd want him charged with murder and a hate crime, too.

And I'd agree.

Try doing that to a female coworker that has shown she doesn't want to be hit on and see how quickly it is one.

When the straight got left the bar it indicated he didn't want to be harassed. If the assault came as a result of not wanting to be harassed, it's not a hate crime not would I, if sitting on a jury, consider it a crime at all.

If the white man was harassing the black man, the black man indicated he didn't want to be harassed yet the white man continued, the white man should get his ass kicked. I would say he got what he deserved.
The point was that just protesting at one would be considered a hate crime.
Who told you that?

No one has to tell me. Anything that happens to the sexual deviants is automatically considered a hate crime because they get butthurt if someone says anything negative about their deviant behavior.
Can you cite at least one case? If you cant I will have to consider you a retard with no understanding of what a hate crime is.

I understand completely what a hate crime is. I also understand that certain groups, including the race you belong to, automatically consider anything negative that happens to you as racially motivated and a hate crime. When certain groups are considered protected classes, that's all I need. Since you can't understand that, I'll consider you just another dumbass n*****r.
So you are a retard? The only thing I cant understand is why you think protesting is a hate crime?

So you are just a dumbass n****r. I won't ask it as a question because I know.

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