Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus

They should be arrested and charged with trespassing, vandalism and destruction of property.
BLM protests Confederate soldier statue and tear it down.

While in Ferguson they are erecting a stature to honor the so called "gentile giant" criminal thug Michael Brown. .... :cuckoo:
Yes. You mean you support them maintaining the peculiar institution and stealing Federal property.
NO, that's not one iota of what I mean, and it doesn't surprise me to see yet another leftist holding up a strawman, to put words in my mouth that I did not say. You know damn well what I said, you filthy LIAR.

And if you are so much of a gutless coward, that you can't engage in honest debate without twisting things out of reality, then you can hang your head in shame. You've just defeated yourself from ever participating in an honest forum.
You asked what they could have done. They could have returned Federal property and stopped treating people as chattels.
You know damn well what I asked, Mr DODGE. I asked >> "If someone sees themselves being shot at, their buildings blown up, their churches being burned down, what does one do ? Nothing ?"

Now let's see you get your cowardly fingers working on the keyboard and answer the question, without turning it into something else. You know the correct answer. They have to FIGHT to defend themselves. There I've supplied the answer, because I know you're too dishonest and cowardly to confront it .
Jim Crow did not need fucking STATUES to make it real.
It needed statues to glorify and validate it. Otherwise it was just the work of a bunch of racist peckerwoods, rather than that of glorious patriots.
"If someone sees themselves being shot at, their buildings blown up, their churches being burned down, what does one do ? Nothing ?"
They could have returned Federal property and stopped treating people as chattels.
Doc, are these your words or an unsourced link? The terms 'black supremacy' instead of 'black equality' and 'Marxist Socialist terrorism' are a pretty significant tell. The white supremacy advocates of the past few centuries in Europe and America is afraid of equality. To some people the only thing that gives them a sense of special value, and advantage, is a white skin and loss of that fantasy would be devastating.

Another thought is that while no one can change history by toppling statues, no one can change history by erecting statues either, especially by erecting them some 50 years after the event they signify. The average southern foot soldier did not own slaves, just like the average German foot soldier did not partake in genocide, but they were convinced to make it possible with their lives if necessary. The reference to the 1st Kansas (bloody Kansas?) Colored Volunteers reminds me that Ira Hayes couldn't vote in America even as he participated in raising the Stars and Stripes on Iwo Jima too.

I agree that toppling the statue is vandalism IF the statue was on private property. Is the school public or private? There is something unpleasant about all this toppling, IMHO, simply because I admire sculpture. But I see the value of removing them from public display.
The toppling of the statue was an illegal criminal act, as was the obvious conspiracy to make it happen. Doesn't matter one wit whether its private or public property.

As for removing statues from public display, the people of North Carolina, through the state legislators they elected, have decided for it to be a crime to remove such statues. The "value" I see, is adhering to the will of those people.
Maya Little will be charged with defacing the statue? - Good
Put all this crap in a giant museum immediately? - Better
They could have returned Federal property and stopped treating people as chattels.
It needed statues to glorify and validate it. Otherwise it was just the work of a bunch of racist peckerwoods, rather than that of glorious patriots.
cnm still can't get up the gumption to address the subject of southerners simply DEFENDING THEMSELVES. What a wimp.
Guy, I'm an old man, and I heard the same kind of stuff said i the 1960's...

Society is going to be fine.

The question is, should we keep up statues that were only erected in the first place to denigrate and intimidate a large portion of the population?

Nobody put these statues up in the 1870's... People were damned mad about the ruin Davis and Lee had inflicted on them.

they put them up in the 1920's to put the Darkies in their place.

Now people of color are saying, "No More".
You have no clue what these statues represent. You don't seem to have much sense about military heroism, and people fighting to DEFEND themselves.
I'm pretty sure they would have preferred the soldiers do the same thing they want those opposed now to do (surrender).
Could you make that a little more clear ? :dunno:

You were asking the opposition, their opinion on what they think the soldiers should have done. Whatever anyone else thinks, it is clear the opposition would prefer their opponents just surrender.

Anyone can feel any way they want to about that answer, but surrender is what those who are bringing the fight want. Otherwise, there would be no reason to fight about it.

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