Protestor Terrorists Now Calling For Ranks To Use Body Armor . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
From the illustrious New York Times:

"Now, Mr. Monson said they were considering a new kind of shield when they go out to demonstrate against racial injustice: bulletproof vests.

“Whatever body armor you can find, we need that,” Mr. Monson said. “Whatever you can protect yourself with, we need that. Right now is a time of either life or death.”"

As Guns Get Drawn at Protest Sites, Demonstrators Fear a Volatile New Phase

Poster comment(s)

Clearly the New York Times, along with all other leftist American media outlets, has thrown their full support behind the radical communist/sadist/postmodernist terrorist/insurrectionists mobs which are now out to burn our America to the ground. My advice: train for north of center mass. Also very clear: the so-called protestors are out there not to protest but to fight—to fight both the police and anyone else who resists their revolutionary terrorism.
From the illustrious New York Times:

"Now, Mr. Monson said they were considering a new kind of shield when they go out to demonstrate against racial injustice: bulletproof vests.

“Whatever body armor you can find, we need that,” Mr. Monson said. “Whatever you can protect yourself with, we need that. Right now is a time of either life or death.”"

As Guns Get Drawn at Protest Sites, Demonstrators Fear a Volatile New Phase

Poster comment(s)

Clearly the New York Times, along with all other leftist American media outlets, has thrown their full support behind the radical communist/sadist/postmodernist terrorist/insurrectionists mobs which are now out to burn our America to the ground. My advice: train for north of center mass. Also very clear: the so-called protestors are out there not to protest but to fight—to fight both the police and anyone else who resists their revolutionary terrorism.

You are the fascists and terrorists. Trump clearly thinks he can bully people using federal thugs. They have every right to protect themselves. Now the radical right is introducing guns into the situation. These right wing thugs are animals as shown by Rittenhouse.
From the illustrious New York Times:

"Now, Mr. Monson said they were considering a new kind of shield when they go out to demonstrate against racial injustice: bulletproof vests.

“Whatever body armor you can find, we need that,” Mr. Monson said. “Whatever you can protect yourself with, we need that. Right now is a time of either life or death.”"

As Guns Get Drawn at Protest Sites, Demonstrators Fear a Volatile New Phase

Poster comment(s)

Clearly the New York Times, along with all other leftist American media outlets, has thrown their full support behind the radical communist/sadist/postmodernist terrorist/insurrectionists mobs which are now out to burn our America to the ground. My advice: train for north of center mass. Also very clear: the so-called protestors are out there not to protest but to fight—to fight both the police and anyone else who resists their revolutionary terrorism.

You are the fascists and terrorists. Trump clearly thinks he can bully people using federal thugs. They have every right to protect themselves. Now the radical right is introducing guns into the situation. These right wing thugs are animals as shown by Rittenhouse.
Unfortunately for your propaganda fall apart when you find out that Rittenhouse did not fire the first shot. It was the rioters that initially brought weapons to the riot. They were the ones that upped the stakes. I want to see the police go in with guns blazing if that is what it takes to put an end to this nonsense.
From the illustrious New York Times:

"Now, Mr. Monson said they were considering a new kind of shield when they go out to demonstrate against racial injustice: bulletproof vests.

“Whatever body armor you can find, we need that,” Mr. Monson said. “Whatever you can protect yourself with, we need that. Right now is a time of either life or death.”"

As Guns Get Drawn at Protest Sites, Demonstrators Fear a Volatile New Phase

Poster comment(s)

Clearly the New York Times, along with all other leftist American media outlets, has thrown their full support behind the radical communist/sadist/postmodernist terrorist/insurrectionists mobs which are now out to burn our America to the ground. My advice: train for north of center mass. Also very clear: the so-called protestors are out there not to protest but to fight—to fight both the police and anyone else who resists their revolutionary terrorism.

You are the fascists and terrorists. Trump clearly thinks he can bully people using federal thugs. They have every right to protect themselves. Now the radical right is introducing guns into the situation. These right wing thugs are animals as shown by Rittenhouse.

Since when are Federal agents sent in to protect FEDERAL buildings thugs??

The only thugs anyone has seen are the BLM and Antifa "peaceful protesters/rioters in Portland, Seattle, Indianapolis and Kenosha. Now those are thugs.
From the illustrious New York Times:

"Now, Mr. Monson said they were considering a new kind of shield when they go out to demonstrate against racial injustice: bulletproof vests.

“Whatever body armor you can find, we need that,” Mr. Monson said. “Whatever you can protect yourself with, we need that. Right now is a time of either life or death.”"

As Guns Get Drawn at Protest Sites, Demonstrators Fear a Volatile New Phase

Poster comment(s)

Clearly the New York Times, along with all other leftist American media outlets, has thrown their full support behind the radical communist/sadist/postmodernist terrorist/insurrectionists mobs which are now out to burn our America to the ground. My advice: train for north of center mass. Also very clear: the so-called protestors are out there not to protest but to fight—to fight both the police and anyone else who resists their revolutionary terrorism.

You are the fascists and terrorists.

Last I checked, it wasn't Trump, his supporters or republicans who were out in the street at night blocking traffic, beating up people, attacking police or destroying property.
Clearly the New York Times, along with all other leftist American media outlets, has thrown their full support behind the radical communist/sadist/postmodernist terrorist/insurrectionists mobs which are now out to burn our America to the ground. My advice: train for north of center mass. Also very clear: the so-called protestors are out there not to protest but to fight—to fight both the police and anyone else who resists their revolutionary terrorism.
Just like good Jacobin criminals would.
You are the fascists and terrorists. Trump clearly thinks he can bully people using federal thugs. They have every right to protect themselves. Now the radical right is introducing guns into the situation. These right wing thugs are animals as shown by Rittenhouse.
Clearly you suffered some sort of traumatic head injury in your past.
I feel for fools like you.
Awesome....every good Civil War needs body armor....what channel is the cleansing of America gonna be on?
Ok then only head shots will do
For a group if people who complain about violence, you sure do like to kill.
I love irony.
A lot of people who have done no wrong have been on the wrong side of propaganda for many years. To the point where a good amount of the population have been called deplorables. Biden has expanded on it by calling us DREGS! Prog Politicians calling for violence and exterminations. Yeah...Joseph Biden has called us DREGS!
Who is paying for the body armor? It isn't cheap. It seems that some mysterious entity (Soros?) on the left seems to be bankrolling the anarchist movement and the democrat majority in congress is part of it or is shielding it or is intentionally ignoring it..
The founders created the 2nd Amendment so that the people would be able to either protect themselves from the government or overturn a corrupt government.

There is nothing wrong with what we see here.

If the government doesn't want it going this far, address the people.
Ok then only head shots will do
For a group if people who complain about violence, you sure do like to kill.
I love irony.
Complain about it?

I am celebrating it.

I want all commies dead RIGHT NOW, but I will settle for 100,000 commie deaths. That's enough to drive this Bolshevik revolution back underground for the next 100 years.
The founders created the 2nd Amendment so that the people would be able to either protect themselves from the government or overturn a corrupt government.

There is nothing wrong with what we see here.

If the government doesn't want it going this far, address the people.
Leftists are now admitting the REAL need and purpose of the 2A???

Wow. Trump's admin. is improving America much better than I thought.
The founders created the 2nd Amendment so that the people would be able to either protect themselves from the government or overturn a corrupt government.

There is nothing wrong with what we see here.

If the government doesn't want it going this far, address the people.
Leftists are now admitting the REAL need and purpose of the 2A???

Wow. Trump's admin. is improving America much better than I thought.

I've always supported all of the Constitution. You?

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