Protestor Terrorists Now Calling For Ranks To Use Body Armor . . .

The founders created the 2nd Amendment so that the people would be able to either protect themselves from the government or overturn a corrupt government.

There is nothing wrong with what we see here.

If the government doesn't want it going this far, address the people.
Leftists are now admitting the REAL need and purpose of the 2A???

Wow. Trump's admin. is improving America much better than I thought.

I've always supported all of the Constitution. You?
More than anyone else I know.

Does "shall not be infringed" mean "shall not be infringed" or does it mean "can be infringed" if politicians don't like certain guns?
The founders created the 2nd Amendment so that the people would be able to either protect themselves from the government or overturn a corrupt government.

There is nothing wrong with what we see here.

If the government doesn't want it going this far, address the people.
Leftists are now admitting the REAL need and purpose of the 2A???

Wow. Trump's admin. is improving America much better than I thought.

I've always supported all of the Constitution. You?
More than anyone else I know.

Does "shall not be infringed" mean "shall not be infringed" or does it mean "can be infringed" if politicians don't like certain guns?

I believe a citizen has the right to anything the government has.

Do you understand why Stop and Frisk was ruled unconstitutional?
From the illustrious New York Times:

"Now, Mr. Monson said they were considering a new kind of shield when they go out to demonstrate against racial injustice: bulletproof vests.

“Whatever body armor you can find, we need that,” Mr. Monson said. “Whatever you can protect yourself with, we need that. Right now is a time of either life or death.”"

As Guns Get Drawn at Protest Sites, Demonstrators Fear a Volatile New Phase

Poster comment(s)

Clearly the New York Times, along with all other leftist American media outlets, has thrown their full support behind the radical communist/sadist/postmodernist terrorist/insurrectionists mobs which are now out to burn our America to the ground. My advice: train for north of center mass. Also very clear: the so-called protestors are out there not to protest but to fight—to fight both the police and anyone else who resists their revolutionary terrorism.
It's not gonna stop a headshot.....and body armor is pretty much useless without a chicken plate against a high speed round like a AR-15 or a AK-47.
Ok then only head shots will do

That was my first thought too.

Reread my OP . . . more carefully.

“Two to the body and one to the head”

Mozambique Drill
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mozambique Drill,[1] also known as the Failure Drill, or Failure to Stop drill, informally, "two to the body, one to the head,"[2][3]is a close-quarters shooting technique that requires the shooter to fire twice into the torso of a target (known as a double tap or hammered pair to the center of mass), and follow up with a more difficult head shot that, if properly placed, will instantly stop the target if the previous shots failed to do so
From the illustrious New York Times:

"Now, Mr. Monson said they were considering a new kind of shield when they go out to demonstrate against racial injustice: bulletproof vests.

“Whatever body armor you can find, we need that,” Mr. Monson said. “Whatever you can protect yourself with, we need that. Right now is a time of either life or death.”"

As Guns Get Drawn at Protest Sites, Demonstrators Fear a Volatile New Phase

Poster comment(s)

Clearly the New York Times, along with all other leftist American media outlets, has thrown their full support behind the radical communist/sadist/postmodernist terrorist/insurrectionists mobs which are now out to burn our America to the ground. My advice: train for north of center mass. Also very clear: the so-called protestors are out there not to protest but to fight—to fight both the police and anyone else who resists their revolutionary terrorism.

God forbid they consider something as outrageous as . . . I dunno, NOT COMMITTING VIOLENCE.
Get ready for the bloody civil war that will be coming following President Trump's reelection :smoke: I'm going to start loading up on food so i wont be caught without it when the fighting in the civil war spreads.:smoke:
Get ready for the bloody civil war that will be coming following President Trump's reelection :smoke: I'm going to start loading up on food so i wont be caught without it when the fighting in the civil war spreads.:smoke:

I think there's going to be a bloody something no matter who gets elected. Dunno if it's gonna be a civil war, simply because most leftists are bullies, and I expect them to back down and cry like that little girly-man from Antifa when he got arrested the instant they see a bunch of fed-up, pissed-off conservatives who are armed and done tolerating the violence from their nasty little attack dogs in BLM/Antifa. Maybe more of a bloody insurrection while we put down the rabid animals the left has created.
From the illustrious New York Times:

"Now, Mr. Monson said they were considering a new kind of shield when they go out to demonstrate against racial injustice: bulletproof vests.

“Whatever body armor you can find, we need that,” Mr. Monson said. “Whatever you can protect yourself with, we need that. Right now is a time of either life or death.”"

As Guns Get Drawn at Protest Sites, Demonstrators Fear a Volatile New Phase

Poster comment(s)

Clearly the New York Times, along with all other leftist American media outlets, has thrown their full support behind the radical communist/sadist/postmodernist terrorist/insurrectionists mobs which are now out to burn our America to the ground. My advice: train for north of center mass. Also very clear: the so-called protestors are out there not to protest but to fight—to fight both the police and anyone else who resists their revolutionary terrorism.
It's a wise choice. Who knows how many more like Rittenhouse are out there ready to explode?
These fools clearly do not uderstand that they are surrounded and contained. No doubt, there's an eye in the sky, too.
Maybe you and others should address your Bolshevist issues.
The difference between you and I is I don't wish death on anyone.
You need to get out more, then.
Get ready for the bloody civil war that will be coming following President Trump's reelection :smoke: I'm going to start loading up on food so i wont be caught without it when the fighting in the civil war spreads.:smoke:

We will likely see a bloody civil war following a Biden election too. Joe will push to ban and confiscate all semiautomatic rifles, all handguns and all shotguns that hold more than two rounds.

It appears we live in interesting times which of course is an ancient Chinese curse.

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