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Protestors Target Military Hospital


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2004
Near Atlanta, GA
Heard this on Fox News, and I'm now posting it.


Basically, there's a bunch of hippies who gather in front of Walter Reed Army Medical Center in D.C. every Friday night to protest the war. Did I mention that this is where they treat a great number of those wounded in Iraq? Also, the director of the amputee ward is an amputee himself who was wounded in Iraq. When interviewed, the protestors say the same old crap, that if they were wounded and mutilated because of a lie, they would want somebody protesting on their behalf. As an answer to that statement, the bus that takes patients who are well enough around town for entertainment always stops out front on the way back to salute the protestors...with a single finger.

Who do these guys think they are? The people they're attempting to protest on behalf of want to beat them up. Can't they take a hint?
I heard about this on Hannity. It ticked me off so bad I was cross eyed. These people need to have the living shit beaten out of them.
Merlin1047 said:
I heard about this on Hannity. It ticked me off so bad I was cross eyed. These people need to have the living shit beaten out of them.

Along with the people who are allowing this kind of shit to continue-is anyone gonna stand up here or is this a big wuss out? There has to be ways to regulate this kind of bullshit right out of there . :bang3:
If people that abhor war are "hippies" then I would have to surmise that Jesus was also a "hippie". I would also have to surmise, based on your post, that you are UNAMERICAN. The United States of America was created based on rights of individual differences. But, sometimes, I agree, the freedom of speech is violated. Sometimes those wishing to limit FREEDOM OF SPEECH should simply by shot or otherwise silenced.

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Psychoblues said:
If people that abhor war are "hippies" then I would have to surmise that Jesus was also a "hippie". I would also have to surmise, based on your post, that you are UNAMERICAN. The United States of America was created based on rights of individual differences. But, sometimes, I agree, the freedom of speech is violated. Sometimes those wishing to limit FREEDOM OF SPEECH should simply by shot or otherwise silenced.


Now that is almost too much of a stereotypical leftist. Are you like, an ultra-right-wing authoritarian in real life?
So it is "American" to utilize your freedom of speech by protesting outside a hospital were the wounded soldiers you claim to care about are resting and recuperating...

But it is "Unamerican" to utilize your freedom of speech to state that these people are disgusting individuals who are using their freedoms in a way that most certainly harms troops and demonstrates an uncaring attitude towards sick people?

Give me a break, Psychoblues, your biases are showing.

People have the right to protest the war. Other people have the right to call them assholes. Welcome to America.

As to protesting outside a hospital...if you can't see that as a sick publicity ploy at the expense of people trying to heal and get medical help...then you might be beyond hope. Legislating that people can not protest outside a hospital isn't stifiling freedom of speech anymore than laws saying you can't honk your horn outside a hospital are. The issue in question is the health (mental and physical) of the patients inside.
I knew there was some low people in this country, but these people are lower than a snake crawls.... nuf said... :moon4: Good post Gem... Maybe we should get these folks addresses and go protest out in front of their home's... See how fast they call the POOOLLLIIICCCEEE for disrubting their free space..... :fu2: :cuckoo:
Wow, this is weird for me to hear ... i read that some people are protesting against the war in Iraq outside an army hospital and some are saying here they should be beat up? Well, explain me, how can that be correct ... if they want to protest, let them protest, there's no reason to beat people if they're protesting peacefully for what they think is right ...

if you agree with the or not, there's a right to have your own opinion and if you're saying they can't protest ... well, that's not very American at all, is it?
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Krizla said:
Wow, this is weird for me to hear ... i read that some people are protesting against the war in Iraq outside an army hospital and some are saying here they should be beat up? Well, explain me, how can that be correct ... if they want to protest, let them protest, there's no reason to beat people if they're protesting peacefully for what they think is right ...

if you agree with the or not, there's a right to have your own opinion and if you're saying they can't protest ... well, that's not very American at all, is it?

No one is advocating stopping thier speech--we are merely suggesting that they leave troops who have been injured severely and thier families alone. They can protest all they want--SOMEWHERE ELSE.
Psychoblues said:
If people that abhor war are "hippies" then I would have to surmise that Jesus was also a "hippie". I would also have to surmise, based on your post, that you are UNAMERICAN. The United States of America was created based on rights of individual differences. But, sometimes, I agree, the freedom of speech is violated. Sometimes those wishing to limit FREEDOM OF SPEECH should simply by shot or otherwise silenced.


Who the Hell are YOU to call ANYONE unamerican for voicing their opinion? Hypocrite. Using your twisted logic, only protestors who wish to destroy what this Nation's will have a right to speak out.

These people aren't hippies, IMO .....they're trash, nothing more. Basing their whole purpose on the lie that they are expressing the viewpoint of those who have become casualties in this war, and disrespecting them by standing right under their damned windows.

IMO, anyone attempting to derail this Nation and give in to those who would prefer this war to be going on in our streets instead of theirs, is supporting this Nation's enemies. That would make THEM (and if the shoe fits ....) UNAMERICAN. Further, anyone using the dishonest argument you have in an attempt to squelch a citizen of this Nation from expressing their views is about as UNAMERICAN as it gets.

Hey...do you have a problem with someone screaming, "FIRE!" in the crowded movie theater you are sitting in, causing you or your loved one to get trampled when the mad riot starts...only to find out that they were just kidding, exercising their freedom of speech, and all?

Would you have a problem with someone standing outside another person's home screaming through a bullhorn terrible, disgusting things about them day after day after day? After all, the bullhorn wielding jackass is just exercising his freedom of speech.

As a society, we have freedom of speech, Krizla, it is a wonderful thing...and everyone here on all sides of the polical arena agree that it is one of the things that make our nation a great one.


As a society, we also recognize that there are times and places in which exercising your freedom of speech in whatever way your little heart desires sometimes causes or might cause more harm then good...and therefore, as a society, we trample on your first ammendment rights just a bit, for the greater good.

The men and women in this hospital are sick and injured. There are not just Iraq/Afganistan vets there...there are older vets from Vietnam, WWII, etc. Many of them probably require calm and quiet in order to recuperate quickly and successfully.

I have the right to protest peacefully, yes. But I do NOT have the right to harm others while I do it.

Additionally, while you have the RIGHT to do something...that does not make it right.

I would wager that most, if not all of these protestors will claim to support the troops...yet standing outside a hospital screaming at them and their doctors and nurses about how they are fighting an illegal war is not supporting them. Protest in front of Capitol Hill, thats where all the people who VOTED to go to war are. Go down to Crawford and join the protest parade there...thats where the President is. Protesting at a hospital is crude and cruel....do they have the right to do it? Perhaps. But that doesn't mean they SHOULD do it.
Krizla said:
Wow, this is weird for me to hear ... i read that some people are protesting against the war in Iraq outside an army hospital and some are saying here they should be beat up? Well, explain me, how can that be correct ... if they want to protest, let them protest, there's no reason to beat people if they're protesting peacefully for what they think is right ...

if you agree with the or not, there's a right to have your own opinion and if you're saying they can't protest ... well, that's not very American at all, is it?

Lefties seem to focus a whole lot on their "rights," while ignoring the responsibility that goes with them.

And I totally agree with Gem ..... there is such a thing as having a modicum of class, common sense, and using a proper forum. The sidewalk outside the main entrance at Walter Reed is NOT a proper forum, IMO.

I don't advocate beating them up. Throwing them in jail for disturbing the peace, vagrancy, etc will do.
Krizla said:
Wow, this is weird for me to hear ... i read that some people are protesting against the war in Iraq outside an army hospital and some are saying here they should be beat up? Well, explain me, how can that be correct ... if they want to protest, let them protest, there's no reason to beat people if they're protesting peacefully for what they think is right ...

if you agree with the or not, there's a right to have your own opinion and if you're saying they can't protest ... well, that's not very American at all, is it?

I have to agree with Gem and Gunny on this one completley with freedoms come a degree of responsiblity. A lot of responsibility. If you think that you can say what ever you want to whom ever you want dont be surprised when everyone does not agree with you and maybe somebody will not agree with you to the point they will become physical with you. In other words think about what you say, and here's the big one WHO YOU SAY IT TO.

I have to ask you a question. Why do you suppose these protesters picked Walter Reed Hospital? These men volunteered for the armed services to make sure that these protestors have the right too protest, and how do these nasty disgusting trogs repay, them by telling them they are wrong for fighting for their country. Do you not find this fundamentaly wrong? "Oh lets go complain in front of the people who are injured and maimed for my benefit and tell them how bad war is". Believe it or not Soldiers do not like war. I do believe they know first hand how bad it is. :dev1:

These protesters should go capitol hill and protest if they want after all that is where the Commander-in-Chief resides does he not.
This is my official response to all the accusations made against me for my post.

1. I don't think all people opposing the war are hippies. However, I saw pictures and video of these guys, and if they're not hippies, then Halloween came early. They're unclean, ungroomed, wearing tie-dye, and look like they're on a few illegal substances. They're hippies.

2. I do not advocate beating them up. I would enjoy beating them up. I would more enjoy holding them down while the vets beat them up. However, as much as I would enjoy it, it's wrong.

3. I do not advocate removing them forcefully. They're on a public sidewalk and aren't violating any noise ordinances. They're within their rights, so let 'em sit there. I do, however, think they're utter morons that need to buzz off...of their own free will.

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