Protests: Fifty Shades as Glamorizing Domestic Violence

It actually goes beyond that.

I keep hearing people say that the slave can't give consent.....Yet not one of you people against this have even considered the fact that the Master also has to give consent.

I had a someone who wanted Me.....she wanted Me to pierce her on both sides of her spine, place 12 gauge hooks in her, and then suspend her by the piercings while she was pleasured.

Did she know what she was consenting to?

you're damn straight she did.

However, that was NOT My thing and I did not consent to do this....She moved onto someone else....

Consent is NOT an issue in the BDSM community....Those who argue that people who give consent don't know what they are doing actually don't know what they are talking about.

Hi Darkwind YES I did apply consent to BOTH people in the relationship
and NO I'm not opposed to this, I just AGREE it has to be by consent as you said.

so I AGREE with you!

However, you can't magically speak for ALL people involved in this.

In any group there are people who don't fully know as well as you do what your limits are.
That happens in ANY group of ANY people.

We are human. And we don't stop being human just because we join with a group of likeminded people.
At least you have a better chance of not overstepping bounds when you do a check for that.

Nobody is perfect, so no group of people is going to be perfect. BDSM is no exception.

Meh, I still say the person who does the abusing has some serious issues. To ENJOY inflicting pain on others? That's just messed up, no matter what the "others" say. :D
It actually goes beyond that.

I keep hearing people say that the slave can't give consent.....Yet not one of you people against this have even considered the fact that the Master also has to give consent.

I had a someone who wanted Me.....she wanted Me to pierce her on both sides of her spine, place 12 gauge hooks in her, adn the suspend her by the piercings while she was pleasured.

Did she know what she was consenting to?

you're damn straight she did.

However, that was NOT My thing and I did not consent to do this....She moved onto someone else....

Consent is NOT an issue in the BDSM community....Those who argue that people who give consent don't know what they are doing actually don't know what they are talking about.

Consent by a fucking Dom was already brought up.
Well, I haven't been back in the thread until just now and I missed it then....Does not make My point any less true...and I wasn't aiming My ire at you but at the ignorant people who seem to think they even begin to understand the lifestyle.

I understand. I'm irritated as well. Your point is very true.

At the moment in time that I kicked out the post on knife play or edge play there was no way (that I could find) to describe edgeplay or that you don't actually go through with it but right to the edge so that it is believed to be happening but isn't. I kept it short and sweet.
Ah...I've never been in an edge session....didn't know if they made small nicks as the peak of orgasm or not....Some things require a lot of training and communication between the parties.

All of it requires communication and many things do require training. The brain is the biggest sex organ. I think that this is the part that people keep missing.

I have heard women say that they wouldn't even tell their husbands if they had any fantasies that were even remotely close to bdsm. The question is, then why in the hell did you bother to go through the drama of getting married?

This accounts for why these books become hot topics.

Huh, you two weirdos should get together and beat each other to a bloody pulp. Lol.
Consent by a fucking Dom was already brought up.
Well, I haven't been back in the thread until just now and I missed it then....Does not make My point any less true...and I wasn't aiming My ire at you but at the ignorant people who seem to think they even begin to understand the lifestyle.

I understand. I'm irritated as well. Your point is very true.

At the moment in time that I kicked out the post on knife play or edge play there was no way (that I could find) to describe edgeplay or that you don't actually go through with it but right to the edge so that it is believed to be happening but isn't. I kept it short and sweet.
Ah...I've never been in an edge session....didn't know if they made small nicks as the peak of orgasm or not....Some things require a lot of training and communication between the parties.

All of it requires communication and many things do require training. The brain is the biggest sex organ. I think that this is the part that people keep missing.

I have heard women say that they wouldn't even tell their husbands if they had any fantasies that were even remotely close to bdsm. The question is, then why in the hell did you bother to go through the drama of getting married?

This accounts for why these books become hot topics.

Huh, you two weirdos should get together and beat each other to a bloody pulp. Lol.

Grow the fuck up.
Well, I haven't been back in the thread until just now and I missed it then....Does not make My point any less true...and I wasn't aiming My ire at you but at the ignorant people who seem to think they even begin to understand the lifestyle.

I understand. I'm irritated as well. Your point is very true.

At the moment in time that I kicked out the post on knife play or edge play there was no way (that I could find) to describe edgeplay or that you don't actually go through with it but right to the edge so that it is believed to be happening but isn't. I kept it short and sweet.
Ah...I've never been in an edge session....didn't know if they made small nicks as the peak of orgasm or not....Some things require a lot of training and communication between the parties.

All of it requires communication and many things do require training. The brain is the biggest sex organ. I think that this is the part that people keep missing.

I have heard women say that they wouldn't even tell their husbands if they had any fantasies that were even remotely close to bdsm. The question is, then why in the hell did you bother to go through the drama of getting married?

This accounts for why these books become hot topics.

Huh, you two weirdos should get together and beat each other to a bloody pulp. Lol.

Grow the fuck up.

Just joking . . . lol. :D
I understand. I'm irritated as well. Your point is very true.

At the moment in time that I kicked out the post on knife play or edge play there was no way (that I could find) to describe edgeplay or that you don't actually go through with it but right to the edge so that it is believed to be happening but isn't. I kept it short and sweet.
Ah...I've never been in an edge session....didn't know if they made small nicks as the peak of orgasm or not....Some things require a lot of training and communication between the parties.

All of it requires communication and many things do require training. The brain is the biggest sex organ. I think that this is the part that people keep missing.

I have heard women say that they wouldn't even tell their husbands if they had any fantasies that were even remotely close to bdsm. The question is, then why in the hell did you bother to go through the drama of getting married?

This accounts for why these books become hot topics.

Huh, you two weirdos should get together and beat each other to a bloody pulp. Lol.

Grow the fuck up.

Just joking . . . lol. :D

I'm not......:lmao:
Ah...I've never been in an edge session....didn't know if they made small nicks as the peak of orgasm or not....Some things require a lot of training and communication between the parties.

All of it requires communication and many things do require training. The brain is the biggest sex organ. I think that this is the part that people keep missing.

I have heard women say that they wouldn't even tell their husbands if they had any fantasies that were even remotely close to bdsm. The question is, then why in the hell did you bother to go through the drama of getting married?

This accounts for why these books become hot topics.

Huh, you two weirdos should get together and beat each other to a bloody pulp. Lol.

Grow the fuck up.

Just joking . . . lol. :D

I'm not......:lmao:

Well, you two are into that stuff, no? If you like it so much, why would it offend you? It should excite you. Lol. :D
Look buddy, obviously I am a whole HELL of lot more intelligent than you, being a woman and all. :D No woman with a brain would be with an abusive douche like you.

Again, I must have found the exception to your rule. She's more than intelligent enough to cook, clean, do laundry and keep the house in order. That's all she needs to be able to do.
All of it requires communication and many things do require training. The brain is the biggest sex organ. I think that this is the part that people keep missing.

I have heard women say that they wouldn't even tell their husbands if they had any fantasies that were even remotely close to bdsm. The question is, then why in the hell did you bother to go through the drama of getting married?

This accounts for why these books become hot topics.

Huh, you two weirdos should get together and beat each other to a bloody pulp. Lol.

Grow the fuck up.

Just joking . . . lol. :D

I'm not......:lmao:

Well, you two are into that stuff, no? If you like it so much, why would it offend you? It should excite you. Lol. :D

Again, grow the fuck up.
Look buddy, obviously I am a whole HELL of lot more intelligent than you, being a woman and all. :D No woman with a brain would be with an abusive douche like you.

Again, I must have found the exception to your rule. She's more than intelligent enough to cook, clean, do laundry and keep the house in order. That's all she needs to be able to do.

Like I said. No woman with a brain would ever marry a person like you.
Huh, you two weirdos should get together and beat each other to a bloody pulp. Lol.

Grow the fuck up.

Just joking . . . lol. :D

I'm not......:lmao:

Well, you two are into that stuff, no? If you like it so much, why would it offend you? It should excite you. Lol. :D

Again, grow the fuck up.

Nope. :D

Hey, you two are into that sick shit. What's the problem? Now you're offended by it?
Grow the fuck up.

Just joking . . . lol. :D

I'm not......:lmao:

Well, you two are into that stuff, no? If you like it so much, why would it offend you? It should excite you. Lol. :D

Again, grow the fuck up.

Nope. :D

Hey, you two are into that sick shit. What's the problem? Now you're offended by it?
I'm not offended. Your childlike idiocy is rather tedious.
If you have sex set up to be THIS onesided and compartmentalized,
looks like you already brought discipline into the bedroom and imposed set rules.

Our entire life is compartmentalized and regimented. That's the easiest way to ensure things run smoothly and properly.

I'm not knocking that, if it works for you and your wife. Some women feel more balanced and secure with a one-sided domineering man who takes charge. and to offset you, maybe you need a woman open enough to that to balance your one-sided nature.

Which is why I got married fir the first time 12 days before my 40th birthday last July. Not an easy type of person to find in thus day and age.

The flipside is if you don't learn to check and balance on your own, they this lopsided mindset you have
may not work so well with people who CLASH with it. My father had such strong personality traits, it took my mother to offset them. But when they got into conflicts and separation, he didn't have that to check himself and he lost it.

Your other half should well be the treble to go with your bass clef. But you still should be able to play solo and stand on your own, without depending on someone to cover your faults.

I spent the first 39 years of my life doing things by and for myself. I can play the solo act quite well. Hell, thus is only my second relationship to last more than 6 months in my life. I've never seen the point in extending relationships that weren't going anywhere.
It actually goes beyond that.

I keep hearing people say that the slave can't give consent.....Yet not one of you people against this have even considered the fact that the Master also has to give consent.

I had a someone who wanted Me.....she wanted Me to pierce her on both sides of her spine, place 12 gauge hooks in her, and then suspend her by the piercings while she was pleasured.

Did she know what she was consenting to?

you're damn straight she did.

However, that was NOT My thing and I did not consent to do this....She moved onto someone else....

Consent is NOT an issue in the BDSM community....Those who argue that people who give consent don't know what they are doing actually don't know what they are talking about.

Hi Darkwind YES I did apply consent to BOTH people in the relationship
and NO I'm not opposed to this, I just AGREE it has to be by consent as you said.

so I AGREE with you!

However, you can't magically speak for ALL people involved in this.

In any group there are people who don't fully know as well as you do what your limits are.
That happens in ANY group of ANY people.

We are human. And we don't stop being human just because we join with a group of likeminded people.
At least you have a better chance of not overstepping bounds when you do a check for that.

Nobody is perfect, so no group of people is going to be perfect. BDSM is no exception.

Meh, I still say the person who does the abusing has some serious issues. To ENJOY inflicting pain on others? That's just messed up, no matter what the "others" say. :D

Yep, and that is still covered under those who THINK they agree to this naturally
but have unconscious issues. I agree.

This still rolls back to nobody being in a position to tell people to go get help
if there is no proven act or threat to commit violations of law.

But back to that idea of another level of laws, I'm still contemplating the idea
of expanding on health and safety codes (where some degrees of behavior not yet violations could warrant reports or claims of danger to safety, health, security or abuse of relationships) and a local process for Constitutional ethics in enforcement,
where local standards could be "protected within a district" like how campuses have "inhouse" policies on dating and relations, as long as there is an AGREED procedure for due process that everyone signs onto (to make sure the policy isn't either over enforced or under enforced to cause abuses). So if people really have an issue with standards of behavior deemed a "personal moral choice" and not a public matter, they can organize locally and just affect themselves. And only if an idea replicates and other districts adopt it because it works, other people can choose it freely and it's not the state or govt being abused to impose a standard, but the people freely adopting it on their own.
Just joking . . . lol. :D

I'm not......:lmao:

Well, you two are into that stuff, no? If you like it so much, why would it offend you? It should excite you. Lol. :D

Again, grow the fuck up.

Nope. :D

Hey, you two are into that sick shit. What's the problem? Now you're offended by it?
I'm not offended. Your childlike idiocy is rather tedious.

So, if you're not offended, what's with all the name-calling? :biggrin: I just thought you two would be a great match. You both seem to be into some strange things.
Like I said. No woman with a brain would ever marry a person like you.

So you're suggesting that being a stay at home homemaker requires no intelligence or skill? If you say so. I totally disagree but that won't surprise either of us.

I am suggesting that any woman who would marry a person like you must not have much for brains.
It actually goes beyond that.

I keep hearing people say that the slave can't give consent.....Yet not one of you people against this have even considered the fact that the Master also has to give consent.

I had a someone who wanted Me.....she wanted Me to pierce her on both sides of her spine, place 12 gauge hooks in her, and then suspend her by the piercings while she was pleasured.

Did she know what she was consenting to?

you're damn straight she did.

However, that was NOT My thing and I did not consent to do this....She moved onto someone else....

Consent is NOT an issue in the BDSM community....Those who argue that people who give consent don't know what they are doing actually don't know what they are talking about.

Hi Darkwind YES I did apply consent to BOTH people in the relationship
and NO I'm not opposed to this, I just AGREE it has to be by consent as you said.

so I AGREE with you!

However, you can't magically speak for ALL people involved in this.

In any group there are people who don't fully know as well as you do what your limits are.
That happens in ANY group of ANY people.

We are human. And we don't stop being human just because we join with a group of likeminded people.
At least you have a better chance of not overstepping bounds when you do a check for that.

Nobody is perfect, so no group of people is going to be perfect. BDSM is no exception.

Meh, I still say the person who does the abusing has some serious issues. To ENJOY inflicting pain on others? That's just messed up, no matter what the "others" say. :D

Yep, and that is still covered under those who THINK they agree to this naturally
but have unconscious issues. I agree.

This still rolls back to nobody being in a position to tell people to go get help
if there is no proven act or threat to commit violations of law.

But back to that idea of another level of laws, I'm still contemplating the idea
of expanding on health and safety codes (where some degrees of behavior not yet violations could warrant reports or claims of danger to safety, health, security or abuse of relationships) and a local process for Constitutional ethics in enforcement,
where local standards could be "protected within a district" like how campuses have "inhouse" policies on dating and relations, as long as there is an AGREED procedure for due process that everyone signs onto (to make sure the policy isn't either over enforced or under enforced to cause abuses). So if people really have an issue with standards of behavior deemed a "personal moral choice" and not a public matter, they can organize locally and just affect themselves. And only if an idea replicates and other districts adopt it because it works, other people can choose it freely and it's not the state or govt being abused to impose a standard, but the people freely adopting it on their own.

I'm not really focused on the contract part of this. My focus is on the psyche of a person who enjoys beating or inflicting pain on another person to the point where they might orgasm over it. There is just something not right with such a person, to enjoy and/or be sexually thrilled by inflicting pain on another. And to agree to it! :ack-1: I think it's really sick.

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